
PenditaAlam | Joined since 2022-07-10 04:07:35

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2022-08-05 12:07 | Report Abuse

Sorry to disappoint your snowflake aspiration. It's not a perfect world.


2022-08-05 12:06 | Report Abuse

80 sen pasti mari


2022-08-05 12:05 | Report Abuse

RM 2.50 coming soon.


2022-08-05 12:02 | Report Abuse

A Pon-dan investor sharing his own pon-dan experience with rest of us. Thanks, but no thanks, pon-daninvestor.


2022-08-05 12:00 | Report Abuse

80 sen will come and palm oil will slump below RM 2000.


2022-08-05 11:57 | Report Abuse

Only beggars value their privilege, just like the majorities. Kakakakaka


2022-08-05 11:55 | Report Abuse

Don't worry about me. Suspension is not new.


2022-08-05 11:54 | Report Abuse

"Interim Single Tier Dividend of RM0.006 per ordinary share in respect of the financial year ending 31 December 2022"

Dividend payout is like giving peanut to beggars. Sedekah for so called looooooong term investors.


2022-08-05 11:42 | Report Abuse

RM 4.50 is coming soon.


2022-08-05 11:41 | Report Abuse

Pon-dan investor calling others pon-dan. This is how they are taught,to throw back same sentence. there is no creativity in their argument. Hahahaha.


2022-08-05 11:39 | Report Abuse

Pon dan like you cannot understand anything and why it will even drop to RM 4.50.
Pon dan investor only know how to suspend people. HAHAHAHA..Ba-puk investor! kakakaka


2022-08-05 11:24 | Report Abuse

Pon-daninvestor don't know how to read and understand. LOL!!


2022-08-05 11:01 | Report Abuse

Heroes don't reform, they perform unlike pon-dan investors. Snowflake like you get agitated when wish is opposed by others.


2022-08-05 10:16 | Report Abuse

20 sen coming soon.


2022-08-05 10:16 | Report Abuse

30 sen coming soon.


2022-08-05 10:00 | Report Abuse

25 sen coming soon.


2022-08-05 09:44 | Report Abuse

25 sen coming soon. Media bangsat dibangsatkan oleh bangsat-bangsat yang terbangsat.


2022-08-05 09:42 | Report Abuse

Use public to bail unprofitable bangsat company.


2022-08-05 09:41 | Report Abuse

Once a high flying stock. When bangsats took over it became a pariah stock.


2022-08-05 09:40 | Report Abuse

22 sen coming soon!


2022-08-05 09:40 | Report Abuse

80 sen coming soon.


2022-08-05 09:39 | Report Abuse

50 sen coming soon.


2022-08-05 09:39 | Report Abuse

80 sen coming soon. Palm oil will crash below RM2000.


2022-08-05 09:37 | Report Abuse

RM 4.50 coming soon. Some snowflake gatekeeper or penunggu of this stock demand to know why RM 4.50. Well we don't feed info to trolls who behave like they are the only one who knows best. Do your own research. Let me tell you in Bursa, most of them are connected with insiders and investment fund entities. That is how they portray them self as a self-claimed shrewd investor. On their own, they would be beg-gars. ROFLMAO. Pon-dan investors pretend as prudent ones. Hahahahaha. When your view is not in line they suspend you. Si-lly pon-dan fellow.


2022-08-05 09:36 | Report Abuse

RM 5.80 coming soon. Some snowflake gatekeeper or penunggu of this stock demand to know why RM 5.80. Well we don't feed info to trolls who behave like they are the only one who knows best. Do your own research. Let me tell you in Bursa, most of them are connected with insiders and investment fund entities. That is how they portray them self as a self-claimed shrewd investor. On their own, they would be beg-gars. ROFLMAO. Pon-dan investors pretend as prudent ones. Hahahahaha. When your view is not in line they suspend you. Si-lly pon-dan fellow.


2022-07-28 22:41 | Report Abuse

Palm oil will fall to RM2000.


