
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2018-08-20 19:16 | Report Abuse

should be above 91c, the equivalent of RM1.2 before bonus issue...


2018-08-20 19:14 | Report Abuse

i wonder, how u know if TH FM are any better than KYY or OTB?

FM also not as good as they think they are and they selling doesn't mean anything.


2018-08-20 18:29 | Report Abuse

Great news. 2.5 sen dividend.


2018-08-20 17:32 | Report Abuse

if u sapu...u honda civic become axia liao...but still good la...still got axia...


2018-08-20 17:30 | Report Abuse

Pang72 unusually quiet ya? U tapao how many lots today at RM1.18? Managed to sapu all?


2018-08-20 17:24 | Report Abuse

waiting for "newsssss" apparently. Lol.

I'm interested in the content of next quarter report.


2018-08-20 13:02 | Report Abuse

why will the market wants to trade DUFU at RM3?

If anyone can answer that question, then YES it will....E.g. sale of both WD and Seagate trippled, or company announcing RM1 per share dividend. Yes, RM5 also no problem....hehehe

Speaking from hindsight, now I know why vitrox, MI, and penta's growth, and what were their catalyst. If I hv those data/info before; I would hv sailang in all of them


2018-08-20 12:49 | Report Abuse

I'm not gan cheong to sell when I averaged down alot at 0.68...

I still think eps 8 = RM1.6, and if EPS not 8, I will wanna know where went wrong...
That will tell who OTB, KYY and WC is...


2018-08-19 20:42 | Report Abuse

Problem is he is not obliged to tell here publicly that he sold...


2018-08-19 18:01 | Report Abuse

@mneo, Last Lionind QR showed that Lionind was impacted minimally. How does impact on Mycron affects Lionind? Please explain.


2018-08-19 17:54 | Report Abuse

Look at the debts Megasteel piled up. If it's making EPS 40 sen, we would be buying Megasteel instead of Lionind liao. Why megasteel asset can't make megasteel money?


2018-08-19 17:07 | Report Abuse

The P and the E are both variables. And we have better understanding of the E than the P.

E depends on the business dynamics. Which can be identified with thorough research.
P depends of kegilaan market.

You mean the sentiment at the point of valuation, is bad; PE is bad. For the good counter with strong earning ability under bad sentiment; that's pretty attractive counter. A better question to ask is if the bad sentiment is warranted? E.g. Megasteel is indeed a liability. That has major influence to its earning.


2018-08-19 16:59 | Report Abuse


1) I AM from engineering background fyi.

2) How the plant is priced has nothing to do with my engineering background nor engineering itself. But it's value although depreciated has strong tie to it's economics of buying it. A good old car can potentially sells with better value for money than expensive new car. If that makes sense to you.

3) For HY, oil plunged to USD35 making it profitable. Something changed. Then, price went up to USD70, like the old HY, it's not profitable because HY didn't change. EPS plunged. EPS plunged further for not able to meet compliance standard.

4) If buying over old plant that piled alot debts; that's buying liability instead of asset if nothing changed. Something much have changed or else it's blardy bad news.

Something must change. And if the changes is going to be profitable. Else, ask come ask Tun M here do the punting also won't help. That's equivalent of pour money into bottomless pit. I think the game changer here is China Blue Sky Policy, cost efficient HBI process, and import tariff imposed by MITI. The threat is trade war and slow down on infra projects.

Let's see how the benefits and threat affects Lionind EPS shall we? Exciting times!


2018-08-19 16:36 | Report Abuse

Here comes the punter.

I will join the punting...OTB says uptrend, KYY stake in. pang72 TP 50.0, wait, is it RM5 or RM50? Ahhh, whatever. paktua73 want sing song?

TP 1.6 given EPS maintains 8. If more, do your own study and find out when to sell.


2018-08-19 16:30 | Report Abuse

@OTB, that's what you say. And might not be what you DO!
Since ur saliva is so expensive and needs to subscription for it; why spilling here for free?

Recommends, uptrending stock eh? 70 sen, no sound. 80 sen, no sound. 90 sen, no sound. 1.00 no sound. 1.10 no sound. Suddenly, 1.20 onwards only become up trending stocks apparently. Is my skepticism towards you unfair?

