
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2020-03-06 16:34 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-05 19:11 | Report Abuse

Sardin81, yes...u said that many times already. What about the Rm1.15 Bil going out le?

Can you give breakdown for the 1.15Bil going out. How much is fixed expense? How much in the red of revenue drops?


2020-03-05 15:02 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-05 15:01 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-05 15:01 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-05 14:40 | Report Abuse

U should ask urself how u could be wrong. This is where people like truesight is useful.

I said like truesight, not truesight himself. That fella, believe system collapse, just shame and cry only.

I wonder in his world what else is it that he strongly believe can’t happen...i think it’s better to find of if things are possible and capitalise from it.

I never know people can walk away with billions of billions of tax payers money just like that, surprise surprise! Don’t be so sure about things u think you know.


2020-03-05 14:36 | Report Abuse

Sardin sardin...u know what’s the scary part? The scary part isn’t when you are right; the scary part for u is when you are wrong!


2020-03-05 13:38 | Report Abuse

When DEBUNKED on smtg an idiot says can nvr happen which happens all the time. His believe system collapse!

Upon collapse of his believe system, he resorts to shaming turns himself to 5 years old.


2020-03-05 13:28 | Report Abuse

Very big mouth...how much u hv collected from proxy account? how many more to go?

Types of accounting stunts has a lot to do with types and who is the owner.

Now, that’s not smtg u can put a number to...
It has value, but u can’t put a number


2020-03-05 11:56 | Report Abuse

You should be mad at yourself how little you know...I'm not paid to waste my time to search the data and evidence to educate you.

Save the name-calling to yourself. It suits you better.


2020-03-05 11:53 | Report Abuse

What am I looking for in nestle, airasia, melewar QR? If u know how to read, I DIDN'T disagree with you that ONE of the place you know it could appear. No point for me to go over. You need to go over Hibiscus because you seemed to be oblivious where else it could appear which is the root to our disagreement. So, who is the ignorant noob here?
revaluation doesnt go into PnL or debt, it goes into f*cking OCI reserve.

Hahahaha...u buy a commercial for RM2mil. Last years, property above RM1mil dropped by 16%. Your property just lost RM320K. Woahhhh...u peed in ur pants because of it? Really?

what's there to understand genius! Do tell how auditors/market assessment on the PPE valuation affects ur business and cash generation. I wanna see how "genius" you are. I'm anticipating VERY WEAKKKK IF NOT STUPID REBUTTAL.

For me, I don't give a shit if the property is rented to CIMB bank that on leasing contract that worth 10mil. I don't f*cking care even KPMG comes tell me it's worth -RM10mil. Can u understand which one is more important? The lease/contract or NBV of the property?

depreciation, impairment or any other non cash item does not bother u , cause u struggle to understand!

You are more noob than I thought. All the rubbish you spews are either baseless easily DEBUNKED with an eye closed. I know what I'm talking. YOU DON'T. YOU NEED TO READ MORE!

Yes, it turns out that Armada is my grandfather company. I'm gonna ask Ananda Krishnan to write back RM479mil in 2020.


P.S. Ananda's only son is a monk. This bu*llshit can't sell. U get the gist.

no, commodity price drop is not a factor for ppe impairment. no it hasnt happened in malaysia or anywhere in this world. u made me laugh again. yaya, impair and writeback impair and writeback, again i need to quote my previous reply, this is not your dad's gorpis store.. why am i so angry with incompetent and clueles people like u.. maybe i am just dissapointed that malaysia's equity trader quality is that low..


2020-03-05 09:58 | Report Abuse

U say money is siphon out of the balance sheet and later grow business unit in the company...I don’t really buy that...

500k asset sold for 130mil. It could be just and over depreciated asset sold at its fair value.

The accounting depreciated value has little to none to do with its sale value.


2020-03-05 09:53 | Report Abuse

This I hv to agree with truesight, what kinda management spends all his time moving money around?

Nothing better to do is it?


2020-03-05 09:27 | Report Abuse

Sardin81, what u r betting on is a hope one day KNM gets the wisdom to be honest and starts rewarding investors like u...

U r not wrong, as long as the operating cash and cash and equivalents keep growing, u hv better chances of being rewarded if compared to company that has no ability to generate cash. But u hv to decide if this is a management that will reward their investors...


2020-03-05 08:19 | Report Abuse

Bro, yes...EPS is very basic...but in the end of the day. What u care about is how much money left to be distributed for share owner after all the squirreling and squandering...if nothing left to share, what’s the point of investing?


