
MZM2511 | Joined since 2020-07-26

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2020-08-23 21:31 | Report Abuse

@8dragon. Macam-macam jalan ada di depan. Boleh masuk longkang, terus brek tepi jalan, terus jalan slow-slow atau mungkin memecut laju ke depan. Betulkan. Nexgram ada drivernya kan? Ikut saja nanti, nak masuk longkang ke atau terus ke hadapan.


2020-08-23 21:10 | Report Abuse

Saham lain banyak yang dan naik, setengah tu naik lebih tinggi dari harga tertinggi untuk lima tahun terakhir. Nexgram, masanya akan tiba juga. Cepat atau lambat. Nexgram. Ini kalilah.


2020-08-23 21:05 | Report Abuse

Hopefully. Believe it, go for it or keep it, don't believe it, just let it go.


2020-08-22 18:24 | Report Abuse

You're expressing our hope. Thanks DRwarrant. May it soon become a reality.


2020-08-21 22:44 | Report Abuse

Thanks guys. Thanks Monde


2020-08-21 20:47 | Report Abuse

I am sorry guys if some of my postings were merely based on my assumptions that can be seen by some of you as speculations. Next time I'll try to avoid that kind of posting. Sorry guys.


2020-08-21 20:13 | Report Abuse

@niubee126. Yes, from past record its true as you said. But my guessing is Dato Yek will acquire certain amount of shares, probably from Ozura or other substantial share holders. My reasoning is, if he just want to sell a small amount of shares, he can dispose it in open market. If he want to sell his shares, it should be in a large quantity by disposing it via off market to other certain individual at agreed price.


2020-08-21 19:50 | Report Abuse

That's why I gave two scenarios, whether he will sell or buy. We can observe it in the future. I hope its will be buying not selling. As I said, if he sell its will gives me negative perception, except Dato Yek has other positive reasons.


2020-08-21 19:17 | Report Abuse

I just giving the possibilities. All of you guys have a right to choose their stand on the next move by Dato Yek


2020-08-21 19:15 | Report Abuse

@Drwarrant. You misunderstood me. I just giving the possibilities. I affirm that I am still in positive stand on Nexgram. My guess is The MD Dato Yek will acquire more shares . Therefore it shows an positive aura for Nexgram.


2020-08-21 18:38 | Report Abuse

If some, no need to dispose it in close period dealing. The disposal can be done in open market. This one should be the dealing involving substantial amount of shares.

*Nota: Apa yang dinyatakan ini sekadar andaian penulis dan bukan semestinya benar.


2020-08-21 18:04 | Report Abuse

Kalau Dato Yek nak jual kepentingan dia yang sedikit itu bermakna betullah kata David Coperfield Nexgram mungkin akan di HUKUM MATI. Keadaan Nexgram bermakna kurang meyakinkan termasuk dari insider iaitu director co. sendiri.

*Nota: Apa yang dinyatakan ini sekadar andaian penulis dan bukan semestinya benar.


2020-08-21 17:52 | Report Abuse

Kalau nak beli, amat positif untuk Nexgram. Kalau nak jual, kemungkinan lebih tipis sebab ia director hanya dengan kepentingan 2.03 peratus sahaja.

*Nota: Apa yang dinyatakan ini sekadar andaian penulis dan bukan semestinya benar.


2020-08-21 17:43 | Report Abuse

Kalau betul nak beli, betul lah andaian harga Nexgram macam ada operator yang kawal. Sekadar pandangan penulis, tidak semestinya betul


2020-08-21 17:39 | Report Abuse

Dato' Yek Siew Lee 53,998,900 2.031

GUESSSS: Dato Yek nak beli ke nak jual ni???? Harap-harap nak beli (kepentingan dari Ozura--- SEKADAR ANDAIAN.). Kepentingan dia baru 2.03 peratus. Kepentingan Ozura 11%.

*Nota: Apa yang dinyatakan ini sekadar andaian penulis dan bukan semestinya benar.


2020-08-21 17:29 | Report Abuse

Nextyear still okay. Harap hidup balik after September.


2020-08-21 17:25 | Report Abuse

nampak macam ada pakatan. Harga saham masih dalam kawalan had harga tertentu. Kena tunggu lah sikit masa.


2020-08-21 17:22 | Report Abuse

kalau nex geram baguslah. Ini saham banyak orang geram (juga bermaksud minat).


2020-08-21 14:50 | Report Abuse

@SureWin1Woh. Sure Nexgram can. Just to compare between Solution and Nexgram.


2020-08-21 12:33 | Report Abuse

@Drwaarrant. Please keeps chanting. We are the believers.


2020-08-21 12:19 | Report Abuse

Solution. Saham baru 300 million. Senang goreng


2020-08-20 19:16 | Report Abuse

They are trying:


2. Nexgram acquires Arita medical Acrylic firm, enters vaccine bottling business [13 August 2020] Press Release (Amendment)


2020-08-20 13:13 | Report Abuse

Berdasarkan last QR. Total current liabilitis berkurang dari RM99,185,637 kepada RM25,466,735 dan Cash (FD + bank ball) almost 19, 000, 000.


