
Ron90 | Joined since 2018-05-31

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Investor holds stock, Traders ride the wave! - Don't chase the running horses - Buy high on higher - Don't get emotional and fall in love with stock - Rather lost Opportunity than lost money :-p Buy into deep, Sell at the pop





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2021-06-13 02:10 | Report Abuse

kinda fishy..last QR no more Russian revenue, gone. Majority revenue now from China operation..hard to veriyfy. Website also lame.

Now answering SC query with no material significant info.. MOU no expiry, no definitive aggrement.. so it's just like ordinary email letter la..

No picture at all with russian RDIF, and also no picture with those 2 China contract manufacturers?? all hidden eh..


2021-06-12 16:52 | Report Abuse

grab anything below 20 c


2021-06-11 22:26 | Report Abuse

good QR..!!..he seriously turning around this company for good.


2021-06-11 22:22 | Report Abuse

Awang cleared the air?..haha...wait until Karim cannot hold margin call anymore..


2021-06-11 16:33 | Report Abuse

by now all the issue must hv been cleared by kpmg, coz it only takes fews days la.. last week can use weekend as an excuse.. but until today..still no progress. means, cannot hold waters anymore.


2021-06-11 16:14 | Report Abuse

if la the auditor correct.. #SerbaKoyak would be price 10 cents only kot?.. considering its huge debt


2021-06-11 16:09 | Report Abuse

finally that 25 cents broken .. #SerbaKoyak


2021-06-11 15:58 | Report Abuse

Even Yinson seems affected by posting on this i3 forums and giving considerable attention to reply.. that means that what we post over here months ago about the issue with this Serba tak kena actually taken up by somebody and passed it over for auditor to scrutinize this company? ..hemm


2021-06-11 15:11 | Report Abuse

i bought yesterday at 0.45 cents..haha


2021-06-10 14:33 | Report Abuse

UK is one of the highest vaccinated nation, if tomorrow 8k..than something serious about this Delta variant.


2021-06-10 14:31 | Report Abuse

UK covid cases highest in 9 days..the graph increasing for straight 9 days .now 7k already..


2021-06-09 12:36 | Report Abuse

Not ony Serba, other companies also involved in government Vendor Development Programme (VDP), but so far no issue with auditor except at Serba..

under the Triparte Aaggrement, customers making payment direct to sub-con..Serba only gets untung payment atas angin, Ali Baba profits.. Serba no need to expense, no revenue, suddenly, duit profit pump in !!.. donno la if this kind of arrengment is accpetable for accounting eh?? cannot use Covid as an excuse, coz money does not need to walk, only TT..huhu

News & Blogs

2021-06-09 12:32 | Report Abuse

Not ony Serba, other companies also involved in government Vendor Development Programme (VDP), but so far no issue with auditor except at Serba..

under the Triparte Aaggrement, customers making payment direct to sub-con..Serba only gets untung payment atas angin, Ali Baba profits.. Serba no need to expense, no revenue, suddenly, duit profit pump in !!.. donno la if this kind of arrengment is accpetable for accounting eh?? cannot use Covid as an excuse, coz money does not need to walk, only TT..huhu


2021-06-09 11:47 | Report Abuse

looks good..hope can reach 4.00


2021-06-09 11:12 | Report Abuse

big money coming in..


2021-06-09 09:28 | Report Abuse

accidently bought a lot this morning..finger tekan another 0 !! #ayak!


2021-06-09 01:54 | Report Abuse

03-Feb-2021 Private Placement 336,830,000 1.510 = $ 508 m
05-May-2020 Private Placement 306,507,000 1.490 = $ 356 m
30-Jan-2018 Private Placement 133,500,000 3.200 = $ 363 m

$1.2 billion from Private placement alone.....not include debt..huhu. Profitable company eh?


2021-06-08 23:08 | Report Abuse

solid la.. like Sapura, solid contract but every quarters in total red..Shahril just enriched himself .. same style.. dont be fooled with amount of project gathered, the most important thing is, profits..


2021-06-08 23:05 | Report Abuse

EPF already confirmed throwing stock since 2nd, sure lagi banyak last few days ago..they can postpond announcement for 1 week.. tomorrow no more confidence ler.. throw all u got at 3 Karim ship.


2021-06-08 16:38 | Report Abuse

Block 7 is where the things start to become fishy and getting rotten day by day.


2021-06-08 16:26 | Report Abuse

no link on Block 7.. haha.. can search on the internet ler


2021-06-08 13:57 | Report Abuse

i dont think Karim can run away this time... for months i keep on alerting ppl about how he manipulating stock market by pumping the price, issue free warrants to himself than sell big time, buy mother, and the cycle continus, at serba, Kpower, Scib..all the same


May 5, 2021 1:28 PM | Report Abuse

efire and serba who owns Block 7, both belong to Karim..ayak!! they appointing ZonesCorp an Abu Dhabi company to run the develope the project, instead of Serba .. what la pusing-pusing...So Serba got what??


