
Pacikpahang | Joined since 2017-06-29

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2019-11-14 12:16 | Report Abuse

Bumi Armada rebounded from its low and broke past the resistance price of RM0.47 in the latest session. With the momentum indicator RSI above 60%, it may continue to move towards the target price of RM0.54 followed by RM0.60. If it dips below RM0.47, expect a sideway consolidation again. In this case, the support price is anticipated at RM0.41, whereby traders may exit on a breach to avoid the risk of a further correction.

Trading Call: Buy on continuation above RM0.47

Target: RM0.54, RM0.60 (time frame: 3-6 weeks)

Exit: RM0.41

Source: AmInvest Res


2019-10-21 17:15 | Report Abuse

I have said that I bought mine at 0.165, I will be selling 40% of my shares at 0.50 and my 60 % of BA shares will be all free shares. Got back my initial invest plus some profit too. If Armada goes to 1.00. I am buying a new big bungalow. Congrats to all believers of BA. Shorties are running and hiding in all directions now.


2019-09-19 22:55 | Report Abuse

@Mabel, US will never use their oil reserves unless it is absolutely necessary. They have other contingency options before using their oil reserves to stabilize oil prices.


2019-09-19 22:51 | Report Abuse

I bought mine months ago at 0.155 to 0.165 I will not be selling until it hits at least 0.45. Then I will sell 35% of BA and all the rest will be free shares for me. Good luck to all


2019-08-31 09:02 | Report Abuse

TP 0.42 Long-term TP around 5.10


2019-02-14 16:50 | Report Abuse

One of the biggest naysayer @1099133743600537 Adam Khoo is crying big time because he always tell people to sell...sell...sell...sell. I guess I am laughing all the way to the bank instead. Congrats to all believers, I am not selling until it breaks 0.35. More than doubled my profit then. Congrats to all believers!!!


2019-02-14 16:27 | Report Abuse

Shorties getting shorter and crying big time. Die die shorties, here comes the climb. BA is going to break 0.265 today. As LeslieGoh said, ARMADA go go go go up north to the NORTH pole to celebrate Chap Go Mei with Santa Claus.


2019-02-09 09:51 | Report Abuse

as long as new sellers sell their lots or shares @ 0.25, 0.27, 0.30 or higher then it will definitely push the price up because shorties will be forced to buy to cover their losses. If not they will die like a DUCK....quack...quack...quack all the way. Anyone wanting to sell just Que your sell orders at high limit price and shorties will die die die.


2019-01-23 15:50 | Report Abuse

Meng Yu, borrow to short, I meant short sellers borrowing securities from lenders to short sell.


2019-01-23 14:27 | Report Abuse

There are only that many shares short sellers can borrow to short. Once the big whale have chew up all the shares from the shorties, then it will pop again to 0.32 and then to 0.43 all the way to 0.65 and higher.


2019-01-22 12:34 | Report Abuse

One minute you said cannot break 0.23, then 0.235 and now 0.25 Are you high on weed or Crystal Metph? Dont be upset ok? Just teasing you


2019-01-22 09:30 | Report Abuse

When everyone is buying and sell high, short sellers will lose their pants off. Too many big block buyers. When short sellers cover, it will break 0.255 easily. Could hit 0.28 today


2019-01-22 09:19 | Report Abuse

Break at least 0.255 today


2019-01-22 09:00 | Report Abuse

To all buyers and holders, let rock and roll Armada to the top and squeeze out the non believers and shoties. Up up and away BA. Good luck to all and fat Angpow


2019-01-21 16:08 | Report Abuse

Profit taking is only for those who bought around at 0.15 to 0.17 I got mine BA at 0.16 and I am not selling until it hits 0.52 or higher. Up up and away !! How many investors have really bought at 0.15 to 0.17? Maybe 5% of all total investors who bought in early January until 18 th January 2019. Ninety percent or more of BA bull investors are still stuck, especially those who bought around RM 1. Let's whack the shorties all the way to the bank.


2019-01-21 10:18 | Report Abuse

Short sellers be prepared to be squeezed again. You can short sell all you want. The tide has turned, time for northbound trend until TP 0.52 or higher. Best New year ever for all except the shorties.


2019-01-19 21:06 | Report Abuse

benefited I meant.


2019-01-19 21:02 | Report Abuse

As I have said, once it has broken .175
to .22 now. Shorties will be be whoppped and whacked from left right top and bottom. The bulls have finally woke up to stomp the shorties. Every investor just buy hold or sell high to regain your loses from 0.70 Have faith, this badly beaten counter will shoot back up like a rocket. I am selling until it breaks 0.52 or higher. Good luck to all buyers and high sellers. Lets keep squeezing the shorties who have bebefitted a ton in the past few years


2019-01-18 11:51 | Report Abuse

Start covering shorties, or else you will keep bleeding and bleeding non stop. The heavy bulls are here and sweep all shorties' shares. I said yesterday it will break .175 and keep moving north bound. Big ang pai for me this new year and all believers. Even if BA get to 0.64 as projected by analysts. It is still a bargain as compare to RM 4 a few years ago.


2019-01-17 16:13 | Report Abuse

As long as the remaining of the short sellers are squeezed and they will have to cover. Just keep accumulating this counter and hold, it will break .175 and continue going north bound ^^^ up up and away. Good luck to all who have been buying continuously to keep it green instead of red. Bumi Armada has been badly beaten over the last few years, it is about time to reverse the trend and punish these remaining short sellers to give them a taste of their own medicine. I bought mine at 0.15 and I will not sell until it hits the target I am happy with. Low downside and very high upside.


2019-01-12 21:35 | Report Abuse

This stock has been going south from RM 4 plus to 0.145. As long has you hold and do not sell and keep buying then the Big sharks shorting tshorting Armada will have to cover. There are only that many shares in the float. Let them dump or short, buying now after a 90+ % drop in Market Cap value is the best any investors whether retail or institutional investors could hope for. Unless Armada is poorly managed and have too much debts in their books. I am buying for sure. Do the math. Low PE, highly traded. Wake up investors, stop selling or shorting if you have the brains, the margin spread is too low for you to short, why not pump it up?


2018-11-25 10:08 | Report Abuse

This is a very manipulative company for Directors and their big shark cronies personal Gains into their pockets at one time in the past. If they are stuck with billions of shares now, they totally deserved it. This is KARMA !!!!. What goes around comes around. I have monitored Vivocom from 0.35+ till today at 0.02 and Vivocom has lost more than 1.5 billion in Market Cap. Out of the top 20 KLSE companies with highest EPS, more than half are foreign companies having businesses in Malaysia. In my opinion, if Vivocom does not go Belly Up or Bankrupt. This is one of the best time to get in if the company do no have vast amount of debts and they are still financially healthy. I am starting to buy a few hundred lots on Monday.In my opinion, there is nothing much to lose at 0.02 Good luck to all.


2017-06-29 19:28 | Report Abuse

What is the current PE for MFCB. What is company's market cap?