
Ron90 | Joined since 2018-05-31

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2021-01-08 10:46 | Report Abuse

haha..exactly.. what i feel.. its the begining of glove bull runs.. vaccine news already digested well, some more more lock down, new strain, negative news of vaccine performence, etc.. ecomonic not good after all


2021-01-08 10:29 | Report Abuse

hold on tight2.. big exhchange at 11.24


2021-01-08 09:52 | Report Abuse

oil rise but consumption low.. lack down everywhere.. covid still run havoc.. no use price reach $60/barrel. Petronas cannot give commitment more this least at this current situation..


2021-01-08 09:49 | Report Abuse

no matter how much billion yidin promise, he himself uncertain wether can survice in politic or in covid. This gahmen anytime can collapse.


2021-01-08 09:47 | Report Abuse

when MCO..everybody die la.. except glove counters !!.. we gonna recoed daily infection rate 5000 in the couple of weeks. Tahun baru vacation clusters


2021-01-08 09:40 | Report Abuse

back to square 1.. when ppl realize local and world economy not moving, vaccine unable to stop the spread like wild fire.. hv to rely on confirm next 4QR positive and profitable business.. medical glove.. where else to park money.. some more, political scenarion very unstable, anytime contract terminated.


2021-01-08 08:31 | Report Abuse

There are 3 new features: (i) the Uptick Rule whereby RSS orders can only be keyed-in at a
price greater than the last traded price; (ii) RSS orders must be executed through designated
RSS Trading Accounts; and (iii) gross short transactions is limited to 10% of the total number
of listed shares of a particular Approved Securities. RSS activities will be suspended for 4
trading days from the day the limit is reached.

--from Bursa website


2021-01-08 08:26 | Report Abuse

i think..IDSS won BIG on Monday, when everybody still keliru and donno what's going to happen to gloves counters when shorrties came back. But tuesday they kena kaw-kaw, and wed.. didnt short much.. thursday, short sikit2. Uptrend momentum still strong..wait for time ppl complecent and starts buying big.. its where IDSS can strike big again. Very volatile when IDSS around


2021-01-08 08:11 | Report Abuse

il price up so much from $30 but our oil counter doest move much.. sure price of oil high, margin increase.. BUT.. when economy still down at local level.. company still strugguling, oil consumction still low, as such.. petronas pon gave less contract.. .. its the WORLD ECONOMY that really important.. even oil price low, volume high.. still make profit.. just now, price high..but lock down everywhere....


2021-01-07 16:25 | Report Abuse

let see how artificial block can tahan at 5.80.. its a good number lor


2021-01-07 16:21 | Report Abuse

no more IDSS towards the end of day la..


2021-01-07 16:04 | Report Abuse

one thing for certain..all vaccine news already factoring INN ... so expect sideways or moving upward.. esp if all of sudden.. vaccine not effectve..huhu


2021-01-07 15:55 | Report Abuse

wah..looks like IDSS really trying to press down the price.. selling volume huge..but sometime, gone..huhu


2021-01-07 12:47 | Report Abuse

glove factory can put robotic n automation ler.. no problem open one in USA.. one of the biggest buyer.


2021-01-06 14:27 | Report Abuse

of coz you can administer vaccine without gloves, also without mask, also at home or elsewhere.. do at your own Risk !!..


2021-01-06 12:25 | Report Abuse

2.97 breaking point lo


2021-01-06 10:48 | Report Abuse

volume today serously very low !!.. weird ..


2021-01-06 09:20 | Report Abuse

Bos is yiddin best partner ler.. this one people forgot ka?.. during his time at eucation (billion worth of project), kdn, now pm. ..need money for ellection.


2021-01-05 15:18 | Report Abuse

after bloodbath.. than all IBs giving very strong positive reviews towards gloves counter..haha


2021-01-05 13:12 | Report Abuse

couple = 2 la bro.. they must put somebody to replace Mr. Chan..must be Awang man. looking ofrward to it


2021-01-05 13:08 | Report Abuse

once news come out that vaccine not effectively protect people the whole time, vaccination may hv to continue for years, or perhps forever until covid gone.. but that wont be the case.. africa, south america, middle east, mid-asia etc.. its everywhere and keep on mutating, 4 time olready.


2021-01-05 12:38 | Report Abuse

give this Batu a couple of weeks, then we can assure Bawang can turn this Batu to gold or diamond? wait for the new announcement new Exec Director.. this Batu already at the bottom, no need to worry


2021-01-05 10:35 | Report Abuse

it would take years before we can really comfortable to deal whith this virus..dont expect within 1 year time. perhaps the whole US and EU vaccinated..what about the rest of the world??... covid will stay for decades.. true as moderna says.


