
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2019-09-18 13:35 | Report Abuse

u nvr supported. Don't pretend u did. GTFO.


2019-09-17 19:14 | Report Abuse

another attack = Iran war. And Saudi can only finance that war with oil price above USD120 per barrel. It's good for the US too as they are currently net exporter...

Net importer country will suffer in this period.


2019-09-17 14:05 | Report Abuse

I already value armada at 50-60sen, just wanna make additional 5-10sen along the way...this one no big deal.


2019-09-17 13:12 | Report Abuse

how I do it is, queue sell siap2 35-36sen, and also queue buy 30-31sen good till for the whole week. Once, I manage to sell at 35-36 sen, I will change the buy queue to 33-34.

2sen spread. 200 big lot percycle makes me 4K per cycle. Along the way to 40sen-50sen got alot of 2 sen 2 sen selling at strength and buying at retracement.

Anyway, dumb dumb hold also good. Less work.


2019-09-17 13:05 | Report Abuse

Got opportunity at retracement.


2019-09-17 12:41 | Report Abuse

Can sell into strength, and buy on retracement. Don’t be so rigid?


2019-09-17 12:32 | Report Abuse

Queue lo...can mar good lo...
Cannot mar make less...


2019-09-17 12:14 | Report Abuse

I hold about 600k shares, I sold 30% in this morning panic buy. And queue to buy back at 31-30sen....the difference between u and me? I hv the luxury to wait but u don’t.

Uptrend counter, better play like this. Downtrend counter, then maybe ur method works.

Punt up or down doesn’t affect me. But I’m incline to believe the worse is over. Sell at every panic buy, buy back at every retracement.


2019-09-17 10:53 | Report Abuse

amongst all IDSS, ckca must the most kong kam one...

if u keep punting price to come down, how did u sell 0.325? There are alot of people taking profit a the same price. Maybe u did, that's why u desperately need to buy back to cover ur position at lower price.



2019-09-17 10:40 | Report Abuse

ckca, maybe u make money between 20sen - 15sen. But from 20sen to 30sen, u r mostly making a loss.

Today u short sell at 0.325. But if u buy back at 0.315, u hardly break even. U need more than 2 pips to cover the cost. What are you talking about? Yes, bullSh*t!


2019-09-17 10:13 | Report Abuse

ckca, yes...money in. But don't forget u havent buy back leeeeeeeee....when u buy back at 40sen that time....u see u cry or not....

Even if u buy back at 0.31sen, u hardly break even with broker fees and premium. IDSS very expensive.


2019-09-17 09:52 | Report Abuse

apanama, USD25 is possible if u r a breatharian that feeds on sun and fly around like superman.
Correct that, if u do. Oil should be USD 0.


2019-09-17 09:49 | Report Abuse

at each short position, u r losing money la ckca.

I wanna buy low also didn't get. I queue all the way down to 26sen also never get. Don't pretend u got it la. Just admit u r almost naked.


2019-09-17 00:57 | Report Abuse

@Panda, U r alam is punting/sentiment play is it? Nothing interesting there fundamentally.

@Robert, let's just say...Not all cobra bites. But when they do; it hurts. We don't take chance. However, we shouldn't discriminate those that really don't bite. Just need extra effort to convince that they are harmless.


2019-09-16 11:46 | Report Abuse

it's expanding heavily...the cashflow generated is pretty crazy with pretty heavy investing cash. Set to grow bigger quickly...


2019-09-14 14:50 | Report Abuse

I don't mean to be a racist...Nigerian scam is called a Nigerian scam for a reason.

I hope people from Ghana are not trying to catch up with that reputation. Else, Yinson might break armada's record. Record in dropping in a day.


2019-09-14 01:40 | Report Abuse

Robert Waters, you are assuming market is efficient. You could be VERY WRONG.

Basically, what could possibly happened here is simply market overvalued Carimin and Yinson.
And on the other hand, market has undervalued Armada.

