
Sslee | Joined since 2016-08-31

Investing Experience Beginner
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Emotional Introvert Most defining characteristics: You are sensitive, melancholic and a perfectionist. You are a very emotional, caring and dedicated person. You believe that there is a bigger picture in life, one that we can’t really see, but we can feel. You are very compassionate, strong minded





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2023-09-07 15:35 | Report Abuse

Time is not in CapitalA side.
If MAS can prosper as unlist company perhaps CapitalA can also do so as an unlist company.


2023-09-07 15:29 | Report Abuse

(a) ​All agreements to be entered into with third parties as part of the regularization plan have been duly executed by all parties to such agreements; and
​(b) where the regularization plan involves a compromise or arrangement with the PN17 Issuer's creditors, the PN17 Issuer has taken reasonable steps to procure the agreement-in-principle of such creditors.

CapitalA creditors will never agree to compromise in switching the debts from CapitalA to AAX.

i3lurker Personally I dun see anything wrong in AAX issue 5 Billion shares to pay for Assets worth RM0.00 from CapA
its always willing buyer willing seller
so AAX Goodwill = RM10 Billion
so AAX net liabilities = RM10 Billion

likely AAX wil be insolvent in less than 12 months.
Giving a fake Solvency Test to BURSA is not a criminal offense.
everything is honky tonk


2023-09-07 15:16 |

Post removed.Why?


2023-09-07 14:48 | Report Abuse

Fernandes argued that the group’s PN17 status remains “an accounting issue” and does not accurately reflect the business viability and prospects of Capital A.

Bursa will tell Stony to fly kite and just show me the account to qualify for PN17 uplift.


2023-09-07 14:41 | Report Abuse

Again my question put forward to TA analyst on regularisation plan to uplift PN17:

Question 3: Below are conditions to uplift the company from PN17, has capitalA done anything at all to comply with below conditions to uplift the company from PN17?

The PN17 regularisation plan must be in complying with the requirements under paragraph 5.4 above, the PN17 Issuer and its Principal Adviser must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Exchange, the following:
​(a) ​the regularisation plan is able to strengthen the financial position of the PN17 Issuer including its securities holders’ equity, gearing, net asset position, cash flow position, and address its accumulated losses position;
​ ​(b)​ ​the steps taken or proposed to be taken are comprehensive and capable of addressing the issues that had caused the PN17 Issuer to trigger the Prescribed Criteria, such that the PN17 Issuer will –
​​ ​(i) ​no longer trigger ANY of the Prescribed Criteria upon implementation of the regularisation plan; and
​ ​​​(ii) ​not trigger ANY of the Prescribed Criteria in the near future;

Event that trigger PN17:
2.1​ Pursuant to paragraphs 8.04(2) of the Listing Requirements, where a listed issuer triggers any one or more of the following Prescribed Criteria it must comply with the provisions of paragraph 8.04 and this Practice Note:
​(a) ​the shareholders' equity of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis is 25% or less of the issued and paid-up capital (excluding treasury shares) of the listed issuer and such shareholders' equity is less than RM40 million;
​ (b) receivers or managers have been appointed over the asset of the listed issuer, its subsidiary or associated company which asset accounts for at least 50% of the total assets employed of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis;
​​(c) a winding up of a listed issuer's subsidiary or associated company which accounts for at least 50% of the total assets employed of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis;
​​(d)​ ​the auditors have expressed an adverse or disclaimer opinion in the listed issuer's latest audited financial statements;
​ ​​(e) ​the auditors have expressed an emphasis of matter on the listed issuer's ability to continue as a going concern in the listed issuer's latest audited financial statements and the shareholders' equity of the listed issuer on a consolidated basis is 50% or less of the issued and paid-up capital (excluding treasury shares) of the listed issuer; or
​ ​(f) a default in payment by a listed issuer, its major subsidiary or major associated company, as the case may be, as announced by a listed issuer pursuant to paragraph 9.19A of the Listing Requirements and the listed issuer is unable to provide a solvency declaration to the Exchange


2023-09-07 14:37 | Report Abuse

Do not blame government:
AAX and MAS done the debts restructure to start aflesh.

