
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2020-08-10 17:32 | Report Abuse

I have no quarrel with Tony but i think he in "manyak problems". He should has married Tiffany Trump instead a "poor Korean woman". The shit has covered the entire breathing space


2020-08-10 17:19 | Report Abuse

See you ALL at 50cents


2020-08-10 08:54 | Report Abuse

Bull-Run 0.295


2020-08-10 08:53 | Report Abuse

Bull-Run......0.105 today


2020-08-07 16:30 | Report Abuse

bcos Mahathir announced new Party, everythings get postpone


2020-08-07 13:58 | Report Abuse

kps shifting between 1st and 2nd Gear this whole week with Good volume, i think it is going to move very soon


2020-08-07 13:42 | Report Abuse

if i see any dark shadows or movement, immediately sailang house, Dogs, furniture, kitchen sink
all in


2020-08-07 04:36 | Report Abuse

people dumped bcos of Covid but didn't expect PN gave 6months tax break to Auto Industries


2020-08-07 04:27 | Report Abuse

If Indo tactics is a success, it will be copied by other countries


2020-08-07 04:25 | Report Abuse

Indonesia started vaccination for Covid. Indo used same tactics as Russia...vaccinate and test
at the same time. If healthy adults developed antibody in 2 weeks, vaccination continue for 200million Indo. One stone kill 2 birds


2020-08-07 04:12 | Report Abuse

Iris can loss NIIS but vincent tan still made million by pump and dump Iris. Ikan Bilis are not
properly introduce to Vincent style yet. He must grab back somethings


2020-08-06 17:36 | Report Abuse

today big Vol. 4.46mill,..big fish chase last minute...prelude to 2.0 coming


2020-08-06 17:32 | Report Abuse

i think Sold be Stock Brokering House for margin account monthly interest payment...50k cash only
My margin account also has this type of auto selling if i ran out of Cash


2020-08-06 17:14 | Report Abuse

you know his core Biz is not furniture but fire insurance


2020-08-06 17:13 | Report Abuse

why blame Peter....fl888. Peter didn't Ask you to buy.


2020-08-06 17:02 | Report Abuse

usually Bursa required Co. to announce News immediately after confirmation of accepting
project...Alot news are spread by Sharks in Iris...Everybody in Co. management including Ceo
are prohibit from leaking news before official announcement to Bursa ( Penalty is Insider Trading....7--10years in Jail )


2020-08-06 16:54 | Report Abuse

someone even eat 1.450 after closing. 655,400 shares Done..Big fish


2020-08-06 12:49 | Report Abuse

Now even Rafidah is trembling with fear. The worst is coming.


2020-08-06 11:36 | Report Abuse

while Bankers and Con-Man give sky high Tp, TopGlove Director are selling at much low price.
Management never speak the True. China factory are increasing Capacity up to 300% come
Sept. I know bcos I get quotations from Them. How can TopGlove increase capacity and price?
The highest demand is not rubber Glove But 3-ply mouth Mask.

In April you cannot get more than 3pieces and cost 1.50 /pc. Now you can go to Maidin SuperMarket and Buy 50pcs for RM45....mid-Man makes 30--40%....There is no problem with
supply from China .....i just bought 2X20 containers


2020-08-06 10:42 | Report Abuse

Risk/Reward is too high for TopG. 28now and 32max, only 10% gain but if you are stucked at takes 10 or 20 years to get out ( can share same room with Najib in kajang Prison even-
though you did nothing wrong )


2020-08-06 10:06 | Report Abuse

He said Iris Corp has chalked up an impressive track record of delivering around 100 million e-passports, more than 150 millions eIDs /driving licence cards and deployed around 230,000 contactless
card readers in 28 countries.

***No-wonder Iris suffers so much accumulated losses. Had to compensate failed passports and
card reader*******


2020-08-05 19:52 | Report Abuse

my Iris-Made passport chip is defective. So is many people I know. Auto-Gate is a waste.


