
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2022-05-31 16:53 | Report Abuse

someone bought 130million shares @0.085 after 4:50pm


2022-05-31 16:09 | Report Abuse

This type of shares with Nosh 15,979 million some more with RSS, even back to normal financial condition,
Not true. Nosh Free Float is around 2 Billion. Bcos PNB plus other maicai hold 47--55%. Too many Trapped
from RM4 Down to 30cents


2022-05-31 15:31 | Report Abuse

I think Oil will be around for the next 20years. Look at EU today----fell apart after yesterday vote to Ban
russian Oil. Invest in Wind, Solar and Nuclear need 100Trillion US Dollar in 10years to replace Oil....Talk is
Cheap when money is concern. 100Trillion just replace 50% of Oil Consumption in the West........Africa,
India, Pakistan cannot afford Anything


2022-05-31 15:16 | Report Abuse

When Harapan wins GE14, Umno and Pas went on the attack that DAP will siphon All Bumi Fund to the Chinese.
Mahathir has No choice but ended asking PNB to bailout SAP. Now it is UMNO turn


2022-05-31 15:09 | Report Abuse

asset sale will put "pressure" Umno to rescue ailing Sap asap. However i heard it is the amount needed to
bailout Sap that MoF is pondering about, to save Sap is a foregone conclusion and important GE15 agenda


2022-05-30 16:47 | Report Abuse

You F**King said bad news for last 6 months


next QR will be even worse due to shanglai lockdown in apr n may, logistic issue and higher raw material which KPS mentioned in the future prospect in the latest report.


2022-05-30 09:25 | Report Abuse

Shameless con-man roger dare to make comment here. For someone who doesnt know how to read
financial report dare to openly give comments


2022-05-29 15:09 | Report Abuse

Results is RM16.395mil profit After Tax And 2.5sen Dividend ( start distributing Sales Profit from Sprint---117m)


2022-05-29 14:57 | Report Abuse

where is Z-Pet mouth Roger? Going so LOW to manipulate Qr results...11mil profit BEFORE TAX!!!!!!!


2022-05-27 17:41 | Report Abuse

Profit 16.395mil and another 2.5cents Dividend....Listen to this Z-pet mouth Roger, you have to sell yr House


2022-05-27 10:27 | Report Abuse

Steal other ppl's underwear to renew FD lah

Not bcos ular want to--- but his is full of Holes


2022-05-27 09:13 | Report Abuse

15sen Dividend from Sprint Sales possible


2022-05-26 20:09 | Report Abuse

tomolo Onwards TG trading Volume will expand rapidly. Bcos EPF can unload 400mil in silent Mode( below5%)


2022-05-25 20:18 | Report Abuse

with supeer results out, Tomolo Ular will swallow Both T.Sri Telur and make a run to Himalaya Caves.
I hope Ular can survive in Himalaya for several month bcos T.Sri Telur...cukup, cukup 2 Ton each


2022-05-25 20:10 | Report Abuse

last Qr loss 36mil, 1Q22 results was due 21May....further delay release means holland again


2022-05-25 12:26 | Report Abuse

EPF keeps selling bcos it thinks T.Sri will keep supporting price. But T.Sri donT want to support price unless
EPF Stops selling. Both doing Tai Chi but Qr results will Nuke price..............How and what to do EPF TaiKor??????


2022-05-25 11:52 | Report Abuse

wait for 3:00PM show. Any EPF dumping will plunge TG to 1.35


2022-05-24 17:26 | Report Abuse

as i said yesterday, breached 1.50..."margin Call"....Today is a clear show for margin Dump


2022-05-23 20:36 | Report Abuse

The coal supplied to the power plant is entirely sourced locally, via the coal supply arrangement signed with

The only problem with this type monopoly coal supply is " if you donT increase price, supply of Vietnam
Coal will just vanish in thin air ( siphon out to China thru Black market ). A very Good example is Malaysia
Cigarette Tax ( 55% ),..................."for every One Cigs produced in Malaysia, another one is smuggle in from Indonesia "


2022-05-23 10:49 | Report Abuse

Both SerB and Sap are Goreng stock for the moment...but SAP will last thru' GE15 with Lifeline thrown by
Umno. As i said before SerB is in Terminal decline, price wise.


