
Sslee | Joined since 2016-08-31

Investing Experience Beginner
Risk Profile Moderate

Emotional Introvert Most defining characteristics: You are sensitive, melancholic and a perfectionist. You are a very emotional, caring and dedicated person. You believe that there is a bigger picture in life, one that we can’t really see, but we can feel. You are very compassionate, strong minded





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2023-08-31 18:27 | Report Abuse

It is great to be visionary with both feet on the ground but if you think you can fly then you are suffering from grandiose delusional disorder.


2023-08-31 17:46 | Report Abuse

In 2Q23, operating 146 aircraft with remaining 54 aircraft aim to reactivate by end of 2023. Slower than expected reactivation progress was due to:
- Shortage of aircraft components and cabin furnishings in the market
- Aging aircraft require extensive maintenance services such as seat removal and comprehensive cabin interior overhauls

Conclusion: More Aircraft for growth
Aggressive Fleet Growth
● Fleet reactivation alone is not enough to sustain our growth trajectory. After reactivating our fleet, we need to grow the fleet further.
● Orderbook of 362 aircraft to be delivered over the next 12 years, beginning 2024. Of the 362, financing is secured for 73 aircraft through Sales and Leaseback (SLB) arrangement with several lessors.
● We are also leasing 15 additional aircraft - 9 to be delivered in 2024, 6 in 2025.

Fundraising Outlook
● Expecting to fundraise approximately USD800 million for aviation business growth through a combination of syndicated local club loan in Malaysia, revenue bond issuance and equity fundraise.
● Also expecting to close USD40 million for Superapp and potentially raise additional USD40 million for Teleport.

Ancillary Income Drivers
● Successful experimentation with ancillaries flow and bundling expected to deliver accretive impact upon rollout beginning 4Q23.
● New ancillary products in the pipeline to deliver additional revenue opportunities.

Growth Catalysts
● There is no bottleneck in terms of manpower resources for future fleet growth.
● In August Thailand has relaxed visa requirements for Chinese travellers, setting the stage for increased travel demand from China.

● Revised official submission deadline to October 2023, aim to execute the plan in 4Q23/1Q24


2023-08-31 16:53 | Report Abuse

April to June 2023
Fuel consumed (Barrels) 537,252
Average fuel price (USD/Barrel) 92
Exchange rate 4.52

Fuel consumed (Barrels) 2,433,184
Average fuel price (USD/Barrel) 104

Just wonder why CapitalA average fuel price is USD 12 per barrel higher than AAX?

What will be Q3 2023
Average fuel price (USD/Barrel) and Exchange rate?


2023-08-31 16:28 | Report Abuse

As at 30 Sept 2022
Number of shares issued : 663,020,762 (excluding 30,327,291 treasury shares)
Class of shares : Ordinary shares
Voting rights : One vote per ordinary share

News & Blogs

2023-08-31 11:05 | Report Abuse

Wednesday, 28 Dec 2022 SINGAPORE: John Soh Chee Wen, the mastermind of Singapore’s biggest case of stock market manipulation that wiped out nearly $8 billion in market value in October 2013, on Wednesday was sentenced to 36 years in jail, while his co-conspirator Quah Su-Ling was handed 20 years.
The court case spanned a record 349 successful charges in some 200 days of trial over nearly four years.
Prosecutors had sought a jail sentence of 40 years for Soh, and 19½ years’ for his co-conspirator Quah.
The pair were found to have manipulated the share prices of Blumont Group, Asiasons Capital and LionGold Corp – known collectively as BAL – between August 2012 and October 2013, through 187 trading accounts held with 20 financial institutions in the names of 58 individuals and companies.
I can’t help but agree with The Edge Headline: Singapore gets it right- Severe punishment is the best deterrent against future commercial crimes.
Finally justice is being served and the ghosts of yesteryear Omega Securities scandal can now Rest in Peace.

