Blog Posts
2024-01-11 14:33 | Report Abuse
Haha scammer toni boi write off debt
Last2 sendiri kena write off by chopping c2pid shareholder
2024-01-11 11:13 | Report Abuse
29.9% drop from RM 16.38 to RM 11.48 (RM 4.9)
Long time sudah EXPOSED this yu mafia.
2024-01-11 09:34 | Report Abuse
2 months?
You must be sleeping
It has been EXPOSED years ago by multiple articles
2024-01-11 09:30 | Report Abuse
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Beh tahan sell all
2024-01-11 09:13 | Report Abuse
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Xbulih tahan sell all
2024-01-10 21:27 | Report Abuse
Haha mafia sudah kena tangkap
KUALA LUMPUR: The Securities Commission (SC) has charged two individuals in the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court with 11 offences of money laundering involving over RM119 million.
The two individuals are Ang Jen Chuen (Dexter Ang), former director of Pixelvest Sdn Bhd, and Syaiful Riezal Ahmad, former chief executive officer of Infinity Trustee Bhd, the SC said in a statement today.
They were charged with receiving proceeds of unlawful activity under section 4(1)(b) of the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities 2001.
Dexter Ang and Syaiful Riezal faced eight and three charges respectively.
The alleged money laundering offences took place between Dec 1, 2020 and Jan 9, 2023 in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.
The individuals claimed trial to their respective charges.
Sessions Court judge Tuan Azrul Darus granted bail at RM8.01 million with two sureties to Dexter Ang and RM100,000 with one surety to Syaiful Riezal.
They were also ordered to surrender their passports to the court and to report to the SC on a monthly basis until the completion of the trial.
If convicted, these individuals shall be liable to imprisonment for up to 15 years and shall also be liable to a fine of not less than five times the sum or value of the proceeds of the unlawful activities at the time the offence was committed or RM5 million, whichever is higher.
2024-01-10 16:28 | Report Abuse
30% drop from RM 23 to RM 16 (RM 7)
Told you abang adik is another mafia manipulator
2024-01-10 09:08 | Report Abuse
Thank you everyone for pushing high let me dispose
1. 04/01/2024 Disposed 291,300 -
2. 05/01/2024 Disposed 1,947,000 -
3. 05/01/2024 Disposed 172,800 -
4. 08/01/2024 Disposed 275,000 -
5. 08/01/2024 Disposed 10,000,000
2024-01-05 16:57 | Report Abuse
Hi baby c2pid silentreader
I’m here looking at scam syndicate
Miss me kah?
Syndicate sendiri pump sendiri dump🤭
Mine tech got abang jo bring project
Itronic got silentreader give MOU project🤭
Medusa :
Minetech got abang jo
Itronic got c2pid silentbodo
Do your math
where is medusa? run and hide under cave? kikiki
2024-01-05 14:58 | Report Abuse
Syndicate coming again
Left hand sell right hand buy
2024-01-03 16:54 | Report Abuse
My post always “buy” low “sell” high
Not like c2pid mistakebyheart “buy” high “sell” low
Thats how medusa earn plofit
2024-01-03 16:49 | Report Abuse
Which post I ask people to sell?
If unable to show I ask people to “sell” better go back school study again
Dont be c2pid like mistakebyheart
2024-01-03 15:10 | Report Abuse
Congratulations everyone
Follow medusa earn plofit
Stay tune for major announcement
2024-01-02 23:33 | Report Abuse
Follow bullshit flag everyone becomes billionaire lo
Quote 4.50 for future reference🤭
2024-01-02 16:30 | Report Abuse
Congratulations to those who follow Medusa
Follow Medusa buy low sell high
Follow IB sell low buy high
2024-01-02 16:26 | Report Abuse
Congratulations to those who follow Medusa
Follow Medusa buy low sell high
Follow IB sell low buy high
2024-01-02 16:25 | Report Abuse
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Beh tahan sell all
2024-01-02 15:28 | Report Abuse
A total of 1,590,000 new ordinary shares in the capital of the Company was issued pursuant to the conversion of 6,360,000 Irredeemable Convertible Preference Shares ("ICPS") to 1,590,000 new ordinary shares by way of conversion of four (4) ICPS for one (1) new ordinary share. The remaining issued ICPS of the Company after the conversion is 568,835,197 ICPS.
2024-01-02 15:25 | Report Abuse
Bought 20mil shares @RM1m
Syndicate pump and dump
2024-01-02 15:23 | Report Abuse
Anwar promised to investigate the top level management including forensic audit. Habislah
Michael Kwok
The big meow,meow is on anwar will restructure sapura as promise in the debate years ago.
