
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2023-10-15 10:44 | Report Abuse

usually Tourist will avoid Travelling by Air During Arab/Israel War. Palestine sleeper cells will start operating.
Most likely they will target "White Tourists"----Bangkok already beef-up security


2023-10-15 10:36 | Report Abuse

Confirm joining Gaza War---Iran, Jordan, IraQ----Holding pattern: Saudi & UAE & Egypt & Turkey
Confirmed US 6 Fleet in Mediterranean On War Duty
Confirmed Israeli will Enter Gaza
The Battle of Gaza minimium 6 months in making-----Oil will be very volatile on the High Side


2023-10-14 10:10 | Report Abuse

If Anwar can Hide Zahid with DNAA what is GeG???


2023-10-14 10:06 | Report Abuse

While GeG is popular with NGO, several UMNO politicians are against it ( i found this out even before 1st
Parliament reading ) UMNO said they have lost 70% of youth Vote due to Bad image and coming GeG is
a final nail on there Head----If there is a another 2nd Reading GeG, most likely 1-2yrs from now or just
disappeared----GeG will be heavily watered down version


2023-10-13 18:57 | Report Abuse

If this Revenue Loan Plan is executed-----It will suck All AA profits---Bcos the 10 destinations had to be the
MOST profitable Ones


2023-10-13 18:55 | Report Abuse

Drastic move when you used 10 destinations REvenue to support Bond. Can AA planes FLY without Tires and
Pilots / staffs to service. How to pay maintenance??? ( RI and Ah Loong ) As i say again and again, if you Burnt
Bankers Hair-- Botak, they will remember you for ever ( absolutely NO loan for operating Expenses---you have
look for foreigners Charging 18---25% interest )


2023-10-10 09:10 | Report Abuse

SinKalan ULAR's TP-----RM7 ( 2050 ---2051 )


2023-10-09 09:33 | Report Abuse

This Hamas / Israeli War is going to last as long as Ukraine War---USA is sending Battle Carrier Group---
Iran / Russia are supplying weapons to Hamas just like EU/US supplying Ukraine---In the End thousand of
Plestinian will be Killed---Isreali will most likely WIN but at a great Cost
Cap-A will be a collateral Damage due to spiking Oil price


2023-10-08 16:26 | Report Abuse

I think T.Sri will be promoting the "Cha-Cha Dance again" One step forward, 2 steps back----DonT waste time
here if you want some excitement in LIFE-----Try DPS if break 70sens--I am just watching this stock


2023-10-08 16:19 | Report Abuse

Street Term for a Good stock, not TA or FA but its price can climb every week. I think Captain A is taking
a 3 months Rest & Recreation Break. Most likely Drift below 80 sens


2023-10-07 17:56 | Report Abuse

China's first domestically-manufactured large passenger jet has successfully completed its maiden commercial flight. State TV showed the C919 rising into the skies above Shanghai, heading to the capital Beijing early on Sunday.

COMAC (C919 ) is 40% Cheaper than AirBus and it has 1200 orders ( can produce 150 per year ) This plane can
reach Bangkok from HK and GuangDong ( After refueling can reach KLIA and Singapore) AA is facing serious
competition from China with Cheaper Air Ticket ( cheaper planes )


2023-10-07 17:14 | Report Abuse

I am really very confused my Ular ( chanting, chanting )----As far as I know, Buddha just say He can help his
disciple to achieve a Perfect Soul ----Like a unblemish Glass, 100% translucent, no sex, no foul-mouth people,
NO Gambling---
Some How Ular has twisted Buddha teachings-----According to Ular, you can hold your kukuChiao, Lay Bet on
stock market -----BUT most important thing you must Do, start Chanting what He teaches you


2023-10-07 10:13 | Report Abuse

Revenue vs Fuel= 40%
Revenue vs maintenance & staff Cost =33%
Finance and Lease Cost =13%

Just 3 items above wipe-out 86% of revenue----Left 14 % Revenue to tackle nitty-gritty expenses.
For sure AA will not refund Bookings Fee ( there is no money Left )
Manyak susah for profitable Airline Industry unless Fuel price drops


2023-10-06 15:51 | Report Abuse

Revenue ( new normal ) is 475mil But Operating Expenses is 574mil----T.Sri has to close more factories to Cut
operating Expenses. Simple guess is: T.Sri has to Closed New factories too to make Ends Meet


2023-10-06 15:37 | Report Abuse

next year this Time there will be another massive Impairment loss---Current impairment is just closing
Old factories---New factories NOT included ( next year this time, you see )


2023-10-06 15:20 | Report Abuse

impairment loss is directly linked to closing Factories----Less Factories Less Revenue in Coming Quarters so
next Qr is NEW normal ( low Revenue ) T.Sri cannot Dream to be Billionarie----Market price will adjust accordingly"""40sen"""coming faster than you think-----T.Sri will commission New job for Ular ( Officially name Hair shaver ) During Covid T.Sri has Dream He is multi-Billionarie Hair---now too many Body Hair