CapitalA current predicament is Stony own doing.


2023-09-07 14:25 | Report Abuse

CapitalA fail the Bursa list company capital requirement needed to be uplift from PN17 and continue listing in Bursa. Hence suspension and delist from Bursa is inevitable.

CapitalA still can carry on the business as unlisted company. And later list some of the sunsidiary companies to raise capital for capitalA


2023-09-07 14:06 | Report Abuse

By the way is SIA or CapitalA a PN17 company?


2023-09-07 14:02 | Report Abuse

I3lurker had done the study and conclude: Airasia never make or do not know how to make money from flying passagers. The past precovid profit is from booking, buying planes in big numbers and sold them for profit.

This is his fact and I do agree with him.


2023-09-07 13:57 | Report Abuse

Whether you are a scammer, trader, investor, speculator or newbie just beware:
If CapitalA fail to submit PN17 regularisation plan on or before 7 Oct 2023 deadline, Bursa can either allow the third extension or reject the request for extension and proceed to suspend and delist CapitalA from Bursa.

StartOfTheBull @SSLee
I don't think scammer trader or not is not up to us to judge.
How many readers here can raise their hands to indicate that they are not one of the speculators in share market?
07/09/2023 1:40 PM


2023-09-07 13:53 | Report Abuse

You only got the same set of figure/data but it depend on how people interpret the figure/data to suit their own narrative or fact.

That is why there is a saying “Figures don't lie, but liars figure”


2023-09-07 12:58 | Report Abuse

Know what happen Q2 EPS 27.5 sen. NAPS: RM negative 2.01
Whereas Q1 EPS: 1.4 sen. NAPS: RM negative 1.33


2023-09-07 12:48 | Report Abuse

And this is the question I put forward to CapitalA IR on submitting PN17 regularisation plan:

Question 6: Looking at the dire situation of CapitalA balance sheet, is “Revised official submission deadline to October 2023, aim to execute the plan in 4Q23/1Q24” achievable or another request of extension in the making?
Capital and reserves:
Share capital: RM 8,659,652,000
Merger deficit: RM (5,507,594,000)
Other reserves: RM 266,894,000
Foreign exchange reserve: RM (1,657,962,000)
Accumulated losses: RM (10,151,810,000)
Owner of the company: RM (8,390,820,000)
Non-controlling interest: RM (1,813,867,000)
Total equity RM (10,204,687,000)
(a) the regularisation plan is able to strengthen the financial position of the PN17 Issuer including its securities holders’ equity, gearing, net asset position, cash flow position, and address its accumulated losses position.


2023-09-07 12:35 | Report Abuse

These are questions I put forward to TA analyst on operating cashflow:
Question 5: What do you mean/where do you get the information operating cash flow inflow was stable at RM484.9mn, boosting the group’s total cash to RM735mn as at June-23?
As at 31/12/2022
Deposits, bank and cash balances: RM 469,985,000
Sales in advance: RM 1,428,011,000
As at 31/3/2023
Deposits, bank and cash balances: RM 589,594,000
Sales in advance: RM 1,546,450,000
As at 30/6/2023
Deposits, bank and cash balances: RM 735,003,000
Sales in advance: RM 2,024,943,000

Question 6: As at 30/6/2023: Deposits, bank and cash balances: RM 735,003,000. Sales in advance: RM 2,024,943,000. May I ask, using the advance sales/future revenue for current working capital how will that affect the future cash flow?

