
Sslee | Joined since 2016-08-31

Investing Experience Beginner
Risk Profile Moderate

Emotional Introvert Most defining characteristics: You are sensitive, melancholic and a perfectionist. You are a very emotional, caring and dedicated person. You believe that there is a bigger picture in life, one that we can’t really see, but we can feel. You are very compassionate, strong minded





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2023-07-18 07:49 | Report Abuse

All this while AAX did not make money because AAX too dependent on AA/CapitalA (for planes and services) or relate party transactions.

So whether AAX make money or not will still depend on how much CapitalA want to charge AAX for service provide. In short capitalA can just do profit transfer from associate/JV/relate party to CapitalA by overchanging the relate party transactions.


2023-07-17 11:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by RobinHootnShoot > Jul 17, 2023 11:09 AM | Report Abuse
As expected, Capital A will be out of PN 17 after they unveiled their regularisation plan

Question: If that is the case then why keep postpone the unveiling of PN17 regularisation plan?

The PN17 regularisation plan:
1.The Group expects to announce the finalised regularisation plan to Bursa Malaysia Securities in January 2023 and followed by submission for approval targeted in February 2023.

2.We have a robust plan in place and aim to have a full submission of the regularisation plan in April 2023 after finalising the audit and valuation of entities involved.

3. The revised timeline involves full submission in July 2023, with our execution plan commencing in quarter four upon obtaining all required approvals from Bursa Malaysia and relevant authorities.

4.On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Company, RHB Investment Bank Berhad wishes to announce that the Company had on 30 June 2023 submitted an application to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) for an extension of time of an additional period of 3 months until 7 October 2023 for the Company to submit its regularisation plan to Bursa Securities.


2023-07-16 11:37 | Report Abuse

LSS4 IRR is a poor single digit.
With borrowing of RM220 million and at increase interest payment will Jaks Solar Nibong Tebal make any profit?

JAKS Solar Nibong Tebal (JAKS Solar), a wholly-owned subsidiary of JAKS Resources, obtained a RM112.5 million (US$26.5 million) financing facility from AmBank Islamic in March 2022 as part of a multilateral financing facility worth RM220 million (US$51.82 million)

News & Blogs

2023-07-16 11:30 | Report Abuse

Bplant as plantation company is not managing it plantation well as it' FFB yield has been dropping year after year. Old tree and need capital investment for replanting.

The only bright spot is Bplant plantation in Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor and Johor are freehold land that should value more than plantation.

On and off Bplant juat need to sell a piece of the valuable plantation land and report hundred million in disposal gain.

Without land disposal gain coming Q2 2023 result should be bad.


2023-07-16 10:47 | Report Abuse

Just for your information:
Mike is using another user ID J to continues posting his broken record in i3forum.

Due to repeated abuse posts, this account has been suspended from posting to the i3investor portal until 08/08/2023. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Use and Community Standards of this portal.


2023-07-16 10:37 | Report Abuse

So I am proven right:
Do no argue with a fool. He will drag you to his level and beat you with his repeat playing broken record/insult.

Lesson learned: Do not stoop so low to their level.

“When someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don’t stoop to their level. No, our motto is: ‘When they go low, we go high’.”

The Late Show host said: “I totally understand going high when somebody goes low, but the bar is so low that staying at your own altitude still means higher. Do I actually have to go up here or can I just be normal? Do I have to be a saint? Because down here, I’m pissed off!”

Michelle Obama replied: “For me, going high is not losing the urgency or the passion or the rage, especially when you are justified in it.

"Going high means finding the purpose in your rage. Rage without reason, without a plan, without direction is just more rage. And we’ve been living in a lot of rage.”

She added that going low is “unsustainable” and explained: “If going low worked, we’d do it. It might be a ‘quick fix’ but it doesn’t fix anything over the long term.

“I’m trying to push us to think about solutions that will actually unite us and get us focused on the real problem. That’s what I mean when I say, ‘go high’. So yes, go high. America, please go high.”

Repost:Secret to happiness and success

“Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not.”

i3ivestor forum comment, house rule (not under my control, so live with it) but you can choose to totally ignore those good for nothing cyber trolls.

