
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2020-08-15 14:41 | Report Abuse don't know how a Glove factory is built up. All the parts to make a Glove factory are
manufactured in China...the hand mould, the converyor belts, Latex storage Tanks and here
comes the MOST important item that very few Companies can Supply----unlimited supply of
Labor (100mil Chinese without Job as of Today )

Do you need Skill workers for Glove Manufacturing----Damn No----Bangla and Nepalis is Good
enough asked TopGlove. How much skill do you need for just removing the Glove from the mould
---Blow it up to check for leakages and put some Talc powder into it. Then pack


2020-08-15 14:11 | Report Abuse

I think Glovehaircut is talking sense while most ppl here listen to TanSri only.

For you all health conscious ppl, 3-ply face was quoted US$ 6 cents last week----it is now US$ 5 cents per piece today.....Actually i bought at 4.5 cents 2 week ago, now 10 containers sitting
at China port with No takers. I thought it is really cheap but now i am screwed


2020-08-15 13:46 | Report Abuse

China last quarter growth by 3.20% ---$300--400 billion nearly all from Medical Supplies


2020-08-15 13:44 | Report Abuse

200--300 New Glove factories has registered ( i dont know going online or not ) in China alone.

Don't underestimate Chinese capacity---bcos Chinese thinking is everything they do must be very
BIG. Big Mountain Bank behind can supply Billions in Loan with just one call for Politician

Like 3-ply face mask, on April 36,000 factories register as supplier. In August there are 76,000
3-ply face mask factories registered as Supplier


2020-08-15 13:25 | Report Abuse

2months ago, i can sell 10 forty footer containers of Examining Gloves every week. Today i can
sell only one 20footer every week. The demand is still there but price is rather High{ did't come
down} Competition from local suppliers is pressuring price.... Looking at TanSri 1Q20, i am wondering how TanSri can maintain High Production if supply of Glove has ramp-up all over the world and Price is starting to Fall. I am sure once Vaccine starts to flood the market, Glove price
will plunge 80% or more, no kidding bcos current marked price is 200--300%


2020-08-15 13:03 | Report Abuse

The Real Hit for TopGlove is USA Ban { within 2Qr announcement}. Remember FedFx and DHL
Planes parking at KLIA waiting to Load Gloves {everyday doing Round Trip.}

Now USA is blocking Glove entry for some stupid labour practise. No longer afraid of Glove shortages Or American Dying? How many containers are lockdown at Port? 10--20 containers


2020-08-15 11:51 | Report Abuse

iron. Technically no contra means you must have cash in your account before you can buy Glove
stocks...that is within stockbrokering house control { didn't violate Bursa Rules}
Kills ikan Bilis Buys for sure


2020-08-14 14:49 | Report Abuse

if everybody jump down to 10fL, Sifu also turned into pancake


2020-08-14 14:43 | Report Abuse

Singapore 2Qr GDP minus 12.6%. I think Korea is the 2nd best 7--8% (minus). Where to Run?


2020-08-14 14:31 | Report Abuse

Going back to starting Line. Next rally starts


2020-08-14 14:29 | Report Abuse

Brent turns Green. Velesto is back to starting Line


2020-08-14 14:27 | Report Abuse

Brent gone Green. Maybe Sap suddenly jump like the other Day


2020-08-14 13:02 | Report Abuse

most stockbrokering houses already predicted 12--15% last week....nothing New to me


2020-08-14 11:37 | Report Abuse

even Oil at 50, Saudi cannot breakeven. Last time i read, Saudi need 80 to support GDP growth.
After USA driving season over End-August, Saudi might Cut another Output Round


2020-08-14 11:08 | Report Abuse

GDP should be announced last Friday together with Singapore, Korea, Japan but Delayed
bcos Politician wants to polish here and there to look Good....Anyway the rest of Asia including
Japan reported Double Digits Loss ( no big deal what Malaysia announced this Friday--everybody
already knows the Number before hand )


2020-08-14 10:58 | Report Abuse

Lim Wee Chai got to protect his share Market Cap or-else if TP keep dropping --instead as listed
Billionaire, they will End up as Million-Hair