Back to Malaysia we make international headline:

KUALA LUMPUR: Azam Aris, the editor emeritus of local business newspaper The Edge, was Tuesday acquitted and discharged of one criminal defamation charge after being sued for defamation over two articles on penny stock manipulation published in 2020 and 2021.
However, Azam was given a discharge not amounting to an acquittal (DNAA) for the second charge, The Edge reported.
Azam was charged in September with two counts of criminal defamation at the Magistrate’s Court against a Malaysian businessman and four firms over two articles titled “Hidden Hands Behind Penny Stocks Surge Under Scrutiny” (April 12, 2021) and “Hidden Hands Behind Penny Stock Surge” (September 21, 2020) that exposed stock manipulation on Bursa Malaysia

Luckily for Malaysians, common sense prevails otherwise we will be a laughing stock of international investing communities as a country that charged an investigating reporting editor/reporter for criminal defamation instead of bringing the market manipulators to book like what Singapore did.

I just wonder if the case happens in Malaysia, will Bursa/SC and AG have the capacity, determination and political will to go to the length and depth of Singapore SC and AG “investigating through 187 trading accounts held with 20 financial institutions in the names of 58 individuals and companies to secure a conviction of stock market manipulation”

I am guessing so far no investigation was carried out on market manipulators on the “Hidden Hands behind Penny Stocks Surge under Scrutiny” (April 12, 2021) and “Hidden Hands behind Penny Stock Surge” (September 21, 2020) that exposed stock manipulation on Bursa Malaysia.

What really saddened and angered me the most were despite clear cases of Bursa Listed Red-Chip companies CEO/Directors committed accounting fraud and abscond/runoff with hundreds of millions of Malaysians hard earned money and for reasons only knew to SC/Bursa no action were taken to recover the stolen money nor to bring Red-Chip China CEO/Directors to Malaysia Court to face Justice.

I can only hope things will start to change this year when we have a new government that promises to uphold justice, bring all crooks to book and recover the stolen money. The reformasi, reset and reboot are long overdue but it is better late than never


2023-08-31 10:46 | Report Abuse

We need to reset our children midset to embrace our diversity of multiracial, multireligious, multicultural and multilingual with mutual respect and acceptance.

And please send racist Tun M to jail.


2023-08-31 10:31 | Report Abuse

I wish all “A Happy Hari Merdeka Malaysia August 31 2023”. May we reset our country to be zero tolerance to corruption/fraud and make collective effort to send crooks to jail and recover what was stolen from our country


2023-08-31 09:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by Mabel > Aug 31, 2023 8:47 AM | Report Abuse
Happy Merdeka Everyone

Currently, the following risks have been identified for the company:
Major Risk - Negative equity (-RM10b).
Minor Risks - Large one-off items impacting financial results.
Source: Wall Street

Posted by EngineeringProfit > Aug 31, 2023 8:02 AM | Report Abuse
"Let’s build a community of Giant Redwoods in i3 where we support and hold up each other."
Bravo, that's the right spirit here. Bullrun is just going to happen. Don't get your capital stucked in some bull trap counters. Let's make profit$ together in Bursa. Cheers!!!

Both Mabel and EngineeringProfit are right. Meow and Cheers!!!

Repost as gentle reminder:
Super simple English:

Critical Risk- If CapitalA cannot submit PN17 regularisation plan before or on Bursa deadline 7 Oct 2023. Bursa can either allow another extension or reject the request for extension and proceed to suspend and delist CapitalA

The PN17 regularisation plan must be in complying with the requirements under paragraph 5.4 above, the PN17 Issuer and its Principal Adviser must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Exchange, the following:
​ ​ ​
​ ​(a) ​the regularisation plan is able to strengthen the financial position of the PN17 Issuer including its securities holders’ equity, gearing, net asset position, cash flow position, and address its accumulated losses position;
​ ​ ​
​ (b)​ ​the steps taken or proposed to be taken are comprehensive and capable of addressing the issues that had caused the PN17 Issuer to trigger the Prescribed Criteria, such that the PN17 Issuer will –
​ ​ ​
​ ​ ​(i) ​no longer trigger ANY of the Prescribed Criteria upon implementation of the regularisation plan; and
​ ​ ​ ​
​ ​ ​(ii) ​not trigger ANY of the Prescribed Criteria in the near future;


2023-08-31 08:35 | Report Abuse

I wish all “A Happy Hari Merdeka Malaysia August 31 2023”. May we reset our country to be zero tolerance to corruption/fraud and make collective effort to send crooks to jail and recover what was stolen from our country.