2020-03-05 01:11 | Report Abuse

Sardin81, there is smtg called EPS.

At RM 3, what’s the market cap to KNM?


2020-03-05 00:50 | Report Abuse

U know what makes you sound really really dumb...

since oil is such a cheap commodity produced by earth core yada yada yada...
Wouldn't it makes more sense to keep on pumping it to power the world?

It's freaking there, will keep flowing for millienia and it's cheap! It doesn't cost hundreds of billion of dollar to develop unlike ITER and risk blowing up half the globe off like fukushima or Chernobyl.

Oh the emission! CO2. Yeah, how much CO2 does 7.8Bil people produce?
Maybe idiots like you should die to help save the earth. Win-win, reduce the numbers of idiots and CO2 emission. Great solution.

You are right that my banggang mouth makes alot of enemy. My mouth does become super-banggang with comes to super idiot like you.


2020-03-05 00:20 | Report Abuse

my question is can it be done? I'm not asking if auditors will agree or not. I'm sure you can read. I try not to doubt that yet.

Likewise, I can say...How naive to believe the world filled with angel and honest nice Samaritans. For one, Jho Low can walk away with BILLIONS of Malaysian Tax payers money...

ALOT of people are NOT following the "rules" that you are following.

RJ87 "Impair RM500mil to report RM 500 loss to avoid paying tax. Can or cannot? Yes or NO."

truesight1122 First i would like to ask, what impairment of PPE is based on. are you saying that KNM bought up the auditors and make them nod on the 50% impairment requested to escape tax?

Eh dei, this is real world, not ur dad's gorpis store accounting.

You can make alot of assumption in anyway you like about the state of machinery based on NBV. Is the cash still pouring in? I don't care it's a black cat or white, the cat that catches the mouse is the good cat. That's why I prefer to see operating cash. Cash is coming in. Good machine. If no cash coming in, u say it's worth a world also no use.

truesight1122 the impairment you talked about, yes it will impact the net profit without actually forking out real money. but what does it imply when the NBV of PPE is reduced? Most likely is the machinery not working as efficiently anymore.

ho ho ho...I will read until here I shall rest my case one this topic here. What tell me you are less than a novice is...You ONLY have the basics. U r not wrong to have able to point out ONE OF THE MANY PLACES it could appear. If you are interested to actually become less novice, perhaps u should go check Hibiscus QR on how it's done. I can't tell you for sure what happened there. But it happened. I dropped my jaw when I read their QR too. You see, if you can put your pride and ego aside, it's not so much about what you know. You only know what you know, things that's gonna get you is always things you don't know. Equity market is full of surprises. Never failed to surprise me.

A good rule of thumb is, if there are too many numbers that you don't know. Better stay away.
Stick to company with numbers that you can make sense of.

revaluation doesnt go into PnL or debt, it goes into f*cking OCI reserve. you dont even have the basic, should i continue the debate?

Again I'm gonna go back to my initial example. What's the actual cash appearing in KNM's account? Is it with or without the RM11.5mil? And if RM11.5mil still appear on KNM's account, why does it bother you what's written in PnL? Between 1) PnL loss. But money enters account in cash. 2) PnL declares big ass profit. ZERO cash appears in the account. Which one is worse? C'mon be honest, stop dodging simple question like these.

brother, u know what is the impact of impairment or not? firstly impairing the asset reduces your net profit by 11.5mil, which is 30% of that KNM's. and, please analyse la, what is the reason behind impairment? just because it is non-cash expenses then is ok? really?

There could be many reasons. Commodity price drops. Asset don't worth jack shit.
Commodity price goes up. Suddenly the asset worth a world. Impairment writeback.

U wanna ding dong ding dong on the actual reason impairment loss and writeback; be my guest.


2020-03-05 00:18 | Report Abuse

u walk to work is it i3lurker?


2020-03-04 19:59 | Report Abuse

So far, everything about u is just stupid until now...maybe u can become smarter from now on...so, I see u RJ one more time, I’m gonna quote the above, and reply stupid ok?


2020-03-04 19:57 | Report Abuse

Boh leh...u do care a lot bcos day in and out come ask RJ87 this RJ87 that...

I answer also answer until dulan. Still say u don’t care...

Don’t worry, I’m not a stupid like u that’s gonna ask for screenshot of ur caviar and lobster and later claim that it’s photoshop. Only stupid does that. U agree or not?