And this is the question I put forward to CapitalA IR on EBITDA and operating cash flow:
Question 1: Why only present the positive; Group (“EBITDA”) of RM462 million in 2Q2023 and Group operating cash flow over RM1 billion to general investing public and IBs analyst but omitting to state that under MFRS 16:

(i) On the Consolidated Income Statement, expenses which were previously included under aircraft operating leases will be replaced by finance costs – lease liabilities and depreciation of right of use asset;
(ii) On the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, operating lease rental outflows, previously recorded within net cash flow from operating activities, are classified as “net cash flow used in financing activities” for repayment of principal of lease liabilities.

Depreciation of right of use assets: RM (354,185,000)
Finance costs-lease liabilities: RM (235,975,000)

Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from borrowings: RM 130,989,000
Repayment of borrowing and lease liabilities: RM (1,107,380,000)
Acquisition on non-controlling interests: RM (52,061,000)
Net cash used in financing activities: RM (1,028,452,000)


2023-09-07 12:27 | Report Abuse

This is the question I put forward to TA analyst:
Question 7: 2Q2023 Current liabilities RM 14,208,631,000, current assets RM 2,269,900,000 thus net current liabilities RM (11,938,731,000), do you consider CapitalA is an insolvent company?

And this is the question I put forward to CapitalA IR
Question 2: 2Q2023 Current liabilities RM 14,208,631,000, current assets RM 2,269,900,000, net current liabilities RM (11,938,731,000), what is CapitalA plan funding in the next 12 months to meet the obligation of net current liabilities of RM (11,938,731,000)?


2023-09-07 12:22 | Report Abuse

Creditors demand payment for every debts with interest because according to geary CapitalA is doing very well.

Posted by geary > Sep 7, 2023 11:37 AM | Report Abuse
CAPITALA: Hold/Optimistic!?
Nov. '93; Nov. 2023!?
Highest Quarter Profit since '93!?
Forward 2Q, FY'23: Highest Sales/Profit for the past #30 years!?
Past FA, just a reference n irrelevant, or trash anyway!?
Every businesses economic is dynamic, not fixed.
Only financial institutions not much volatility!?
Average Forward EPS: >@0.50!?
Trade at your own risk!?


2023-09-07 12:02 | Report Abuse

I am only confident Jaks coming Q3 and Q4 result will be bad.

As on the share price, short term is a voting machine. That is why scammers campaign so hard day and night to con your vote.


2023-09-07 10:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2023-09-07 10:08 | Report Abuse

You should short CapitalA because if CapitalA fail to submit PN17 regularisation plan on or before 7 Oct deadline, Bursa can either allow the third extension or reject the request for extension and proceed to suspend and delist CapitalA from Bursa.


2023-09-07 09:46 | Report Abuse

Fact check:
AAX survive because of Debts restructure (pay just 0.5% of debts owed), capital reduction and 10 to 1 consolidation.

Do you think CapitalA can survive as a listing company without a debts restructure?

Anyway already too late for debts restructure as creditors are smart now to demand payment for every debts with interest.

CapitalA suspension and delist from bursa is inevitable. But you still can be a shareholders of unlisted CapitalA and do the Bollywood dance with Stony during yearly private AGM meeting.


2023-09-07 09:26 | Report Abuse

Repost for Johny fact check:

Since jaks granted 70,500,000 ordinary shares (“LTIP Shares”) SG. Share grant on 10 july 2023 hence RM12.69M of LTIP expenses will only be charged to Q3 2023 under other operating, administrative expenses.
Hence Q3 2023 NP will be Q to Q and Y to Y drop

Based on past 4 years norm jaks Q4 2023 another Q to Q and Y to Y drop due to impairment on trade and other receivables and impairment loss on goodwill.

This is what happen the past 4 years.

12 months end 31/12/22: 12 months end 31/12/21
RM'000: RM'000
Impairment Loss on Goodwill 29,000: 23,636
Allowance for impairment of receivables 22,833: 20,348

12 months end 31/12/20: 12 months end 31/12/19
RM'000: RM'000
Impairment Loss on Goodwill 52,000: 20,365
Allowance for impairment of receivables 69,507: 12,490


2023-09-07 08:29 | Report Abuse

Since when a car rental business in Singapore is profitable?

