
OldWiseMan100 | Joined since 2020-08-05

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3 days ago | Report Abuse

IPO just to dump the shares via margin... well play


4 days ago | Report Abuse


FPSO Atlanta not yet strike first oil... soon, but not yet. FPSO Maria also not yet strike first oil, maybe next month? FPSO agogo still under construction. They've borrowed money, but those 3 ships not yet bring in income, hopefully soon. What do you expect from this quarter when all 3 not yet strike first oil? Borrow yesterday and see income tomorrow? So fast?


1 week ago | Report Abuse

last minute spike... ... new agreement approved by laos' gov?


1 week ago | Report Abuse

karim is chinese muslim convert lah


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

with such high PE... future growth already baked into it.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

i went to ecoshop and bought some of the topbaker bread, unfortunately the quality is bad, like very bad. maybe because it is cheap. am not sure about the food quality in sds cafe, with so many choices, is the quality ok?

am not attacking sds, just asking legit question. sds cakes good quality?


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

why are they selling/disposing half of one of their subsidiary that is profitable and that is growing?


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Do you read the IPO? The listed entity only comprises Mr DIY’s operations in Malaysia and Brunei.

Quote from a website: "Investors eyeing overseas expansion opportunities for Mr DIY will be disappointed to know that the listed entity only encompasses operations in Malaysia and Brunei. Instead, other regional stores are operated through separate entities owned by the company’s major shareholders."


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

my advice to all, cut loss at whatever price, preserve the capital. with auditor resign suddenly, it means something is very fishy going on.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

kaboom kaboom
why their factory always explode one? not the first time... it is a common thing in the industry?



3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

With a corruption case, hard for foreign fund to hold onto. Singapore gov might not want to work with YTL for the HSR too. GG.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

With a corruption case, hard for foreign fund to hold onto. Singapore gov might not want to work with YTL for the HSR too. GG.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

I've been asking this for 5 years already, can fly or not?


2022-12-20 21:24 | Report Abuse

run before it is too late


2022-12-20 13:00 | Report Abuse

I find it puzzling there are still people buying Serba. Makes me wonder what is in their mind? Nothing? Zero like Serba?


2022-12-15 18:19 | Report Abuse


Right in this very page on desktop view it says 8 feb. I dont understand why many people ask the same question on qr release date when it clearly stated in the same page, it is more or less that date. Are people too lazy to scroll up? or only buy shares looking at price and not the business fundamental? it is like me asking who is the CEO of harta. if you ask the size of his underwear then i can understand, as this answer is not readily available.


2022-12-15 13:44 | Report Abuse

one day it will reach the bottom, and from there, the price will go sideways for many years, even if Harta post good results, it wont move up until it post really good results and high dividends. So, just wait, if you think Harta is good and the price move sideways for many many years, then only buy, if not, no point taking the risk.


2022-12-13 21:56 | Report Abuse


Eggcellent reply.


2022-12-13 17:08 | Report Abuse

this is a bank leh, under BNM. if am not mistaken, his children are singaporeans... THP last time also Singaporean. where can simply give ceo to anyone, need approval one. as long as management the same, should be fine. it is the culture, like apple, steve jobs gone, apple still ok.


2022-12-05 17:32 | Report Abuse

and he deleted all of his comments... why? weird guy.


2022-12-04 12:56 | Report Abuse

i just checked their website, people been talking about pmbtech and EV, but they only sell alu ladders and building material stuff made of alu.... where is the EV? what EV? someone please explain.


2022-12-04 01:32 | Report Abuse


What are you trying to say? QL eggs is in high demand thus many bought it as their first choice or QL stopped selling eggs in these outlet?


2022-11-30 19:56 | Report Abuse

OTB losing most of the money he gained from glove this year? giving back pledge....


2022-11-30 09:58 | Report Abuse

how is the vietnam power station? good? what is their ownership percentage? 50-50? 100%?

News & Blogs

2022-11-29 21:51 | Report Abuse

How long more can they lock down? Easy for someone to support zero covid if they are rich and powerful, the poor and middle class are the one that suffers. lock down and restaurant owner need to throw away food, cannot hire new people, etc....

if china own vaccine is not good enough,, just admit and buy from pifzer,


2022-11-29 19:31 | Report Abuse

why is the revenue dropping like crazy? someone explain, too lazy to find out. thanks


2022-11-29 18:51 | Report Abuse

profit margin drop, going back to precovid. this is glove 2.0, run boyz run.

News & Blogs

2022-05-20 10:40 | Report Abuse


Quote: "Genting Highlands is a hill station city located on the peak of Mount Ulu Kali in Malaysia at 1,800 meters elevation. A large portion of the area is located in the state of Pahang, and another small portion is located in the state of Selangor. It was established by the late Chinese businessman Lim Goh Tong in 1965."

Do you even read? I read the Lim Goh Tong book and in it, he mentioned they purposely build the Casino on Selangor/KL side and the Theme Park on Pahang side.

How low is your IQ? Do you even read books? Or just Facebook?