Your presence carries a very strong ulterior motive. Anyway, I will leave my opinion to myself now onward and focus this thread on lionind instead of you, and making you more popular. "You cannot understand my strategy because you are not my subscriber. " Is a cheap marketing strategy that literally cost nothing, but it works to certain degree depending on audience cognitive ability.


2018-08-19 16:10 | Report Abuse

paktua73 sing song talk cock. These are the type of character I love to be around.

6 months ago, I was swimming about 6 digits in the red. How I wish paktua73 come sing "paktua73, swimming in the red, wu wu wa wa" together with me. Another reason why genuinely humorous people are attractive. It's because their ability to find joy in most adverse situation. Getting depressed over it won't help.=D

@probability, Indeed no fact. I'm here to read all facts presented by both side and digest them. I don't know how much does a fresh electrode cost. And if the plant needs to even buy them. They could already hv few spares laying around. Maybe they didn't even hv them shutdown at all. Who knows? As for S.Panda's question. I don't know how long does it take for those clown to install them or start operating them. I don't even know if Lionind has already acquired them.

I think more valuable question to ask is how much of megasteel and lionind WC owns. And then, how does WC acquiring megasteel for RM640mil is beneficial. Lionind bought it for 640mil with 540 mil for the asset and 100 mil for debts settlement. Part of the 100 mil includes 35mil debt with TNB. So, TNB will start supplying electricity. WC can't start megasteel plant without settling debts with TNB hence, sale of megasteel asset. What I don't understand why is it at a discount if it's a discount. Now, the question is how much profits can this asset generates.

I think WC believes that further improve in revenue from megasteel asset has better run for his money in Lionind than Megasteel. That's simple logic. Even if megasteel asset makes EPS 40, no one will give a damm given it's huge debt. But not the same can be said with Lionind.


2018-08-19 15:10 | Report Abuse

Alright, I read everything since I last posted. And my conclusion is...

CalvinTan, suffers severe confirmation bias. Poor time period analysis. Can be proven with the chart he shares. Only focus on WC buy lower and sells higher. But totally ignored WC sold wayyyy lower and bought wayyyyyyyyy higher more. Not a word about it. Can go die liao ppl like this.

probability & Panda are most neutral and fair. One is more optimistic than the other. But nonetheless, I appreciate their insight. Thank you.

OTB, I'm very skeptical about you TBH. You only appear at certain time and I wonder. For a valuable company with good prospect to drop it's market price by 30%; what happens is the counter just got more attractive and should issue BUY call. And for counter that rose 100% from it's low; it should have changed to NEUTRAL. with comments on what to expect from next QR. If EPS 9, what likely to happen. If EPS 5, what will happen. And if it's EPS 10 and above; what contributes to it's revenue; is it the new plant?; is it Megasteel? and come up with a re-rated recommendation.

You are not doing that. Perhaps, for good reason that your are not doing that for free here. But, for some weird reason; info like 3 mil shares and another 1.5 mil share from KYY is FREE. Why?

My take is, 5 mil share at RM1.25 is chicken feed to help create panic buy momentum to off load 50mil share acquired from it's 63 sen low. That's just...*you complete the sentence. Can you imagine how it feels if a more superior operators pull this shit on you? I know that this is the game. But, I'm hoping you can rise above such tactics. Anyway, I don't see how this could work effectively with a PE5 counter at the moment..

If I were you, I will pull this move at PE8 with EPS 3sen. And I can claim that I'm a super investor for making 400% return from lionind even if I buy another 1 million share at RM2.5. just saying. Maybe you guys are getting less greedy these days. I don't know. =D

Cartoon1234, to buy or to sell is your decision. If you don't start to take personal accountability; you will constantly blame people for anything bad that happened to you. And you will never learn from each of your every mistake. If you man up, I'm sure your wife will stand by you and start over. After all, woman look for a man. And you just have to be a man and you can be happy again.


2018-08-18 21:39 | Report Abuse

I know vitrox and MI have strong backing.

Unless vis buys from vitrox to sell to chinese. But, that would piss "somebody" off.
Unlikely vitrox will do that. But the thing is, there is MI. Maybe vitrox has already pissed off somebody.