2/1/23 8.45am
6 hours ago
2024-01-02 11:39 | Report Abuse
Haha break 42c only cabut
Medusa told u bery early
Follow medusa buy low sell high
Follow syndicate buy high sell low
2024-01-02 11:36 | Report Abuse
Smart investor will follow medusa
C2pid retailer will follow IB
2024-01-02 11:34 | Report Abuse
Medusa told u so
Follow medusa earn plofit
Follow other Holland coming
2024-01-01 11:08 | Report Abuse
Hisap ketum ka?
Today Covid cases dropped again
You stay in high floor?
2023-12-29 11:53 | Report Abuse
2023-12-29 09:27 | Report Abuse
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Beh tahan sell all
2023-12-29 09:26 | Report Abuse
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Beh tahan sell all
2023-12-29 09:22 | Report Abuse
Follow medusa earn plofit
Follow c2pid FANG buy 20c sell 14c
2023-12-29 08:14 | Report Abuse
Police is coming
MACC is coming
*Latar Belakang*
Tanah seluas 2500 ekar di Bukit Mantri Tawau, Sabah dimiliki oleh Southsea Gold S/B telah di subleas selama 30 Tahun kepada Syarikat Bahvest Resources Bhd yang tersenarai di ACE Market Bursa Malaysia dan Operasi melombong dijalankan oleh Syarikat anak syarikatnya bernama Wullersdorf Resources Bhd.
Pada masa yg sama, Pemilik tanah iaitu Southsea Gold S/B membeli share dari syarikat Bahvest Resources Bhd seterusnya, Wullersdorf dibenarkan menjalankan operasi melombong kerana lesen melombong emas dimiliki oleh Southsea Gold.
Pada Mei 2023, Southsea Gold telah menjual share nya dan tidak lagi memiliki sebarang kaitan dengan Bahvest Resources kerana lesen melombong Southsea Gold tamat tempoh pada 28 Ogos 2023.
Selepas dipertimbangkan, Jabatan Mineral telah mengeluarkan surat penyambungan pada 29 Ogos 2023 untuk tempoh 2 bulan dan akan berakhir pada 31 Okt 2023.
Syarikat Wullersdorf diarah untuk membuat permohonan semula dan seperti dalam pra-syarat OMS @ Operational Mining Scheme yg telah ditetspkan oleh Jabatan Mineral dan Geosains.
Pada 18 September 2023, Jabatan Perlindungan Alam sekitar Sabah telah mengarahkan Southsea Gold untuk mematuhi ketidakpatuhan seperti dalam Lampiran A jadual Status Penatuhan.
Oleh kerana Southsea Gold tidak lagi memiliki share dalam Bahvest Resources dan Wullersdorf, Southsea Gold selaku pemilik tanah harus membuat permohonan baru bagi pihak wullersdorf kerana tanah tersebut telah di sublease kepada Bahvest Resources.
Akan tetapi Bahvest dan Wullersdorf enggan membuat permohonan baru dan terus melombong secara haram sehingga hari ini walaupun Jabatan Mineral telah membatalkan lesen OMS pada 24 November 2023.
setelah dibahas dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri Sabah pada November 2023, Speaker Dewan telah mengarahkan ADUN Merotai untuk membuat laporan SPRM dan ADUN tersebut terus membuat laporan SPRM pada 29 November 2023 pada hari yg sama.
Namun begitu, tiads sebarang tindakan diambil sehingga hari ini olh SPRM dan Wullersdorf terus melombong secara haram tanpa mematuhi keperluan Alam Sekitar.
Pada 21 December 2023, Orang Kampung Balung Kokos telah membuat laporan Polis kerana sungai mereka tercenar akibat operasi lombong haram tersebut.
Namun, sehingga kini tiada sebarang tindakan diambil terhadap syarikat Wullersdorf/Vahvest hingga hari ini.
Hampir kesemua datipada 321 pekerja di lombong tersebut adalah penduduk Kampung Balung Kokos yg terletak tidak jauh dari lombong tersebut. Mereka juga telah nembuat laporan Polis kerana khuatir anak2 mereka yg bekerja d lombong tersebut tidak dilindungi insurans sekiranya berlaku kemalangan semasa belerja d lombong tersebut.
Penduduk Kampung cuma mahukan Syarikat Wullersdorf/Bahvest mematuhi keperluan Jabatan Alam Sekitar kerana takut dengan penggunaan TOKSIK SODIUM CYNIDE yang tidak terkawal seperti dalam laporan Jabatan Perlindungan Alam Sekitar Sabah No. 5.4.2.
Penduduk kampung juga risau dengan cerun yang tidak stabil ruj. 5.2.4 kerana pergerakan tanah boleh menyebabkan rumah org kampung d lereng bukit akan terjejas.
Penduduk kampung juga risau dgn perkara 5.2.1 dan 5.2.2 kerana Jabatan Parit dan Saliran Sabah masih belum neluluskan operasi lombong ini kerana pencemaran sisa buangan akan mengalir ke sungai berhampiran.