In life you are going to come across many type of people so choose who are to be your friends and who to avoid/ignore because your future success will depend on this critical choice

News & Blogs

2023-07-16 10:14 | Report Abuse

By all means, Jaks can refinance its borrowings or carry out fund raising exercises through private placements/ rights issues to address its cash flow deficiencies.

Only after 2030 the dividend from JHDP should be able to pay off the borrowing in X years. So no cash dividend for the next xx years.


2023-07-16 10:06 | Report Abuse

The unknown is whether Stony will inject in CapitalA' aviation with billions of liabilities into AAX and force AAX to another round of debts restructure, capital reduction and share consolidation.


2023-07-16 09:40 | Report Abuse

Question: When you are in an argument with someone who resorts to insults and name-calling, does that mean that you are winning?

Answer:Do no argue with a fool. He will drag you to his level and beat you with his repeat playing broken record/insult.


2023-07-16 09:29 | Report Abuse

If you look into last quarter cash flow statement
Reversal of provision additional loss of investment in IAAX: RM (95,850,000)

News & Blogs

2023-07-16 09:19 | Report Abuse

The contest is for 6, 12 and 18 months. One month is too short and will most likely decided by luck rather than skill/study.


2023-07-16 08:54 | Report Abuse

Did anyone notice the last quarter profit is mostly from: Group's profits were further boosted by the reversal of provisions on debts and investments amounting to RM265.9 million.


2023-07-16 08:36 | Report Abuse

TAAX recorded a net profit of RM63.96 million in the current quarter. As at 31 March 2023, the unrecognised amount of the Group's share of loss of TAAX which have not been equity accounted for amounted to RM453.4 million. In accordance to MFRS 128, any profits will only be recognised when its shares of the profits equals the share of losses previously not recognised.

IAAX has been dormant since FY2020. The Group has discontinued the recognition of its share of losses incurred by IAAX as the Group's interests had been reduced to zero. As at 31 March 2023, the unrecognised amount of the Group's share of loss of IAAX which have not been equity accounted for amounted to RM304.7 million.

Shareholders' equity as at 31/03/2023: RM 40,762,000

So it all depend on what accounting standard used to come out with conclusion:


2023-07-15 19:02 | Report Abuse


财经周刊《The Edge》引述知情人士报道说,该公司将在近期内向大马股票交易所提出申请。





News & Blogs

2023-07-15 18:59 | Report Abuse

If the court verdict is PAS is guity of vote buying then should the court also ban PAS to recontest the vacant seat again


2023-07-15 16:52 | Report Abuse

FortuneBull777 should buy Tesla model Y for the wife.
The wife will take him around and should be very excited to drive Tesla at high speed with no hand on the steering whell.


2023-07-15 16:46 | Report Abuse

I just bought Mazda CX-30 that cost about RM 150K for my daughter.
I have one Plug in hybrid BMW 530e


2023-07-15 16:27 | Report Abuse

RM 200,000 to USD
USD 200,000/4.53 = USD 44,150

So will be at no.4 list.


2023-07-15 12:18 | Report Abuse

Mind sharing the link on what the edge wrote about AAX?

Posted by ks5S > Jul 15, 2023 6:54 AM | Report Abuse

the edge wrote very positive position for aax

News & Blogs

2023-07-15 12:08 | Report Abuse

Jaks received dividend of RM 70,120,000 from JHDP in Q4 ended 31/12/2022 (JHDP start operation end Jan 2021)

30% share of profit: 2021: RM 140.7 million. 2022: RM 156.2 million: Q1 2023: RM 28.3 million

So you just need to wait till Q4 end 31/12/2023 result to know what will be the dividend from JHDP and compare with what the author calculation of RM 23 million.

Till then just hold your judgement whether the author is right or wrong.


