
SuperPanda | Joined since 2017-05-13

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2020-05-19 17:03 | Report Abuse

btw, watch out you shares at carepls, i knew carepls well few years back, their mgmt and operation is lousy

but i can be wrong, they might differenr now but fundamental not easy to change within short period


2020-05-19 17:01 | Report Abuse

good paktua, i took profit earlier


2020-05-19 16:59 | Report Abuse

must look into depth why in the past when most of glove counter make profit carepls still making losses

sure it have to do with types of glove, its raw mat, certification and which market it sells to

you can expect green result but never expect it to be awesome, it will not


2020-05-19 16:55 | Report Abuse

no need to beg, you can get below 70c once qtr out


2020-05-19 15:16 | Report Abuse

even if oil 40usd next week it doesnt mean next month you will hve the extra margin in your pocket and work order will be awarded

check past history when oil bearish and recover, the timeline pattern is similar, learn from it when should you leave and enter the sector


2020-05-19 15:07 | Report Abuse

if bullish then you should buy more now


2020-05-19 12:51 | Report Abuse

buy for technical rebound and hope qtr rpt will be good with insurance money to back up


2020-05-19 10:54 | Report Abuse

those who brave can collect based on when others fear we should be greed


2020-05-19 10:36 | Report Abuse

now many might regret not selling yday, but wait for end of the week and week after raya when o&g bloodbath will surface one by one

we have penergy, carimin, petdag now on the field and the list will continue on and on with perdana, velesto, armada, hibscs and rest

weak in revenue and margin will stretch until next qtr


2020-05-19 10:08 | Report Abuse

this might be true but chart wise support being broken everyday.. trend is very important, dont against market
gnath_77 @SuperPanda.... Q2'2020 is where the supply picked up exponentially while current production capacity was not prepared for Q1'2020... production ramp was peak beginning March onset...
19/05/2020 10:03 AM


2020-05-19 10:02 | Report Abuse

you can buy now below 80c how many you want.. current price discount near 40c from than all time high..

those bought below 40c already run away with huge profit


2020-05-19 09:56 | Report Abuse

i have informed since rm1, rubberex and carepls are weak rubber glove stock, price will drop more when qtr not meet expectation

why put your big profit at risk if you can make big money already, if qtr is good (which is unlikely ), you still can buy back later


2020-05-19 09:51 | Report Abuse

based on what calculation you think its a +ve result, look at harta, one of the best 4 glove counter, result lower qoq and 27% higher yoy, not big improvement

and do think carepls will be better than harta?
Predict_Future Please drop more, just need more shares for this month!!! QR coming soon with positive result !!!!
19/05/2020 12:03 AM


2020-05-19 09:45 | Report Abuse

its wise decision to sell all son and half mother yday as today will not get yday high


2020-05-19 09:35 | Report Abuse

many online trade apps loaded with huge traffic cause error and delay in login, unable to buy and sell

i face the same problem with maybank and rakuten


2020-05-19 09:31 | Report Abuse

today is profit taking mode, tomorrow if oil retrace, another correction will happen as we close to raya holidays


2020-05-19 09:28 | Report Abuse

old timer sifu already inform followers to leave o&g services


2020-05-19 09:26 | Report Abuse

i queue sell mother at .66 seems hard to find buyer, vol not as strong as yday


2020-05-19 09:24 | Report Abuse

those who chase high end of the week will suffer


2020-05-19 00:56 | Report Abuse

can collect ems like vs and ataims if price below rm1 but need to be patient hold till end year

market has put ems aside and focus to quick rich scheme at glove and o&g, once the trend gone then only ems will come to light but that will somewhere in 2nd half i guess


2020-05-19 00:49 | Report Abuse

pity to ems bcoz market dont want them now, but dun worry i will support a bit begin with ataims and vs

end this year, probably when ems profit back to normal, market will only realize why didnt buy them when it was below rm1


2020-05-19 00:40 | Report Abuse

but i plan to buy some this week if it touch .91c


2020-05-19 00:39 | Report Abuse

this counter will only get attention back when trader move away from glove and o&g, that might take sometimes unless it can prove its value with uptrend profit and new contracts


2020-05-19 00:34 | Report Abuse

ekovest, gbgaqrs, gamuda and ijm are my top pick construction stock

buy at 50% lower than high and hold till end year will not let you down for sure


2020-05-19 00:30 | Report Abuse

my advise is to newbie that new to bursa so they wont burn their hard earn money and realise entering stock market without knowledge and experience actually bring them to poverty


2020-05-19 00:28 | Report Abuse

my profit here more than 20k and i no need to work harder, it hit my tp and that already enough and i still have half of mother shares to be sell this week

those follow my comment here month ago knew my entry price and how much i bought son


2020-05-19 00:17 | Report Abuse

i dont have carimin shares but i can tell your statement is against petronas ceo

if next qtr (apr-jun) which release on aug will be profitable, i run naked on the street