2023-08-31 07:56 | Report Abuse

I do not have any intention to fight anyone.

By the way it is no fun and thankless to go against Stony fanatic fans. But someone need to state the facts/figures and tell the true.

Previouly I wrote:
Nothing destroy the share value of the company faster than a self serving or a conman CEO and many people lose his/her life saving and some even commit suicide because of insider con job/scam. The conman/scammer get away with murder because good man do nothing until when the victim is his own family member or close friends then only they regret not doing something to stop or expose the scam.

Do not live a life of regret, remorse and guilt like spider man (Peter Parker) due to his selfish misjudgment and let go a robber that he can easily caught, who later turn up as murderer of his Uncle Ben.

Knowledge is power and with great power come great responsibility.

I would like to thank the organizer for giving me the opportunity to share my presentation with you. I’m grateful to i3 bloggers and commentators for sharing their knowledge in i3 because Knowledge, if kept to your-self, has no value. Only by sharing, we create the value. Let’s build a community of Giant Redwoods in i3 where we support and hold up each other.


2023-08-31 07:14 | Report Abuse

By the way since when stating the facts/figures and telling the true become condemn AA?

And how to encourage a fruitful discussion:
When kindly repeatly reminding/stating the facts/figures and telling the true become a parasite and keep spamming the same info for fun.

And do you need to label/personal attack on opposite opinion who is stating the facts/figures and telling the true as ignorance and lack of common sense. If you are an analysis of a firm / bank, or a fund manager, I am sure the portfolio is in RED?

And by the way if CapitalA is making all interest payment promptly and meeting its lease obligation then what is deferred aircrafts lease of approximately RM 2.7 billion?

Posted by JrWarren > Aug 30, 2023 7:39 PM | Report Abuse
1. Your comments showed your ignorance and lack of common sense. If you are an analysis of a firm / bank, or a fund manager, I am sure the portfolio is in RED.
2. Those who condemn AA from covid till now, keep cursing the company go bankrupt, I hope you never on-board AA flight at all and you dont deserve it.
3. The company is making its effort to revive the business, without any funding support from government. Ironically, the company is making all interest payment promptly and meeting its lease obligation.
4. We encourage a fruitful discussion, but dont be a parasite and keep spamming the same info for fun


2023-08-31 06:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by xskyriver > Aug 30, 2023 10:16 PM | Report Abuse
+1 sslee please persuade the kiamsiap BOD to give extra divvy

Already trying my best to do so:

Good morning Dato' Wong,
Thank you for another good quarter for Insas.

Q4 EPS: 5.02 cents. Cumulative 12 months: 18.51 cents

As at 30/06/2023
NAPS: RM 3.53
Deposits with licensed banks and financial institutions: RM 943,505,000
Cash and bank balances: RM 104,747,000
Total: RM 1,048,252,000
Cash and bank balance pledged: RM (2,376,000)
Fixed deposits pledged: RM (233,801,000)
Free Fixed deposits and cash and bank balance: RM 812,075,000

With NAPS of RM 3.53 but share price only at 87 cents highly unreasonable undervalued.

Dato' Wong need to do something to unlock the fair value of Insas and one way to do so is by giving better/fairer dividend.

Looking forward to a better/fairer dividend and better share price to it NAPS of RM 3.53 and cash rich.

Once again thank you very much


2023-08-31 06:36 | Report Abuse

Soo stupiiiid conman trying to cheat people or is he too stupiiiid/dumb to know what is the shareholders' equity of AAX and CapitalA???