2023-10-06 14:50 | Report Abuse

I have said many times "impairment Loss " has to Come.----Just 380mil Loss--T.Sri so kedekut, Should be More


2023-10-06 08:44 | Report Abuse

today 2 stocks will suffer " potential" crash roof plunge---TopGlove & Cap Ayam


2023-10-05 18:32 | Report Abuse

I think EPF wants to Gain back 16-17% holdings by "Eating" Prudential Holdings around 5%---Going to be Long
Nite till December


2023-10-05 17:48 | Report Abuse

I think 31 Dec 2023 is Not the final extension------March 2024 or March 2025???????????
AAX holders will have a Nuts shrink into a Green Pea


2023-10-05 17:19 | Report Abuse

SSLee Pilot License suspended


2023-10-05 17:18 | Report Abuse

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company, RHB Investment Bank Berhad wishes to announce that the Company had on 5 October 2023 submitted an application to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) for an extension of time until 31 December 2023 for the Company to submit its regularisation plan to Bursa Securities.


2023-10-05 16:01 | Report Abuse

If No announcement tomolo How????
Saturday announcement, Tony on a plane pilot by sslee travelling in the General Direction where MH370
had landed


2023-10-05 09:42 | Report Abuse

Term Loan is surely given by AirBus controlled Bank----Main term is surely Buy AirBus planes only for next
50years---Double Digit interest Rate----Technically AA works for AirBus. Half of AA profit will be siphoned
to AirBus----Everything sounds so Good for aax ( 95% HairCut for Planes Manufacturer ) Now AirBus shave
aax's body Hair without cream


2023-10-04 16:57 | Report Abuse

Come-On RP done by Investment Bank ( already collected their Fees 6 months ago ) Tony wants to submit
to Bursa or Not-------Lu pula pasal


2023-10-04 16:54 | Report Abuse

Today and tomolo last, last Day, Bursa grants another 3 months extension


2023-10-03 21:15 | Report Abuse

If Loan is in exchange for Shares, then you can submit inside RP... I think if AA going to put more and more Planes
running then operation / maintenance cost will leap immediately


2023-10-03 18:03 | Report Abuse

I thought Tony wants to Reduce CAP's Debt, but instead take up another 645mil Loan---Syabas Tony.
DonT care what people say---Die-Die DonT care
Whether AA has Cash problem or Not----Books say got manyak cash---Good Biz


2023-10-02 17:50 | Report Abuse

Actually is just 3 days Left to submit Regularisation Plan as of 5PM.....2 days to fine Tune 400pages----I think
most likely HeadLine----Good Morning T.Sri, Datuk, then Blank ( intentional Left Blank ) Signed Tony----
Request for Further Extension most Likely!!!!!!!!


2023-10-02 14:45 | Report Abuse

Best option is to delist for 2 years to Fixed the Books.


2023-10-02 10:41 | Report Abuse

Bobby Chai ( jaguh Kampong Financial Analyst ) Cannot find One Good stock in 1000 Bursa Listing----Have to
come to Sapnrg every Day ( 8.00AM to 11 PM ) 24/7 to Bottom Fish---When we ask, Fishing Here, normal
response, I swear by my Father's Nut, no such thing ( Not telling the Truth, ---Be Careful DonT leave house in
Thunder Storm---Lightning Strike )


2023-10-01 10:14 | Report Abuse

Nobody wants Bobby Chai to Buy SAP. Everybody said "DonT Buy please"----Yet one day Bobby will Dive in
Then you will read in Star Paper " Sap Investor Abuse Family member after missing the Boat "


2023-09-30 22:35 | Report Abuse

Petronas bought 40% from Frances "Total Energise" Block 20 in Angola----SAP secure Gas Contract also
in Angola-----No need to Guess All Petronas Angola projects will be Sapu by SAP


2023-09-30 18:43 | Report Abuse

USA is now trapped between a rock and a Hard place in 2024. In the heat of sanction & Chip war, Janet Yellen
( secretary of USA Treasury ) flew to Bejing 2 months ago, Why?? To urge China NOT to Dump 800 billion
Treasury Overnite if USA Drop interest Rate whereby US Bond price will go UP.----China Need Gold for BRICS
currency. Period.---IF China DUmp 800 Billion US Treasury, Japan will follow Bcos Gold price will Leap---
Who doesnT want WindFall Profit!!!!!!!!! 41 billion USA Debt has to be Re-finance in 2024, No if or But---
Buy Good Coffee for Great Show


