
Plantermen | Joined since 2019-07-26

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2022-02-23 07:19 | Report Abuse

World is learning to live with this pandemic outbreak. China policy of zero policy is not viable. Sooner or later they need to reopen thier borders. The current omicron variant outbreak is derailing their plans


2022-02-23 07:12 | Report Abuse

Coming 4th interim dividend paid out is 0.04 sen { Board may surprised the market with an additional unexpected special dividend announcement} for BPlant shareholders


2022-02-22 15:03 | Report Abuse

Connemara & Balau Estate in Bangi { next to Planters Haven} beside the Highway is under BPlant too. Part of Nottingham University is sitting on the land


2022-02-22 15:01 | Report Abuse

Straight forward answer { Ukraine need not joined NATO now} everything will remain status quo


2022-02-22 14:58 | Report Abuse

Swk plant has gained traction and renewed vigour {after Datuk Wong } and his team of experienced planters reorganised the estates operations. Higher yield and higher efficiency & output. Datuk Wong {TaAnn} is the largest shareholder of Swkplant. Expect more upside from swk plant


2022-02-22 14:40 | Report Abuse

Bplant sitting on a goldmine { Prai, Taiping, Johor estates}


2022-02-22 10:46 | Report Abuse

cost of productions relates to labour, fertilisers, mainteance, cost of sales and excludes EBIT { earnings before interest and taxes} this is to reflect the actual performance of a company core operations without adding the costs of capital and taxes etc And computation of sales tax, state taxes, capital allowance for immature and new plantings & windfall tax differ between East Malaysia states and Peninsular


2022-02-22 10:35 | Report Abuse

contra players taking a hit {T+2} from Friday high of 1.28. And yesterday market negatively and today low of 1.06. Volatility of 6% from the trading high & low chart. Should stablished in the afternoon session


2022-02-21 10:18 | Report Abuse

Yes. Strong performance


2022-02-21 07:37 | Report Abuse

Bplant will be their core dividend contributor fior Bstead { LTAT}


2022-02-21 07:31 | Report Abuse

BPlant write back of thier cost impairment may be the hidden ace for a uplift in the share price. the kitchen sinking exercise resulted BPlant was hit by the write off cost and incurred a loss {a red herring on the bottom line} the price drop like a log. Strictly not a buy call just my own take. Please do your own research


2022-02-20 17:23 | Report Abuse

Technically the chart can be either green { bullish} or red { bearish} subject to your own chart settings. Nothing is cast in stone. Whether is candlestick, doji or MACD


2022-02-20 17:15 | Report Abuse

Strong possibility of BPlant reversing and write back the cost impairment. Kitchen sinking exercise [ Year 2018/2019 ] CPO was trading at between $2,400 per tonne to a low of $1,800 per tonne vs 2021 Year CPO price of $3,800 to a high $5,400 per tonne. Vs year 2022 current price of $5,500 - $6,000 per tonne


2022-02-20 13:58 | Report Abuse

Whereas Sime estates are the feeder base for their downstream refineries. Current Cpo price rally good for upstream planter's but tough for those with big refineries. Their downstream operations will be stretch with margins squeeze.


2022-02-20 13:54 | Report Abuse

Most of Bplant CPO sales are tied or lock up with buyers based on MPOB average price. Sales price will be in line with market expectations


2022-02-20 13:51 | Report Abuse

Sarawak & Sabah labour & worker issue { harvester"s not as acute compared to their peers in Peninsula} Even Indonesia { Kalimantan} facing shortage of experienced harvester,. Most plantations rotate their workers from general work { eg. pruning work / p & d } to harvesting during peak period.


2022-02-20 13:45 | Report Abuse

dissapointed with their price. Drop from 2.00+ til now never really recover


2022-02-20 13:43 | Report Abuse

Tan sri syed Zainal { Group CEO } said the new photonic is a game changer for their business { add on the endless possibilities with MIMOS } the collaboration with Foxconn and CGP fund will bring additional positive growth. Not forgetting Silterra annual capacity will be increase by 20% from 8.3 million at end July 2021 to 10 million. Not a buy call but just sharing

News & Blogs

2022-02-19 15:10 | Report Abuse

A rare opportunity not to be missed. Buy upstream planter's with plenty upside


2022-02-19 15:05 | Report Abuse

JP morgan said hard to ignored CPO bull cycle. Public investment upgraded planter's sector " CPO super cycle", HLB is in sync with market expectations "cpo price will remain elevated"


2022-02-19 14:57 | Report Abuse

A truly competent & committed DNex CEO {Syed Zainal}


2022-02-17 21:22 | Report Abuse

Hisbcus reported a 4fold increase in profit { qtr vs qtr} Dnex-ping petroleum can't be that far off. Major chips manufacturer & producer in Asia recorded 16% - 30% rise in profit generated. Silterra can't be too far off. DNEX still have the IT segment tie up with our Government


2022-02-17 16:30 | Report Abuse

Reproduce part of TSMC news . Long term demands for customizer chips will provide robust growth momentum for chip foundry services. Eg EV applications, 5G infrastructure, HPC, loT, ADAS autonomous driving, V2X, in vehicle infotainment. Plus the increasing adoption of RISC - V open standard cannot be ignored. RISC - V market will double its size in 2022 { attracting small and medium size chip manufacturers user the RISC - V open architecture} reproduce from digitimes Asia. Looks very positive DNex { Silttera}


2022-02-17 16:03 | Report Abuse

Rumors of a strategic foreign investment fund buying into Dnex. True or not.? the volume for DNex the past week is very very big. Keep your tickets friends