As at 30/06/2023
AAX shareholders' equity: RM 96,133,000

Shareholders' equity: RM (8,390,820,000)
Non controlling interest: RM (1,813,867,000)
Total equity: RM (10,204,687,000)

Johnchew5 >> 目前,公司股东收益金超过4000万令吉,且连续4季持续盈利,我们相信将很快脱离PN17。目标价从90仙上修至1.01令吉,但评级从“买入”下修至“守住”
31/08/2023 5:57 AM


2023-08-31 06:22 | Report Abuse

Someone jeolous I earned 6 digits when Insas-WC rocket pass his PA.
This time round very soon WC will rocket pass his jaks.
Somone better switch his jaks to Insas-WC if he aim to earn 6 digit.

Come friday, should I push Insas pass it 52 week high of 88 cents?


2023-08-30 22:08 | Report Abuse

Insas Q4 EPS: 5.02 cents. Cumulative 12 months: 18.51 cents
As at 30/06/2023
Deposits with licensed banks and financial institutions: RM 943,505,000
Cash and bank balances: RM 104,747,000

Total: RM 1,048,252,000
Cash and bank balance pledged:RM (2,376,000)
Fixed deposits pledged: RM (233,801,000)
Free Fixed deposits and cash and bank balance: RM 812,075,000

Insas canteeeeek


2023-08-30 18:43 | Report Abuse

Balance Sheet as at 31/3/2023 :
Net current liabilities: RM (8,524,896,000)
And Net total assets/total equity : RM (9,376,200,000)

Balance Sheet as at 30/6/2023 :
Net current liabilities: RM (11,938,731,000)
And Net total assets/total equity : RM (10,204,687,000)

The net current liabilities increase to RM (11,938,731,000) from last quater of RM (8,524,896,000). This can only mean whatever current liabilities due but not paid are rollover to next quarter. How long can this allow to go on?

Guess how an insolvant company will end?


2023-08-30 18:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by Mabel > Aug 30, 2023 5:25 PM | Report Abuse
Haha really nice closing...GREEN! and Capital A is Mabel’s Biggest Mover today..
Perhaps my Lady Sapura can take a lesson from Smart Tony.

For once Mabel is right about Tony.
Intangible asset increase by RM3.9bil...
RM1.97 in goodwill and
another RM1.97bil in landing rights

Balance Sheet as at 31/3/2023
Intangible assets: RM 750,961,000 to
Balance Sheet as at 30/6/2023
Intangible assets: RM 4,698,958,000
Without it the NTA will be much worse than RM -2.01


2023-08-30 13:08 | Report Abuse

Super simple English:

The PN17 regularisation plan must be in complying with the requirements under paragraph 5.4 above, the PN17 Issuer and its Principal Adviser must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Exchange, the following:
​ ​ ​
​ ​(a) ​the regularisation plan is able to strengthen the financial position of the PN17 Issuer including its securities holders’ equity, gearing, net asset position, cash flow position, and address its accumulated losses position;
​ ​ ​
​ (b)​ ​the steps taken or proposed to be taken are comprehensive and capable of addressing the issues that had caused the PN17 Issuer to trigger the Prescribed Criteria, such that the PN17 Issuer will –
​ ​ ​
​ ​ ​(i) ​no longer trigger ANY of the Prescribed Criteria upon implementation of the regularisation plan; and
​ ​ ​ ​
​ ​ ​(ii) ​not trigger ANY of the Prescribed Criteria in the near future;


2023-08-30 12:47 | Report Abuse

In fact, the company has submitted the draft document for consultation to Bursa Malaysia and is confident to complete the regularisation plan by 4Q23 or 1Q24

Should I write to Bursa to confirm is the above is true or another lie?

So can or not CapitalA submit PN17 regularisation plan on or before Bursa second extension deadline of 7 Oct 2023?


2023-08-30 10:20 | Report Abuse

At least the Maybank IB tell the true AAX core net profit.

Maybank IB said AAX swung from 1QCY2023 core net profit of RM42.5 million to 2QCY2023 core net loss of RM33.8 million as it had to lower fares by 32% quarter-on-quarter (q-o-q) to attract passengers during the seasonally slower 2QCY2023, and maintenance and overhaul (M&O) expenses surged 82% q-o-q to RM115.8 million as more aircraft returned to service


2023-08-30 10:16 | Report Abuse

Will be very interesting to see what IBs analyst going to write about capitalA Q2 result.