2020-08-14 10:53 | Report Abuse

Glove Counters very Bad sentiment, pulling index down. No problem, more Glove monies will
be released today or Monday. Prepare your self for another Dps Rally with Glove monies


2020-08-14 10:17 | Report Abuse

already a very good show if break back to 13cents with 80mil Vol. today. Any Vol. higher than 80m
-----it is Rally Time again


2020-08-14 10:06 | Report Abuse

The most profitable medical treatment for Covid is Not Vaccine.
The most profitable is Drugs for Treatment---like Remdesivir ( 3days----9 pills cost you $1000 )
Then comes Doctors and Nurses Bills, Ventilator Bills & Oxygen and lastly Daily Bed Charges
Easily $US3,000 Or RM12,000


2020-08-14 09:57 | Report Abuse

GDP between 12--15% Negative

Korea got vaccine from USA, China, Indonesia vaccine from China, Thailand making own vaccine,
Malaysia vaccine from Russian?( Any Brave soul as Guinea Pig )


2020-08-14 09:49 | Report Abuse

all waiting for Trade suspension announcement...where are all the insiders


2020-08-14 08:53 | Report Abuse

50cents Tp....Dps 1Qr20 has profit even 2weeks lockdown. No lockdown means no stop work at
property sector. KPS builds low cost houses...easily Sell


2020-08-14 08:37 | Report Abuse

fast consolidation. Today 2cents gain


2020-08-13 17:01 | Report Abuse

TopGlove PE 67. People still wallop. Liquidity driven price rise always ignore PE,TA, FA. 300--400% Up also Can


2020-08-13 16:53 | Report Abuse

Peter will be a very happy man tonight


2020-08-13 16:49 | Report Abuse

A 30% above NTA is normal Trading range. So KPS should be trading at 2.34


2020-08-13 16:47 | Report Abuse

KPS nta is 1.80 and price is 53cents...Seriously miss / match Or Totally neglected by investors.
Lack of promotion maybe


2020-08-13 16:39 | Report Abuse

Other big fish might hit Dps again tomorrow. So much liquidity from TopGlove sell off


2020-08-13 16:35 | Report Abuse

no news. Just big fish JJ said nta 0.21. So he put all his TopGlove profit into Dps


2020-08-13 13:47 | Report Abuse

3 months ago, i send out 100 sos message to China Glove factories to supply me atleast 1X20
container, eventhough i can take 10 containers anytime.

As of August, i have 30 new factories willing to supply me 1X20 container every week. Later in
the week someone told me there are 200--250 New Chinese Glove factories coming on line soon.
This crazy over building of capacity is insane


2020-08-13 13:18 | Report Abuse

Iron. Actually Foxconn is already in Malaysia (Johor) not very far KPS( Johor Branch) KPS
maybe already supplying plastic part too...but not a large scale. So when Foxconn moved to
Penang and Johor...KPS biz will Jump since KPS is the only Group big enough to supply Apple
plastic parts


2020-08-13 11:01 | Report Abuse

not small fish playing. Vol above 10mi before Noon


2020-08-13 10:44 | Report Abuse

someone pushing. I think maybe JJchan. He sold off TopGlove already. Now all in Dps


2020-08-13 10:42 | Report Abuse

Abnormal large Block at 0.510......someone wants to collect after Trump said no more "Made-in-HongKong in Sept 2020


2020-08-13 10:25 | Report Abuse

If TanSri Don't Buy-Back shares, how can he protect his Billion Capital Gain? Used small amount
to pop-up share is normal for vested interest Owner for Goreng-Up share


2020-08-13 08:48 | Report Abuse

Glove Industries are Heavy Investment but extremely Low tech. Suitable for Bangla and Nepali


2020-08-13 08:46 | Report Abuse

MayBank after 30years also RM 7--8


2020-08-13 08:44 | Report Abuse

Stucked in TopGlove for 20years, then you know.


