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2020-07-30 13:49 | Report Abuse

再见AGESON,Thank you Dato sri!


2020-07-17 10:00 | Report Abuse

Its depends lo guys


2020-07-16 09:44 | Report Abuse

Mine gone with the wind lol


2020-07-15 09:02 | Report Abuse

A developed country learning the hard way, learn from Msia


2020-07-14 09:56 | Report Abuse

Agreed so....Apologizing the world by summoning the wrongdoers at the IT (International Tribunal) for Crimes Against Humanity and the Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of a crime against peace. To accept their apology, hang the mastermind a.k.a xi jing pig!


2020-07-10 10:13 | Report Abuse



2020-07-09 09:34 | Report Abuse

我是觉得一个公司基本面有问题了 就算在便宜都别捞低 最怕是越捞越低 至少问题解决了 有趋势了 才买入比较好


2020-07-08 09:31 | Report Abuse

Gd news for that cntry.its time for him to go in tis case.if He is great.


2020-07-07 10:05 | Report Abuse



2020-07-06 10:05 | Report Abuse

Looks like year 2020 is the Year of Pandemic for ccp china, good.


2020-07-03 09:37 | Report Abuse

You can differ politically... But the Coat of Arms is not something that can be made fun of... Whoever the writer and publishers have truly no sense of respect for the nation


2020-07-02 10:01 | Report Abuse

Malaysia, zero local infection? Are you shocked?


2020-07-01 09:48 | Report Abuse

Must be sniffing too much glue.


2020-06-30 09:46 | Report Abuse



2020-06-29 09:39 | Report Abuse



2020-06-26 10:27 | Report Abuse

Next time put CCTV lah...now very very cheap and using solar powered technology..buy a couple of this units and place it in strategic areas to catch the MF who's doin this


2020-06-25 11:57 | Report Abuse

明天 dji future 青就没事了。


2020-06-24 09:34 | Report Abuse

I am having pada pada pa I'M LOVIN IT!


2020-06-24 09:07 | Report Abuse



2020-06-24 09:07 | Report Abuse

So what is the difference between a company warrant and a structured warrant guys?


2020-06-23 13:23 | Report Abuse



2020-06-23 13:21 | Report Abuse



2020-06-23 10:33 | Report Abuse

Good morning happy investors of Ageson, since we got a hint, so why not just sapu all those undervalue shares and stay put.


2020-06-22 09:14 | Report Abuse

Morning靓仔 靓女!


2020-06-19 09:02 | Report Abuse



2020-06-19 08:56 | Report Abuse

Yea, should give youngsters a chance!


2020-06-18 10:08 | Report Abuse

Keep in mind that whatever information is in Bolton's book that the Trump administration is so desperate to hide, is information that Senate Republicans specifically voted to not hear during impeachment.


2020-06-17 13:45 | Report Abuse

Good idea guys, since Ageson price now super Undervalue!


2020-06-16 11:27 | Report Abuse

This is the stark reality in Malaysia 1) Working hard as Malaysians to earn a living, able to hold a job and experience some financial pleasures of your hard work 2) Using common sense, analytical thinking, in-calculating education, science and experience in your way of thinking 3) Helping the forgotten segment of Malaysian society or this case trying to improve Human Rights and dignity like in this case as with Refuge for the Refugees director Heidy Quah. These days here in Malaysia, Malaysians who indulge in any one of the above activities are frowned upon, ridiculed, austerised hated, marginalized and looked down as greedy. The fact of the matter Malaysians today feel that "easy money, less work" is their right. Anyone working hard for their income and has money in their pockets are deemed racist and greedy. No one cares about professional and educated opinions. Common sense is dead and that has made way to the rise of keyboard warriors. The Malaysian community spirit of the 60s, 70s, & 80's are dying and is making way for "Me Only Society". The society today asks "what can everyone do for me" and not what can we do for the society.


2020-06-16 11:15 | Report Abuse

A sad day indeed for human rights in Malaysia when race politics seems to permeate our last vestige of human decency.