2023-08-30 10:08 | Report Abuse

My crack formula is a bait to trap someone at HRC 44th floor.🤣🤣🤣


2023-08-30 10:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by EngineeringProfit > Aug 30, 2023 10:00 AM | Report Abuse
Trend is your friend

But greed + ignorance is your downfall


2023-08-30 09:55 | Report Abuse

My proposal: The only way for CapitalA to exit PN17 is to sell RM 10+ billion debts laden AirAsia Berhad and AirAsia Aviation Group Limited to Stony for RM 1.00.

In 1 year time Stony should be able to squeeze the ball of creditors to accept payment of 0.1 cent for every RM 1.00 owed as final settlement.

Stony can then sell back AirAsia Berhad and AirAsia Aviation Group Limited to CapitalA for RM 1 billion. A WIN WIN AND WIN SOLUTION.

Stony can then finally retire and write his second book: My second coming: How I bought RM 10+ billion debts laden AirAsia Berhad and AirAsia Aviation Group Limited for RM 1.00, turn it around and sold it back to CapitalA for RM 1 billion.


2023-08-30 09:42 | Report Abuse

I will also try to use a super simple English plus logic to explain.
Do you understand initial triggered do not cover or cannot possible forsee the subsequent trigger?

Initial triggered is (e) and subsequent trigger is/are?????

2.1​ Pursuant to paragraphs 8.04(2) of the Listing Requirements, where a listed issuer triggers any one or more of the following Prescribed Criteria it must comply with the provisions of paragraph 8.04 and this Practice Note: FAQ 8.17
​ ​ ​
​ ​(a) ​the shareholders' equity of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis is 25% or less of the issued and paid-up capital (excluding treasury shares) of the listed issuer and such shareholders' equity is less than RM40 million; FAQ 8.18
​ ​ ​
​ (b) receivers or managers have been appointed over the asset of the listed issuer, its subsidiary or associated company which asset accounts for at least 50% of the total assets employed of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis;
​ ​ ​
​ ​(c) a winding up of a listed issuer's subsidiary or associated company which accounts for at least 50% of the total assets employed of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis; FAQ 8.19
​ ​ ​
​ (d)​ ​the auditors have expressed an adverse or disclaimer opinion in the listed issuer's latest audited financial statements;
​ ​ ​
​ ​(e) ​the auditors have expressed an emphasis of matter on the listed issuer's ability to continue as a going concern in the listed issuer's latest audited financial statements and the shareholders' equity of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis is 50% or less of the issued and paid-up capital (excluding treasury shares) of the listed issuer; or FAQ 8.18, FAQ 8.20
​ ​ ​
​ ​(f) a default in payment by a listed issuer, its major subsidiary or major associated company, as the case may be, as announced by a listed issuer pursuant to paragraph 9.19A of the Listing Requirements and the listed issuer is unable to provide a solvency declaration to the Exchange


2023-08-30 09:31 | Report Abuse

Balance Sheet as at 31/3/2023 :
Net current liabilities: RM (8,524,896,000)

Balance Sheet as at 30/6/2023 :
Net current liabilities: RM (11,938,731,000)

Net current liabilities already snowball to RM (11,938,731,000). How much longer before gravity give way to an avalanche?


2023-08-30 08:36 | Report Abuse

Hai Duong Power Plant
2022: 2021
Adjusted profit for the financial year, representing total
comprehensive income for the financial year 520,633,162 469,043,075

Included in total comprehensive income are:
Revenue 2,553,073,558 3,011,637,528
Amortisation/Depreciation (317,750,163) (296,585,635)
Interest income 3,493,288 1,736,511
Interest expense (265,209,747) (275,461,575)
Taxation (17,199) (1,530,307)

Non-current assets 7,281,260,678 7,479,624,542

If you look into the JHDP account the high NP is because of different standard use in rate of depreciation (25 years) as oppose to some other accounting standard that use accelerate depreciation.


2023-08-30 07:38 | Report Abuse

The saying: If you cannot convince people with your facts/figures then the next best thing to do is to confuse people with your facts/figures.


