
StingRay | Joined since 2015-11-12

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2022-08-13 15:51 | Report Abuse

Ular, now you understand why I am loading up aiskrim? even having said that... you should also understand why I am so stingy. half Sen also don't want to give in? Wakaka.


2022-08-13 15:48 | Report Abuse

Ular, that is my principle for a very long time. Have shared with you and the rest of the gang many year ago. and I still stick to that principle.


2022-08-13 15:46 | Report Abuse

many are too focus on China market without realising that China is not the country that has the most population Liao. if you get my drift... good. if not... nevermind.


2022-08-13 15:44 | Report Abuse

I bought Bintai at RM0.085 and RM0.09. Sold it from RM0.12 to RM0.13. what is the percentage? waiting time is less than 6 months. any risk? there are but calculated risk. ada paham BOH? Haiya.


2022-08-13 15:42 | Report Abuse

why do I tell Ular to get some dialog when it was at RM2.00. why do I tell the people in TSH that buying TSH at RM1 and below has very minimal risk? if you can tolerate the less than 3% for interest rate annually, you should be able to tolerate the time taken to sell at higher than ilthe interest rate lah. Haiya.


2022-08-13 15:40 | Report Abuse

As I mentioned it before to Ular and the rest. a good market player don't play the market everyday. they just need to trade a few times and they already get enough for the year. playing the market is very addictive. same like drug addict or computer games addict, they lose out a lot more in life.


2022-08-13 15:37 | Report Abuse

MM... I do not want to speculate and just wait to see where it settle. a good market player need to have the patience to make money. only a gambler who play based on gut feel would think they are smarter than those people behind the move.


2022-08-13 15:35 | Report Abuse

Yo dick... am I a mole? a mole who asked people not to chase? a mole that explained why a counter like hibiscus would not make any big move? guess whoever employed me as a mole must be damn "smart". Wakaka.


2022-08-13 15:32 | Report Abuse

MM, I have posted clearly and openly why I am interested with TG. does that mean I need to rush in? only those people who think they can beat the system would want to do that. let the knife fall and settle first. that way, you don't get cut trying to catch the knife lah. Haiya.


2022-08-13 15:30 | Report Abuse

as for TA, you think those goreng kakis all standard 6 only kah? chart? who make the chart? you think they don't have that? income mentioned a very good point and I believed many don't even bother to try to understand what he said. they have more sophisticated tools like AI. you want to beat that? Haiya.


2022-08-13 15:27 | Report Abuse

Ular... bingo. and what they use to pump it up? good QR lah. good business prospect lah. good fundamental lah. otherwise, nobody would be interested to buy into that counter. nobody buy, those goreng kakis how to make money? Haiya.


2022-08-13 15:23 | Report Abuse

MM... want me to debate with a person who has no experience and knowledge of oil business? you think I have nothing better to do? Wakaka.


2022-08-13 15:20 | Report Abuse

So, if Bungaraya fundamental is so good, how come still not limit up? it is the same question I asked Calvin in TSH. fundamental? Wakaka.


2022-08-13 15:09 | Report Abuse

so, let me ask you... has your hibiscus limit up? Cheh.


2022-08-13 15:08 | Report Abuse

MM... hengyuan collapse? I still see the refinery functioning everyday. their price may be down and has not reach the level of my entry for trading purpose. and you are talking to a person who work on this crachlk mechanism for at least 3 decades. don't try to show your intellect by they jg to bullshit Ari je lah. people can see that clearly. Haiya.


2022-08-13 14:59 | Report Abuse

just take a look at koboi market. most of their counters there traded at how many time PE? they still say it is cheap. when come to other market... traded at very low PE, they still say it is expensive. fundamental? bullshit.


2022-08-13 14:56 | Report Abuse

The stock market is a zero sum game. for one to make, someone will lose. there are many may not agree with that statement. but that is a fact. a counter may be fundamentally sound today but I'm years to come, it may not be the same.bto me, the fundamental is just a tool used by the people who goreng the counter lah. Haiya.


2022-08-13 14:53 | Report Abuse

MM... go and read what you wrote in HengYuan. And tell me... was that speculative or facts? as for crack spread, I never believe in that sort of bullshit story. as I said, you have no idea how to play the stock game. Haiya.


2022-08-13 14:44 | Report Abuse

Ular, crude oil will not hit USD380 in the near term lah. Unless the third world war start which will end the value of money. the last time they, those oil speculators, ram it up to above USD150 and spread fear that oil is drying up also cannot reach that level loh. Haiya.


2022-08-13 14:39 | Report Abuse

as for MM, you go over to HengYuan and spread rumours that the Russian Ukraine was is ending and thus would lead to the collapse of crude oil. is that fundamental or merely speculation? you want to talk fundamental? Haiya.


2022-08-13 14:35 | Report Abuse

97 - 98 was during the super bullrun time. many garbage counters were played up super high. those that are not lazy would have done their homework and get out. and those that rally on others... will be the one that get caught. the same as when the boom. as I said earlier, learn your lesson well and move on. else you will still be stuck in the pit that you dig for yourselves. Haiya.


2022-08-13 13:22 | Report Abuse

good. otherwise how to collect cheap. Wakaka.