2022-05-20 10:33 | Report Abuse


For the record, the group has changed the financial year end from Dec 31 to June 30, hence the company’s financial year end will cover a period of 18 months from Jan 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022 (covering a period of 18 months).


Auditor dont simply resign in the middle of an audit. They will finish off the annual audit and then leave, they are professionals and have a duty, there got to be a reason why they leave mid way, saying fees is the issue is an excuse. you've been warned.


2022-05-20 10:16 | Report Abuse

And how do you know it is small profit? Basically what you are saying is you know what the average cost is for EPF. You work in EPF? You u are very smart and got telekinetic powers?

Since you said they sold with small profit, may I know what is the average cost for EPF's holding in TopGlove. Thanks.


2022-05-20 10:12 | Report Abuse

Before Serba got caught by KPMG, they cannot survive without borrowing money from bankers. But now, somehow they can repay back 100% of the money after getting caught? Weird.

It is a ponzi scheme where they forever need loans to repay their previous loans.

No banker will believe them. AirAsia may have debt problem, but AA did not cook the books and the pandemic was not their fault, although Tony and AA are badly managed, but still not their fault. Serba is different, once a liar forever a liar.

News & Blogs

2022-05-20 10:08 | Report Abuse

PAS can close down the theme park if they capture Pahang state, but they cannot close down the Casino which is located in KL side, unless they win the federal by themselves. Lim Goh Tong already talked about this in his book when they decided where to build the casino.

News & Blogs

2022-05-20 10:07 | Report Abuse


Genting Casino is located in KL side, the theme park is located in Pahang side.


2022-05-20 10:04 | Report Abuse

I guess you never attend the AGM or watch any interviews or read any report. They've already mentioned no more rights issue if they win another new FPSO project.

- They will do IPO or strategic sale of 25% of its FPSO holding company for RM2.2B to raise funds.
- They will only accept FPSO projects where the other party fund the FPSO project (Like Atlanta)
- They will pare down their stakes in existing FPSO to fund future FPSO projects

No more rights issue in the near term. also no plans to raise funds via perpetuals in the near future as of 2022.


2022-05-20 09:46 | Report Abuse

maybe they expect to win another FPSO project, which they say if they win they will nego to have the project delayed until they completed one of their 3 existing FPSOs. a few bids will be announced this the next few months. Plus, they can now realize the profit for the EPICC work for both FPSO, Anne and Atlanta. And not to mention most of their profits are in USD, thus the weaker the ringgit, the more profit they make in ringgit.

I believe the management knows what they are doing.


2022-05-20 09:35 | Report Abuse


How do you even know what is the average cost for EPF? If they bought it 10 years ago, they've already made tons of money, even at this price.


2022-05-20 08:19 | Report Abuse


Transparency. Nobody knows who is ARBB's client. Can they demo the software? Can they have an open Q&A session? And why need rights issue when they have so much cash in the bank? Everything doesn't adds up.


2022-05-20 00:15 | Report Abuse

How can EPF lose? They probably bought into TG 10 years ago.


2022-05-19 23:38 | Report Abuse

If this coming QR is bad, then get ready for RM1.00. If it is good, then it will hover around current price, maybe for 1 or 2 years and if there are still growth, then it will go up slowly.


2022-05-19 23:29 | Report Abuse

took so long to hit my TP at Rm1.50, but finally. Now go below my tp... crazy.


2022-04-13 12:47 | Report Abuse

those supporters think Karim is here to save the company and them.... delusional.


He will let the company sink just to save himself. he couldn't care about retailers, even if it means many will lose their life fortune or suicide, to him, his bank account is more important than you the supporter.


2022-04-13 09:53 | Report Abuse

as the saying goes, punishable by fine is legal for a price.


2022-04-09 13:36 | Report Abuse

stockraider, what stock do you recommend?


2022-04-09 11:00 | Report Abuse

in hard times, the most efficient company will survive and when everything settles down, those that survived will become even bigger. only 2 listed chicken and egg co can weather the storm - QL and CCK.


Price control will have to be lifted or the gov will have to continue subsidizing these companies. Failing to do so means we have to import more expensive chicken and eggs and nobody will want to lose money raising chickens. Cost to raise a chicken from chick to hen is about RM6 to RM7.

LTKM quit the chicken and egg business already, who is next? Industry consolidation coming like banks in 1997.


2022-04-07 14:39 | Report Abuse

awang... pump and dump, run fast


2022-04-07 14:24 | Report Abuse

Net profit since 2019 almost reach their market cap, never give dividend, and they have 50million in cash before the RI, 300m in equity, 135m in long term asset... yet they have to raise rm140+ millions to do what? Cannot borrow from bank? so many asset, so much cash, 0 debt, huge profit and bank dont want to borrow them?

and now auditor just resign. wake up please.


2022-04-07 13:26 | Report Abuse

EastWestTalker.... ARBB is big company? u serious? even if the business is legit, it is too tiny to enter nasdaq. I am not telling ARBB, I am warning all the retailers not to be fooled.


2022-04-07 12:01 | Report Abuse

exactly, the goal is to delay as long as possible until serba get delisted, then dont need to release anymore. i hope Banker JM took over and release it.