Someone must be smart to dispose capitalA for disposal gain before Covid-19 strike. Only pdumb dumb hold icapital TTB still holding capitalA before covid-19 untill now. Most likely TTB will still dumb dumb hold capitalA till suspension and delist.


2023-09-07 08:01 | Report Abuse

Is that sooooooo stupiiiiiiid someone cannot read nor understand what I posted on:
M&A Securities SDN BHD financial highlight: A 100% holding of Insas before RTO of SYF.

FYE 30 June
2019 2020 2021 2022
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Revenue 26,314 36,978 68,906 48,541
Other items of income
15,791 18,646 33,291 28,900
Items of expense (33,353) (42,855) (77,420) (54,632)
PBT 8,752 12,769 24,777 22,809
PAT 6,552 9,172 18,764 17,916

Can anyone understand english kindly explain to sooooo stupiiiiiid why staff expense increase in 2021?

Posted by Johnchew5 > Sep 7, 2023 5:44 AM | Report Abuse
Hoho Konartist sslleee , why Insaf Staff Expenses is increased Over RM 20 million on 2021 compared to 2020 ? After the RI issued n get money from shareholders??

FYE 30 June
2019 2020 2021 2022
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Revenue 26,314 36,978 68,906 48,541
Items of expense (33,353) (42,855) (77,420) (54,632)


2023-09-07 07:50 |

Post removed.Why?


2023-09-07 07:02 | Report Abuse

One-off exceptional gain on deemed disposal of equity interest in associate companies of RM 131.3 million.

Do anyone know what is deemed disposal?

Associated co - Inari completed private placement of 10% share at RM 3.10, way above its NTA per share, & insas needs to account for its equity accounting (Inari) share of share capital/reserve increase of RM 131.3 million, purely accounting treatment in compliance with FRS. Non cash flow but increase in assets.

Balance sheet the non current asset associate companies value increase by RM 131.3 million


2023-09-07 06:59 | Report Abuse

Insas still hold 537,008,575 inari share (associate company) and
1,215,718,665 M&A an effective holding of 60.83% subsidiary company of Insas.

Know what is the market value of 537,008,575 inari share and 1,215,718,665 M&A share?


2023-09-07 06:43 | Report Abuse

M&A Securities SDN BHD financial highlight: A 100% holding of Insas before RTO of SYF.

FYE 30 June
2019 2020 2021 2022
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Revenue 26,314 36,978 68,906 48,541
Other items of income
15,791 18,646 33,291 28,900
Items of expense (33,353) (42,855) (77,420) (54,632)
PBT 8,752 12,769 24,777 22,809
PAT 6,552 9,172 18,764 17,916

RI of Insas-PB with free Insas-WC is a way to reward shareholders. You can either sell your entitlement or subscribe for the RI
I subscribe for my RI entitlement with 10% excess application and later sold the WC for a 6 digit gain.

Someone is very jeleous I make 6 digit gain from the WC.
Recently bought back some WC because history will repeat again. In the past someone promote PA, and WC rocket pass PA. Now that someone day and night promote Jaks hence WC will/shall rocket pass Jaks soon.


2023-09-07 06:13 | Report Abuse

Thank for pointing out the 80 sen share price alrdy adjusted for bonus issue n stock split.
Q1 EPS: 0.31 sen
Q2 EPS: 1.35 sen
Q3 EPS: 1.07 sen

Market Cap: 89 Million
NOSH: 433 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks): 5,500,752
4 Weeks Range: 0.185 - 0.225
4 Weeks Price Volatility (%): 50.00%
52 Weeks Range: 0.09 - 0.23
52 Weeks Price Volatility (%): 82.14%

Perhap before bonus issue n stock split the NOSH is small hence more easy to goreng.