2023-08-30 07:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by Penang_lang > Aug 30, 2023 3:47 AM | Report Abuse
Even profit RM 1.12 billion why NTA become more negative(from RM -1.33 to RM -2.01)?

Do you notice Stony has fine tune
Balance Sheet as at 31/3/2023
Intangible assets: RM 750,961,000 to
Balance Sheet as at 30/6/2023
Intangible assets: RM 4,698,958,000
Without it the NTA will be much worse than RM -2.01

Balance Sheet as at 31/3/2023 :
Net current liabilities: RM (8,524,896,000)
And Net total assets/total equity : RM (9,376,200,000)

Balance Sheet as at 30/6/2023 :
Net current liabilities: RM (11,938,731,000)
And Net total assets/total equity : RM (10,204,687,000)

Do you still believe Stony can come out with PN17 regularisation plan on or before 7 oct 2023 to magically turn the equity to positive more than RM 40 million?

My proposal: The only way for CapitalA to exit PN17 is to sell RM 10+ billion debts laden AirAsia Berhad and AirAsia Aviation Group Limited to Stony for RM 1.00.

In 1 year time Stony should be able to squeeze the ball of creditors to accept payment of 0.1 cent for every RM 1.00 owed as final settlement.

Stony can then sell back AirAsia Berhad and AirAsia Aviation Group Limited to CapitalA for RM 1 billion. A WIN WIN AND WIN SOLUTION.

Stony can then finally retire and write his second book: My second coming: How I bought RM 10+ billion debts laden AirAsia Berhad and AirAsia Aviation Group Limited for RM 1.00, turn it around and sold it back to CapitalA for RM 1 billion.


2023-08-29 19:53 | Report Abuse

Thanks but no thanks

The only problem is if CapitalA cannot submit the PN17 regularisation plan before or by 7 Oct 2023 and Bursa reject the request for extension then suspension and delist is inevitable.

DickyMe SSLee, don't miss the third round.
Wait ~75 sen, if interested


2023-08-29 19:25 | Report Abuse

If you do not understand what I wrote on balance sheet, you can consult an accountant to tell you what the balance sheet say about the health of CapitalA.

The old saying is that “figures will not lie,” but a new saying is “liars will figure.” It is our duty, as right-minded people, to prevent the liar from figuring; in other words, to prevent him from perverting the truth, in the interest of some theory/vested interest he wishes to establish/profit from..


2023-08-29 19:03 | Report Abuse

Balance Sheet as at 31/3/2023 :
Net current liabilities: RM (8,524,896,000)
And Net total assets/total equity : RM (9,376,200,000)

Balance Sheet as at 30/6/2023 :
Net current liabilities: RM (11,938,731,000)
And Net total assets/total equity : RM (10,204,687,000)

Do you still believe Stony can come out with PN17 regularisation plan on or before 7 oct 2023 to magically turn the equity to positive more than RM 40 million?


2023-08-29 18:48 | Report Abuse

Fine tuning to the max with Gain on remeasurement of previously held interest: RM 1,369.3 million
NTA is now negative RM 2.01 compare the last quarter negative RM 1.33

Bravo please give a thumb up for CapitalA Stony.


2023-08-29 18:18 | Report Abuse

Jaks quarter end 30 june 2023
Revenue: RM 3,312 ,000
Finance cost: RM (6,177,000)

Aiyoyo quarter revenue also cannot cover finance cost mana ada money to pay salarly?

More PP and RI coming.


2023-08-29 12:51 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 29): The proprietary day trading (PDT) and intraday short selling (IDSS) of AirAsia X Bhd shares have been suspended for the rest of Tuesday after its last done price fell by more than 15 sen or 15% of the reference price.

"The short selling under the PDT and IDSS will only be activated the following trading day, Wednesday, Aug 30, 2023 at 8.30am," said Bursa Malaysia in a filing on Tuesday.

So what will happen when The short selling under the PDT and IDSS will be activated tomorrow Wednesday, Aug 30, 2023 at 8.30am???