2020-08-05 15:41 | Report Abuse

The phenomenal explosion of Chinese Co. wanting to increase Glove Capacity has caused
Harta into a defensive mode...protect own customers demand First. Apr--June, Chinese capacity
has increased 200%. By now it should be 250--300%. The number of Chinese Glove suppliers
quotations submitted to my Co. has jumped from zero to 16 in Aug 20.
I don't think TopGlove 3Q20 results will be any better than 2Q20(pending)...Harta will not
change much in 3Q bcos management decision to defend own clients first...still can hold


2020-08-05 09:04 | Report Abuse

better wait for announcement first then Goreng. Maybe bigfish wants ikan bilis to go in now to
take over there high sell low


2020-08-05 08:46 | Report Abuse

Remember PRESTARIANG, It was given the Job bcos It is a 100% Bumi. Co. Now we in Snap
Election period, Don't Dream too much


2020-08-04 11:56 | Report Abuse

Big fish push-up 100mil in the morning and sell off before 12:30. Now ikan Bilis holding inflated


2020-08-04 11:50 | Report Abuse

Iris sellers reached 88mil..going 100mil {original push-up vol.} Afternoon Habis already


2020-08-04 11:19 | Report Abuse

All Iris goreng master will move to here if NIIS is awarded to Dnex. Easily 80 to 120 cents


2020-08-04 10:50 | Report Abuse

Big Fish push up Iris to do something--don't know what. Morning buy increase rapidly to 100mil, sellers suddenly comes in. Wait to 4:00pm. If Vol. hit 100mil, BB liquidate


2020-08-02 11:41 | Report Abuse

Bank Officers are going to protect themselves First. Margin accounts have to settle first, Bankers
don't care about AA restructuring, they will seize AA Planes and AA asset first before other
Creditors start Court procedures. AAX is really a Can of worms. The Show just Begins


2020-08-01 17:34 | Report Abuse

1Q20 loss 800mil, 2Q20 loss 1.0Bil , 3Q20 loss 500mil , 4Q20 loss 400mil. Expected 2bil RI gone
in Dec 2020----How price can be 1.30?


2020-08-01 16:51 | Report Abuse

I think even TopGlove profit margin will be falling rapidly. Total Glove output worldwide has increase
by 200%. You cannot find a single piece in WalMart SuperMarket USA in March, now you can buy
in Boxes. Most China Glove factories are on 24hrs shift since March 2020 ( no labour problem)


2020-08-01 16:33 | Report Abuse

KK. You can check 1Qr revenue and 2Qr revenue. Careplus has limited Capacity ( i walk in and
out their factory every month) 2Q20 revenue spike and profit leaps bcos management mark-up
selling price...just like TopGlove. Bear in mind, It takes 3 years to increase capacity if you are building new factory


2020-08-01 15:33 | Report Abuse

Cannot compare with TopGlove, Careplus is just a local boy, hardly make money until March to
June 2020. I have ask quotation for Nitrile Glove from Careplus, more expensive than those
from Thailand, Philipppines ( no way to compare with China)

Careplus is just riding on the wave( shortage of Gloves) If you bought at low price, just enjoy it.
Prepare to unload when Vaccine is ready.


2020-08-01 15:04 | Report Abuse

Want to Buy Cheap, just say lah


2020-08-01 14:16 | Report Abuse

How many Co. in Bursa can give a dividend yield of 9% during Covid Year 2020?..You are F**King
Okay if management don't ask you money. You can count with your fingers how many Co. are giving Dividend in 2Qr. So how can this Heavenexile SoHai said "plenty of fishes in the sea".
Maybe he is fishing Goldfish in his House aquarium...MCO mah


2020-07-29 12:09 | Report Abuse

After New Zealand, Australia then Japan will follow And last EU.