2023-09-06 17:15 | Report Abuse

RM’000 : RM’000
Non-current assets 1,409,615 : 709,801
Current assets 116,294 : 357,236
Non-current liabilities (1,992,676) : (1,021,560)
Current liabilities (1,458,377): (3,100,251)
Net liabilities (1,925,144): (3,054,775)

Name of entity Country of incorporation
Group’s effective
equity interest
2022 %
PT Indonesia AirAsia (“IAA”) Indonesia 47.43
Philippines Airasia Inc. (“PAA”) Philippines 40.00

Any good reason/reasons why CapitalA increase the equity holding of PAA with net liabilities of RM (3,054,775,000) as at 31/12/2022 from 40% to 100% in Q2 2023?


2023-09-06 16:26 | Report Abuse

I based on past 4 years norm to write something abt the future jaks Q4 2023
This is what happen the past two years.

12 months end 31/12/22: 12 months end 31/12/21
RM'000: RM'000
Impairment Loss on Goodwill 29,000: 23,636
Allowance for impairment of receivables 22,833: 20,348

12 months end 31/12/20: 12 months end 31/12/19
RM'000: RM'000
Impairment Loss on Goodwill 52,000: 20,365
Allowance for impairment of receivables 69,507: 12,490

StartOfTheBull Kon Lee you are writing something about the future which you are unsure of.
2,438 posts
Posted by Sslee > 8 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Q4 2023 another Q to Q and Y to Y drop due to impairment losses on trade and other receivables and impairment of goodwill.


2023-09-06 15:55 | Report Abuse

Q4 2023 another Q to Q and Y to Y drop due to impairment losses on trade and other receivables and impairment of goodwill.


2023-09-06 15:41 | Report Abuse

Since company granted 70,500,000 ordinary shares (“LTIP Shares”) SG. Share grant on 10 july 2023 hence RM12.69M of LTIP expenses will only be charged to Q3 2023 under other operating, administrative expenses.

Hence Q3 2023 NP will be Q to Q and Y to Y drop.


2023-09-06 15:25 | Report Abuse

Please allow me to make correction.
Company granted 70,500,000 ordinary shares (“LTIP Shares”) SG. Share grant on 10 july 2023 hence RM12.69M of LTIP expenses will only be charged to Q3 under other operating, administrative expenses

Bruce_Wayne Why then is other operating, administrative expenses so high at RM13.077M in Q2 2023?
When average employee salaries & wages per quarter is only RM3.22M!

Answer is:
--->>> RM12.69M worth of shares were given for FREE to Ang Lam Pah and charged to operating, administrative expenses.

Please remember this fact in 'Key Matters Discussed'
Long Term Incentive Plan (“LTIP”) On 10 July 2023, the Company granted 70,500,000 ordinary shares (“LTIP Shares”) under the Restricted Share Plan (“RSP”) of the Company’s Long-Term Incentive Plan (“LTIP”) to eligible directors and employees of the Group.


2023-09-06 13:10 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2023-09-06 13:09 | Report Abuse

Posted by OnTime > Sep 6, 2023 12:59 PM | Report Abuse
good reminder that life is short and impermanent.

Hence please leave the world a better place than you found it.


2023-09-06 13:02 | Report Abuse

Did godofinvesting know about SASBADI stock split and bonus issue before he write:
In 2016, share price was hovering around 80 sen. Current share price is 20 sen. A difference of 4 times or 300%.
- Will SASBADI head back to its 80 sen share price levels and beyond?
28-Jul-2017 09-Aug-2017 BONUS_ISSUE Bonus Issue 1 : 2
18-Feb-2016 04-Mar-2016 STOCK_SPLIT Subdivision 2 : 1


2023-09-06 11:16 | Report Abuse

I thought let's go jaks means Sell Jaks thats what he is telling you

let's go jaks
4 minutes ago


2023-09-06 11:14 | Report Abuse

Agree ignore the noise. Especially avoid/ignore the one make the most noise day and night at jaks forum.

