
Ron90 | Joined since 2018-05-31

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Investor holds stock, Traders ride the wave! - Don't chase the running horses - Buy high on higher - Don't get emotional and fall in love with stock - Rather lost Opportunity than lost money :-p Buy into deep, Sell at the pop





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2021-02-17 15:31 | Report Abuse

minetech on steroid..huhu


2021-02-17 10:51 | Report Abuse

what project..anybody can say like that la.. soon, means 3-4 mnths olso


2021-02-17 10:37 | Report Abuse

price depreciated so much now.. while company still producinprice depreciated so much now.. while company still producing nice profits. g nice profits. .. C43 looks appealing.. ex-price just $3.90 or $4.08 in 4 months time, achieveable with current situation


2021-02-16 23:36 | Report Abuse

karim getting himself tons of free warrant. . sell it for easy money.. after than, issue another one, any the cycle keep on continue to enrich him. .. casing out without even diluting his position.


2021-02-16 23:19 | Report Abuse

apa la..keep on recycling old news ! just wait for the next qr ..for this counter to move above 20c.


2021-02-16 23:10 | Report Abuse

compare to Minetch which is more promising than this batu, but batu already up.. still can collect minetech.. gonna have similar op with kpower. this batu..waiting for new project.


2021-02-16 19:40 | Report Abuse

share buy back still cannot save this counter anymore.. sad lor


2021-02-16 16:30 | Report Abuse

mayb can get osv petronas contract.. after all..kroni mah.. hehe


2021-02-16 12:39 | Report Abuse

sabar.. price already appreciate banyak .. slow and strady.. now reaching 30 pelan-pelan. :-)


2021-02-11 09:12 | Report Abuse

must get angpaw from uncle TG..


2021-02-11 08:59 | Report Abuse

if they still interested and got lots of anmunition, they should have done that days aago while price still above 4.20. now at this level..quite risky, they also not confident Kosson could be much lower than this. buy la..


2021-02-11 02:42 | Report Abuse

even 10b project no use when profit margin ciput.. that how the ceo fool all investors, most of the profits goes to him and BOD.


2021-02-11 02:02 | Report Abuse

no RSS for Kossan since 25 January, thats straight 12 days !!.. and nett position was stuck at 52 mil ever since. start reducing to 50.8 mil on 9/2 (buying price around 4.04). Today olso no RSS (price also same), probably net position reducing again (Tomorrow morning will get the data for nett position)

Conclusion.. RSS no more for KOssan as price quite low olready, even RSS scared to death to shorts this counter for 2 weeks!, could be afraid kena like Harta n TG. If they believe Kossan could drop some more, why dont they keep on shorting when price still above 4.30 or 4.20??. Or.. no more bullets available to shorts this counter. ..and they start buying back this counter. if nett position reduce again on 10/2.. time to prepare our bullets la....huhu


2021-02-10 21:20 | Report Abuse

how come they bleed when the contract still open?.. unlike IDss where they have to close the deal on the same day, for RSS, they can hold forever..just pay the interest la. when they close the deal, than can say got profit or loss. As for kossan, they start shorting higher than this level form 4 january. So, they are not lossing la...infact.. RSS may making tons of money coz they have shorted Kossan above 4.30. its just to get more or enough at this level.


2021-02-10 16:27 | Report Abuse

who else not selling thier kosaan stock?.. too much dumping olready.. until pants also gone.. now time for side ways, or up la.


2021-02-10 16:00 | Report Abuse

prepare for green closing in


2021-02-10 15:57 | Report Abuse

buy la.. drop pun don't thing that much.. but once up.. sure kaw-kaw one..huhu


2021-02-10 15:53 | Report Abuse

this level at 4.04 already 3 days la.. seems quite stable and supported


2021-02-09 15:08 | Report Abuse

price seems stabilizing at this level..selling volume become less.. i guess, going to shoot up before closing. RSS olso tired already..they can buy back at this level without having loss..


2021-02-05 16:59 | Report Abuse

something must be great.. gone that balance in just seconds..huhu


2021-02-05 16:54 | Report Abuse

good stop at 25.. leading toward this level, daily volume always above 20m, thats a good indication.


2021-02-05 11:46 | Report Abuse

stop la recycling old news, find something new instead :-)


2021-02-05 11:14 | Report Abuse

looking at good progress, keep on winning contract, that why i put my money in. after all. price seems at the bottom olready la.. ok la ..not expecting sky rocket movement..20% good already in this turbulence time


2021-02-05 10:28 | Report Abuse

all these while, 1-day show only..except if close above 24


2021-02-05 09:38 | Report Abuse

most active stock....dont forget collect monetec as well..deep at the bottom now


2021-02-05 09:30 | Report Abuse

today hope we can get something big.. for Batu shareholders!!.. hehe


2021-02-05 09:23 | Report Abuse

sudah break that .245 barrier.. volume besar .. coming !!


2021-02-05 00:46 | Report Abuse

WHY BURSA THE WORST INDEX??.. con conter like this , same boat with Fintec, Netx, Vsolar.. continue become money laundering spot and become top trading in bursa.. that how pathetic bursa now under SC.. pp, sell to retail investor, while they cuci duit kiri kanan. ..too bad, lots of loop holes at bursa ruling that can allow this type of trading flourish in malaysia market.. new sick nation in asia.


2021-02-04 22:39 | Report Abuse

those who familiar with Karim style, should know by he uses warrant to cashing out money from investors, while still maintain his big stake at mother share.. look at Serba. Ex-Price almoset the same. sell while its still hot !


2021-02-04 09:38 | Report Abuse

sudah keras.. within 30 minutes, volume already over 20 mil.. :-)


2021-02-03 23:29 | Report Abuse

6 trading days from 25/2, no RSS on Kossan counter. .. something to consider..price keep on dropping, dont consider Friday spike which only due to gamestop huha only.