Penduduk kampung sangat positif dengan lombong ini kerana dapat menyediakan peluang pekerjaan. Akan tetapi, Syarikat mestilah mematuhi Keperluan EIA. Sedangkan kerabat Diraja pun ikut undang2 dan memohon kelulusan EIA untuk melombong. Tapi kenapa Wullersdorf:Bahvest ni dibenarkan melombong secara haram.
Penduduk Kg Balung Kokos Memberi peringatan kepada Ketua Menteri Sabah Hajiji agar tidak bersekongkol dengan perosak alam sekitar.
2023-12-28 15:34 | Report Abuse
Follow medusa buy low sell high
Follow syndicate buy high sell low
2023-12-28 11:38 | Report Abuse
Minetech got abang jo
Itronic got c2pid silentbodo
Do your math
2023-12-28 09:46 | Report Abuse
Big major announcement coming soon
Stay tune for more update
Follow medusa buy low sell high
Follow other Holland coming
2023-12-28 09:39 | Report Abuse
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Beh tahan sell all
2023-12-28 09:38 | Report Abuse
Follow medusa 3arn plofit
Medusa buy low sell high
Eagle buy high sell low
2023-12-28 09:34 | Report Abuse
Only c2pid will believe ppl sell house to buy stock
Follow medusa buy low sell high
Follow sardin buy high sell low
2023-12-28 09:04 | Report Abuse
2023-12-27 21:32 | Report Abuse
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Beh tahan sell all
2023-12-27 09:07 | Report Abuse
Break new high trap you
Follow medusa buy low sell high
Follow de_c2pid buy high sell low
2023-12-27 08:31 | Report Abuse
Where got go down?
Harta naik 10c
Unless you talking loss making glove co
2023-12-26 22:17 | Report Abuse
Told u so
Follow medusa buy low sell high
Follow other Covid is coming to town
2023-12-26 14:49 | Report Abuse
Follow medusa buy low sell high
Follow ular TopGlove buy high sell low
2023-12-26 12:19 | Report Abuse
Boss selling 47.5c
Pandai boss cabut first
Changes in Director's Interest (Section 219 of CA 2016)
Particulars of Director
NRIC/Passport No./Company No. : -
Nationality/Country of Incorporation : Malaysia
Descriptions (Class and Nominal Value):
Ordinary shares
Details of Changes
Date of Notice : 22/12/2023
No. Date Transaction Type No of Shares Price (RM)
1. 19/12/2023 Disposed 661,700 -
Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred:
Disposal of shares via open market
Nature of Interest:
Direct Interest
You are advised to read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment.
No of Shares Held After Changes:
Direct : 2,433,250 shares (0.4090%)
Total : 2,433,250 shares
1. The total percentage of ordinary shares disposed by Mr. Loo Teck Looi
was 0.111% (excluding treasury shares).2. Direct interest of 2,433,250 shares
are held through:-a. Loo Teck Looi - 33,250 sharesb. Public Nominees (Tempatan)
Sdn. Bhd. (Pledged securities account for Loo Teck Looi) - 2,400,000 shares
You are advised to read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment.
To read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment, please access
the Bursa website at
2023-12-26 11:04 | Report Abuse
Pump loss making co from 27c to 45c
Follow medusa buy low sell high
Follow syndicate buy high sell low
2023-12-26 10:33 | Report Abuse
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Beh tahan sell all
2023-12-26 10:06 | Report Abuse
Covid cases dropped
Monday, 25 Dec 2023
KLANG: The number of Covid-19 cases is expected to drop next month, says Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad.
He said the current Covid-19 situation was being monitored based on four criteria, namely the number of infections, deaths, admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU) and the burden faced by health facilities, especially hospitals.
2023-12-26 10:05 | Report Abuse
Covid cases dropped
Monday, 25 Dec 2023
KLANG: The number of Covid-19 cases is expected to drop next month, says Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad.
He said the current Covid-19 situation was being monitored based on four criteria, namely the number of infections, deaths, admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU) and the burden faced by health facilities, especially hospitals.
2023-12-26 10:04 | Report Abuse
Covid cases dropped
Monday, 25 Dec 2023
KLANG: The number of Covid-19 cases is expected to drop next month, says Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad.
He said the current Covid-19 situation was being monitored based on four criteria, namely the number of infections, deaths, admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU) and the burden faced by health facilities, especially hospitals.
2023-12-26 10:03 | Report Abuse
Covid cases dropped
Monday, 25 Dec 2023
KLANG: The number of Covid-19 cases is expected to drop next month, says Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad.
He said the current Covid-19 situation was being monitored based on four criteria, namely the number of infections, deaths, admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU) and the burden faced by health facilities, especially hospitals.
2023-12-26 09:50 | Report Abuse
Government is going all out on cartels
Expect more bad news
Follow medusa buy low sell high
Follow sohxi buy high sell low
2024-01-11 14:36 | Report Abuse
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Drop more buy more
Beh tahan sell all