2022-08-13 13:20 | Report Abuse

Kah kah kah... stuck ke? you have no idea how to play the share market lah. kakaka.


2022-08-13 13:19 | Report Abuse

Ular, I have already told you the reason why I avoid armada. correct? Wakaka.


2022-08-13 13:06 | Report Abuse

Paktua, lu lupa dia punya airport. rugi berjuta. dia pi HengYuan cakap itu perang sudah mau tamat. minyak mentah mau collapse tapi kat Bungaraya, cerita lain. Wakaka.


2022-08-13 12:02 | Report Abuse

Fuyooo... itu koboi masih lagi ganas kah? sudah berapa hari ganas leh. tapi wa suka. Wakaka.


2022-08-13 11:33 | Report Abuse

ular, tempat saya panas terik. awal pagi hujan ribut. kikiki.


2022-08-13 11:01 | Report Abuse

itu Shell cakap dia orang punya pelantar minyak back in operation. total production 440,000/BPD. patut lah itu harga minyak mentah buat moonwalk. Haiya.


2022-08-13 10:59 | Report Abuse

wa risau nanti itu tong gas penuh dengan gas kentut je. Wakaka.


2022-08-13 10:55 | Report Abuse

wah... itu harimau sama itu Ah Piow punya bank ada naik lah. sudah mau sampai 52w high kah? boleh kah? ini macam wa sudah mau letak dalam radar Liao. kikiki.


2022-08-13 10:39 | Report Abuse

even tech as well. Haiya.


2022-08-13 10:39 | Report Abuse

Nobita... all industry will be at risk when China gets their hand on it lah. glove lah, chip lah, clothing lah. Haiya.


2022-08-13 10:35 | Report Abuse

Paktua... make sure ada oxygen dalam ambulance Hor. Wakaka.


2022-08-13 10:32 | Report Abuse

JJ... we are not tan Sri level. he has more to lose if business not doing well. and I believe he knows what he need to do. kikiki.


2022-08-13 10:29 | Report Abuse

selamat pagi Paktua. jangan bagi panik lah pada orang orang yang masih pegang bunga raya. kesian dia orang. suruh dia orang mintak limit up dari promoter lagi bagus. Wakaka.


2022-08-13 10:27 | Report Abuse

JJ... should ask that bugger to make paper glove as well. Wakaka.


2022-08-13 10:23 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... ular... what happen to minyak mentah? I thought they will do crab dance but they do moonwalk kah. kikiki.


2022-08-13 10:19 | Report Abuse

the glove industry is also having the same nightmare with but does not mean it is the end of that industry. to those that was caught with high price, take it as a lesson and move on. to those that still have faith in that industry, focus on it and prepare to hold for long term. the market is like a wheel. it goes round and round and sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down. ada paham BOH? kikiki.


2022-08-13 10:14 | Report Abuse

Nobita... just a reminder to you with a story. a long long time ago in a far far galaxy, there was a planet that was engross with everyone was so bullish with this theme and all rush in. then suddenly, the balloon burst and everyone started calling the to be dot.con. so, don't be too engross and set too high expectation Hor. Wakaka.


2022-08-13 10:03 | Report Abuse

good morning ular. sorry yesterday not free cause friend come visit. happy that you got your KFC. kikiki.


2022-08-12 12:52 | Report Abuse

Kah kah kah... ular... you got good imagination. should have taken up story telling lah. Wakaka.


2022-08-12 12:44 | Report Abuse

Haiyo ular. ini macam pun lu mau percaya kah? with that sort of capital, why would one want to buy taikor knowing that their result will not be good. pilih saham pun sudah salah loh. Haiya.


2022-08-12 12:16 | Report Abuse

Better to be a shortist and short cause when counter price go down drastically like harta, SC bisu saja. no UMA. but if go up a little bit aggressive... semua kena UMA. woi... shorting also manipulating the market lah. Wakaka.


2022-08-12 09:36 | Report Abuse

Paktua, sekarang dia cakap untuk dividen lah. tapi kalau kasi dividen, harga saham pun kena adjust. dia tu tak tau ke? Wakaka.


2022-08-12 09:25 | Report Abuse

Good morning ular and Paktua. as mentioned, Brent crude oil will rebound back to USD100. already reached and should be doing the crab dance awaiting direction. today will be a very boring day cause no limit up. Wakaka.


2022-08-11 22:15 | Report Abuse

tak tikam koboi pun okay lah. boleh rehat lebih baik mah. tak ada stress. Wakaka.


2022-08-11 22:15 | Report Abuse

sekalang itu olang tak sebut limit up Liao leh. sudah cakap dividen. macam lah dividen tak tolak dari harga saham. Wakaka.


2022-08-11 22:14 | Report Abuse

itu minyak mentah sudah mau sampai wa punya rebound target. kikiki.


2022-08-11 22:13 | Report Abuse

aiyoh... yesterday koboi sudah ganas, ini malam lagi mau ganas lagi kah. good loh. kikiki.


2022-08-11 21:55 | Report Abuse

Ular... hari ini belum ada limit up kah? kalau tak silap, besok last day. boleh limit up kah? kikiki.