Logically, speaking it makes more sense to short Overvalued counters than to short Undervalued counter. I wonder what kinda of "reasonable" input you can get from IDSS other than punting expired news? Are you still stuck in 2018 with them when armada was hit with a bunch of shit show? At this point, cleaning up the balance sheet and not getting into another shit show (1.3Billion) is a good plan so that Armada will be able to position themselves for many many many more billion in many years to come. That's just common sense.

It would make total sense to short Armada at 90 sen. Makes no sense at 20 sen.
It's a turnaround situation with recovery momentum. Which idiot comes and short in a counter trending upward? Research house making buy call? Followed by fund manager picking up?

Only those digging their own grave.

My honest opinion; short smtg else.


2019-09-13 23:09 | Report Abuse

you guys go youtube Bumi FPSO...Armada Olombendo and Kraken are beast!

dammm, they really do serious engineering work not many people can do...


2019-09-13 22:42 | Report Abuse

IDSS kena washed up liao...last min have to buy higher after short selling at 28.5...

IDSS has it's utility to press the price down for contra kaki to collect...


2019-09-12 17:30 | Report Abuse

so IDSS sell 285, got buy back 275 or not?


2019-09-12 09:52 | Report Abuse

Why my 28sen and 27sen can’t match? Dammit....who queue before me this morning?


2019-09-11 23:09 | Report Abuse

Johnchew....who is the millionaire trader?

Faster ask him come...don’t miss the chance to make money...


2019-09-11 13:27 | Report Abuse

mikekim Don’t fail to see the big picture. BA’s fundamentals have substantially improved and derisked, and the share price should be worth way more.

Profit takers and IDSS players may spring into action, take this opportunity to buy on any dips. After the share price consolidates for a while, the upwave will resume.


Chicken shit sell first...need new buyers that don't sell low....leaving EPF or other fund manager no choice to buy high.


2019-09-10 21:57 | Report Abuse

good...chicken shit can sell...need new buyer....

New buyer buys at 30sen, wouldn't sell until 35sen.
35 sen buyer wouldn't sell until 40sen...
40 sen buyer wouldn't sell until 45 sen...
45 sen buyer wouldn't sell until 50 sen...

chicken shit wouldn't buy back...bcos if they sell at 30sen, why buy back at 50 sen?
That's major the mentality.


2019-09-10 15:18 | Report Abuse

Shorties burn and die...now panicking and keep shorting to cover earlier position...muahahaha


2019-09-10 14:58 | Report Abuse

but if closes red...IDSS laugh to the bank...


2019-09-10 14:43 | Report Abuse

short short short....everybody....

this shpok4574....i hope u r not a IDSS...u gonna get urself bludgeon if price continue to go up and u can't cover ur position...


2019-09-06 16:41 | Report Abuse

Then ckca, which counter wont? Kodak also banktrupt. Nokia also bankrupt....U got got see fujifilm bankrupt or not? U got see Samsung or Apple bankrupt or not?

U also know different business right? Sohai also know.
But for some sohai reason, you don't wanna compare apple to apple. Die die wanna say armada is perisai....Dunno if u can't differentiate or can't read...


2019-09-06 16:09 | Report Abuse

CEO is Gary Christensen...siapa boss also u don’t know...say what facts?


2019-09-06 14:06 | Report Abuse

IDSS can target armada, market can target IDSS. Just don't sell back.

and if price drops, buy more. Queue, jgn tak queue. Everyday we queue low to compete with IDSS.
No mercyyyyy!


2019-09-06 14:02 | Report Abuse

MonkeyJ, I can't find anything. Please copy and paste the "claimed" earlier post and which page of 2nd QR?


2019-09-06 13:00 | Report Abuse

Sounds like MonkeyJ creates fake reality with his monkey brain to scare himself...


2019-09-06 12:59 | Report Abuse

Armada pays 30% of 528mil finance cost?

Anyway, where u get that the finance cost is RM528mil?


2019-09-06 12:26 | Report Abuse

Not recycling news to promote...but to point out that analysis pearlwhite did was most PROVEN wrong again...


