
SaturnY | Joined since 2014-03-26

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2014-03-31 10:35 | Report Abuse

They are insensitive because they cannot speak our bahasa Malaysia. We should promote bahasa internationally. After the read some of the words like kauvanis.....walaoweh...they might misunderstand.


2014-03-31 10:29 | Report Abuse

Why is it important for Property Developers to do a M&A during these trying period?
M&A essentially means consolidation and regroup. When put in the right context, it really means making more efficient use of assets and effectively ensuring those sunken cost deliver to optimum. Normally when a M&A happens, there could be surplus of redundant skill and work force. Not forgetting a growing company will be saddled by high operating cost during sudden turn in economy or govt policy as in Malaysia' s case, will have no alternative but to maintain the bottom line for survival at best. This survival will depend on the cash flow and incoming unbilled.

On a more optimistic view, we are in a globalize world. This means that not all monies transaction can be seen by Bank Negara. This is so because not all money transactions and loans to developers go thru local banks and may even be transacted before coming in to Malaysia especially those involving China and ICBC. If such is the case, we may only see the value of business brought into Malaysia and the jobs it provides but not the real transaction.

With the remimbi now hub in Germany, this could also be a sign of the Chinese moving more business to Europe. This is so because you normally do not want to your business to be affected by net exchange losses due to currency exchange. Even as is, the view of a recovering Europe continent also can be viewed like a turnaround stock counter where the promising uptrend can deliver whatever that is already at rock bottom.

This bring me to my next point which is Malaysia and where we stand. Malaysia is unique in the sense that we are a more emerging country compared to Thailand and Indonesia. One being that it sits on the continent and is more stable than Thailand and second, it's still a developing country compared to Singapore which means the exposure and property asset values has not mature. In recent times, a lot has been said of Indonesia and it's property however, it remain that the country is decentralize with poorer infrastructure and commitment compare to Malaysia. The Chinese too view this as a good fundamental and possibility from geographical location and the fact Malaysia is showing more promising growth in Iskandar, KL and Penang.


2014-03-31 09:56 | Report Abuse

Should have a black ribbon day coming May for a downtrend anniversary.


2014-03-31 09:54 | Report Abuse

Dead stock walking,!


2014-03-31 09:44 | Report Abuse

But but the water location is 1500 km from Autralia.....they must be good....maybe u r right, Malaysia cannot


2014-03-31 09:31 | Report Abuse

Why are they like that? It's our plane why did they push us over and take over?


2014-03-31 09:30 | Report Abuse

How arr now Australia take over....


2014-03-31 08:26 | Report Abuse

Australia has taken over the SAR.......


2014-03-31 00:20 | Report Abuse

They have tomorrow to meet which I doubt they could


2014-03-31 00:14 | Report Abuse

My only consolation is St Mary is in KL Central and as is KL Central property has got to be selective. Security must be tops and no two ways about it.

My view of KL Central, is one which is becoming similar to Jakarta. High class community is only good within gated and living amongst the community. As is, security moving around KL City is no longer like before. During the day, it's a business community but in the night, the society changes. Security is only good within the gated community or malls where the premises are protected. And soon, soon it will be exactly like Jakarta, where only certain transportation and places can be openly trusted especially in the night.

While we move into the era of complex community, city property valuation continues to escalate. This is simply because the community has become one which is decentralized. Decentralized because Large malls have already move away from the city center however transportation today has not reach it's optimum point. All transport is still centralize in KL ie KLSentral while the lrt and mrt network is still limited and it's integration to feeder busses coverage are poor. This brings transportation users to park their car at the closer station instead of taking a feeder bus. This is all true today, but in the coming years the real decentralize will live up to its meaning when the transportation network (with or without integrated feeder busses) becomes more mesh in their coverage and reachability. This also means that, as the MRT projects move on in phases, the property value will automatically escalate as more and more values are added into the transportation, it's ease and value added services which in turns makes seamless for the users.

When that happens, you can be sure that the valuation will not be one which escalates in value the nearer it gets to KL City Center only because with a well mesh MRT network lines and a decentralize business district , the commuting will be both ways.


2014-03-30 23:20 | Report Abuse

I really would like to get my hands on a EnO property. Had couple of cigars at St Mary residences but nothing like owning one apartment there......remains my dream and timing still isn't good and seems elusive


2014-03-30 22:14 | Report Abuse

Trops failed another date......hehehehe.....


2014-03-30 22:12 | Report Abuse

Wow next week I will be flying MAS with Business class it worth it?


2014-03-30 22:10 | Report Abuse

Tension in the air"...I like!!!!


2014-03-30 22:10 | Report Abuse

First time so much at stake from incumbent and opposition and investors to concessionaire.........beautiful......


2014-03-30 22:01 | Report Abuse

Beautiful China....will see double sling shot in Danga now......


2014-03-30 21:57 | Report Abuse

Drama Minggu Ini.....


2014-03-30 21:52 | Report Abuse

When no mans an island, they fight for another island......


2014-03-30 21:49 | Report Abuse

Thanks to Malaysia. Malaysia has done enough......damage, and wreckage could be anywhere.

News & Blogs

2014-03-30 21:47 | Report Abuse

With everything decentralizing, on another front, China is Hubbing renminbi in Germany. How smart is that?
Now they have a bond in US and a backup in Europe.