2022-05-22 21:52 | Report Abuse

most Sap losses are impairment losses ( not cash losses). If Sap losses ( if Real ), Bankers want their money
back immediately ( like SerB ). Look at RSS position by Bankers, Sap is actually at Bottom of Ranking, TopGlove
is Top position


2022-05-22 18:05 | Report Abuse

EPF has about 430mil Left...Each week dump 70--120mil......Before Qr results, left 100mil


2022-05-22 17:12 | Report Abuse

absolutely Nothing spectacular even SAP goes LU to just return to price level 2 year ago.
As a matter of fact, PNB thru Amananh Fund might take this initiative to Sapu 200mil as they Did to Velesto
( many times to pop up price )


2022-05-22 17:02 | Report Abuse

as usual Velesto announce Contract( vietnam ) before Qr announcement comes next week
and ends with Qr results. No idea Qr outcome but if SAP goes Limit Up, it will pull Velesto Up too


2022-05-22 16:23 | Report Abuse

the pains when everybody got on to Bus and you came running and shouting wait,'s Gone


2022-05-22 16:18 | Report Abuse

donT like false News, go to Ukraine War Channel...why torture yourself here, unless you already SOLD


2022-05-22 15:22 | Report Abuse

compare with SerB, SAP trading donT need Cash-Up-front ( pn17 ). I think SerB trading will rapidly falls as
no indication MoF is going to save Karim and Co........Naturally Genting Boys will rush to SAP


2022-05-22 15:12 | Report Abuse

maybe we can See First "Limit Up" in 2022 for A Huge Cap like SAP if Sellers think MoF bailout will push
price back to 30sens ( first PNB bailout price )


2022-05-22 15:06 | Report Abuse

sapngr is heavy weight counter,.....more than 16bil. shares,......hard to goreng this counter,.

16billion shares are NOT all free float......PNB are holding 40% plus others GLC, very close to 55%
8 Billion free float is Not the bottom line also. Remember SAP falls from RM4.0 ( how many are caught in
between ??) Together with "Death hold Lots in Institution Vaults" and Ikan Bilis's Freezer package......I think
max goreng # of shares cannot be more than 2 billions ( as a record 1.5billion was traded before )
Current plunging to 7 sens is a major Roadblock to Draw Sellers.....I think 500mil shares TurnOver is more
likely with many Real Sellers refused to unload at a "Holding LOSS"


2022-05-21 17:10 | Report Abuse

all goreng kaki will shift to Sap on Monday.....MoF in serious discussion to Bailout Sap....SerB will ask for
mercy from bank's knives. DonT think Gov can bailout both Sap & SerB


2022-05-21 16:23 | Report Abuse

Actually it is Mahathir who FIRST step in to save Saprng after his Son brought Shahril to meet at then Pakatan the mentally is the same, Umno Must save a mega Bumi Co ( second biggest in the World )


2022-05-21 16:18 | Report Abuse

MASSIVE Rally on Monday. You Sold last week...Cat Call of Pains from Saturday until next Monday 9:00am.
MoF rescue is seriously discuss among Umno Dept. bcos BN cannot allowed PNB and Banks to loss too
much money. It will cause instability before Election and Umno will be blamed


2022-05-21 13:57 | Report Abuse

Ular for the last 2 months (everyday yelling 1.50 CANNOT be broken ) TanSri and All his cockroaches will
Sai-lang to support ( underwear, kitchen sink, even Pet Cats and Dog All throw in )...Now 1.45, so quiet,
always hiding inside mummy toilet bowel


2022-05-19 17:48 | Report Abuse

Breached 1.50....Will trigger Margin Call next week...99cents on the way....i sincerely believe there is NO
upside in next 3 months Or years. Nobody in EU or USA cares about Omicron anymore ( just another
serious FLU ) Ukraine war is more important to them ( sending huge Arms to fight and downgrade Russian
military is MORE important )