2020-05-19 00:11 | Report Abuse

another round of profit tomorrow

at the same time i would like to remind newbie, do not chase high unless you able to buy back lower or hold for long term

o&g result will be bad not only for this qtr but also in the 2nd half as margin squeeze and budget cut

reason, o&g counter profit always lag behind oil price rally, similar when oil rise from 30usd to 60usd on 2016-2017 where people start to chase o&g but ended up with more loses in early 2018, then in 2nd 2018 only profit start to appear and stock move >100%

history will repeat again where you will see o&g uptrend faster than oil price and end up with loses in few qtrs rpt coming, if dont believe this just keep this statement and re-visit for the next 2-3 qtrs


2020-05-18 22:43 | Report Abuse

this week will be the last week for oil counter to rally before retracement due to more o&g qtr rpt to be out with losses after raya holidays

i still have half of my alam to be released
tomorrow and wed, retailers pls dun buy from me, let the fund who pump and dump take it



2020-05-18 22:40 | Report Abuse

pls buy my shares at 66, 68 then 70


2020-05-18 22:39 | Report Abuse

yes, tomorrow and wed can release the other half of my mother shares


2020-05-18 22:37 | Report Abuse

tomorrow might be green due to oil going up, chance to release before it gap down when oil and US market retrace back


2020-05-18 21:56 | Report Abuse

not very good but not bad either but taking mco in place, it consider within expectation, and it pay div too

will hold till hit TP 44c


2020-05-18 21:41 | Report Abuse

if you have missed the ride for a round of profit, should be not worry, opportunity will always come as market will not move straight line

o&g will not back to all time high too soon as its may drag till few qtrs to reach its profitable earnings

oil is still 30usd NOT 60usd, even at 50usd, petronas budget will still tight and margin will be squeezed across o&g services

and not only o&g at discount now, construction, property, ems, plantation and many more are still 50% below their peak price and it would not fly in short time

so chill out and always keep cash with you and buy when you think its the right time to do so


2020-05-18 18:58 | Report Abuse

fundamentally, market will move ahead than its fair value bcoz people look for future recovery, thats why oil price still half of 60usd but stock price has upped more than 50%

when this happen, the volatility will remain high and you need to be alerted and plan your trade strategy wisely


2020-05-18 18:52 | Report Abuse

bad result is expected and market ok with that, market only act panically when result not within expectation

but if it release when global index down, then will have impact


2020-05-18 18:21 | Report Abuse

the health sector is news just for goreng price and now you see they sold it and let those bought higher trap

it dangerous when stock keep dropping bit by bit for many days

later when many had cut loss they will pump it back again


2020-05-18 18:19 | Report Abuse

china already allow people not to use mask


2020-05-18 18:14 | Report Abuse

bought weeks ago and make big profit today, you missed the big ride again?

thats why dont jump in and jump out like monkey, earn peanut better keep in saving account


2020-05-18 18:09 | Report Abuse

a siput counter also will not make you broke fast too, so its fair


2020-05-18 18:05 | Report Abuse

after a while now only see money here, been buying son from .25~.27 for more than a month go around only


2020-05-18 17:29 | Report Abuse

i bought a month ago mother .45 and son .13 and had 2 occasions it dropped below my average price caused paper loss before today jumped till .66 and .20

to play o&g counter now will either make you win big or loss big, price is very sensitive, if you miss to sell or buy at the right time, you might loss the opportunity to make money of save your capital

playing son is riskier bcoz its out of money and premium is 113% which for sure will not make money if convert even if mother rally to rm1

so be careful and wish all the best, btw do not expect result will be good, but market may rally during result out like penergy today turn green even rpt very bad


2020-05-18 17:14 | Report Abuse

oil price will be volatile but uptrend mode, hard to timing to in and out, so the best strategy would be hold it for long term or sell when rally and buy back when down

but buy back when down might miss some uptrend ride and have to buy higher later


2020-05-18 16:23 | Report Abuse

cannot 20 in time like this, even when oil at 60-80 also unable to break 20

but long term possible, another 1 year at least


2020-05-18 14:49 | Report Abuse

its fine, i sold hibscs, alam, penergy and reach today total 5 figure profit, nothing to complaint


2020-05-18 14:20 | Report Abuse

i sold half bcoz expect coming qtr will be a loss, keep half in case price continue rally


2020-05-18 13:23 | Report Abuse

for those who wanna hold, must look long term bcoz oil will not stay low forever, must ignore the volatility and possess strong heart looking paper profit comes and go

for those want to short or swing if sold can wait after raya when report out where many o&g will post lower result (expected)

whatever goes up will come down and whatever went down will goes up


2020-05-18 12:13 | Report Abuse

this is siput counter, nobody wants to pump and dump so it will move slowly

not suitable for those who want to get rich fast


2020-05-18 12:12 | Report Abuse

3c div seems not attractive, people like to trade high vol counter and betting to get quick money

nevermind, i keep vstec until get the div


2020-05-18 12:10 | Report Abuse

calvin no buy so price continue down?