Quah has merely exposed a raw and very inconvenient truth. Come on Malaysia, we are better than this.


2020-06-15 14:03 | Report Abuse

For once, they seem to have his eyes peeled up w good observation!

These matters are not typical to PJ alone.

These politicians, be it MCA or DAP fellas seem to have it in their mind that wet and dirty market is their voter fishing grounds and thus would want to "protect their party platform" by defending these filthy traders at all cost!

For long these traders have funded the grassroots DAP. Though may of them only trade in PJ Old Town, they don't reside there and neither are they the voters!

Since these lots are offered to:

"local traders for between RM48 and RM140 per month & have been leased to, among others, undocumented foreigners for up to 30 times the amount" ,

why should the Selangor citizens and PJ Ratepayers allow these greedy fella's to profiteer? Having offered these lots cheap to the traders and given that the goods sold there are not any cheaper, why should PJ Ratepayers robbed of whats rightfully due as market rate for lots in premier location?

MBPJ should take opportunity of this pandemic and the health issues created by the traders to auction the lots for every 2 year period. Reasonable start up rates should be quoted and only the active traders are allowed to bid together with new ones. Those who owe past rental and those who have properties in PJ area who hadnt paid assessment and quit rent should be barred.

Their status as tax payer should be checked w LHDN and details of their family members be taken so that when transfers were to happen for any reason, its only these family members who should be allowed to trade.

Allocate few stalls for chicken, mutton, beef, vegetable sellers, dry food, egg sellers etc and enforce health standards at all times.

Those flouting should be suspended immediately and with repeated offences their stall should be offered to next person on the list who had earlier bid!

Don't let this chance to go to waste!


2020-06-15 12:26 | Report Abuse

I think the Gov is talking about the incremental price due to the cost of PPEs, not the price of the haircut itself. My friendly barber charges me RM12 and I would expect the price to go up by the incremental cost of the PPE.


2020-06-12 17:21 | Report Abuse

I am newbie here also, please read and know who is in charge now(go check who is Ageson CEO)! And how things work! and please dun hamtam me also, PH lost for a good reason!


2020-06-12 17:19 | Report Abuse

Musa Aman freed of all 46 corruption, money-laundering charges

KUALA LUMPUR: Former Sabah chief minister Tan Sri Musa Aman was today acquitted and discharged of all 46 criminal charges linked to timber concessions contracts in the state.

This was after deputy public prosecutor Datuk Azhar Abdul Hamid told the court that the prosecution is withdrawing all the corruption and money-laundering charges against the accused.

"The prosecution is withdrawing all charges in both (corruption and money-laundering) cases," he said.

Musa's lawyer, Francis Ng Aik Guan, subsequently asked for a full acquittal to avoid the charges hanging over his client's head.

"There must be a finality, and this is why we urge the court for a proper decision and that can only be an acquittal out of fear that the accused would be charged again," he said.

To support the application for acquittal, Francis referred to previous case files among others from the Independent Commission against Corruption of Hong Kong (ICAC).

He said in 2011, ICAC carried out investigations against Musa in which the commission found that no offence was committed and that no charges should be brought against Musa because no offence had been disclosed.

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), he said, took a similar stand and this was also affirmed by former Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Ghani Patail in an affidavit filed by the defence.

Muhammad Jamil then granted Musa an acquittal and discharge of all 46 charges.

"The accused is therefore acquitted and discharged of the charges and his bail money to be returned," he said.

The judge also vacated the trial dates which were previously fixed from September to November.

He also struck out two other applications made by the defence which were to strike out the charges against Musa as well as to challenge the constitutionality of Section 82(2) of the Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act (Amlatfapuaa) 2001.

Later, after the proceedings, Francis expressed how delighted the defence was by the court's decision.

"We are happy. We feel that it is a fair and correct decision," he said.

Musa, 69, who is Sungai Sibuga assemblyman, was first brought to court on Nov 5, 2018 to face corruption charges and later on March 5, 2019, he was charged with 16 counts of money-laundering.

