
Orange88 | Joined since 2017-10-01

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2018-02-12 00:11 | Report Abuse

Bloggers can discern whose advice n recommendation have helped them in their profitable trade like me n those good for nothing like Joke Tay only abusive


2018-02-12 00:09 | Report Abuse

Administrator n all bloggers, the champion brothers have been barred from posting by joke tay. Iam me, they are them. This clone business brought up by joke tay is nonsense


2018-02-12 00:06 | Report Abuse

All those who jealous of me, mock me will end up badly


2018-02-12 00:05 | Report Abuse

I am orange people follow me i calk market n stocks top n bottom i am legend


2018-02-12 00:05 | Report Abuse

Unlock them n they will spam n repeat my post. You invalid


2018-02-12 00:04 | Report Abuse

Unlock their post this minute and they will spam and repeat what i have posted every where ok every where unlock them


2018-02-12 00:03 | Report Abuse

Actually i am old man limited ability on internet, the champion brothers have called me, you have conspired to lock them out from posting.


2018-02-12 00:01 | Report Abuse

What is there to repeat retard ? Everything is posted already


2018-02-11 23:58 | Report Abuse

Show some spine to along with your brave posts


2018-02-11 23:57 | Report Abuse

Remember the bet challenge n mcmc


2018-02-11 23:56 | Report Abuse

Classic Mou liau mou yung nei yen


2018-02-11 23:56 | Report Abuse

Just 2 things take up my cw vs mother share and we all meet up at MCMC in person


2018-02-11 23:55 | Report Abuse

But you dare not meet face to face hide behind anonymity.


2018-02-11 23:54 | Report Abuse

This time lets all go together, you, me n site administrator.


2018-02-11 23:53 | Report Abuse

Joke Tay sometime last year. I gave you the dignity to go together to MCMC to detail to them how the site administrator has allowed a female harvey weinstein like you turn this forum into a farce with your vulgar and psycho posts. But you never showed up and kong sam kong si then.


2018-02-11 20:50 | Report Abuse

Now for the rest of you sane investors the love motel is open for business 2molo quick in out, no condom


2018-02-11 20:49 | Report Abuse

Take the challenge so tay otherwise you really mou yung, mou liau kong sam kong su (no use, no substance, talk cock only)


2018-02-11 20:47 | Report Abuse

Joke tay, Dont want to bet against so many poor invrstors in this forum for mbsb to go down. like this lah a more interesting bet . That my investment in mbsb n rhb cw just last week against your mbsb n rhb mother share. See which whose can actually perform better
. Only thing is that u have to disclose your price, have show your poker hand which is taboo for you because too many embarrising loses i am sure haha game on, coward Tay


2018-02-11 19:57 | Report Abuse

Do scout my recommendations all over i3investor for profitable trades


2018-02-11 19:56 | Report Abuse

What will be the bottom for gamuda? Reached RM 1 in 97-98 hehehe long way to go......


2018-02-11 19:47 | Report Abuse

Joke tay like a robot same thing every posy hshaha say something nee lah dry wit only


2018-02-11 14:39 | Report Abuse

Sifu superbull do go check out cw of Rhb, aax, mhb c5


2018-02-11 14:37 | Report Abuse

We follow you sifu superbull


2018-02-11 14:04 | Report Abuse

To bogus challenger Joke Tay dont forget my bet with you RHB-RHB cw n MBSB-mbsb cw, see who make bigger gains by mid year, so what are your entry prices 10 years ago laugh me die


2018-02-11 13:58 | Report Abuse

Annetan buy rhb cw to cover your loses, buy mhb c5 too


2018-02-11 13:53 | Report Abuse

Dowjones what stock you invested? I can advise


2018-02-11 13:53 | Report Abuse

Dowjones 11 you believe orange or bloomberg who has been more helpful n accurate so far. I am momentum investor, keep reading my posts, very dynamic up down


2018-02-11 13:50 | Report Abuse

The champ brothers, dow jones, i buy u buy, annetan, red eagle, yippie, joke tay, sour rex, kim tan, all my clones, yin n yan i am orange i am legend.