2021-01-05 10:06 | Report Abuse

in the next couple of days will see what goin on after that 97 mil share transactons at end of last year.. that waz realy really big amount that we never seen before. ..something must be brewering hot?...


2021-01-04 19:43 | Report Abuse

aussie tunneling project got no news.. suppose end of 2020. mayb Aussie no money to proceed


2021-01-04 18:54 | Report Abuse

if u believe in gold mining prospect, think whos the one that doing the mining part? borneo oil partner..go figure


2021-01-04 15:31 | Report Abuse

getting new director la..


2021-01-04 12:13 | Report Abuse

their are moving from focusing on selling raw material (less untung) to upstream civil engineering project (banyak untung coz using own cheap materials!!). Gold mining with Borneo Oil yang havoc many months ago..(still)..many promising endavours. My layman views la.. no more KPowwe..hehe


2021-01-04 11:12 | Report Abuse

i forsee what minetech now is the same as what KPower many months ago..people sceptical..but can see the direction is coming in our way. Bawang and Karim same boat la. They are transforming underperforming company to support their main battle ship..serba. Can see the business starts coming one by one.. what if 1 or 2 of their 1.2 B EPCC tender got accpted?.. you will scaramble to grab as what happened to Kpower now.


2021-01-04 02:55 | Report Abuse

wait until foreign investors coming in..than Serba jadi kena


2020-12-30 15:05 | Report Abuse

very big volume .. cannot go wrong this time.


2020-12-30 00:56 | Report Abuse

just wait for the day when ews come out that the recently introduce vaccine failed to prevent infection from new strain of covid19 .. it wont take that long


2020-12-21 07:37 | Report Abuse

too long already waiting for australia project award.. suppose this year.. now getting closer to end olready.. HSR aggrement also end this year.. but where is the news??..huhu


2020-12-21 07:27 | Report Abuse

those in medical industry sure knows that virus always mutating, especially when exposed to various environment and infection level..the more we fight them with drugs, the more theu retaliate with come we still canot fight HIV and other viral infections until today??.. this Prizers adn Moderna should focus on that virues that sure brings tons of money as well.. becos they still cannot !!. HIV got vaccine but ALL of them not reliable... simpy becozz of mutation


2020-12-18 16:57 | Report Abuse

second day in a row.. almost 20% transaction were carried out at the end of the trading days..


2020-12-16 15:56 | Report Abuse

commuter cannot lawan high speed train la.. in business world, 10 minutes cost huge different la.. With high speed train to cpnnect singapore, KL, Penang..very good one


2020-12-16 11:30 | Report Abuse

someine were buying company warrant ridiculously this morning..volume jump to over 50 mil now... looks like they are expecting someting big to the mother share?? Australia tunneling project should be issued end of this year and HSR..


2020-12-15 15:51 | Report Abuse

Morgan effect already been absorbed by the market..


2020-12-14 15:13 | Report Abuse

this lousy counter..been telling this for months..look at Kpower..3x already, even other O&G counters all recovered. this Serba tak Kena really fu#4 stock !!.. .what 2.00.. even at 1.90 cannot stand.


2020-11-12 01:36 | Report Abuse

PP and ESOS in billion...doest not look genuine business.


2020-10-22 15:13 | Report Abuse

ya la.. buying interest increasing..whats the news ah?


2020-10-12 15:38 | Report Abuse

G-we moving high !!


2020-09-25 23:14 | Report Abuse

get ready with your money.. Yidin cabinet gone case olready .huhu . if your money.. If Anwar become PM.. sure bursa fly over the roof.


2020-09-25 09:01 | Report Abuse

we gonna see uncertainty over this weekend.. Sabah result, PM and possible PRU 15 .. Malaysia at very crucial stage.. better sideline ler


2020-09-25 00:41 | Report Abuse

the only good news that we keep on waiting is the day when awang no more in this serba..


2020-09-25 00:06 | Report Abuse

watch the PE.


2020-09-25 00:01 | Report Abuse

volume not big in the last 2 days.. IB focusing on big 4


2020-09-24 23:51 | Report Abuse

this stock trend up and down within 50 cents.. simple psychological level at 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, and perhaps 4.00... however the recent high unable to penetrate 3.50 level for the second time, in fact lower than previous one.. if drop below 3.00..TA down trend.. run ler.. unless, got new contract news..huhu