2022-02-17 15:43 | Report Abuse

Price have to be stablished before scaling up to a higher level. steady hands win the race


2022-02-17 14:04 | Report Abuse

Bplant acquired large tracts of Sabah land {planted estate} in 2018 and kitchen sinking exercise in 2019. Right timing during in 2018 when CPO was their lowest


2022-02-17 07:31 | Report Abuse

SBO hit above USD 67+cent per IB { US market} and China Dalian all trending upwards


2022-02-17 07:19 | Report Abuse

Cost of nitrate, MOP & other fertilisers have gone thru the roof not forgetting weed killer {glyphosate} all needed by farmers. Weather is not challenging but damaging as well. After past year high production circle. Plants are resting or in other words entering into a lower production end circle. CPO is especially vulnerable . why? CPO is used both as a food crop and a bio energy fuel {B20 or B30}. With oil spiralling above USD 90 per barrel { Indonesia the world biggest CPO producer} has restricted the export of CPO and channel it to the country energy sector { to reduce the country outflow of foreign exchange}. scenario of other soft commodities { corn or soybean} is also repeated in other countries { Brazil, US etc} the lower than normal stock ratio of stock vs consumption will further fuel price increases. JP morgan and other comodities analysts have all upped thier call in the agricultural sector. Not a buy call but just my own view
& personal take on the sector


2022-02-16 23:52 | Report Abuse

Yes. The Mid-West US region { wheat belt} facing extreme dryness. If prolong will have serious planting consequences


2022-02-16 22:18 | Report Abuse

Errata :SBO hitting 66cents per IB.


2022-02-16 16:42 | Report Abuse

Physical CPO hit $5, 910 per tonne for spot month February position. Same goes for Dalian { China exchange} and in US { SBO } hitting 66+cents per bushel for March future delivery position


2022-02-16 15:30 | Report Abuse

IDSS is like game of baccarat or roulette. Shorties keep betting the same position { no disrespect to any parties} glove counters was at thier peak. Supermax was trading at their all time high of 24.00 +per share TG was at $26.00 + before the share split}


2022-02-16 15:19 | Report Abuse

Yes. They need to settle the short position.


2022-02-16 15:13 | Report Abuse

JP morgan sees a 2-3 year upcycle for plantation stocks with a view that foreign investor who are less tied up with sustainability metrics are unable to continue ignore the strong price { CPO} rally riding on the commodity boom. We think planter's valuation have hit an " inflection point" wow. Not a buy call. Just to share friends


2022-02-16 15:02 | Report Abuse

Limited play for IDSS. shorties get squeeze if the timing is not right or big boys push up the share price. Only applicable if timing, market with negative news flow { eg. Rubber Glove counters under pressure}. Just my personal view


2022-02-16 14:56 | Report Abuse

{intra day short selling} IDSS allows you to short sell a list of approved securities. With the condition that short position closed off with buy positions the end of trading day i.e T-day.


2022-02-16 10:26 | Report Abuse

Real Possibility of Silltera buying over MIMOS. DNEX with Foxconn and China investor on board everything is possible. Just my 2 sen


2022-02-15 12:57 | Report Abuse

Looks like operator moving both Hisb & Dnex simultaneously . Racing betw Hosb and Dnex.who will hit TP 1.50 first. Just speculating { not a buy call} friends


2022-02-14 13:06 | Report Abuse

Using preset program


2022-02-14 13:04 | Report Abuse

Based on my own chart reading. Not a professional chartist just doing part time


2022-02-14 12:17 | Report Abuse

Genting trend-line showing weak support. May drop further if US and Russia tension escalate


2022-02-14 12:15 | Report Abuse

Chart wise not good. Price locked in between 45 - 50 sen. Trending downwards with negative MACD .


2022-02-14 12:12 | Report Abuse

Hisb already 1.15-1.17 mark. Logically DNex shud be at par or higher. DNex go and break the magical 1.18 upper golden cross


2022-02-14 11:18 | Report Abuse

Always good to lock in profit. Sell and pocket upfront { part } of the investment. Applicable for those who buy in bigger lots. Eg 18.5 - 14.5 = 4.5 x100 = +4,500 Later can buy on dips { not a sell or buy call} just my own take


2022-02-12 19:00 | Report Abuse

Next target price 20 sen { TP}


2022-02-12 09:49 | Report Abuse

Brent crude hit above USD 95 + per barrel yesterday. Looks like the magical USD 100 will be breach sooner than later. Positive for DNEX - Ping petroleum


2022-02-12 09:45 | Report Abuse

Possibility of new development ? MAA {Yaacob} and Creador founder { Vasudevan} revived proposal to list Borsig. KNM - FBM Hudson already announced their subsidiary listing on Singapore secondary exchange. Big if ? If Borsig follow same route . KNM - Borsig will bring both positive vipes on KNM fortune in the coming months. Not a buy call but just speculate the sudden surge in KNM interest


2022-02-11 14:30 | Report Abuse

RHB upgrade DNex to 1.20 today


2022-02-10 21:57 | Report Abuse

Hon Hai precision group trading as Foxconn technology group. Listed on Taipei stock exchange { a leading Taiwanese electronic technology group established in 1974 by Terry Gou { a Taiwanese billionaire} listed on Forbes. Foxconn is the manufacturer of the popular I-phone. Total assets under Foxconn is app NT 3.5 trillion and revenue app NT 5.5 trillion. Net income NT 135 billion