2023-08-29 12:45 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 29): Maybank Investment Bank (Maybank IB) Research has maintained its “buy” rating on AirAsia X Bhd (AAX) at RM2.48 with a lower target price (TP) of RM3.01 (from RM3.58) and said the carrier’s results came in below house's expectations due to higher-than-expected expenses.

In a note on Tuesday, the research house said it still expects the second half of financial year 2023 (2HCY2023) to be a lot stronger on seasonally higher demand and fares coupled with sequentially lower expenses.

Maybank IB said AAX swung from 1QCY2023 core net profit of RM42.5 million to 2QCY2023 core net loss of RM33.8 million as it had to lower fares by 32% quarter-on-quarter (q-o-q) to attract passengers during the seasonally slower 2QCY2023, and maintenance and overhaul (M&O) expenses surged 82% q-o-q to RM115.8 million as more aircraft returned to service.

Recall in a note on Thursday (July 27), Maybank IB Research aviation analyst Samuel Yin Shao Yang said that moreover, AAX is now effectively debt-free.
He forecast record core net profit of RM160.1 million for FY2023 and RM256.5 million for FY2024.

Is core net profit of RM160.1 million for FY2023 and RM256.5 million for FY2024 achievable/credible?

By the way, EBITDAR: RM 489 million so cash reserve to payout pool= 20% of RM 189 million = RM 37.8 million.


2023-08-29 12:09 | Report Abuse

Additionally, Class A and Class B creditors will be entitled to an annual profit-sharing mechanism, calculated based on the pro-rating of the payout pool, which equates to 20% of the excess over RM300 million of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortisation and lease rentals (“EBITDAR”) for the years 2023 to 2026

6 months end 30/6/2023
EBITDA : RM 460,852,000
Aircraft lease expenses: RM (28,119,000)

So how much cash flow will be on profit sharing payout to class A and Class B creditors?


2023-08-29 11:25 | Report Abuse

Careful with what you wish for, most likely you may just get it.

Posted by cmiko888 > Aug 29, 2023 11:18 AM | Report Abuse
I hope Cap A QR is losses. All company with QR profits drop like mad~

By the way YTLpower and MBMR share price shoot up due to good quarter result and dividend.


2023-08-29 11:17 | Report Abuse

For pure plantation stock like Bplant you just need data from the monthy FFB production and monthly average MPOB palm oil spot price to know what will be the quarterly profit.

Bplant gave good dividend from gain of land disposal and without it the dividend will be low if depend solely on operation profit.

So count you luck there was an MGO at RM1.55 and if without it the Bplant today price will be very much lower based on quarterly earning.


2023-08-29 10:53 | Report Abuse

The Major Turnaround has been completed in August 2023.

Next quarter will be another loss making quarter due to no production in July and most of August.


2023-08-29 09:24 | Report Abuse

Stony is at catch22 situation. Too many lease aircrafts chasing for passagers. If can't full up the aircrafts then aircrafts will be idle but still need to pay lease payment.

And if increase fare then less passagers


2023-08-29 08:59 | Report Abuse

Most likely CapitalA will be similar to Thai AA loss quarter due to huge realise and unrealise foreign exchange losses.

Stampede at exit door in the making.


2023-08-28 19:27 | Report Abuse

Can't wait to read what Maybank IB Research next update on AAX.

In a note on Thursday (July 27), Maybank IB Research aviation analyst Samuel Yin Shao Yang said that moreover, AAX is now effectively debt-free.

He forecast record core net profit of RM160.1 million for FY2023 and RM256.5 million for FY2024.

“Ascribing 10 times CY2023 estimated PER (price-earnings ratio) to AAX, we derive a TP of RM3.58.

News & Blogs

2023-08-28 17:14 | Report Abuse

I actually advise my children not to do Sixth Form but to do a private A level and then enter private university that offer twinning programme.

My elder son enginnering twinning programme Monash university
My second son NUS pharmacy
My daughter twinning programme Sunway university

News & Blogs

2023-08-28 16:37 | Report Abuse

The government did not help the poor and rural bumiputra:
Sabahan natives
Sarawakian natives
Students from pahang, kelantan, terrengganu and other rural areas.