2022-07-28 22:39 | Report Abuse

Don't teach me moral. I am saying, mind your own business, if others comment are not to your liking.


2022-07-28 22:22 | Report Abuse

Similarly, who are you to question other's opinion. Just read and shut up.
What are you? Penunggu? Who the fxck gave you the power or you assumed it yourself?


2022-07-28 18:45 | Report Abuse

When GLC takes over!


2022-07-28 18:42 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-07-28 18:40 | Report Abuse

Dulu harga saham meraih, lebih RM2 sesaham
Jatuh ke tangan bangsat, habis punah ranah.
Mimpilah nak naik atas RM1. Bakal sembah bumi.


2022-07-28 18:20 | Report Abuse

Never trust mainland Chinaman company and GLCs with your hard earned money, unless you are gambler.


2022-07-28 16:51 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2022-07-28 16:08 | Report Abuse

Why complain about shortage of labour? Why depend on foreign workers? Why can't you work on your own investment. If out of hand, call in your family members to help with your plantation or whatever earns you money. We never had this problem before 1990s. Khir Toyol devastated many estates to dive out many Indians without any compensation. They were abandoned with their livelihood ripped off when GLCs took over plantation. They did not want to rehire them due to faith and skin differences, thus many foreign workers of same faith were imported to fill the labour gap. Now they cry high and low for workers when you have it locally. Just pay them a decent pay with all benefits and the problem will be solved. But FAITH will stand in their way!

News & Blogs

2022-07-28 16:06 | Report Abuse

Why complain about shortage of labour? Why depend on foreign workers? Why can't you work on your own investment. If out of hand, call in your family members to help with your plantation or whatever earns you money. We never had this problem before 1990s. Khir Toyol devastated many estates to dive out many Indians without any compensation. They were abandoned with their livelihood ripped off when GLCs took over plantation. They did not want to rehire them due to faith and skin differences, thus many foreign workers of same faith were imported to fill the labour gap. Now they cry high and low for workers when you have it locally. Just pay them a decent pay with all benefits and the problem will be solved. But FAITH will stand in their way!


2022-07-28 15:48 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-07-28 14:15 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-07-28 14:11 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2022-07-28 13:46 | Report Abuse

"Posted by StartOfTheBull > 16 hours ago | Report Abuse

If Malaysian continue to avoid 3Ds jobs, in the future Malaysia would not have the problem of labour shortage any more, Malaysia will possibly export labour in the future instead."
You talk cock leh!
Many Malaysians are washing toilet in foreign land and what is more dirty than that?
The question is why are they not doing the same job here?
Don't give me the same standard reply of "Lazy".
It's the damn employers who are greedy and never think about their welfare.
They pay them the same salary without increment, but with deduction.
IT is no wonder Malaysia is in Tier 3, I won't be surprised if there is another level lower than that, Malaysia will occupy it. GREEDY EMPLOYER AND RACIST GLCs.


2022-07-28 13:40 | Report Abuse

RM 16.70 will come when PAS and UMNO is no more a political party.


2022-07-28 13:38 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2022-07-28 13:34 | Report Abuse

Why complain about shortage of labour? Why depend on foreign labour?
Malaysia never had shortage of labour before 1990s. When Khir Toyol started chasing away Indians from plantations and GLCs shunning employing them because of faith and skin difference, the problem began. GLCs brought in foreign workers from countries with similar faith to replace Indians.
Now they complain about shortage of workers. Why can't they work on their plantation by themselves. Call in your family members to do the job or seel of the plantation and live happily. If you still want workers, employ locals with nothing less than RM 2500 with all benefits. You can't hve the cake by yourself, share it.


2022-07-28 13:25 | Report Abuse

In Malaysia, prices keep rising immaterial of commodity prices.
The Chinaman usual comment "Dolah naik lah, inflasi lah, takde barang mah, takda kuli mah, pantat x basuh mah"


2022-07-28 13:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2022-07-28 13:18 | Report Abuse

"Kamikaze" happens only to wash away evil doers. I doubt Serba is innocent.
Pasti muflis!