
Ooddd | Joined since 2017-11-24

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2019-08-09 07:33 | Report Abuse

Party today ?


2019-08-09 07:31 | Report Abuse

@dosonafa . Im not like you, I don't have super power to know others portfolio..this is y I ask you how is your portfolio


2019-08-08 16:56 | Report Abuse

Today close green, is a draw.. KianWeng 1 : T800 1...

@T800, btw .I'm on Armada boat...so, we can shout together o&g o&g o&g together liao...


2019-08-08 11:41 | Report Abuse

KianWeng vs T800.. who will win?


2019-08-08 11:40 | Report Abuse

Ya, you smart... Smart in create false msg, create false ID. So, how is your portfolio? Diving? Now your -wb 0.01 also no one is interested..
0.01 with period until 2024 - no one interested. This is a clear and big alarm.


2019-08-07 16:31 | Report Abuse

Haha ... Keep deleting post and changing ID...this is why you can talk loud here now.. if you have ball, make this ID as final and don't del your message later on...


2019-08-07 15:59 | Report Abuse

Haha...try harder...no one will believe on a person who always del his post and del his acc and create new acc...


2019-08-07 14:51 | Report Abuse

Also, don't always write stupid msg then del post then del acc then create new acc then continue write stupid comment...

Repeat this will not make you great.. no one will buy your lambo stock


2019-08-07 14:49 | Report Abuse

No need to explain to me, I'm not really care which is real or fake.. I just interested to know if your real portfolio is in deep red now? Don't underestimate the power of god..say sorry before too late


2019-08-07 11:57 | Report Abuse

Chg id again..so, all deep red now? If regret, say sorry now


2019-08-06 11:05 | Report Abuse

Alam....itu panda still there...he is my 克星。


2019-08-06 11:00 | Report Abuse

@T800... Lu banyak happy now? Lu lebih success than me...so, what is next? Any strategy or plan for Barakah or other counter...

Wa sudah out NASDAQ...so, have some pocket money to invest klse


2019-08-06 10:57 | Report Abuse

Mana @missorefa, del post again? Create new acc lagi?


2019-08-05 17:02 | Report Abuse

Mana lu @misosefafa aka lambo fly fly aka doremi aka etc....so how ? All turn red already ? Action banyak...now, diam sahaja...


2019-08-02 16:42 | Report Abuse

I'm not sure ..only u and God know.. don't too panic if all deep red. this is expected after deal on


2019-08-02 13:35 | Report Abuse

@misosefafa...how? Your portfolio all turn red already ?


2019-07-28 21:37 | Report Abuse

And . Happy to see u again @Daswack, @ChunYip, @zulmuiz...Mana itu lagi satu Chun, Bug62..

Haha ..I'm also one of share holder now..we are same boat...don't attack me ok....go attack @T800...attack him upside down ..ini Kali la...

This time, im at majority side ..sipek song...


2019-07-28 21:32 | Report Abuse

I'm wondering...who create Happy3933 new acc just because of T800. Believe started to shake or?

T800, haha..u r more success than me..


2019-07-26 23:21 | Report Abuse

Lazy talk to you..time will tell


2019-07-26 23:15 | Report Abuse

Xinghe...risky china man stock..only for gamble.


2019-07-26 11:34 | Report Abuse

Haha..no need to argue with @misosore...he is in panic mode ...everything in his portfolio turn deep red start yesterday.. just forgive him..we understand


2019-07-25 22:29 | Report Abuse

Haha ...good to see you still motivated . Pls don't del msg or acc again later..


2019-07-25 17:11 | Report Abuse

@T800, as I said...avoid panda in any cost...u c Alam down 9% today. Pls check if panda already cut lost..if yes, then I'll consider to go in


2019-07-25 17:08 | Report Abuse

1st, don't racist. 2nd, nothing wrong if pray more. 3rd, don't talk like you are leader of Chinese. 4th, I'm Chinese and I respect everyone and every God.

Lastly, no need to use same old story to promote this stock. No one will fall into trap...1 month back, maybe yes. But not now..

The most important, you gonna to be punish by God for giving false statement and disrespect on God. So, your top pick counter - Lambo will down to drain too


2019-07-25 15:02 | Report Abuse

@missosorefafa...your prayer come true...more ppl selling to you @0.06


2019-07-25 14:59 | Report Abuse

Huhu...@T800...nothing related to management ..is personal issue with those panda folks.. I wrote a note in my trading laptop, if I see any panda in any counter, I'll cabut fast fast...


2019-07-25 12:17 | Report Abuse

Haha...@misosorefafa... Try harder...only stupid will take your word and invest in this counter..those holding don't have choice because stuck at high price..

Party everywhere, why ppl want to invest in laosai counter.. there are many better choice


2019-07-25 11:23 | Report Abuse

More to come, @lambo...pls tell all counter in your portfolio....so that, everyone here can avoid as much as we could..


2019-07-25 11:21 | Report Abuse

Haha..punishment started....u c someone letting go lambo @.06..


2019-07-25 10:31 | Report Abuse

Btw, @lambo fly fly...the bet is auto On now..you del your message didn't help. Time will tell..

So, God will punish whoever talk false statement. My advise to you, if your acc turn deep red...then don't blame others...take this as lesson ...don't act smart if you are not...also, respect to God ..


2019-07-25 10:26 | Report Abuse

Hoho...@lambo, are you @lambo fly fly? If yes, why you create so many acc...is very fun to create new acc, talk rubbish then del them?