2023-07-15 06:35 | Report Abuse

Model Y
1.China $38,006
2.Macau $42,682
3.Japan $43,904
4.Latvia $44,777
4.Estonia $44,777
4.Slovakia $44,777
4.Lithuania $44,777
5.Hong Kong $47,017
6.Australia $47,409
7.New Zealand $48,212
8.Norway $52,064
9.Iceland $52,903
10.Portugal $53,308
10.Italy $53,308
10.Belgium $53,308
10.Luxembourg $53,308
10.Netherlands $53,308
10.France $53,308
11.Spain $54,599
12.Ireland $56,508
13.Greece $57,574
13.Germany $57,574
14.Thailand $58,078
15.Switzerland $59,263
16.Romania $59,707
16.Slovenia $59,707
17.United Arab Emirates $59,897
18.Austria $61,200
19.United Kingdom $62,872
20.Finland $63,972
21.Denmark $64,410
22.Croatia $64,963
23.Sweden $65,572
24.Poland $65,946
25.Hungary $66,101
26.Czechia $66,543
27.Singapore $68,834

Long Range
1.China $45,318
2.Macau $50,854
3.Hong Kong $55,880
4.Norway $56,069
5.Lithuania $56,508
5.Slovakia $56,508
5.Latvia $56,508
5.Estonia $56,508
6.Iceland $57,182
7.Germany $60,773
8.Canada $63,199
9.Austria $65,252
10.Puerto Rico $65,990
10.United States $65,990
11.Thailand $66,973
12.Israel $67,006
13.Luxembourg $67,171
13.Greece $67,171
14.United Arab Emirates $67,248
15.South Korea $67,829
16.France $69,304
17.Switzerland $70,040
18.United Kingdom $70,127
19.Italy $70,371
19.Belgium $70,371
19.Spain $70,371
19.Netherlands $70,371
20.Slovenia $71,437
20.Ireland $71,437
20.Romania $71,437
20.Portugal $71,437
21.Finland $71,863
22.Sweden $73,079
23.Taiwan $75,218
24.Poland $75,539
25.Croatia $75,614
26.Hungary $77,163
27.Czechia $77,633
28.Denmark $80,321
29.Mexico $82,566

1.China $52,629
2.Macau $56,293
3.Japan $56,851
4.Hong Kong $57,789
5.Norway $60,074
6.Slovakia $60,773
6.Lithuania $60,773
6.Estonia $60,773
6.Latvia $60,773
7.Iceland $60,821
8.Australia $65,299
9.Canada $66,917
10.New Zealand $67,268
11.Germany $69,837
12.United States $69,990
12.Puerto Rico $69,990
13.Israel $71,283
14.Greece $71,437
15.Austria $72,397
16.Luxembourg $72,514
17.United Arab Emirates $73,511
18.Thailand $74,384
19.France $74,636
20.Belgium $74,647
20.Netherlands $74,647
20.Spain $74,647
21.South Korea $75,595
22.Romania $75,681
23.Slovenia $75,702
24.Portugal $75,713
25.Switzerland $76,517
26.Italy $76,769
27.Sweden $76,881
28.Ireland $77,835
29.Finland $78,688
30.Poland $79,136
31.Croatia $79,163
32.Hungary $80,562
33.United Kingdom $82,220
34.Singapore $83,051
35.Czechia $83,156
36.Taiwan $85,030
37.Mexico $87,792
38.Denmark $90,169


2023-07-14 16:29 | Report Abuse

3iii is right on property stock.
My bad experience with KSL. Company profitable but refuse to pay dividend to shareholders meanwhile the three brothers ED paying themselve fat cat salarly and benefit.


2023-07-14 16:13 | Report Abuse

Business/event/home travel have recovered as the overdue meeting with customers, attending events, physical audit, balik kampong and attending ceremonies resumed.

As of leisure travel it depend on affordability and whether people have spare cash for touring/sight seeing?

If economy is bad then budget airline which mainly catering for tour business will suffer.


2023-07-14 15:20 | Report Abuse

Repost: Secret to happiness and success

“Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not.”

i3ivestor forum comment, house rule (not under my control, so live with it) but you can choose to totally ignore those good for nothing cyber trolls.

In life you are going to come across many type of people so choose who are to be your friends and who to avoid/ignore because your future success will depend on this critical choice.


2023-07-14 14:59 | Report Abuse

VincentTang Today sold some Insas and bought Petronm.
14/07/2023 2:31 PM

Good buy.
Petronm Q2 NP should be very good. I am waiting for Petronm AGM key matters discussed to see whether the Management will agree to my suggestion to split the dividend into two time one in July and another in Dec.

I top up Insas is because Insas next dividend will be on Jan 2024.
Will buy back Petronm when I sell Armada in 3 months time.