But again, Vitrox is worth RM3.5billion, and visdynamics is hardly RM100mil.


2018-08-18 21:19 | Report Abuse

Mr. Koon, I do read your blog and most of your article. I generally agrees with your Golden Rule.
However, that serves as a pretty vague general guideline. It's near impossible to find a profitable tech counter with PE < 15. E.g. Penta, Vitrox or MI, but they do have very clear revenue visibility hence, current price has priced in future earnings. Not much upside,

However, industries with PE < 10 comes with problem of uncertainty of it's performance.
It's a gamble between good and bad QR.

OTB and many outlined the opportunities that do not I disagree. I bought all the way down to 0.68 as I personally valued Lionind at RM1.00. However, what's lacking are the details on threat and weakness. I have been tracking Lionind for a while, in their balance sheet, historically, do hv missing monies that I can't understand nor explain. That to me is a threat.

My estimate for next quarter would be between 8-10eps, translation of PE 5 would be RM1.5-RM1.6 range. And if it falls short, it only means how poorly OTB and the gang did their research & understanding of the business including myself. Which I should take responsibility and pay for it. But to further compound the situation, OTB came to claim how wonderful is his past performance only shows his "analysis" is not meant for just "sharing". But to ...


2018-08-18 15:49 | Report Abuse

Mr. Koon, 800% return ya!

But I exit before u do...I make less nvm, as long as I don’t lose...


2018-08-17 15:18 | Report Abuse

@Tehka, NO...They don't have to disclose that to me as what they eat for lunch and breakfast DO NOT influence the price. Use bit common sense if you have any left.

But A FAIR person would disclose the reason he buys and he sells before he buys and sells. NOT AFTER.


2018-08-17 14:50 | Report Abuse

Mr. Koon and Mr. Ooi loves to talk good about counters that AFTER they stake in. But they never share when they sell out. Perhaps, it's useful for them to share when and the reason they sell.

Else, it's not longer a sharing. It's more like manipulation.


2018-08-17 09:45 | Report Abuse

I mean What’s ur comment on institutions pushing the price up?

What’s institutions role? And how to swim along with the sharks....my observation on KLSE, the price normally pushed and supported by institution...and once it’s passed to retailer, the whole thing crash gradually as if retailer has no capacity to support the price.


2018-08-17 00:19 | Report Abuse

Dammmmmm! Wa pia...failed to top up...
Now no need c the queue liao lo...


2018-08-17 00:15 | Report Abuse

I wonder what’s CYF’s comment on the homily chart...


2018-08-16 12:41 | Report Abuse

i didn't buy ATTA...business okok la...

Can hv a look on Econpile...But hold long term la..


2018-08-16 12:22 | Report Abuse

What's ur problem qqq3?


2018-08-16 12:12 | Report Abuse

lai lai, Superpanda, please recommend me more counters to study...

Nothing attractive so far to replace that 3 and they are closing in their potential soon, need to start studying prepping for next year's portfolio


2018-08-16 12:08 | Report Abuse

how about collected from both DUFU, Lionind and VIS...

U can search for my post in all these thread. I screen panda's recommendations....best one is ATTA, but it's revenue is very erratic. Not a multi-bagger potential counter

So, you throw civc 4 tires in DUFU? =D
Nvm nvm, u can get back from here.


2018-08-16 11:47 | Report Abuse

Pang72, i tot your lionind has converted to Civic? Still hold u? Or you own you civic by holding lionind?


2018-08-16 11:46 | Report Abuse

cartoon1234, after u sell, u say crash. Now u buy liao huh? why suddenly say RM1.50


2018-08-16 10:03 | Report Abuse

Why speculate today up or tmr down le?

Better thing to do is if u hv gather bullet, project lionind’s earning and at period.


2018-08-16 01:52 | Report Abuse

That depends of lionind revenue visibility.

If EPS 8-9sen....then that falls within FA expectation...probably cash out when TA will go hoo ha for a while...

But if it’s goes beyond expectation, especially on core operating profits; e.g maxed out production with good margin; e.g EPS 12sens with good revenue visibility for next 12 quarters; safely peg lionind at PE7-9 with EPS40sen...do the math yourself...