2023-09-30 14:52 | Report Abuse

No Banker want to Talk about SAP 10 Billion Debt ( in US$ )----Almost CERTAIN Ringgit will appreciate
against US$ next year----How about 2.5 instead of 4.30????? SAP's 10billion US$ Debt is just 5 billion Ringgit..
What makes you think I am wrong---as of now All EU countries are in recession ( next year USA will Hit
recession path ) I am sure December 2023, will be a month of massive Capital Flight from USA to ASEAN
bcos US need to re-finance 41 billion of Debt and 113 billion in 2025 ( so how Drop Interest Rate?-----
But US$ will KAPUT )


2023-09-30 09:38 | Report Abuse

Oil will continue to rise in $US term not bcos of supply / Demand But bcos Major BRICS oil exporters ( Saudi,
Russian, Qatar, UEA even Malaysia are using local currencies to Trade----When Trade donT use US$, US$ will
turn into Toilet Paper due to Washington 28 Trillion Debt ( cannot print money bcos nobody use )----To make
things more difficult for US$, China 40% of Oil Importer is switching to Gold to anchor Yuan thereby China
is Selling US treasuries almost 800billion Left ( Japan following close second, Third Britain----All unloading US$ )


2023-09-29 10:14 | Report Abuse

This "snake" Public Bank, only 2 days ago Tp 2 sen----Today 3.5sen----Whopping 75% increase---What Type
of Bank analyst ( Form 5 Graduate ) can change TP by 75% in 2 Days ( bloody snake )


2023-09-28 16:37 | Report Abuse

I saw a Loser tomolo----Bob the long Nose. If Bob just know how to sell Nasi Lemak, donT pretend to be
Top Kampong financial Analyst----everyday give advise to itek and Ayam ( animal just want Nasi only )


2023-09-28 10:39 | Report Abuse

I think SAP Management should Hired Tony ( AAX ) as consultant for restructuring. Tony answer to Creditors
is really simple----You Get my underwear Or Nothing ( Hair-Cut 95% )


2023-09-28 10:35 | Report Abuse

20 Sept must announce Qr result ( T.Sri 's standard On Time release even Massive Loss )
Maybe T.Sri getting "Beng Ong" or Cannot Explain Why Heavy Losses----see you Fri ( 6 Oct )


2023-09-28 10:22 | Report Abuse

Let see tomolo 7 sens Next week 10 sens ( Good and Bad ) Bcos this forum will be attack 24 / 7 by loser Bob


2023-09-28 10:19 | Report Abuse

Where Got Biz management "Pay Off All their Debt Just bcos they can Do it " In Biz owing suppliers is a
God Given "Rights"----It is standard since Human can Count -----Of Course Biz Must be a On-Going concern
for next 200 years or so.----If Not Bankers will sharpen their Parang just like SerB ( where Got chance to escape
and keeping talking like Cap-A, AAX and SAP )


2023-09-28 09:01 | Report Abuse

Looks like BOb Cannot sleep last nite, start posting 8:00AM while most supporters still having Good Dream
last nite. Most Dreams are Bankers with their most Beautiful GRO receiving Bank Deposit from "Supporters "


2023-09-27 21:05 | Report Abuse

this Qr results is more like a soft Cushion to break any Fall in price. Any upbeat push will reach 10sens with
$90 Oil price as "Lubricant"


2023-09-27 17:16 | Report Abuse

Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools speak because they have to say something - Bob

Wise man shout bcos Nobody listen----Fools talk bcos they think alike


2023-09-26 11:36 | Report Abuse

merge MBSB & MIDF has NO synergy....just like a Red Marble and a Blue Marble in a Bowl ( No matter how
you shake it, the Outcome will Not be a BasketBall -----Technically waste Time )


2023-09-25 15:27 | Report Abuse

CIMB started RHP Cap & MBSB merger Talks is fuelling current rally ( not OSK earnings getting Better )
Question is-- will OLH sell RHB stakes to " New Co " if Deal is confirmed GO. After all many merger Talks
had Failed, OLH must be eager to unload RHB----Setting up Yellow Stone Foundation to take up RHB
stake is one way to circumvent 5% limitation of individual holding Banking Shares


2023-09-25 15:11 | Report Abuse

@singor, u sound like the deal with creditors still far from reach!!!

Maybank started Talk of MHB-SAP Merger.....must has some kind of Vested Interest?????
Maybank portion of SAP 10Bil Loan must be around 5Bil.......MayBank syndicate with JP Morgan to Sell
50% of Sapura OMV should Net Billion........MayBank is going to earn hundreds of Million from Services.
PNB where got lose money ( lost one End, earn back another end )


2023-09-24 18:28 | Report Abuse

Transition period is always very Chaotic bet. Oil and Green Tech......That is reason nobody wants commission
NEW Rigs


2023-09-24 18:24 | Report Abuse

The most important Group is the Court Cluster Group ( SAP owe about 1.5Billion ) I think Management is
trying to nego.. for 50% payout and 50% in tranches after receiving Cash injection from White Knight ( these
group are more critical than Bankers----one time HongLeong Group MD told me uneducated Barbarians
speak very foul Language .