
Orange88 | Joined since 2017-10-01

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2018-02-02 07:29 | Report Abuse

Gkent overvalued since RM 4.1 sell


2018-02-02 07:27 | Report Abuse

Treasure human psychology n global trend behind price movement not mba finance 101 hahaha


2018-02-01 21:35 | Report Abuse

Ucrest still falling no catalyst to move up


2018-02-01 00:38 | Report Abuse

BS 1010 (not a typo Error) my final advice join a cult where there is plenty of sadistic abuse, yoy like it there, me i continue tradibg at bursa n idiot busting more idiots


2018-02-01 00:34 | Report Abuse

Rest of investirs dont follow the morally depraved bs 1010, bursa have a fidicuiry duty to ensure ex price is the average of last 3 days of price which is likely to be RM 1.18 NEVER RM 1.45


2018-02-01 00:29 | Report Abuse

Macquarie longkang bookie dont buy, mat rempit dont like then dont looj, dont like people throw chairs from people apartment then dont go there hshaha bc 1010 who taught you life values, ethics, ?


2018-02-01 00:26 | Report Abuse

Dont like cw 9, then dont buy, dont like people pimping 9 year old then dont look?. Dont like people removing manhole then dont go there? Haha bc 1010 you have zero social n civic responsibility ZERO


2018-02-01 00:21 | Report Abuse

Macq setting a trap with cw 9 . Let it drop to 2 sen, then in june push mother to 1.45. People chase buy up to 30 sen, cw 9, then they throw mother to Rm 1.18 n cw back to 2 sen Royal flush ti maquarie. Understand this scenario?


2018-02-01 00:17 | Report Abuse

Think of the shockwave repercussion on the detriment to the society. ....


2018-02-01 00:16 | Report Abuse

Macq issue 1.45 for cw 9 n the attitude is dont like it dont buy it?


2018-02-01 00:15 | Report Abuse

A property valued at rm 6 ml is sold for RM 2 ml stamp duty paid 2 million n we should all let it rest leave it to buyer n seller?


2018-02-01 00:13 | Report Abuse

Bc1010 i have a right to trade in any stock in bursa n if i see a lopsided deal like penang cm house sale i will keeo talking about it you are soiooo stupud


2018-02-01 00:04 | Report Abuse

Apprentice, the evil that man does will go after them.........


2018-02-01 00:03 | Report Abuse

Apprentice the nerve of you blogging here remember apprentice, booza may indeed be brain dead but......


2018-02-01 00:02 | Report Abuse

Hang on i think apprentice is part of the syndicate that press down price, i see it fits now talking rubbish that it is A Rm 1 stock. The very nerve of you apprentice, haha


2018-02-01 00:00 | Report Abuse

Red eagle your 9 reasons why mbsb should be rm 2 + is an open secret but syndicates keep pressing it down with heavy volune at RM 1.24-26 the trade n trend has been so obvious three times in january


2018-01-31 23:55 | Report Abuse

Loves being abused


2018-01-31 23:55 | Report Abuse

Orange= liberated genius sees the unseen, aporentice n bc 1010 these 2 just love the attentions of weinstein, kevin spacey n Bill cosby


2018-01-31 23:52 | Report Abuse

Boooza hall of shame 2017 - saprng, mrcb, trive, mlab


2018-01-31 23:51 | Report Abuse

But no wait mac q may push up to RM 2 n cw 9 to go to Rm 1 that is al capone fraud boooza haha


2018-01-31 23:50 | Report Abuse

Any agency that allows mbsb cw 9 to be listed for trade is already in breach of trusts. For sure 99% chance all investors will be toast with the decay


2018-01-31 23:48 | Report Abuse

Revoke macquarie license


2018-01-31 23:48 | Report Abuse

A self respecting enforcement agency woukd have banned n barred slimy filthy macquarie from issuing 3:1 ex price rm 1.45 for mbsb cw 9


2018-01-31 23:41 | Report Abuse

Yet boosa ever do their job n raid slimy filthy macquarie aka low class football bookie ? Too busy flying off to Bali for retreat haha


2018-01-31 23:39 | Report Abuse

Macquarie issue terms for CW 9 means they are like those slimy illegal bookies giving longkang bets who are forever raided by the authorities