2020-03-04 18:56 | Report Abuse


Dunno how many left here with a brain. Digest this and check the balance.

When ARBB become zero....I wonder who makes coverage there


2020-03-04 18:54 | Report Abuse


Dunno how many left here with a brain. Digest this and check the balance.

When ARBB become zero....I wonder who makes coverage there


2020-03-04 18:38 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-04 18:35 | Report Abuse

If interested in the details of the scam, feel free to go over ARBB and have a look...

Good quarter report, drop from 30+sen to 23sen....non cash profit...can see the balance sheet...


2020-03-04 18:31 | Report Abuse

The other guy is straight forward low class stupid guy...

I exposed his scam in ARBB...non cash profit for straight 4 Quarters like typical scammer, he is mad...


2020-03-04 18:30 | Report Abuse

This is i3lurker very funny one...

Dunno why he cares so much that hoe much people making or losing money...

Why ar? Why ar?


2020-03-04 15:30 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-04 15:29 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-04 15:23 | Report Abuse

Factually, the margin for KNM is concerning.

Now, sardin81, do you happen to have any data of KNM's orderbook?

When Revenue drops, fix cost will eat up all the profits and goes into red.


2020-03-04 15:21 | Report Abuse

from the announcement of the outbreak till announcement of PM-8, total market cap wiped out is 250bil to 300bil.

Don't come here bull shit me u make money. Only a very very very handful of people made money by exiting in Jan. Whatever you hold since Jan has dropped 8% or more. That's a fact. If u wanna come pretend you make money, up to you lo. Not that you get rewarded also.

When price come down, all these IDSS c*ck talker come and say they make money. When 7sen up to 40sen, they nvr come say they lose money. Very typical isn't it?

Only idiots take what they say seriously.


2020-03-04 12:57 | Report Abuse

Seems like better quality debate going on here.

truesight1122, try ask the KPMG guys...can I impair 50% of my RM1Bil asset in my good years so that I escape tax? E.g. Revenue 500mil, profit 100mil. Impair RM500mil to report RM 500 loss to avoid paying tax. Can or cannot? Yes or NO. Then use the RM100mil to buy asset so that I impair another 50%.

Here's things get abit complicated. For example. You buy an PPE for RM10mil. Revenue for the year is RM10mil. COGS is RM7mil. No credit given on both payable and receivable. Clean hard cash of RM3mil enter ur account. When comes to KPMG doing their audit, they insist the the PPE has lost 15% of it's value (negative 1.5mil). Hence, I do not know where they park this negative 1.5mil, I suspect it's in COGS. Instead of PBT of RM3mil. It becomes RM1.5mil.

Good questions! Did you lose RM1.5mil in cash? No you don't. You still have your RM3mil in your account. Did you lose RM1.5mil worth of asset? Yes you do.

The best part, this is a blardy good machine that you bought there. Someone came and offer you RM20mil for that piece depreciated piece of junk that's KPMG guys says it's worth RM8.5mil. Where does this additional RM11.5mil goes to?

if non-cash item is not "important", why the accounting standard requires people to record it?

Why it's accounted is simple. You see, there is another way of manipulating PnL. You buy an asset for RM10mil. Then, you get a someone to value that asset at RM15mil. Good question! Do u gain RM5mil in cash? No, you don't. Do you gain RM5mil worth of asset? Yes, you do. In balance sheet, if asset goes up, PnL has to go up or Debt has to go up. Else, cannot balance the sheet. If it's not accounted, how the F anybody know where did the RM5mil came from?

Let me answer the below. It will GREATLY affect the share price as the TRUE novice doesn't know how to count the actual LOSS in CASH! I'm the cash is king type of guy. No cash. No talk. To me, operating cash is the most important number to me. You should be more concerned with company with negative cash flow than a company with positive cash flow. That will separate company that bleeding cash than it's not. U can count a company's fair value with discounted cash flow to know how soon you can get your capital back in cash. The same can be used on company with negative operating cash on how long before the operation with NEGATIVE CASH will drive everything to ZERO. And, there are boat load of these kinda people in KLSE.

and, if non-cash item is not "important", why the accounting standard requires people to record it? surely it links to somewhere in the annual report that mediocre investor like you would not ever able to find out. so u are saying i impair RM 1 bil of PPE wont effect share price? oh my god the dumbness..
Using the same analogy u gave; Let say you impair ur company worth RM11.5mil for RM11.5mil. Does it mean your NTA become 0? That sounded dumb to me. Honestly, that a very dumb analogy. Does it makes sense to you that ur company is now worth zero and should be priced at RM0? Really?