2019-07-25 10:24 | Report Abuse

Alam can't fly...not because of the company no good (I have no idea on this company, never study)...is because that panda guy is there...if you see any panda family in forum means need to run fast...these panda bring bad luck...


2019-07-24 14:57 | Report Abuse

Mana itu @lambo...you del all your post for what? If u give wrong statement, just admit and say sorry..no need to del. Because del will not help

You still have 1 day to go...if not, deal will On. Regardless you del post or del acc...the punishment will fall into your trading acc.

If I will you, ill just pull back my word and admit I act too smart...don't take risk on your 3 years investment.

Once betting is On, I'll del all the post here...return peace to this counter forum.


2019-07-23 21:26 | Report Abuse

@newb, Thanks.. wil do so study ..

@T800, Alam got panda gang...I told myself to avoid these panda gang at any cost...believe or not, these gang sure make boat sink..


2019-07-23 17:42 | Report Abuse

Mana wa punya bro @KAG? Still active ?


2019-07-23 17:36 | Report Abuse

Walao...this Alam can't fly la... When I see superpanda there ..I already know this counter can't fly..I believe this is the same panda who make a lot of ppl die in VS counter...from rm2.3 down to below rm1.

Pls recommend other good counter which don't have any panda involve


2019-07-23 17:28 | Report Abuse

Haha...@wendy started to be pillars of this counter..

@T800, I'm wondering do you hold any barakah share now? If no, then go purchase 1 share at least..if not, u are not qualify to talk to me... I'm share holder, u know? Don't play play.

Ok, I have spare cash now... Looking for good stock to hit and run. Market sentimental is not clear...hit and run will be my plan.

Tell me more about Alam...I'll consider it


2019-07-23 10:26 | Report Abuse

Haha....don't talk so much..always act very smart .

2 days more ... I'm old man, believe on God. My advise to you ..don't take risk...better admit you give wrong statement or guess on me before Thursday...

If not, when time come...your portfolio turn deep red. Don't regret ..don't underestimate the power of mighty God ..


2019-07-23 10:18 | Report Abuse

Don't underestimate T800...he may able to press down the price...remember, he is green and I'm only blue..


2019-07-23 10:16 | Report Abuse

@lambo, go check when I register this acc...so, after 3 years, I'm sure I'm still here...


2019-07-23 10:14 | Report Abuse

@invest...haha, u know me...just boring and look for someone to chat...barakah ppl is nice, so I look for other..

But, when I mention God = all my statement is true . Because u know, old man believe in this... I will not take risk to guess happen or not.


2019-07-23 10:12 | Report Abuse

Haha..@lambo...no need to spend time educate me... Just think... Want to pull back or not before Thursday..I believe God is my own stuff...so, once bet is on, I believe whoever talk false statement will be punish...


2019-07-23 10:08 | Report Abuse

Also .. I admitted I did bad mouth lambo previously...but, my ave buy price and ave sell price is 0.065.. I'm ok if you shoot me because of bad mouth lambo...but not ok to see you act very smart like knowing every my move....

And, I emphasize here....I never buy smtrack in my whole life....so, don't act very smart, ok..

If you want to promote this counter, go ahead...don't quote my name to strength your confident..

2 days left , pull back or not is up to you..


2019-07-23 10:00 | Report Abuse

Well... If I give false statement, God will punish me...don't worry on me...

If you so confident on all your statement on me, then just On now our bet...no need wait until Thursday..

Lets me recap on individual statement..

Point #1
Me: my ave purchase price on Lambo is 0.065 and ave sold at 0.065.


your said on me : I sold at 6 cts, it goes up to 6.5 cts, i buy back at 6.5 cts n sold back same.

Me: I don't buy smtrack and didn't promote smtrack


Your said on me: I bought and lost in smtrack.

As mention earlier..since both side said thier statement is true..then, let's God decide. whoever give wrong statement on point 1 or/and point 2, he or she will continuous lose in klse for 3 years non stop. If no clarify from you = you stand firm on your statement = bet auto On on this Thursday...

So, 2 days to go, my dear...as I said...I always believe on mighty God...the god will know .


2019-07-23 08:29 | Report Abuse

Haha...don't talk so much...2 days left for you to correct your statement...if not, bet will On.

Don't blame too much if your portfolio goes red for 3 years straight later.

Actually, lambo up or down is none of my business.. but, you shouldn't quote my name with false statement. So, you either pull back your false statement or you pay the cost.

Remember, last call is on this Thursday.. as I said, God will know.


2019-07-23 07:26 | Report Abuse

Last night, my tech stock roaring....hoping today this Simba roaming too today...

Gogog...Simba...go bite T300 backside..wakaka


2019-07-22 20:00 | Report Abuse

Haha...u don't believe nevermind... Just no need to admit...after this Thursday, you will be pay the cost..

If lost too much, remember to Temple and apologize...


2019-07-22 19:17 | Report Abuse

Also, I don't ask ppl buy or I buy smtrack.. let put this also in our said/bet


2019-07-22 19:16 | Report Abuse

If no ball to bet, then don't simply say without fact..

If you don't admit you simply say = you still confident on your said = the bet will be auto on on Thursday.

Once bet is on...God will decide who will nonstop lost in klse for 3 years


2019-07-22 19:13 | Report Abuse

Haha..T800..you are my successor..I failed to create panic sell prevouisly..let's see if you can success... If yes, then you will be green out from blue.. hahq