2022-05-19 17:00 | Report Abuse

Careful........EPF liquidating position


2022-05-19 14:37 | Report Abuse

If Petronas take-over Sap, it is just Vertical Integration. Petronas all this while just hand-out contracts to Sub-Con to Drill and extract Oil for Petronas to Sell. Sap is the sub-con that can lay piping, construct platform and
also do Deep sea Drilling. I think SAP will get alot contracts due to EU boycott Russian Oil. But at current
financial situation, staying afloat is already a remarkable achievement


2022-05-16 14:54 | Report Abuse

I still think coming Qr is still a Loss......minimum 20mil ( i even Top-Up Vietnam contribution by 12mil )
Reason: i donT think this coming Qr is any different from last Qr...even drag down by CNY and lack of
local projects contributions ).......Surprise me Jak pls


2022-05-13 17:27 | Report Abuse

donT think Ular tries to Con people. But he is just a Very, Very LOUSY Promoter....Talks day and night with
Nothing SOLID


2022-05-12 16:25 | Report Abuse

Ular goes hiding Or give up. Trying to pull Two-2Ton Nuts up Hill is hard. But when the Batang is Chopstick
size, things just refused to move.


2022-05-12 15:00 | Report Abuse

Chinese New Year Celebration major contribution to Heinkein's 1st Qr Profit
Eat, Drink, Smoke on Chinese New Year.......BAT is almost certain to bring spectacle Result like HeinKein
Separately in a statement, Heineken attributed its improved revenue mainly to higher sales driven by easing of Covid-19 restrictions, effective commercial execution during Chinese New Year as well as revenue growth initiatives such as price adjustments for certain products in the preceding quarter and promotional spend optimisation.


2022-05-12 10:28 | Report Abuse

Public Bank Tp 1.48, obviously PB has many clients Trapped...Harta Tax Makmur is 400mil, can TG taxes be


2022-05-11 12:48 | Report Abuse

Petronas just need to spend 1.5 billon and can acquire both Serba and Sapura. Combined market capital for

DonT think PNB or Petronas will save SerB.... SAP and SerB are basically doing the same kind of projects
Waste money to save SerB bcos its asset is highly questionable and Projects possibly "none existence"


2022-05-11 11:51 | Report Abuse

Ular the Official Nut Carrier has been busy Dig New caves in Himalaya for himself and T.Sri


2022-05-11 11:49 | Report Abuse

Now after 1.5year, TG looking at Bottom of Glove Counters due Over investment and Tan Sri Dreaming to
be Top 3 Billionarie in the World has abused Cash flow by share buyback ( 1billion )


2022-05-11 10:47 | Report Abuse

Ular will surely re-appear later...surely claiming Himalaya Cave Collapse ( has to dig his way out )


2022-05-11 09:39 | Report Abuse

I think most Buyers last 2 Days are Sharks ( only they Got huge Cash ) Ikan Bilis are ALL drinking instant Coffee
watch the Freak Show. If Ikan Bilis Dont go in, Sharks have to recycle " previous Buyings " everyday causing
Waterfall......I hope ikan Bilis has "Learned " wasting pension if very painful


2022-05-11 09:24 | Report Abuse

so many ppl dont even understand why Harta reported almost 200 mil losses and yet the share price up 0.06

IB holding Hundred and millions will NOT allow price to Drop ( that is Final ) Once Ikan Bilis move to
other shares, IB will slowly Liquidate At Control price....Bad Qr is Bad Qr, no IF or But....Ikan Bilis is much
smarter than IB in every sense ( they can move fast bcos small Holdings )


2022-05-10 14:03 | Report Abuse

Harta Qr loss 190mil....Super is now Russian Tank marked Z....anytime Ukraine Switch Blade Drone is going
to attack


2022-05-10 13:46 | Report Abuse

Limit Down afternoon section....Not expected such huge Loss but predicted losses slowly in "smaller" amount
long time ago