
SuperPanda | Joined since 2017-05-13

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2020-04-28 22:09 | Report Abuse

the best it can go will be 1.60~1.80 before qtr rpt out, small potential gain

i would rather buy below rm1 stock and have higher upside


2020-04-28 21:54 | Report Abuse

just buy when crisis is hot and keep until crisis gone, market always recover back to normal after crisis


2020-04-28 19:41 | Report Abuse

whoever sold today, tomorrow has to buy back if dont want to left behind : )


2020-04-28 17:24 | Report Abuse

buy and keep until next year


2020-04-28 17:23 | Report Abuse

coming back for my beloved vs, bought .85


2020-04-28 17:15 | Report Abuse

buy and wait next year, if cannot go rm1, i pay your loss, but if can, give me half of your profit : )


2020-04-28 17:12 | Report Abuse

drop too little, hope below 40c in next 2 days with the help of US market correction


2020-04-28 12:48 | Report Abuse

months from now demand will be rise, china has done it, business can be opened gradually

spanish flu take 2 yrs, now covid 5 mths, jst need to wait 19 mths more : )


2020-04-28 11:31 | Report Abuse

lets wti drop more and shale out of business, will celebrate that


2020-04-28 05:49 | Report Abuse

Trump will not let US market fail even economic data dont look good. Election is coming and market always moves forward than economy. No of cases around EU has start to flatten due to lockdown.

Impossible for hibiscs to go bankrupt bcoz its the best low gearing stock in og. If you miss to buy in the peak of crisis, you will be left behind when it moves up.


2020-04-27 23:34 | Report Abuse

40-35 might be bottom range already, below 35 less likely, below 30c will never touch again


2020-04-27 23:30 | Report Abuse

buy when panic sell, ready to collect all the way down


2020-04-27 15:21 | Report Abuse

cant wait big selling, queue all the way down


2020-04-27 12:09 | Report Abuse

cant wait market to throw o&g stock another round, cash ready to take them as much as possible


2020-04-27 11:11 | Report Abuse

wait until shale oil goes bankrupt, oil will be further up, trump bail out would not succeed


2020-04-27 09:46 | Report Abuse

4 wks coming will be toughest time for o&g = the lowest price opportunity to buy

as you can see many bad news surface out, thats good to evaluate market will sell or hold but normally, market will move against what we expect


2020-04-27 09:09 | Report Abuse

both bearish and bullish comments has facts and market can be in both direction now or later

its safer to buy when uptrend but you might lose some portion of the upside... vice versa its risky to buy when downtrend as you might lose money and hold paper loss

both occasion has road to enter and exit, just stick to your trade strategy, earn and lose is part of it


2020-04-26 00:40 | Report Abuse

im not greed, if bought 1.50 and rise back to rm2 that would be good enough for me

UAE project will take 1-2 years from
now for the 1st interim income, so still got time to play before we know it can deliver the job or not


2020-04-26 00:31 | Report Abuse

when hibscs 40c in 2017, did those bought was when og market bullish?

if next week drop, it will not drop below 30c as market already calculated the risk. many might even stdby bullet to queue all the way down.. i will be one of them

from june onwards, inventories will be less than current as some producer may declared bankrupt and shut down, oil will get less produce

for next qtr rpt, market already anticipate for low profit and loss, its not a shock news.. it might drag till 2HFY20.. thats why avoid highly debt o&g that might not able to perform loan/interest payment

if stock can survive may turbulence, then from june onwards it will start to catch up and by july many countries should have open back business (like china did)

im already in and will accumulate every retracement then wait till july onwards to sell.. 2 mths is not a long period time for waiting

wish all the best


2020-04-24 18:39 | Report Abuse

to those whom stick from ipo till now (should still making a lot of money), i envy them.. they are true investor. should learn from them


2020-04-24 18:37 | Report Abuse

old says, the bigger the periuk the bigger the kerak, serba has come to that now, bonus issue will make future eps getting smaller, now add pp, become smaller again, it has to maintain good performance to stay at high side, otherwise, value will decrease