2014-03-30 21:40 | Report Abuse

Looks like China going to do own coordination and Australia is bringing in ex-defense boss to coordinate ........what does that tell Malaysia......Bravo I
Just as Hishamuddin was doing well and good....for nothing, they are decentralizing the SAR.......alamak

News & Blogs

2014-03-30 21:36 | Report Abuse

Looks like China going to do own coordination and Australia is bringing in ex-defense boss to coordinate ........what does that tell Malaysia......Bravo I


2014-03-30 17:32 | Report Abuse

You go boy...go tell them.
You tell CNN , FBI and Interpol too?


2014-03-30 17:26 | Report Abuse

damn this is what the world see Interpol to FBI and now Chinese. Our Govt must whack brave these ppl cannot talk like that.....we are Malaysia and we are always right...

News & Blogs

2014-03-30 17:18 | Report Abuse

don't worry, Bomoh see Duitbesar doing his job well.He should be compensated well! Same with Saufi the student of chinese school also doing great hammering his old school mate. This is the case of proving ones worth.


2014-03-30 17:11 | Report Abuse

don't worry, Bomoh is helping


2014-03-30 17:11 | Report Abuse

but PM say all gone....Now they say got to try find survivor. The fumbling statement has nothing to do with unprecedented.


2014-03-30 17:09 | Report Abuse

there are 14 other nations involve....Ther you go


2014-03-30 16:47 | Report Abuse

for Optimus its 0 0 Recognise?

News & Blogs

2014-03-30 16:42 | Report Abuse

way why British never help us arrg?

News & Blogs

2014-03-29 18:57 | Report Abuse

Wah why all these countries and fraternity are abandoning Malaysia....we tried what....

Inmarsat: 'Ended in ocean' theory not ours

2.40pm: British-based satellite company Inmarsat distances itself from Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's conclusion that MH370 has "ended in the Indian Ocean".

Inmarsat spokesperson Jonathan Sinnatt says Inmarsat had only provided the information and it was for the Malaysian government to draw its own conclusions, reports China Daily.

"We provide our information to the Malaysians, and they combine that with all the other information which they have, which we wouldn't know about, and then they draw their conclusions from that and make their own announcements on that basis.

"We aren't a party to what the Malaysians announced, that's up to them, because they see the full picture. We just contribute one set of information," he is reported as saying.

Najib on the night of March 24 delivered a grim press conference announcing MH370 had "ended in the Indian Ocean" citing analysis of Inmarsat's satellite data.

However, the announcement has fuelled anger among the Chinese families of the passengers, who refuse to accept the conclusion until the aircraft is found.


2014-03-29 18:56 | Report Abuse

Wah why all these countries and fraternity are abandoning Malaysia....we tried what....

Inmarsat: 'Ended in ocean' theory not ours

2.40pm: British-based satellite company Inmarsat distances itself from Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's conclusion that MH370 has "ended in the Indian Ocean".

Inmarsat spokesperson Jonathan Sinnatt says Inmarsat had only provided the information and it was for the Malaysian government to draw its own conclusions, reports China Daily.

"We provide our information to the Malaysians, and they combine that with all the other information which they have, which we wouldn't know about, and then they draw their conclusions from that and make their own announcements on that basis.

"We aren't a party to what the Malaysians announced, that's up to them, because they see the full picture. We just contribute one set of information," he is reported as saying.

Najib on the night of March 24 delivered a grim press conference announcing MH370 had "ended in the Indian Ocean" citing analysis of Inmarsat's satellite data.

However, the announcement has fuelled anger among the Chinese families of the passengers, who refuse to accept the conclusion until the aircraft is found.


2014-03-29 18:41 | Report Abuse

It's called Transformer: The dark night rising


2014-03-29 18:40 | Report Abuse

I heard Bollywood seriously going to do a transformer...

News & Blogs

2014-03-29 16:38 | Report Abuse

Alamak Interpol also strike back.....we shouldn't be harping the same thing over and over again and now Interpol whack back. Next they will ask why Singapore can and malaysia imigration can't.....when the passengers is double that of Malaysia.....aiyayaya

News & Blogs

2014-03-29 16:32 | Report Abuse

According to FBI , we did not use our brains....alamak.....why lah

News & Blogs

2014-03-28 23:54 | Report Abuse

The problem is, can anyone accept that the plane has crash and everyone has died?
I think the hard part is, there is no body of evidence and second, the plane wreckage has not even been found. Third,the announcement by PM was again base on experts using 19 Centrury and Doppler physics to derive where the aircraft ended.

All the above is fine except the flaw in the argument itself. Firstly Malaysia maintained up till now that we act and brief based on investigated facts gathered. However the above announcement by PM has no evidence and is only true if you find the wreckage and then reverse prove that Doppler is accurate. Up till now, after the PM's announcement, satellite spotted debris are not found while Malaysia has admitted at this point to withhold information. Do you think those with family or friends on board should be satisfied even though they initially may have accepted the Pm's announcement.but no still cannot recover the wreckage? The excuse of rough seas and imminent danger to the SAR personnel can be accepted if the deduction that the flight crashed was not announced earlier.
What do you think?


2014-03-28 18:44 | Report Abuse

In truth Mahahtir was around in every major crisis and event more than anyone knows. He was around when he was not in Malaysia when Anwar was acting PM, and all those that were reported with proxy eyes. Who are they? For one Daim. You cannot clap without a pair of hands.
With each empowerment, the second man gets evaluated and history has proven all the second man did not succeed this assiduous ex PM.


2014-03-28 17:39 | Report Abuse

Queuing at 1.40 ...if you sell I will buy.....


2014-03-28 17:36 | Report Abuse

Believe it or not, I still not


2014-03-28 13:30 | Report Abuse

Isn't that sufficient to find the plane earlier? Siege mentality again? What's about our security?