2021-06-08 11:19 | Report Abuse , if pecah.. gone case already for gloves


2021-06-08 09:56 | Report Abuse

O & G dying industries, why Dnex not just focus on semicon which promise confirm profits in the future?


2021-06-08 09:51 | Report Abuse

700 million of warrant will be converted to mother shares and that would dilute equity very much..30% and NOSH become 3 billion.


2021-06-08 09:14 | Report Abuse

will become another hot story ..could be wrst than transmile coz involve billion figures..together with her 2 sisters , Kpower n SCib


2021-06-07 03:13 | Report Abuse

i thing for certain, block 7 project is a scam big way. go figure who n who behind those mega deal..its between Karin n Karim, Serba n Serba..its getting nowhere. he just put up the billion figure according to his likes. .. ever wonder Serba tak kena never reach 2.00 even when all IBs gv good paid reviews for years?..they also don belivee and never subscribe.


2021-06-04 22:52 | Report Abuse

if small time fly by night audit firm, can accept la findings like this, but if from KPMG.. that showed how downgrade they are now.. findings like this, good auditor will just give verbal comment la.. malu nak tulis dalam report pon.. we just focus on major issues... elementery findings, indeed true.


2021-06-04 22:47 | Report Abuse

- invoice must have registration no ?
- company stamp must hv registartion no?
- different address become issue on website?..just look around, how many public listed company never bother to update their website !


2021-06-04 22:30 | Report Abuse

this malaysia attitude buat org banyak KO.. in times of big disaster/ more beaurcratic and play clever one, just cucuk people with any vaccine that available, esp like Tun M said, if already approved by developed nation, apa lagi our people wanna tunjuk pandai wanted to review for months !!.. our scientist even donno to produce any type of vaccine. Wth

just buy and inject vaccine as fast as possible.. already June, only over 2 million got vaccinated.


2021-06-04 14:31 | Report Abuse

why la this Kader spending another $7 million to support this lousy company??.. he just bought 8 mil stock in 2 days, must be thinking even SC will uable to find the truth.. resiously, thats a big amount to pump


2021-06-04 14:29 | Report Abuse

getting inetersting day by day ..ppl just forgot MCO 3.0 ..haha


2021-06-03 23:34 | Report Abuse

if kmpg right, price drop to 50, if Serba right, price fly towards 2.00, maybe even 2.50!. Both reputation are at high stake.


2021-06-03 17:00 | Report Abuse

ppl just snap the last price for today..indication of good feeling.. donno la what news in the evening..huhu


2021-06-03 14:49 | Report Abuse

again..sell on news :-))


2021-06-03 14:37 | Report Abuse

win la this time !!


2021-06-02 20:34 | Report Abuse

total dividend in 2019 = 7.5 cents, 2020 = 7.5 cents. This year already 5 cents just for 2 qr. means business is good la :-)


2021-06-02 20:03 | Report Abuse

well..axiata performe , digi just ride the wave after the merger..haha.. anyway, digi will got 5g infrastructure kot, together with TM.


2021-06-02 19:28 | Report Abuse

perhaps this one different coz the currecnt price is nt moving up yet coz ppl still uncertain that the merger materilize


2021-06-02 19:10 | Report Abuse

end of market..always drop few cents..shit..hehe


2021-06-02 11:04 | Report Abuse

ya ..fake transaction..the patern similar with meridian and it happened on the same time..probably from the same operator !.. Their are disposing PP shares at selling price..sikit2 top up..just to make the number limited amount available. BOTH compay QR..rugi kaw-kaw


2021-06-02 10:53 | Report Abuse

if anybody can forecast at high degree of accuracy..sure kaya already warrent buffet. But still his rr88 got some basis, esp when the sign quite clear for everybody to see..u see the chart pattern, can agak alreday this thing gonna burst la..hehe.. wait until the price stabilize ler..definiteely not 30 cents anymore.


2021-06-02 10:47 | Report Abuse

ib not involve in manipulalting small counter like this one ler..its not in their radar. You should know how FM adn IB works ler...


2021-06-02 09:36 | Report Abuse

@Pinky - If a company has been making losses or zig-zagging between profit and loss throughout the years, then report surprising profit, and auditors found issues, I'll buy the story.

But a growing company with growing revenues and profits AND is capable of paying dividends.

I don't buy it.

Ya, thats the reason why i decided to bought yesterdat at limit down price..hehe. Tell U, if Serba managed to recover from this peisode..price wont be the same..sure above 2.00!!


2021-06-01 17:03 | Report Abuse

also sold off while price hivering at 13..tomorrow, diff ball game..


2021-06-01 15:48 | Report Abuse

so..kena LD pulak..than valid my hastag #KoyakSedania..hehe