2021-02-03 23:05 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-03 11:30 | Report Abuse

please la..use yor brain, stop reposting the same materials over and over again, it doest help at all. talk something else more beneficial. Just buy and watch you tube, come back in 2 months time.


2021-02-03 10:47 | Report Abuse

dont just blame on shorties.. IBs and sharks always doing this type of activity, pressing down the price just for them to wallop again. both of them work hand-in-hand. probably every time glove counter spike for 2 consequtive time/days, shall be follewed by sudden drop after RSS players drop their stock at the highest price. than start collecting back 30-40 cents later. the vicious cycle continues. this time from both cycles la. we as retail players, have to be really careful about this movement.


2021-02-03 02:18 | Report Abuse

all of suddent all TG Rss gone !!. Supermax also reduce a lot. expect Kossan will fly tomorrow morning.


2021-02-02 21:26 | Report Abuse

gamestop drop becoz ppl start to realize and face reality that this stock worth very much less la.. of coz la hedge fund short this counter beyond limits..but emotional buying create frenzy until no use brain. Now, those retail investor TRAP FOREVER at the top, above $300. The real value is just about $13.. !!..

currently hedge fund having paper loss worth billions.. but they can still wait. at the end of the day..price will get back to the reality.. perhaps around $20..and they can happily close the deal. rugi sedikit jer.. compare to those who trapped above $300 !!.. rugi lagi more billions dollar and affect people across the nation. w'll see.. who's having the last laugh.


2021-02-02 21:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by Investgaogao > Feb 2, 2021 8:26 PM | Report Abuse

Those ppl sell on news are trader or short term players, they aim not to hold and wait for dividend... Different if you are institution players like our epf and fund management company


those FM playing not with their own money.. anybody can do that. they just buy stock at their whim and fancy.. winnig or lossing not a big deal, they still getting fat salaries.


2021-02-02 15:41 | Report Abuse

many trapped at 45 c this morning.. this contract only worth around $200 m/year with decent $20-30 m profits.


2021-02-02 09:26 | Report Abuse

haha.. Sell on news..never failed me, for stock that significantly up prior to the release of their good news


2021-01-31 23:33 | Report Abuse

remember shorties dont just short at $6, they can short at $7, $8, $10. and buy back after the price retreat 40-50 cents. its an IDSS but with longer time frame.


2021-01-31 00:04 | Report Abuse

when i heard about reminds me of Rakutan...those days when glove counters really hot..they purposely make it hang many times..early morning to give ways for ib to unload their stocks ..each time when price drop significantly.. well Rakutan owned by Kenenge... shit!!


2021-01-30 14:33 | Report Abuse

dont forget la.. not just PE, trend also very important.. the main problem now, all investors expect profit to drop started from 2022, nothing else but due to vaccines. Thats why even PE 10.. olso no use one. only the sentimen would puch this stock. Last time even PE=40 pon ppl still buying.

why cimb TP just $11, when it suppose to be values over $20.


2021-01-30 09:18 | Report Abuse

Kpower PE over 50 and they havent shown real value throough its QR performanve.. how much profit can be genereted every QR. .. juts beware about that. .. winning billions worth of contract is no use if profits peanuts only.. Sapura and some OnG companies are good examples.. they won contract by offerening very thin margin.. The current price already big bonus..think about it


2021-01-30 09:04 | Report Abuse

we are dealing with virus.. and something really weired with this covid..until today, doctors all over the world..seriously.. still unable to fuly understand its mechanism, the way it infected organs in our body..and most important is.. the best treatmend. even its symptom cery much diff from other type of respiratory virusus. Theyir symptm varies in diff people. thats says a lot about this pandemic.. and mutation will makes it difficut for us Its keep on mutating..and will never stop, .. i hv mention months only hope we got is..pray, covid will eventually mutate to less severe strain/variant.. wiil be diffiluct for the rest of our life.. why?..beco tis pandemis really out of control.. unlike human ever encounter.. last time, travel by ship only, and horse cart..huhu


2021-01-30 08:35 | Report Abuse

do you guys know whats happening right not the way covid patient being treated here?.. . for covid positive patient, if their condition is not "bad", they will b discharged after 10 days, W/O the need for ny swab test !.. and worst part of it.. with reminder, dont go for any swab coz result still positive for few weeks, and after that.. they body still prone for another new infeection.. thats what i hv been told by rcenty release ptient.. Just think about it.. our body still unable to produce good amount of immunity after being infected with the REAL Virus.. what else..just sme mRNA fragment thing.

Just stick to any glove counters. Notheing else can deliver stellar result for the nx 2-3 qrs


2021-01-28 13:04 | Report Abuse

almost 2 million shares bought at the end of transaction that push Kossan 9 cents.. same thing happend at TG.. both top RSS stocks.. possibilities that RSS players started buying back shares to recover loses on 1 week of january.. bty RSS also profits so much from last week performance.


2021-01-27 17:00 | Report Abuse

buy end of the day


2021-01-27 11:30 | Report Abuse

there still lots of region/area not badly affected, coming soon.. virus just moving around. no of cases not increase merely because limited test and health authority already tired of doing mass testing.. like here la.. now, if u got no sympton, no need to test..they just focus on severe infected patient. even allow ppl self kuarantie at home, the rest of family members no test if no symptom, backlog huge..


2021-01-27 11:25 | Report Abuse

take over management la.. awang plan to transform this company. not clear yet what he gonna do with it? ..since price quite stable at this level, no harm park your money here ... incase good news coming in..hehe


2021-01-27 11:17 | Report Abuse

RSS bleed to death?.. haha. they always win la.. same player IB+sharks. same team/guy, different account only.