2020-04-24 18:27 | Report Abuse

market has these info on hand and all depends for market to react when the actual case happen (contract expires / futures / storage ), those bank, fund and big trader will determine where it will goes

if you plan to short, do monitor closely the price movement and set your cl point if support broken

if you have strong capital and able to hold, ensure to have enough bullet to fight and not die

if you really a patient trader and already buy at crisis discount price, then can wait until crisis over, the price fluctuation is not important for you


2020-04-24 16:56 | Report Abuse

when qatar issue arise 2017, serba price drop below ipo price, we see many bad perception and -ve comments.. the rest is history


2020-04-24 12:02 | Report Abuse

still have time to make money


2020-04-24 12:01 | Report Abuse

“Petronas previously stated that it would strive to maintain its domestic capital expenditure (capex) programme of RM26 billion-RM28 billion this year, while cutting the overseas capex.”

... local market still can breathing this year


2020-04-24 11:56 | Report Abuse

the best time to buy is when market is bad, if market is good and super bullish, price will not cheap

when hibscs was 40c in 2017, those time was in bad market

of course we want to buy lower, so can plan for the option i said earlier

in bad market, avoid company with high gearing, look for the company that able to stand few qtrs drop in profit and survive


2020-04-24 11:23 | Report Abuse

if price go further down, either you buy again (for bargain) or cut loss (for safety), another option is to hold (for future)

all depends on your capacity and target, be discipline


2020-04-24 10:34 | Report Abuse

for me the time to buy is when crisis at peak, i do think it has peak now till early may and oil has enter rebound stage

cutting prod will work if qty produce = demand, now cut -10% but demand -30%, with more producer produce less (due to no storage, low price), it will find the equilibrium soon, possibly early june


2020-04-23 23:30 | Report Abuse

wti wont be below zero again in short time, the whole world production now produce less oil and soon low demand will intersect with reduce inventories and balance


2020-04-23 23:23 | Report Abuse

bursa gives us time to make money before actual figure out


2020-04-23 23:22 | Report Abuse

next month result will not out lah


2020-04-23 23:18 | Report Abuse

since the worst case oil scenario cant get 60c and oil now moving from lowest towards 30, im now bullish on oil counter (esp on low gearing like hibscs)

but the risk of economy recession is still there (spanish flu take almost 2 yrs to settle down so covid-19 still have plenty of time for real impact ), we still have opportunity to see another bottom somewhere in this year if US market fails


2020-04-23 23:04 | Report Abuse

apanama said oil wont break below usd20 but he was wrong, i was right

but apanama also said dow will not below 18k, he was right i was wrong

i was right in prediction oil glut but somehow when oil drop to the lowest in history, market dont want to give 60c (it should have if recession occur) but because Trump dont want to let recession coming, so market continue rebound, so as for now 60c is hard

apolloang now 1.00 pula not 60cts? hahaha
23/04/2020 10:51


2020-04-23 22:48 | Report Abuse

because i want to buy cheap when it was rm1.. hehe
apolloang why no 60cts for food panda to buy? hehe
23/04/2020 9:33 PM


2020-04-23 22:40 | Report Abuse

looking forward for 20k profit in 4 wks mother 50c and son .18, if things goes sideways, limit mother at 40 and son at 10

we’ll see the result in 4 wks


2020-04-23 22:27 | Report Abuse

when hibscs drop to lowest .245 then rebound to .36 on 1st Apr, im expecting the worst yet to come.. so i continue wait for another bottom

economic data then came one by one reflecting recession is coming but price move up further

finally the biggest worry came to reality when brent drop below .20 however oil counter didnt drop much. looking at this i concluded seller has gone, leaving buyers pushing up price

i had chance to buy hibscs below 30c and son at .04 but has missed the opportunity bcoz “waiting for recession”

i agree the risk is still there but believe recession wont came at near time and there is room to make money few weeks from now

my tp mother to hit 50c and son .18 within 4 wks based on the uptrend oil price.. current market volatility is very high, even in few days can make huge price different so i dont want to miss the opportunity again

i might be wrong but even if im wrong i have set my limit for the downside



2020-04-23 18:46 | Report Abuse

for me, oil will be uptrend, so i decided to buy


2020-04-23 18:45 | Report Abuse

trade is very simple, if you have reason to buy, then buy. if move up reach your tp, sell... if after buy drop and reach your limit, cut loss , if you able to hold and believe it will make a come back, then hold

the info/details/chart are around you to help you to decide


2020-04-23 16:44 | Report Abuse

not only europe, china itself GDP shrank almost 7% in Q1, msia will be 0% to 0.5, this data is known, similar with US unemployment rate

but as long as US market and dollar still not collapse, recession will not coming