2018-01-31 23:37 | Report Abuse

Only brain dead financial to continue macquarie to issue mbsb cw 9 at 3:1 basis at ex price of RM 1.45, mbsb never get close to that price


2018-01-31 23:33 | Report Abuse

Sc officers only qualified at scrubing public toilets....... With their hands hahahahaha


2018-01-31 23:31 | Report Abuse

Apprentince n bc 1010 enjoy syndicates who play them like a piano up mbsb to 1.25 down again 1.15 over n over gain, despite superlative profits n earning prospects


2018-01-31 23:28 | Report Abuse

Apprentice n bc 1010 you have to learn to be liberated from the sugar daddys n king pimps. You 2 are like actresses who enjoy the moves if harvey weibstein, kecin spacey. Stevan segal, donald trump haha


2018-01-31 23:26 | Report Abuse

Allowing the share issue of MRCB is tantamount to be an accessory to a crime, driving botak chin to shoot n loot n plain breach of trust in maintaining a stock exchange that is efficient n protective of minority interests


2018-01-31 23:22 | Report Abuse

Understand perpetual life virgins apprentice n BC 1010 ?


2018-01-31 23:21 | Report Abuse

SC supposed to the vanguards of minority share n assure market equilibrium but SC have allowed lopsided share issue that destroyed share value of trive, mlab, saprng, hlt n mrcb that make the crooks at FGv look like good boy scouts,


2018-01-31 23:17 | Report Abuse

Oh i forgot to mention Mrcb share rights n warrants issue caused share price to collapse from RM 1.8 to RM. 9 all in 2017. All approved by the goons in boosa


2018-01-31 21:04 | Report Abuse

I repeat over 2017, this happened uncredit worthy Trive, mlabs raised tens of milions from share exercise, after share issue syndicates throw down price for second round gain investors lost 80% of value yet SC officers will probably off fot retreat with someone else wife thinking they are the guardian of malaysian stellar economy, while minority shareholders lose their shirt get burnt. Still dont understand retard brains??? ¿?????


2018-01-31 20:57 | Report Abuse

So many sochai living in fairytale, glasshouse


2018-01-31 20:55 | Report Abuse

Apprentice a real life virgin, so many sochai happy with a 3% per annum returns from their stock investmen can filll up your modenas scooter, an extra cup teh tarik hahaya


2018-01-31 19:01 | Report Abuse

The fat cats off to Bali with somebody wives and they think they so great n wonderful yet dont know dont see mlab, trive, saprng, asaibio investors burnt like charcoal hahaha


2018-01-31 18:59 | Report Abuse

After the big scandals in the western worlds major CG reforms n landmark statutes have tightened up the system there here?


2018-01-31 18:57 | Report Abuse

Boosa officials qualified to clean public toilets.


2018-01-31 18:51 | Report Abuse

I am not talking politics just natural justice SC officers only fit to clean toilets maybe the occassional Rela job hahaha


2018-01-31 18:50 | Report Abuse

Sc not corrupt they are just 1 sleepwalking 2 accessory to crime in the case of trive, mlab, asiabio, saprng wr holders meaning the SC is like a brain dead retard driving bank robber to shoot n kill. Just go to the said counter forums read how they have been screwed


2018-01-31 17:37 | Report Abuse

I made many reports to little useless napoleons before all end up nowhere because they dont understand anything like you have BC, haha


2018-01-31 17:35 | Report Abuse

Ok i get it you are one of those overpaid excessive civil servant bankrupting the country with their salaries n their competency (Not) BC 1010, haha


2018-01-31 17:32 | Report Abuse

By the way dumb dumb BC 101, sc always issue UMA to fast rising stocks n they quickly fall back to earth burning a lot of traders
You dont know this?.


2018-01-31 17:27 | Report Abuse

Enlighten us pakatan harapan, tell us.


2018-01-31 17:25 | Report Abuse

Dont worry bout me cheers musang cock tay


2018-01-31 17:24 | Report Abuse

You become a beggar in your own country haha


2018-01-31 17:24 | Report Abuse

Again you dont understand the truth i am telling u want to tease my investment, forget my investment child read my posts again, wise up, otherwise.....


2018-01-31 17:22 | Report Abuse

Anyway i am socially responsible educate the naive n wash the vile mouths of others, my english too deep for you ?