I meant ignore the noise.
1 hour ago


2023-09-06 09:28 | Report Abuse

Kontrak berkelanjutan
Pasar buka

Brent crude futures went up more than 1% to surpass $90 a barrel on Tuesday, a fresh high since November 2022, after Saudi Arabia announced it will extend the voluntary cut of one million barrels of oil per day for another three months until the end of December, to support stability and balance of oil markets. Saudi Arabia added that the cut decision which has gone into implementation in July and was extended to include August and September, will be reviewed monthly to consider deepening the cut or increasing production. At the same time, Russia also extended its voluntary reduction in oil exports by 300,000 bpd until the end of the year. On the demand side, concerns about the health of the Chinese economy continue after services PMI at the world’s largest crude importer disappointed.


2023-09-06 09:23 | Report Abuse

A good reminder from KYY

All politicians must remember that we were all the same humans in Malaysia until RELIGION separated us, POLITICS divided us, WEALTH classified us, RACE disconnected us and CORRUPTION destroyed Malaysia.


2023-09-06 08:26 | Report Abuse

05/09/2023 0.23 0.215 - 0.235 0.22 -0.015 (6.38%) 26,997,700
04/09/2023 0.24 0.225 - 0.245 0.235 0.00 (0.00%) 60,733,600
01/09/2023 0.20 0.20 - 0.24 0.235 +0.035 (17.50%) 184,429,300

Jaks T volume: 184,429,000: Price +0.035
Jaks T+1 volume: 60,733,600: Price + 0.000
Jaks T+2 volume: 26,997,000: Price -0.015

So you should know what will be the T+3 volume and price movement?


2023-09-06 07:54 | Report Abuse

TQVM for the gentle reminder.
By the way don't get too close to your BFF Johny, he visit Jl Alor massage parlour/Spa every day.

A gentle remi der to you, there is no perfect medicine to cure AIDS yet

Posted by StartOfTheBull > Sep 6, 2023 7:49 AM | Report Abuse

Just a gentle reminder to Kon Lee, don't get too close to ahkua, there is no perfect medicine to cure AIDS yet


2023-09-06 07:40 | Report Abuse

Just a gentle reminder:

The extension of time is without prejudice to Bursa Securities' right to proceed to suspend the trading of the listed securities of the Company and to de-list the Company in the event:

(i) the Company fails to submit its regularisation plan to the regulatory authorities on or before 7 October 2023;
(ii) the Company fails to obtain the approval from any of the regulatory authorities necessary for the implementation of its regularisation plan; or
(iii) the Company fails to implement its regularisation plan within the time frame or extended time frame stipulated by any of the regulatory authorities.

Upon occurrence of any of the events set out in (i) to (iii) above, Bursa Securities shall suspend the trading of the listed securities of the Company on the 6th market day after the date of notification of suspension by Bursa Securities and de-list the Company, subject to the Company's right to appeal against the delisting
This announcement is dated 27 July 2023

Question 2: Will Bursa consider a third extension or Bursa will proceed to suspend the trading of the listed securities of the Company and to de-list the Company in the event CapitalA fails to submit its regularisation plan to the regulatory authorities on or before 7 October 2023?


2023-09-06 07:00 | Report Abuse

Good morning income,
I thought someone everyday go to Jln Alor massage parlour/spa to get stock tips from massage lady that happen to get stock tips from pump and dump syndicate macai.