The government only use the name of helping poor and rural bumipura to enrich the political well connect Malay.

News & Blogs

2023-08-28 16:26 | Report Abuse

Did anyone know the wealthy and well connected Malay childrens were given scholarship to study in foreign unversity?

What a bullshit taking about government helping the poor and rural bumiputra:
Sabahan natives
Sarawakian natives
Students from pahang, kelantan, terrengganu and other rural areas.


2023-08-28 12:50 | Report Abuse

So your fine tuning mean not follow each rule and compliance?
Isn't that against the law to not follow each rule and compliance?

So now Tan Sri Stony did something that not follow each rule and compliance. He is also a naughty boy and don't wan tell the truth and not trustworty, anyone agree?

Posted by The_JQuestion > Aug 28, 2023 11:25 AM | Report Abuse
imagine u pay millions to accountants to report loss for u , tony will find a way to not ! sslee will follow each rule and compliance .. such good boy !! he wan tell the truth , by copy paste ... he is so trustworthy, anyone agree?


2023-08-28 12:07 | Report Abuse

The_JQuestion what actually you mean by below statement?

Posted by The_JQuestion > Aug 28, 2023 11:25 AM | Report Abuse
imagine u pay millions to accountants to report loss for u , tony will find a way to not !


2023-08-28 11:47 | Report Abuse

The_JQuestion is directly saying Stony told the accountants to commit accounting fraud. You better keep your opinion to yourself and not to say it in open forum.

Posted by The_JQuestion > Aug 28, 2023 11:25 AM | Report Abuse
imagine u pay millions to accountants to report loss for u , tony will find a way to not !


2023-08-28 11:43 | Report Abuse

With the continued efforts set forth above, AAX has managed to turn around its financial position from 12 quarters of losses since the quarter ended 30 June 2019 to registering three consecutive quarters of net profit for the quarters ended 30 September 2022, 31 December 2022 and 31 March 2023. As at 31 March 2023, AAX has also recorded a positive shareholders’ equity.

Based on its improved operating and financial performances, AAX no longer triggers any of the criterias prescribed under Paragraph 2.1 of PN17, particularly as AAX’s shareholders’ equity has turned positive;
and AAX’s external auditors have expressed a clean opinion of AAX’s financial position.

As at 30/3/2023
AAX shareholders' equity: RM 40,762,000

But if capitalA inject in CapitalA aviation with its billions in net liabilities into AAX what will be the AAX balance sheet and shareholders' equity look like?

Will AAX then need another round of debts restructure, capital reduction, share consolidation and capical cash call again to get out of PN17?

2.1​ Pursuant to paragraphs 8.04(2) of the Listing Requirements, where a listed issuer triggers any one or more of the following Prescribed Criteria it must comply with the provisions of paragraph 8.04 and this Practice Note: FAQ 8.17
​ ​ ​
​ ​(a) ​the shareholders' equity of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis is 25% or less of the issued and paid-up capital (excluding treasury shares) of the listed issuer and such shareholders' equity is less than RM40 million; FAQ 8.18
​ ​ ​
​ (b) receivers or managers have been appointed over the asset of the listed issuer, its subsidiary or associated company which asset accounts for at least 50% of the total assets employed of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis;
​ ​ ​
​ ​(c) a winding up of a listed issuer's subsidiary or associated company which accounts for at least 50% of the total assets employed of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis; FAQ 8.19
​ ​ ​
​ (d)​ ​the auditors have expressed an adverse or disclaimer opinion in the listed issuer's latest audited financial statements;
​ ​ ​
​ ​(e) ​the auditors have expressed an emphasis of matter on the listed issuer's ability to continue as a going concern in the listed issuer's latest audited financial statements and the shareholders' equity of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis is 50% or less of the issued and paid-up capital (excluding treasury shares) of the listed issuer; or FAQ 8.18, FAQ 8.20
​ ​ ​
​ ​(f) a default in payment by a listed issuer, its major subsidiary or major associated company, as the case may be, as announced by a listed issuer pursuant to paragraph 9.19A of the Listing Requirements and the listed issuer is unable to provide a solvency declaration to the Exchange