2020-07-29 11:29 | Report Abuse

Looks like there are no shortage of Gloves. Can simply remove from Supermarket


2020-07-29 08:24 | Report Abuse

if you can tahan, tahan longer, can 99cents from Thailand or Singapore. China can give Free after
they steal Moderna formula


2020-07-29 08:13 | Report Abuse

This unknown Buyer must be very rich. Bank loan for 500K House is almost impossible to get, you
talk about 95mil. The Collateral of NIIS is certainly required as a "guarantor"


2020-07-29 08:07 | Report Abuse

With RM95million from 350mil shares Sales, Dnex can start work on NIIS immediately, no need
to raise Cash from RI


2020-07-29 08:03 | Report Abuse

LIMIT UP. CenSof before sell-off ...117,056,609 shares(6.66%) Unknown Buyer...350,000,000 shares(20% ) Zain Abidin 363,676,000 (20.69%)

This unknown Buyer will be known After announcement according to Bursa Requirement (5%)

Dnex is Not known to have extra projects after MCO so why suddenly want to raise Massive
Capital. Malaysia economy is in recession too. Sure NIIS already awarded to Dnex


2020-07-28 09:51 | Report Abuse

risktransformer. You are just a very small fish. You think BB will tell you what they are doing?
After they Bought, Yes they will tell you to Chase. After Sap 1Qr results. nearly all stock brokers House remisiers said Buy Sap. Internal memo are Not for your eyes.
Today AffinHwang said 11cents, which means they have collected enough. Soon a few more
StockBroker House will send memo to their clients to Buy( after they sapu enough)

Sap is a known Goreng Counter. Remisiers will support bcos their Boss say so


2020-07-24 18:48 | Report Abuse

OTHERS BIOALPHA HOLDINGS BERHAD ("BIOALPHA" OR "THE COMPANY") - Partnership Agreement and Supply Contract Agreement

Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS

- Partnership Agreement and Supply Contract Agreement

Unless otherwise stated, all abbreviations used herein shall have the same meaning as those mentioned in the announcement dated 22 July 2020 in relation to the Partnership Agreement and Supply Contract Agreement (“Announcement”).

The Board of Directors of Bioalpha Holdings Berhad (“Bioalpha” or “the Company) wishes to inform that the Company has received Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad’s request dated 23 July 2020 for additional information in relation to the Company’s announcement made on 22 July 2020. The additional information are as follows:

1. Whether the Agreements is subject to renewal, and if yes, the details of such renewal.

Both Agreements are subject to annual renewal to be mutually agreed upon respective parties satisfying performance.

2. The basis and justification in arriving the value of the health food and nutritional meals to be supplied of approximately RMB700,000,000 per year (equivalent to RM426,700,000).

The supply contract value of RMB700,000,000 was offered by GYHX based on their requirements to meet the market consumption (public and private sector) based on its high population and health conscious awareness of the health food and nutritional meals.

3. The commencement date of the Agreements.

The commencement date of the Agreements are expected to commence in September 2020.

4.The name of directors and shareholders of Guizhou Yuhexin Trading Ltd. (“GYHX”) and Hainan Shifengfu Co. Ltd (“HSFF”), and their direct and indirect shareholdings therein.

The name of directors and shareholders of GYHX and HSFF and their direct and indirect shareholdings are follows:




Wei Xuan Xuan

Xu Zhen Jie


100% owned

100% owned

This announcement is dated 24 July 2020


2020-07-24 16:36 | Report Abuse

after adjusting for Bonus, price should be around RM5--7. Can buy more shares if you sell
at 26


2020-07-24 15:36 | Report Abuse

Qr. results out Today???


2020-07-24 15:19 | Report Abuse

Bonus too large. Owner eats too many Big Onion. Sleep & Eat thinks Number One. Next Qr sure
No give cash dividend but get 2 Bonus. 90% here waiting to Sell at Higher price, if you Dilute
One becomes 3.....everybody wants to Sell.