2023-07-14 14:46 | Report Abuse

I remember what I wrote.
I also remember writing below:

Sslee Good morning probability,
personal note to sslee, have you tried just avoiding responding / interacting with such trolls...usually they will stop by themself...not sure how this happened

Since I make my apology to Windy1974, I have totally ignored this troll even this troll still everyday hanging Big Fitnah, insulting and sexual harrassment banner on me and other i3commentator untill I blow my top and ask UlarSawa to arrange a fair competition my Armada with his CapitalA and loser get lost from this i3forum forever. I won (walk over) and he still continues insulting and sexual harrassment other that prompt me with no choice but to write to i3Admin.

Posted by Sslee > May 7, 2023 7:54 AM | Report Abuse X

Windy1974 is right, I shouldn't stoop to Mike level and throwing insults but I can't help when Mike insult my idol Robert De Niro who have a very strong character.

My apology.

Windy1974 SSlee. You have lowered yourself to slandering? If you can't take the heat, just stay away.
If you enjoy the attentions, then you better withstand the heat.
06/05/2023 10:36 AM
14/06/2023 6:37 AM


2023-07-14 14:13 | Report Abuse

KYY was here in Feb 2017 selling JHDP wawasan 2020 but was kicked out by insiders by Nov 2018.

Then DK66 and OTB were here 2019/2020 working on how much 30% - 40% JHDP profit will contribute to Jaks and Jaks net profit should spike up.

Then JAKS managemt RI, PP with lower and lower price and hundred million of free grant LTIP and non end yearly trade, other receivables and goodwill impairment loss. So Jaks profit did not spike up but what spike up is Total NOSH 2,289,834,607

So now who going to sell the wawasan 2030 that profit contribute by 40% JHDP will definately spike up and thus Jaks NP will also definately spike up?


2023-07-14 12:57 | Report Abuse

Sound like and look like, I have spoken the truth and got into someone' nerves. Hence someone'/someones' desperate attempt to discredit me.


2023-07-14 12:49 | Report Abuse

33 What is the loan tenure for JHDP
The loan tenure of JHDP is 10 years, expiring in 2030

34 Kindly clarify whether there is a basis
to estimate the dividend payment
from JHDP? How often is dividend
declared? Are there any binding
written agreements in place for the
distribution of JHDP dividends?

Based on the understanding between the JV parties, 100%
of distributable profits from JHDP are expected to be
declared as dividends on an annual basis, subject to
cashflow requirements. Under Vietnamese laws, dividends
can only be distributed upon determining the profits
available by filing of audited accounts and tax submissions.

35 The thermal coal prices settling at
$200 per tonne, which is half from its
peak of $400 early of the year. What
impact does this have on the earnings
of JAKS' power plants in Vietnam?

The coal price is pass-through to the off-taker, Vietnam
Electricity (EVN) and as such, JHDP is not exposed to the
risk of global coal price fluctuations.


2023-07-14 12:46 | Report Abuse

You can dowload the latest AGM key matter discussed from above link


2023-07-14 10:43 | Report Abuse

Today sold some Petronm and bought Insas.


2023-07-14 09:49 | Report Abuse

Can you be Teleport chief executive officer if you cannot even know your Teleport last quarter profit?

In other highlights from the interview, Chareonwongsak said:
Teleport’s first-quarter revenue was US$33 million (RM152.10 million), recording a net profit of US$2 million. Revenue represented 6% of Capital A’s total revenue of RM2.53 billion for the first quarter.

Teleport’s ambitions include growing its own fleet of freighters to 100 and pursuing a public listing as part of Capital A’s strategy to split up its businesses in order to unlock value. “I think the next couple of years are the best to come,” said Chareonwongsak, who has been with Teleport since its inception.

Just like its parent, Teleport’s no-frills business model is about delivering the most efficient service at the lowest cost possible. It promises 24-hour end-to-end fulfilment for any of the 80 cities it covers in Southeast Asia, and its entire workflow has been digitalised to keep costs to a minimum.

“If it costs US$50 to transport something with another company, I don’t want to bring it down to US$47. We do it for US$5, so it makes it more accessible,” Chareonwongsak said.

So watch out DHL and FedEx here we come.
Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a Teleport


2023-07-14 09:39 | Report Abuse

Someone is very desperate to sell you his CapitalA at as high a price as possible because he has less than 3 months of hard sell before Stony release the PN17 regularisation plan.