2020-08-13 08:40 | Report Abuse

Liquidity (glove monies) comes from Glove counter liquidations


2020-08-13 08:37 | Report Abuse

powerful rally on the way


2020-08-12 10:05 | Report Abuse

The Bulk of KPS (subsidiary) Plastic Injection Biz comes from GuangDong/Shenzhen


2020-08-12 09:54 | Report Abuse

KPS will benefit enormously when HongKong Injection Plastics are Labelled "Made-In-China"
Almost US$100billion Electronics Plastics are manufactured in Shenzhen, China and
Marked as "Made-In-HongKong" to UK and USA


2020-08-12 09:17 | Report Abuse

What i know is if someone spend RM100mil to push up the price & Vol, he is not going to let Sap
price to falls again until he disposes all his shares.....standard form 5 thinking


2020-08-12 09:14 | Report Abuse

Today Volume is heading One Billion. Unbelievable number just 2 days ago. Up or Down, i don't


2020-08-12 09:09 | Report Abuse

DALIAN, China -- Chinese drugmaker Sinopharm is preparing phase three clinical trials for a coronavirus vaccine candidate in the United Arab Emirates.

Sinopharm affiliate China National Biotec Group received approval from UAE health authorities to run the late-stage trials, the company said late Tuesday. The Middle Eastern country plans to host the vaccine's production if the study is completed successfully.

State-owned Sinopharm aims to be the first group to put a coronavirus vaccine on the market. The schedule for the UAE trials has yet to be disclosed.

Phase three trials involve larger numbers of individuals and usually are the final phase before a drug is submitted for approval. Phase four studies in the U.S. are conducted after a treatment receives Food and Drug Administration approval.

Sinopharm, formally known as China National Pharmaceutical Group, is developing separate vaccine candidates at laboratories in Wuhan and Beijing. All human subjects in the Wuhan project's phase two trial produced antibodies, the company said June 16.

For the Beijing lab, Sinopharm installed equipment in April capable of producing 120 million doses yearly. The Wuhan lab is constructing a plant designed to make 100 million doses annually.

The World Health Organization cites 13 ongoing clinical trials for coronavirus vaccine candidates as of June 18. Five of them are being conducted by Chinese developers. Sinovac Biotech and CanSino Biologics have announced phase three trials in Brazil and Canada, respectively.


2020-08-12 09:08 | Report Abuse

DALIAN, China -- Chinese drugmaker Sinopharm is preparing phase three clinical trials for a coronavirus vaccine candidate in the United Arab Emirates.

Sinopharm affiliate China National Biotec Group received approval from UAE health authorities to run the late-stage trials, the company said late Tuesday. The Middle Eastern country plans to host the vaccine's production if the study is completed successfully.

State-owned Sinopharm aims to be the first group to put a coronavirus vaccine on the market. The schedule for the UAE trials has yet to be disclosed.

Phase three trials involve larger numbers of individuals and usually are the final phase before a drug is submitted for approval. Phase four studies in the U.S. are conducted after a treatment receives Food and Drug Administration approval.

Sinopharm, formally known as China National Pharmaceutical Group, is developing separate vaccine candidates at laboratories in Wuhan and Beijing. All human subjects in the Wuhan project's phase two trial produced antibodies, the company said June 16.

For the Beijing lab, Sinopharm installed equipment in April capable of producing 120 million doses yearly. The Wuhan lab is constructing a plant designed to make 100 million doses annually.

The World Health Organization cites 13 ongoing clinical trials for coronavirus vaccine candidates as of June 18. Five of them are being conducted by Chinese developers. Sinovac Biotech and CanSino Biologics have announced phase three trials in Brazil and Canada, respectively.


2020-08-12 08:44 | Report Abuse

TopGlove operating Cost will jump tremendously once scrutinised and Blackmailed by USA.
This is how EU and USA forced foreign manufacturers to comply with their standards.
However Chinese manufacturers and those from Vietnam are excluded from this Added
Regulation. When you are very Big like TopGlove, its visibility is very Bright and attracts
unnecessary attention


2020-08-11 21:28 | Report Abuse

risktransformer @JJchan, your comment on "PNB + GLC will goreng their majority owned stock" is an interesting speculation (I like that to happen too) but many government institutional funds (EPF, PNB/ASB, KWAP, etc) already lost RM10 billion to RM15 billion a few months ago when PH collapse & PN took over. The question is.... will they take on more risk? (goreng means taking exceptional risk with the hope of making exceptional profit in a short time).
21/07/2020 12:31 PM

I hope this "roadside palmist" risktransformer can give us a proper analysis of today performance