Thank you for the addition information:

You always go to Jln Alor for massage hockey stick...
Every day after lunch you stop by Jln Alor for services hockey stick… already there most famous hockey stick players in Msia. You sweating and you said you were in sauna. In fact you were playing hockey stick at Jln Alor. That’s why you have to kencing a little bit at a time. Kencing busuk, Weiii.
One day you hockey stick will crack and you will cry without tears. Repent. Go back to your religion and pray hard for forgiveness from God.
05/09/2023 10:01 PM

Income JohnC is the most famous hockey stick player in i3 and also whole of Msia. Haha 😂
05/09/2023 10:09 PM


2023-09-06 06:50 | Report Abuse

Good morning Mabel
USD to MYR exchange rate at:
30 Dec 2022: 4.3900
31 March 2023: 4.4193
30 June 2023: 4.6650

From Q2 end 30/6/2023 capitalA financial report:
P&L statement: other comprehensive expense:
Foreign currency translation differences:
Quarter end 30/6/2023: Period end 30/6/2023
RM (1,576,850,000): RM (1,506,596,000)
Balance sheet:
Capital and reserves
Foreign exchange reserve
As at 30/6/2023: As at 31/12/2022
RM (1,657,962,000): RM (153,308,000)

From Q1 end 31/3/2023 capitalA financial report:
P&L statement: other comprehensive expense:
Foreign currency translation differences:
Quarter end 31/3/2023
RM 70,264,000
Balance sheet:
Capital and reserves
Foreign exchange reserve
As at 31/3/2023: As at 31/12/2022
RM (83,054,000): RM (153,308,000)


2023-09-05 18:43 | Report Abuse

I do not mind putting small bet for trading purpose on liquidity stocks for my free bintang beer.

But for investment, I invested on those good fundamental stocks that give regular dividend. By my last count on stocks I hold that already pay dividend or on the way to pay already declare dividend. My dividend income already break RM 200k for year 2023.

So please invest wisely.


2023-09-05 17:46 | Report Abuse

Here we are talking about making Bursa an efficient, vibrant, fair and orderly market. But I can’t agree more on the feeling and frustration expressed by i3investor commentator:
hulwan These kinds of shenanigans, and then they wonder why our Bursa is in the doldrums


2023-09-05 17:40 | Report Abuse

The airline is a joint venture between three Filipino businessmen and AirAsia. 60% of the airline is owned by Filipino investors Antonio O. Cojuangco, Jr., former owner of Associated Broadcasting Company and owner of Dream Satellite TV, Michael L. Romero, a real estate developer and port operator, and Marianne Hontiveros, a former music industry executive and TV host.[25] The remaining 40% is owned by AirAsia Investments Ltd. (later AirAsia Aviation Limited) of Malaysia.[7] The Public Service Act of the Philippines, prior to its amendment in 2022, only allowed a foreign direct investment of up to 40% in Philippine-registered airlines.[26]

In June 2019, Romero's F&S Holdings bought the shares owned by Alfredo Yao and Hontiveros, thus becoming the new majority shareholder in the company. Four months later, Romero acquired Cojuangco's shares, becoming the sole local owner (and parent company) of the airline.[4] In June 2023, F&S Holdings sold all of its shares to AA Com Travel Philippines for an undisclosed amount.


2023-09-05 15:06 | Report Abuse

You must have faith in Stony.
He even can make Sir Richard Branson, owner of Virgin Air, to cross-dressed, wore lipstick, shaved his legs, put on a sexy red skirt
as one of the flight attendants and spent the 5.5-hour flight serving food and coffee, tea or me.


2023-09-05 14:57 | Report Abuse

Jaks facing cashflow problems will not be able to undertake anymore new job/project unless RI coming.

What ALP doing is signed many more MOU ( aka worthless toilet paper) so that he can justified his fat cat CEO salarly + benefit and more LTIP free share grant.

Jaks q2 revenue RM 3,312,000
No even enough to pay finance cost of RM 6,177,000

Last Price : 0.235
Today's Change: +0.035 (17.50%)
Day's Change: 0.20 - 0.24
Trading Volume: 184,429,300

Rotating/syndicate play. It can be 1 day, 1 week or 1 month play. So make sure you are not the one holding the dead cat when the music stop.