2023-07-14 09:29 | Report Abuse

My question last quarter end 31/03/2023, Teleport reported a Positive EBITDA of RM9 million or a net profit of US$2 million?


2023-07-14 09:25 | Report Abuse

Conman up to his old tricks again, twist and turn other people word and playing his broken record to flood the forum.


2023-07-14 08:03 | Report Abuse

Somone refer to siapa makan lada, dialah terasa pedas.

Again half past six pasar malam TA teaching again.
Many people conned by conman with half past six pasar malam TA teaching in PA forum.


2023-07-14 07:48 | Report Abuse

So now without India and Japan market and facing competition lioair in Indonesia where AA going to employ the A321neo?


2023-07-14 07:44 | Report Abuse

18 June 2019
Commercial Aircraft
AirAsia upsizes A320neo order to larger A321neo

AirAsia will upsize its future Airbus single aisle fleet, converting 253 orders for the A320neo to the larger A321neo version. The change will enable the airline to offer higher capacity in response to ongoing strong demand across its network. AirAsia becomes the world’s largest customer for the A321neo.

In total, AirAsia has placed orders for 592 A320 Family aircraft. Following the upsizing, AirAsia’s backlog with Airbus includes 353 A321neo. To date, the airline has taken delivery of 224 A320 Family aircraft, flying out of its bases in Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines and Thailand.

The A321neo is a member of the best-selling A320 Family incorporating the very latest technologies including new generation engines and Sharklets, which together deliver fuel savings of 20 percent. At the end of May 2019, the A320neo Family had received more than 6,500 firm orders from over 100 customers worldwide.


2023-07-14 07:39 | Report Abuse

So someone also cannot understand list price and the P&C purchased price?
No wonder still holding HRC at RM 4.40. Meanwhile I already collect 25 cents dividend from Petronm.


2023-07-14 07:36 | Report Abuse

Do somone know the different between Positive EBITDA of RM9 million and a net profit of US$2 million?

Very soon Teleport will be bigger than DHL and FedEx


2023-07-13 14:54 | Report Abuse

The A320ceo costs a neat $101 million at list price, while the A320neo goes for $110.6 million. The A321, on the other hand, costs $118.3 million and $129.5 million, respectively.Jun 28, 2023


2023-07-13 14:45 | Report Abuse

So who is telling the truth:
Positive EBITDA of RM9 million OR a net profit of US$2 million?

Teleport posted a quarterly segmental revenue of RM152 million, a 15% growth YoY
due to third party capacity additions and regional deals with global freight forwarders.
Teleport also achieved a positive EBITDA of RM9 million. It was a record quarter for
e-commerce achieving an average of 63k daily deliveries, up 84% QoQ on the back
of building operational scale capabilities that will provide a solid platform for growth
in 2023.

In other highlights from the interview, Chareonwongsak said:
Teleport’s first-quarter revenue was US$33 million (RM152.10 million), recording a net profit of US$2 million. Revenue represented 6% of Capital A’s total revenue of RM2.53 billion for the first quarter.
Revenue grew 17% quarter-on-quarter. The company is targeting a net profit of US$10 million for 2023.


2023-07-13 13:01 | Report Abuse

So how much money Stony earned or lost on QPR?

Under terms of the agreement Fernandes becomes the Chairman of QPR Holdings Ltd rather than the sole owner of the club. According to UK newspaper The Guardian, Tune Group has paid the club's former owners, Italian businessman Flavio Briatore and Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone, roughly US$58million.Aug 18, 2011

Are QPR still in debt?
Published for the 2021/22 season, they made for grim reading. The club lost £24m, not that far short of half a million pounds a week, with almost £90m still owed in various loans and player transfer instalments, as well as an outstanding settlement over Financial Fair Play breaches.Mar 8, 2023

How much debt is QPR FC in?
According to the latest set of accounts, it owes £11.5 million on its new £20 million training ground, £6 million to the EFL for Covid bailouts, £10.2 million in fines for over-spending in previous seasons, £2.1 million on transfer instalments and £68 million in loans.Apr 8, 2023


2023-07-13 12:21 | Report Abuse

You can check IEC price whether Stanley Choi make or lose mo ey on IEC

International Entertainment Corporation

Billionaire businessman and famous poker player, Stanley Choi Chiu Fai, has stepped down as Executive Director and Chairman of the board of Hong Kong-listed Asian gaming investor International Entertainment Corp (IEC) as of March 31, 2022. The company announced that Choi has resigned from both positions in order to dedicate more time to other commitments and confirmed this was not a conflict-driven move by board members, but one of his own volition.

