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2018-01-13 23:07 | Report Abuse

people dont do analysis themselves, blindly follow on what the articles tell. the analyst/author has already bought KUCHAI ahead of them before article release. and omitted the fact that SBAGAN has stakes in GEH too. no mention this point at all!

page 211 of the annual report list out the shareholder of GEH:

SBAGAN has 9.44% in KUCHAI, and 0.37% in GEH
KUCHAI has 0.64% in GEH
which in turn, SBAGAN has (0.0944*0.64%)+0.37%=0.43% direct and indirect ownership in GEH.


2018-01-13 14:20 | Report Abuse

stockraider Next monday...they will announce they have achieve 75% and give the rest of the shareholder another 2wks to accept loh...!!



we shall see, whether u are misleading or u are true leading.
does it worth to give up the 38sen acceptance opportunity to get another few sens increasing of offer?
while u are giving hope, please tell the chances of the possibility too.
while u think Ho is a stingy guy, in other way round he also think you are stingy too. he's the one who manage the business, selling a little cheaper to him is reasonable in his mind. u can only blame urself not averaging down even more when their license got revoked.

my comment above is based on my honest opinion, with risk averse mindset
but i hope u have strong fighting spirit to fight with Ho, those who accepted the offer would thank you for being so.


2018-01-12 21:58 | Report Abuse

Accept or not? Nobody giving comment?


2018-01-03 20:15 | Report Abuse

Mini bull is running on the market. Why not consider opportunity cost of fighting with David, and switch fund to other counters for better opportunity?
As long as David Ho received more than 75% of shares, Bursa will suspend trading of Hovid without shareholder's approval. Suspend trading doesn't mean delisting, but cannot sell/buy the shares on the market during suspension. It's the discretion of the Hovid's management team to appeal for trading resumption, by making proposal to Bursa to resolve public spread requirement, just like how PERDANA got relisted, after few years of suspension as a result of DAYANG's takeover.
But chill, I don't think David Ho could achieve 75% stakes by the end of the offer.
Nevertheless, you should participate the hot market. You can sell your shares at 37.5sen on the market for quick cash. I'm ready to absorb your shares as much as you have. Hehe..


2017-12-26 13:59 | Report Abuse

Any odds that competition commission of Singapore will not allow this takeover?


2017-12-18 21:32 | Report Abuse

Wonder how much they are losing for those who hold DAYANG until ex date


2017-12-17 14:17 | Report Abuse

Yes, this would be a similar case to hovid. I'm telling that if HSS got more than 75% of shares at the end of this offer period, Bursa will suspend without minority's approval. Dont get me wrong, suspension and delisting is two different thing. If a company's public spread is less than 25%, company itself must come out a plan to make sure spread is above 25% otherwise it would remain suspended, minority cannot do anything with it. Minority can vote against on delisting if EGM is held. *I admit my fault on lack of knowledge on delisting on my comment earlier.*

Chances of HSS revise a new price before final date (29dec) is low, not only due to rule's restriction (15dec being the last day of revision), but also he can achieve 67% by conversion of his own warrant. I think that's the reason why he set condition rate to 67%, no more or less, because he want to secure the deal. But why no less, I have no idea.

Only if he is desperate to take back 100% of shares, he will do revise offer price after the end of final date. Just like HWANG. Referring to HWANG's case, it took another year to get a new offer price. I have no idea how much the new price would be, but there's risk and opportunity cost involved. Fighter can continue to fight, non-fighter can surrender the shares now. Fighting!!!


2017-12-17 13:54 | Report Abuse

I'm just referring to HWANG's case regarding stock suspension. The stock got suspended after they failed to comply with public spread holding.


2017-12-17 13:51 | Report Abuse

I salute to your fighting spirit, keep on fighting and I'll wait for the better outcome by surrendering my shares at 38sen. I believe if there's any better offer before this stock is delisted, I will still benefit from the new offer.



2017-12-17 13:43 | Report Abuse

Delisting company need EGM one meh? I don't know.
I just know if public spread is less than 25% Bursa will suspend the counter without approval of anyone, unless company itself appeal.


2017-12-17 13:30 | Report Abuse

And stockraider I think you have lack knowledge on takeover rule. You think on 27dec they can revise their offer? Then you are wrong


2017-12-17 13:21 | Report Abuse

You guys can buy 38sen at open market if you couldn't buy at 37.5sen, to dilute HSS's holding, but I don't see anyone do so on last Friday, the day after new revision.
Shares in open market now is just a peanut for HSS, if he has no confidence to get offer become unconditional, he will buy at 38sen and below in the market.


2017-12-17 13:15 | Report Abuse

Simon, I think u need to read this to get the correct figure for compute a correct percentage:

Even if HSS doesnt convert warrant to increase acceptance rate, he will do so before warrant expire. Warrant has no right as ordinary share does. Money burnt if he doesnt convert and let it lapse.

If HSS purchase higher than 38sen at open market, All shareholder will receive a new offer price equivalent to the highest price HSS purchase at open market during his offer period. If he secretly assign proxy to buy, don't he possess a risk of being punished by SC? If the proxy buy higher than 38sen and accept the offer at 38sen, don't u feel this act is illegal?

Chances of offer become unconditional is high, in order not to compromise with HSS offer, what you can do is withdraw the offer, that's correct. But you have to evaluate the risk too. There are a lot of speculators in this stock. Hovid forumers, how many percentage you own? I see most people here suggest not to accept the offer, but I see acceptance rate getting higher too even though the rate is small. There are still some people like me who want to accept the offer but haven't accepted it. Because if you accepted the offer earlier, in case the the current situation makes the offer cannot become unconditional, you will not be able to sell your share at the first place. So I expect the daily acceptance rate will increase when final date is approaching.