2018-02-11 13:47 | Report Abuse

My followers n detractors generate the largest traffic in i3investor


2018-02-11 13:46 | Report Abuse

I do community service for society, call market/ stocks top / bottom n cw recommendations


2018-02-11 13:45 | Report Abuse

You just read it rex hahahaha


2018-02-11 13:44 | Report Abuse

Introducing Joke Tay who publicly told annetan never show your hand (real stock position) why? Full of losses hahaha


2018-02-11 13:42 | Report Abuse

Since we are throwing bogus challenge WHAT PRICE YOuR RHB n MBSB mother share? I bet with you the CW i bought just last week will defeat you by mid year hahahaha


2018-02-11 13:40 | Report Abuse

I buy cw i got remisier, stock code, i know my winnings go into my account. bet with you? Hiw to collect, your challenge means nothinh, you are nothing haha


2018-02-11 13:38 | Report Abuse

Yo Joe Tay you didnt show up at police station or MCMC, you have no identity, you throw me a challenge, if i win i collect from who, you are a ghost a clone unholy ghost hshaha i like that dow jones


2018-02-11 10:10 | Report Abuse

I am the most talked about name in i3investor thanks to champ, sour rex, joke tay, kimmy, dxbman, killbuffet, etc, etc. Keep posting about me add to my legend......


2018-02-11 10:08 | Report Abuse

I am Orange Lord OF All CW. champion is a punk johnny come lately. I call market/ stock tops n bottoms accurately.


2018-02-11 10:06 | Report Abuse

Red dragon cx1 hsi will make you good money must be fast


2018-02-11 10:04 | Report Abuse

We already had 1 quick rebound n i made good money in hsi h n gkent ce oredi hohoho


2018-02-11 10:03 | Report Abuse

There could be 10 quick rebounds lasting 1-3days n 3 rebounds lasting more than 2-3 weeks in 2018 but the elevator SIGN is DOWN


2018-02-11 10:02 | Report Abuse

Make as much money in 2018 bear market rallies as you can before THe MOTHER OF ALL BEARS emerge probably by year of the ox in 2021 maybe earlier. aim for big percentage gains in 2018.


2018-02-11 10:00 | Report Abuse

The stock is an instrument for you to make money not fall in love hohoho


2018-02-11 09:59 | Report Abuse

Joke Tay are you 19 year old college newbie never experienced the years of 97-98, 01,09 know what happen to people who fall in love with stocks?


2018-02-11 09:57 | Report Abuse

Joke Tay like/dont like stocks based on prevailing momentum at that time. Never fall in love with stock.


2018-02-11 09:54 | Report Abuse

Lesson dont waste time in stock that has been roadblocked by evil EPF n others, go for clear runway take off stocks instead


2018-02-11 09:52 | Report Abuse

Attn everybody dont expect stocks to go up nice n smooth 1.5, 1.8, 2.0 for MBSB instead will be traumatic n violent


2018-02-11 09:50 | Report Abuse

MBSB can reach RM 1.5 in bear market rally after the sale mania stabilize after that will drop back to 1.16 all in 2018 hohohoho.


2018-02-11 09:48 | Report Abuse

Remember short time in out unless i say so. The Bursa Love Motel is open for business. No condom.


2018-02-11 09:45 | Report Abuse

Attn long term investors Of MBSB get the heck out in a good bear market rally otherwise your FREEZER WILL STINK AS BAD AS JOKE TAY hohoho. By the way i will make my % 15 on cw next week on market rebound hohoho


2018-02-11 09:42 | Report Abuse

Attn Champ agree with you on Jim Rogers about market crash coming but not this year i forecast the following dumb2 hold investors ofMBSB shares 2018 15% returns get out this year, 2019 -10% returns 2020 -35% returns 2021 -40% returns