Choi’s Withdrawal Begins with Share Sale
As of late January 2022, Choi was no longer considered a substantial shareholder at IEC following a number of transactions and sales of his shares. In 2017, he acquired a 55.82% stake in IEC. In March 2021 he sold a 18.99% stake to Ho Wong Meng, IEC’s chief executive officer, for HKD 228.8 million ($29.4 million) and in November 2021 he sold another 4.6% stake for HKD 24.6 million ($3.2 million) without disclosing the name of the purchaser. A few months later, he further reduced his stake to 18.75% in December 2021. The last transaction occurred in January 2022 when he signed a placing agreement with Head & Shoulders Securities Limited and dropped his holding to 4.87%.


2023-07-13 11:39 | Report Abuse

I'm waiting for market reaction when Stony finally release the long awaited CapitalA PN17 regularisation plan.

Meanwhile someone trapped at high floor will try desperately to con you to buy high from his hand.

3 more months for the conman to do his desperate con job

An extension of time of an additional period of three (3) months until 7 October 2023 for the Company to submit its regularisation plan to Bursa Securitie.


2023-07-13 08:40 | Report Abuse

Can somone ask ChatGPT the following questions on capitalA:
Question 1:
Current lease liabilities: RM 4,425,518,000
Current aircrafts maintenance: RM 441,089,000
Current trade and other payables: RM 2,936,242,000
Current amount due to associates: RM 359,096,000
Current amount due to related parties: RM 275,443,000
Current borrowing: RM 513,640,000
Sales in advances: RM 1,546,450,000

So in 12 months time if you do not pay these IOU amt to lessors/trade, maintenance and sevices suppliers/bankers/ associate companies/related parties and provide the promised flight services to sales in advance customers then what will happen?

Question 2:
How many years to pay off lessors, Bankers and trade/service providers?
Follow by how many years to airbus/bankers?

Lease liabilities
The lease liabilities amounting to RM14.9 billion includes deferred aircraft leases of approximately RM2.4 billion. The lease liabilities are supported by ROU assets of RM10.1 billion and finance lease receivables of RM0.4 billion.

The Group had completed the restructuring of a total of 133 aircraft leases up to the date of this report including the waiver of lease rentals in arrears, as well as reducing future lease rates with a corresponding longer lease term, where necessary, and return of aircraft.

The approved and contracted for capital commitments for the Group are in respect of aircraft purchase. The future
commitments of aircraft purchase are as follows:
2022 2021
RM’000 RM’000
Later than 1 year and not later than 5 years 12,908,493 7,688,395
Later than 5 years 89,700,487 89,474,981
102,608,980 97,163,376


2023-07-13 08:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by StartOfTheBull > Mar 4, 2023 9:53 AM | Report Abuse








-11 February 2023-

1972 posts
Posted by Sslee > Mar 4, 2023 9:54 AM | Report Abuse X

This is a clear example of Al using reasoning to prompt KJ to think for himself. But unfortunately KJ can't even think for himself and want everything spoon feeding on silver spoon.

The former Umno Youth chief today shared a screenshot of his "consultation" with ChatGPT, which interacts conversationally, on his Instagram story and noted that he didn't find the response helpful.

ChatGPT's response read: "As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or take sides in political matters. The decision of which political party to join is a personal one, and it depends on a variety of factors such as the individual's beliefs, values, and goals. Ultimately, it is up to Khairy Jamaluddin to decide which party aligns best with his own beliefs and principles, and which party he feels will best serve his constituents and the country as a whole."

"Tak guna betul ChatGPT ni… ingat boleh bantu…(ChatGPT is not really useful. I thought it will be able to help)," Khairy wrote on his Instagram story.

1543 posts
Posted by BobAxelrod33 > Mar 4, 2023 9:56 AM | Report Abuse

A person without any brains certainly could never think or knows what's best for himself....Period!