2020-03-04 12:53 | Report Abuse

Alvin, people like u...better don’t park at all.

Waste ur time nvm. Buy high sell low n come here kao beh kao bu...better don’t park...

Go buy yinson


2020-03-03 16:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-03 16:35 | Report Abuse

not advised us to sell that time?? U mean those clowns from ARBB?

I can answer that. That's because I haven't expose their scam at ARBB.

Now, they try to bully me into shutting up. I'm not a person easily bullied.

I can go on and on...U guys know I can.


2020-03-03 15:32 | Report Abuse

williamtkb No rush to buy. Crude oil demand dropped. Price will drop further. If crude oil price below USD30 only sailang la.

That one, OnG close shop liao.


2020-03-03 15:19 | Report Abuse

U ask stupid stupid question, get banggang answer...then beh song me also no point what...

it's better stop asking stupid question. Then u won't get banggang answer... =D


2020-03-03 15:12 | Report Abuse

only one or two nia...most generally with brain won't end up so childish...


2020-03-03 14:46 | Report Abuse

These clowns are Elaine Tan, kennychua and THEREALDEAL from ARBB...

U know, people are quite angry at me here and call me con man when QR came out with impairment and suffered about 35% loses. Look at ARBB, also lost about 35% too with good QR...

So u 3 clowns should admit you are con men too.


2020-03-03 14:43 | Report Abuse

Read for urself how a low IQ low life writes. Yes, I did analysis on few other counters too...Head over to ARBB for details.

死鸡撑饭盖 conman rj87

sure i can tell you when you see a conman, you who is it! gayboy conman is here! runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn selllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll fastttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt


2020-03-03 14:41 | Report Abuse

TAK1, more licking their wound else where la...Whole market bloodied. Regardless good or bad QR.

More interesting scam job brewing in ARBB. Head over for details.


P.S. Some scammers is pissed at me exposing a scam and writes rubbish here as "revenge". How childish.


2020-03-03 14:36 | Report Abuse

Orderbook: Armada(17.5+10Bil), Yinson (est RM40bil)
Core Profit - 53mil - RM90.9mil (Can check the IB Report)
PE : Armada(0.31/0.04 = 7.75X), Yinson (7/0.2216 = 31.5X)
Price to book value : Armada (0.3/0.55 = 0.55X), Yinson (7/1.58=4.43X)
Current Ratio: Armada (2.24/2 = 1.49X, Yinson (2.27/1.25 = 1.86X)
Total Ratio: Armada(14Bil/9.5 = 1.47X), Yinson (9.5/5.58 = 1.7X)

This 2 company quite similar. If u don't like the debts, u discount 50% from Market Cap. Armada at least worth RM4bil at 60sen. If you don't want discount from market cap. Discount from 70% from earnings, at PE 12 is 48sen. Yinson can go buy premium. Come to Armada, discount this discount that.

Facts, from balance sheet. If this Gary can focus on FPSO and sell the stupid OMS, Armada wouldn't be in this mess. As long as Gary pursuing in that direction, I will still recommend buy calls like the 5 BANKs(ARBB got ZERO bank support). Wait everything settle...should be okay...U got con from 48sen drop to 31 sen from bad quarters (35% losses). Well, bad quarters fault.

ARBB, got conned from 35sen to 23sen(35% loss) with a good quarter. That's a bigger con.

Still want to play huh? U can create 1000 accounts also no use. I'm not intimidated by bullying tactic.


2020-03-03 14:16 | Report Abuse

There are fake account...死鸡撑饭盖 conman rj87, ITSTINKS

But they are honest that they are here to 玩都底! How stupid ~ make ur own judgement.
死鸡撑饭盖 conman rj87 you want to play right connman rj87?!我同你玩都底!扑街仔rj87
03/03/2020 12:52 PM


2020-03-03 13:54 | Report Abuse

All the bad stuff at Armada is exposed by the banks. No further explanation needed.

More interesting scam job brewing in ARBB. Head over for details.


P.S. Some scammers is pissed at me exposing a scam and writes rubbish here as "revenge". How childish.

死鸡撑饭盖 conman rj87 you want to play right connman rj87?!我同你玩都底!扑街仔rj87
03/03/2020 12:52 PM


2020-03-03 13:49 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-03 13:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-03 13:34 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-03 13:30 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-03-03 12:29 |

Post removed.Why?