Now I have few data, I wanna project clarity of lionind’s revenue stream and stability.


2018-08-15 20:10 | Report Abuse

I share wa Ada lui’s assessment...another 8 sen and lionind will be Trading at 1.6....anything more than that, hv to figure it out...


2018-08-15 15:25 | Report Abuse

SuperPanda As for CYF, Feb18 bought price around 1.20 when it down to 94c last mth with 1m shares he should paper loss 26c @ 260k. I dont think he still hold 1m shares at that time.

I will call all bragger until you can prove it with print screen and share the imageshack link here.

Read up, read down, how is that not directed to CYF? Maybe it was me who did the bragging on CYF’s behalf. But, CYF is willing to prove he has the right to given Mr. Panda is man enough to Lose something la...

P.S : devils advocate.


2018-08-15 12:44 | Report Abuse

Is he gonna share his other 100 stop loss?
The answer is...hell NO!


2018-08-15 09:09 | Report Abuse

Dangggg, engineeringprofiy...Lembu punya susu, sapi dapat nama...

The philanthropist here is CYF la, unless u count punting as charity...zzz


2018-08-15 09:06 | Report Abuse

Ur 300lots is 100shares or 1000 shares?


2018-08-15 01:05 | Report Abuse

Eh...Mr. Panda, a man has accepted ur challenge, now be a real man by showIng what u actually hv to lose...

P.S. I’m not CYF just in case u guys are wondering.


2018-08-15 01:02 | Report Abuse

Seems like so...constantly got news of fund collecting if armada drops below 0.72


2018-08-15 00:56 | Report Abuse

I think it’s a blunder that u r not charging readers for such valuable insight.


2018-08-15 00:25 | Report Abuse

What the f is that? QR come out negative, ur head and shoulder become shampoo and wash straight down the drain...lol...

PrimeImvestor, how do u get the number 3mil?


2018-08-14 21:45 | Report Abuse

That was just a jab...I didn't expect that.

But if you are willing to start a knowledge sharing platform, I'm more than happy to participate. I'm willing to put in the work, just kinda headless at the moment. Some business, still don't know what to look for.


2018-08-14 21:06 | Report Abuse

And panda, if you want people to stick their neck out; you gotta have something to lose first. Where's yours? There is no such thing as something for nothing.


2018-08-14 21:01 | Report Abuse

If I put in that kinda work, even drop of 50% is just a better buy in opportunity. That's how I made more money with dufu. It only means it got more attractive.

For his calibre and depth of his analysis; I have no doubt.

Little to non here would go further than estimating the accurate PE for this counter. What's more about the PE/G.

I doubt panda know what does that even means. =D


2018-08-14 20:56 | Report Abuse

I have to admit, I bring myself down to pretty low level to hv some fun.
CYF couldn't bothered to layan idiots like us...=D

I will go atas abit. By asking simple more complicated question.
How big is RM1mil to you Mr. Panda?

To some people, the one mil can only get him a damm car. Don't assume it's a big deal for everybody just because it is to you.

It is a big deal to me too. I was complaining to somebody that we need money to get rich. And how unfair it is. Then, to a person of his capacity, he said "I will loan you one mil, but in condition, you can only pick 1 counter. You keep the winning if you do. But, in event you fail, I will own you". That conversation was very meaningful to me. That was many years ago.


2018-08-14 18:57 | Report Abuse

I tot u left Bcos this is stupid counter...
Suddenly, got something to sell...


2018-08-14 16:47 | Report Abuse

Well, DUFU gave CYF a 1500sq ft condo by now.

I do agree it's not as attractive at this price now, but if there if there is clear visibility of revenue growth of 15% YOY, then, PE20 is not too impossible. That depends on your investment period preference. Some can wait very long. Some is impatient.

Anyway, gambling is always more exciting than investing.


2018-08-14 13:58 | Report Abuse

I'm sure nobody is interested in how many honda civic that you have lost.

I load up on your lion king when it fell to 0.63, larger chunk at 0.68 and I'm still holding it.
I want to see the QR.

Anyway, enjoy your honda civic and try not to lose this one. *wink.