2020-08-20 13:08 | Report Abuse

Setuju sangat dengan TTD1990


2020-08-20 13:04 | Report Abuse

Kedudukan company memang lebih baik selepas dispose bangunan. Cash meningkat dan hutang jangka pendek dan term loan semakin kurang. Oleh bagi saya bukan satu masalah untuk selesai saman ke atas Coconut Tree. Tak sampai RM200 k pun. Tengoklah kes mahkamah 24 August ini kalau ada persetujuan selesai luar mahkamah.
20/08/2020 1:03 PM


2020-08-20 00:17 | Report Abuse

Wow Monde. Nampak real.


2020-08-19 22:15 | Report Abuse

begitu juga kalau ada pihak tu jual saham, nanti kena announce jugak.


2020-08-19 22:15 | Report Abuse

kalau perlu announce dalam 7 hari, tak lama dah. Saya rasa sapa saja sama ada Ozura ke Hj Marzu yang subscribe ICPS tu memang kena announce.


2020-08-19 22:10 | Report Abuse

share spread tinggi


2020-08-19 21:16 | Report Abuse

@David Coperfield, Saya masih percaya selepas semua kemelut penjualan saham ini dan setelah didapati apa yang dicanang-canangkan oleh Nexgram contohnya operasi melibatkan Covid-19 dan healhtcare businessnya tunjukkan hasil (harap begitulah bukan cakap kosong saja seperti projek Agkasa, di Dengkil dulu) seperti akan ditunjukkan dalam QR paling awal pada september ini, saya rasa saham Nexgram sepatutnya boleh bergerak.
Saya cuba kekal dalam Nexgram sehingga itu dengan sedikit saham yang ada dan jika perlu tambah jika ada sedikit modal baharu. Saya pun tak nak terlalu spekulatif dah dengan company ini.

Pandangan yang saya sampaikan ini pun bila ada persoalan yang dikemukakan oleh rakan-rakan.


2020-08-19 21:07 | Report Abuse

@Sha711, betul sekali. Kita hanya pelabur/spekulator kecil. Tak boleh buat apa.


2020-08-19 21:05 | Report Abuse

Memamng 3 billion saham lebih kecil berbanding company lain seperti bornoil yang mencecah 6 billion lebih saham, Kalau company tidak ada masalah dan untung banyak, saham boleh naik tinggi juga. Tapi kalau dah besar sangat saham seperti Bornoil, nak naik tinggi susah juga.


2020-08-19 21:01 | Report Abuse

@David, nanti Nexgram akan tambah lagi saham 2,661 204 480 + Hak untuk tambah saham yang belum disubscribe lebih kurang 582, 733, 233) = 3, 243, 933, 713 saham.


2020-08-19 20:53 | Report Abuse

Hari tu, Hj Mazru, Ozura dan Capital Day memang bertuah kerana mendapat peruntukan saham yang besar pada harga murah melalui penukaran hutang kepada ICPS kerana pada masa penetapan ICPS tersebut harga saham Nexgram terlalu murah.


2020-08-19 20:44 | Report Abuse

Pandangan lain, guys


2020-08-19 20:43 | Report Abuse

Tekanan jualan saham baharu dan company menjadi lebih berat kerana bilangan saham menjadi lebih besar.


2020-08-19 20:40 | Report Abuse

Kes ini saya rasa bukan menjadi punca utama saham Nexgram berat untuk naik. Faktor lain seperti history syarikat ini dan faktor penjualan saham secara besar-besaran oleh pelabur substantial. Saham baharu dari ICPS boleh mencecah 1.172 billion saham. Ini realiti yang menakutkan saya


2020-08-19 20:34 | Report Abuse

The case still in trial. The next hearing of the case was fixed on 24 August 2020.


2020-08-19 20:23 | Report Abuse

Should be settled in out of court settlement.


2020-08-19 20:19 | Report Abuse

NEXGRAM HOLDINGS BERHAD (660055-H) (Nexgram or the Company) Kuala Lumpur High Court Writ Summons No. WA-28NCC-167-02/2020 Winding Up Petition Served on Coconut Three Sdn. Bhd. (Respondent) by Justin Faye & Partners (Petitioner)

The amounts due to the Petitioner are oustanding debts due by the Company for the legal
services fees. The Petitioner is claiming for RM188,861.61 being the several unpaid invoices
issued by the Petitioner during the period from 17 April 2018 to 3 July 2019.

Its only involving RM188 861.61, it is NOT SO MATERIAL and should be settled by Coconut Three.


2020-08-19 17:03 | Report Abuse

The pull factor is stronger than the push factor. At least at this time being.


2020-08-18 22:17 | Report Abuse

Agree with you Monde.


2020-08-18 22:14 | Report Abuse

Thanks Monde. Therefore we can conclude that Ozura has been or has not disposed the shares.


2020-08-18 22:10 | Report Abuse

@Monde. It is for the first phase of ICPS conversion. The first phase is about 290,000,00 unit os shares approximately 12% shareholding. After that Ozura has been ceased to be substansial share holder. This one is the second round, 300 000 000 units of shares.


2020-08-18 22:06 | Report Abuse

by right how many days given for them to disclose/ give announcement?


2020-08-18 22:03 | Report Abuse

As this announcement (The first time Ozura become substantial share holder.
* Sorry guys, just to highlight the issues.


2020-08-18 21:54 | Report Abuse

An announcement for change of substantial securities holder should be done.


2020-08-18 21:52 | Report Abuse

11% shareholding


2020-08-18 21:47 | Report Abuse

Start from 17 August Ozura became substantial share holder for the second time after Conversion of Preference Shares amounted 300,000,000 units of shares