1543 posts
Posted by BobAxelrod33 > Mar 4, 2023 9:56 AM | Report Abuse

Wonder if he also need to ask permission if he could go ease himself in the toilet??

1543 posts
Posted by BobAxelrod33 > Mar 4, 2023 9:58 AM | Report Abuse

The best part is a lazy person could never accept Truth and criticism......Ever!

They think the road should be paved and red carpet rolled out for their precious feet.......Ptui!

5894 posts
Posted by StartOfTheBull > Mar 4, 2023 9:58 AM | Report Abuse

陈再藩 also cannot think for himself? Sslee?

1972 posts
Posted by Sslee > Mar 4, 2023 10:22 AM | Report Abuse X

If you ask Al: type your father name and your name and ask what is the relationship between him and you then instead of a reasoning, Al will give you a sarcastic answer or a make believe story to boost your ego.

5894 posts
Posted by StartOfTheBull > Mar 4, 2023 11:38 AM | Report Abuse

Can we start with your father?

840 posts

Posted by Sslee > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

If you ask Al: type your father name and your name and ask what is the relationship between him and you then instead of a reasoning, Al will give you a sarcastic answer or a make believe story to boost your ego.

1972 posts
Posted by Sslee > Mar 4, 2023 1:40 PM | Report Abuse X

Do I sound like someone who need an ego booster?

News & Blogs

2023-07-13 08:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by StartOfTheBull > Mar 4, 2023 9:53 AM | Report Abuse








-11 February 2023-

1972 posts
Posted by Sslee > Mar 4, 2023 9:54 AM | Report Abuse X

This is a clear example of Al using reasoning to prompt KJ to think for himself. But unfortunately KJ can't even think for himself and want everything spoon feeding on silver spoon.

The former Umno Youth chief today shared a screenshot of his "consultation" with ChatGPT, which interacts conversationally, on his Instagram story and noted that he didn't find the response helpful.

ChatGPT's response read: "As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or take sides in political matters. The decision of which political party to join is a personal one, and it depends on a variety of factors such as the individual's beliefs, values, and goals. Ultimately, it is up to Khairy Jamaluddin to decide which party aligns best with his own beliefs and principles, and which party he feels will best serve his constituents and the country as a whole."

"Tak guna betul ChatGPT ni… ingat boleh bantu…(ChatGPT is not really useful. I thought it will be able to help)," Khairy wrote on his Instagram story.

1543 posts
Posted by BobAxelrod33 > Mar 4, 2023 9:56 AM | Report Abuse

A person without any brains certainly could never think or knows what's best for himself....Period!

1543 posts
Posted by BobAxelrod33 > Mar 4, 2023 9:56 AM | Report Abuse

Wonder if he also need to ask permission if he could go ease himself in the toilet??

1543 posts
Posted by BobAxelrod33 > Mar 4, 2023 9:58 AM | Report Abuse

The best part is a lazy person could never accept Truth and criticism......Ever!

They think the road should be paved and red carpet rolled out for their precious feet.......Ptui!

5894 posts
Posted by StartOfTheBull > Mar 4, 2023 9:58 AM | Report Abuse

陈再藩 also cannot think for himself? Sslee?

1972 posts
Posted by Sslee > Mar 4, 2023 10:22 AM | Report Abuse X

If you ask Al: type your father name and your name and ask what is the relationship between him and you then instead of a reasoning, Al will give you a sarcastic answer or a make believe story to boost your ego.

5894 posts
Posted by StartOfTheBull > Mar 4, 2023 11:38 AM | Report Abuse

Can we start with your father?

840 posts

Posted by Sslee > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

If you ask Al: type your father name and your name and ask what is the relationship between him and you then instead of a reasoning, Al will give you a sarcastic answer or a make believe story to boost your ego.

1972 posts
Posted by Sslee > Mar 4, 2023 1:40 PM | Report Abuse X

Do I sound like someone who need an ego booster?

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2023-07-12 14:07 | Report Abuse

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News & Blogs

2023-07-12 07:40 | Report Abuse

If Nato accept Ukraine now mean Nato at war with Russia mean World War III.
Can Zelenskiy understand 1+1=2 ????