2020-04-23 16:00 | Report Abuse

economy obviously is bad bcoz it cant be manipulated, market however determine by itself and normally move against what majority thinks and controlled by banks and funds

for oil, i see the worst is over when surplus inventory take it course causing wti drop below 0

storage is not a problem bcoz capacity still there (vlcc still have space), only now the price to keep oil in tanks and vessels will be expensive

there will be volatility in oil price but moving forward i believe oil will be in uptrend mode regardless recession/depression is coming or not


2020-04-23 14:50 | Report Abuse

mother 45, son 13


2020-04-23 14:14 | Report Abuse

ive been expecting recession, even the data shows it all, but US very defensive under Trump to let it happen.

US market should be in bearish mode but instead it sails over every resistance (as for now)

wti will be uptrending towards 20usd and brent will follows, dont miss this chance, if you do not dare to buy many, buy some, so if market go against you, will not hurt much and if market move up, at least you have something on hand

im not making a buy call, but jst to let know im already all in

i bought reach too at 6c bcoz its cheap.. its a loss making driller but loss making also can go up when sentiment good



2020-04-23 12:57 | Report Abuse

Oil will move towards 30usd within a month


2020-04-23 12:55 | Report Abuse

Bought .06 early morning. Tp 0.08 in 4 wks.


2020-04-23 12:52 | Report Abuse

brent expect to be near 30usd in a month time


2020-04-23 12:50 | Report Abuse

this morning bought some mother and son 0.5m shares, mother for mid to long term, son for short term, tp 0.18 in 4 wks


2020-04-23 12:26 | Report Abuse

oil inventories in market = high (peak in april/early may)
demand = low (stagnant)
production = high to medium (output cut by shale/opec/rest of world)

based on above, if we can plot a chart between oil inventories vs demand, at this moment both will not intersect

but with lower production, soon we will see the intersection as surplus inventories consumed, the intersection is the best time to buy oil price sensitive stock like hibscs

as i cant tell when the intersect will happen, buying now which is earlier will cause no harm, as market already absorb the worst case oil plunge scenario


2020-04-23 11:22 | Report Abuse

Relaxation on margin call also contributes to more stable price movement (even when bad news out) and with short selling suspended market now has more breath than normal

Btw, to muslim friends, tomorrow will be 1st day of fasting in ramadhan, may Allah bless you all with his mercy and forgiveness for the prosperity of our beloved nation.


2020-04-23 11:05 | Report Abuse

on the other hand, have to face the fact that economy will be slowed down with GDP shrink to 0% and corporate earnings drop significantly for few qtrs, hibscs will face the same in coming rpt

but rpt wont be out next mth, bursa has extend 1 mth so we only see rpt out in june, so we have 1.5mth before actual figure out. during this period, oil price will recover and it will gives good market sentiment

cheers all and wish all the best


2020-04-23 10:57 | Report Abuse

salute paktua still continue fighting in everywhere.. admire your mental strenght

i was staying aside expecting recession but seems hard to happen.. trump would not let US economic down bcoz election is coming.. Trump and Fed will do anything to save their market.. i now no choice but have to trust him

as for oil, i believe it has found it bottom when all the surplus oil load to market this month caused wti drop below 0.. in comings weeks, oil surplus will gradually reduce and price will slowly recover

but im not yet buying highly debt o&g like armada, sapnrg and perdana, hibscs is my top pick bcoz based on past, when oil recover, hibscs is the first to benefit.. and its the only o&g with the lowest gearing