2019-09-06 12:23 | Report Abuse

MonkeyJ, how much is total of the 528mil finance cost armada need to pay and for how long?

That’s how a-hole writes stuff.


2019-09-06 11:48 | Report Abuse

Pearlwhite@proof proof guy...

Forgot to highlight that u proved urself wrong again...who say armada can’t won’t contract? U gonna say “sorry, I’m again” like always.



2019-09-06 09:31 | Report Abuse

Don’t talk like IDSS knows more. They don’t.

The truth is they are abit more dishonest. IDSS want to sell to you high and buy back low. Only them hv such intention. They don’t even hv to stake a penny in this process unlike other investors.

Hanggg themmm by not selling back. Other investor that has cash set buy queue so that they can’t cover their position! Without short seller and weaknholder, only then price can move.


2019-09-06 09:24 | Report Abuse

What if I sell now, and nvr get to buy back cheaper? U go shares to transfer to me?


2019-09-06 09:22 | Report Abuse

I recommend IDSS stays out...things are turning around...upside rewards is a lot better than downside risk...


2019-09-06 09:10 | Report Abuse

Who do u short sell to if u keep telling people not to buy? I find that it’s quite a stupid statement.

That’s not altruistic IDSS, it’s stupid IDSS.

At least promoter wanna sell high and can hope next buyer sells higher. IDSS only wanna sell high and hope market sells back to them low and absorb the loss.

This is the part I find it dishonest and nasty.


2019-09-06 01:22 | Report Abuse

But we can hang the IDSS by buying all their shit and not sell back to them...we can hang them high and dry. If wanna sell, sell back the same price they short. They will pay the bank for nothing.

If u contra, and if u hv the cash, take it up...don’t blindly benefit them...


2019-09-05 17:37 | Report Abuse

So pity those IDSS, hv to recycle 2018 news to scare people...when 2020 price up to 40sen, still hv to recycle 2018 news...

Then short all the way to 40sen, only realise how deep they are buried.


2019-09-05 14:45 | Report Abuse

When I read his profile...he is kinda old...wondering if he has the energy to turn things around...

Now, no doubt anymore. Go all the way to kraken. Monkeys also make sure everything works ok...I think he fired a lot monkey at the same time...this guy scary...

If bring price back 50-60, I buy Eu ayam Sang hamper for him next agm. So, that it goes back up to 75sen to RM1 next...


2019-09-05 12:17 | Report Abuse

Given Gary don’t passed away replaced with Leon. If Leon comes back, I will sell.

I didn’t buy when he was around.


2019-09-05 12:16 | Report Abuse

See cash flow statement, cash from operation is 650mil per quarter! After deducting interest, 400mil. 10 quarters is 4bil. 20quarter, 5 years...8bil...7.5 years debts are settled together with interest...


2019-09-05 12:10 | Report Abuse

Glad that someone collect...waiting for my facilities ready...I help ramp up buy queue....if dapat good, dont hv nvm...I hv enough...


2019-09-05 12:06 | Report Abuse

Half sen can cover ur transaction fees? I cut!

U go collect ur cheap water face got la...

Only come here talk 3 talk 4 after good QR...isn’t it obvious u shorted at 23-24sen desperately to cover ur lose? Puiii...


2019-09-05 12:03 | Report Abuse

Buy queue are as strong as sell queue...

IDSS fear monger here to reduce buy queue. So that when contra player forced selling, will easily bring the price down by selling at any price. The buy queue too strong, contra dumps everything also easily absorb by buy queue. IDSS will get into deep shit...

If market queue gao gao at 25sen, to absorb all that IDSS and contra throw at them, the price will hv no choice but to go up...


2019-09-05 11:34 | Report Abuse

Ckca, u buy back now, u lose ur 25sen...keep ur 26.5 sen... later, PNB officers get approval and sapu in the evening, u buy back at higher price tmr...


2019-09-05 11:29 | Report Abuse

Since he admits, time to say....”hangggggg himmmmmm! Send IDSS to the gallow!”

They will desperately recycle outdated 2017/2018 or false news to save themselves...