On the 30 counts of corruption, Musa in his capacity as Sabah chief minister and Sabah Foundation Board of Trustees chairman, allegedly received US$50.1 million from eight logging concessionaires as an inducement to approve logging concessions to 16 companies.

He was alleged to have committed the offences at eight banks and financial institutions in Hong Kong, China and Singapore between Dec 20, 2004, and Nov 6, 2008.

The charges framed under Section 11 (a) of the Anti-Corruption Act 1997 and punishable under Section 16 of the same act carries a maximum 20 years' jail and fine of not less than five times the amount or value of the bribe or RM10,000, whichever is higher, upon conviction.

On the 16 money laundering charges, Musa allegedly instructed Richard Christopher Barnes to open an account at UBS AG Bank, Singapore, under the name of Richard Christopher Barnes, through which he intended to receive proceeds from illegal activities.

Musa also faces alternative charges of concealing proceeds from illegal activities.

On the second to ninth and 11th to 15th charges, Musa allegedly received US$37,845,491.60 in proceeds from illegal activities from several individuals through an account under Barnes' name.

On the 10th charge, he allegedly received S$2.5 million in proceeds from illegal activities, through the same account.


2020-06-11 12:29 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR, June 11 — The National Union of Teaching Profession (NUTP) Peninsular Malaysia has recommended that the earliest for primary schools to reopen nationwide, is in late September or October.

However its president Aminuddin Awang said, this was subject to the Covid-19 situation in the country as well as the decision of the National Security Council and Health Ministry (MOH).

“We hope that by the end of September or October, Covid-19 would have subsided to allow teachers and students to return to school as usual,” he said in a special Bernama 745 interview on Bernama TV today.

He said even though schools have not reopened, teachers still had to conduct online teaching and learning (PdP) from home throughout the duration of the movement control order (MCO) and conditional MCO.

“The teachers are always ready to report for duty to fulfill their responsibilities in providing education to students.

“In fact, some teachers have been recording certain subject syllabus or preparing specific modules to enable them to pass them to the students when school reopens as they do not want the students to miss out on any important topics.

In the meantime, Aminuddin also proposed that pedagogical aspects and standard operating procedures (SOP) of the learning and teaching system be improved whereby only four core subjects are taught in the classrooms while the rest are via virtual classroom learning.

In addition, he also suggested that school hours for the morning session be from 8am to 12noon while the afternoon session is held from 1pm to 5pm.

“NUTP is confident that with the diverse facilities and skill sets today, teachers will be able to realise this goal,” he said.

Today, Education Minister Dr Mohd Radzi Md Jidin announced that schools across the country would reopen from June 24, involving students who would be sitting for public examinations namely Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM), Sijil Vokasional Malaysia (SVM) and Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM) as well as their international equivalents


2020-06-11 11:39 | Report Abuse

chooooooooooo choooooooooooooooooooooo


2020-06-09 14:14 | Report Abuse

Usually traders like to buy on the rumours &sell on the news, probably this is their job.. let them push down the price further with the news first, need to be very patient....Investors will buy low & sell high, with even a lot of patience too.. haha.. my thought.


2020-06-05 15:30 | Report Abuse

Agree with BabiKing肥猪王, Q and keep on collecting Ageson shares!


2020-06-05 12:15 | Report Abuse

China doesn't want to fight US Navy battle groups, it wants to drag the US into an endless war. Chinese winning formula: Time
It is preparing a long battle with US that lasts decades if not centuries. Have fun.


2020-06-04 14:24 | Report Abuse

choooooo choooooooooo chooooooooooo choooooooooooooooo


2020-06-03 14:05 | Report Abuse

Ageson MRT train will ARRIVED SOON.....chooooooo choooooooooooooo


2020-05-29 16:54 | Report Abuse

At that moment the 3 PH coliation parties namely PKR, DAP and Amanah just kept to their political principle to object TDM's Unity government.


2020-05-29 15:43 | Report Abuse

O'MIGHTY ,Then how and why did the state governments in Johore, Melaka, Perak and Kedah change hands? There was no vote of no confidence in the State Assemblies and no resignation of the MB or CM other than in Perak.