In stock market you have to accept the fact that not all people are investor. There are traders and speculators too. Since day one I'm a speculator of this stock, I got my way to make money through speculation, not only on this counter. But it doesn't mean my action is against you all. Of course I'm happy to get a higher offer price.

Depends on how desirous HSS would be, few outcome would happen after the offer period:
1. If acceptance rate is lower than 75%, market price free flow, if fall HSS might purchase at lower price.

2. If acceptance rate is higher than 75%, HSS opt for delisting, forcing you to compromise with him.

3. HSS being kindness and desperate to collect 100%, negotiate with us and offer a better price for all people including those who have already accepted the offer. This might need HSS to write a request to SC for approval.

For warrant holder you can withdraw your warrant and convert for shares to dilute HSS's holding too. You can hope for a new offer price but definitely it will take longer time, opportunity cost wise.


2017-12-16 21:32 | Report Abuse

Sell low buy high Is always EPF's style. I'm really interested to work in EPF investing department, life will be easier


2017-12-16 12:23 | Report Abuse

HSS cannot make purchase higher than 38sen lah, if he do so he must adjust his offer price to the highest price he purchased, this is rule. you can refer back to JOHAN's recent takeover offer. unless he assign proxy to buy. and 57.1million of shares is equal to 571,000 lot of shares. Do you think there's 571k lot of shares on selling queue right now?

Why HSS want to revise condition to 67% not 60% 70%, it's because if he convert warrant he owned prior to this offer (not including warrants that has been accepted under this offer), the percentage would be:

511,538,506 (being the total shares held by him and shares accepted under this offer) + 140,390,220 (number of warrant he holds prior to this offer) = 651,928,729 (number of shares he will have if he convert his warrant)

651,928,729 divided by 961,278,791 (being new total of outstanding shares after warrant conversion of HSS - 820,888,571+140,390,220) = 67.82%

There's no rule stating HSS cannot convert his own warrant for mother share (couldn't find relevant info). And assuming warrants he collected under acceptance are not belong to him, the number of warrants he can convert is 140,390,220.

If he revise condition to 70%, he possess risk of unable to receive acceptance of 2.18% before final date.

Accept the fact that HSS won't revise offer price. Possibility of new offer price from now on is small and need to have SC approval. Why would he pay extra money while he can convert his own warrant to make it deal?

Either accept the offer or keep your shares in fridge.


2017-12-15 10:11 | Report Abuse

can achieve 67.81% if he convert all of his warrant, not including those has been accepted under this offer.


2017-12-14 21:42 | Report Abuse

just let him to stay with his own imagination, as long as he is alive in this forum. Just afraid he couldn't stand with his unrealized losses.

I have no comment on up or down movement, but I'm arguing with his act of giving false tp, not giving any facts to support his view, irresponsible comment, promoting stock in other forum (sounds like soliciting), misleading and so on.


2017-12-14 21:33 | Report Abuse

u don't come here talk shit. don't mention my names wif others.i act alone not like u. I didn't come here a few days liao why u summon me here again?


2017-12-14 19:58 | Report Abuse

Good trick! Lastly he will acquire all stakes. He will let the stock free falling until you surrender. Even if he acquired 75%, he will not distribute dividend and you have no power to force him because you only own less than 1%.
He is a smart guy (cunning type)


2017-12-13 12:00 | Report Abuse

warrant offer price must be in par with mother's offer price isnt? take into consideration of the exercise price.


2017-12-13 11:03 | Report Abuse

seems like better offer will be announced soon


2017-12-12 19:24 | Report Abuse

tp above rm1, tomorrow no up also buy lah! tp given by ah lian the fish seller


2017-12-12 17:04 | Report Abuse

wasting time to argue with unsound mind people. but i like to argue when i'm free. if there's fact/support to this stock, of course i will follow. trading also need to take into consideration of opportunity cost, timing, and most importantly fact to support your decision. all my comments are reasonable. not like you, shout like ah lian the fish seller in wet market to buy your stock.


2017-12-12 15:49 | Report Abuse

dude, i wont be angry because of your insult. but please be responsible on what you wrote. you are irresponsible just like u make ur girlfren pregnant but ask her to dump it.


2017-12-12 15:43 | Report Abuse

why delete comment again?


2017-12-12 15:42 | Report Abuse

if you want someone to believe ur tp of 1 dollar above, please support your fact. i didnt say any for nothing, i dont want anyone to fall trap. chart tell everything.


2017-12-12 15:38 | Report Abuse

but it's true, most of the successful person before they become success, their plan/thinking always got rejected by the others. i hope you will be successful in trading this stock. because i dont want to hear any suicide news happened due to stock trading. dont get me wrong i'm not asking you to suicide


2017-12-12 15:33 | Report Abuse

when a dog bark, its supporter will bark together. just like kyy coldmata tulang scythe, they have a lot of supporters. where's yours?


2017-12-12 15:26 | Report Abuse

ask you not to delete your comment, provide statement/fact to support your saying. not asking you to make jibai comment like a kid. during the drop i already cut loss, but is covered by my bigger profit when it made big jump. now why should i enter it back? i better switch my fund for better opportunity. please widen your view, not only look at useless stock.


2017-12-12 15:14 | Report Abuse

dont delete your comment, you will be hero in some time later.


2017-12-12 15:14 | Report Abuse

tp 1 dollar something mah as given by u, got miss chance meh? buy now also can lah! ask ur daddy mommy yima gujie to buy! if no daddy mommy go find a sugar daddy to support!


2017-12-12 12:31 | Report Abuse

warrant in collection at 19.5sen, one bid discount to offer price


2017-12-12 10:16 | Report Abuse

hahaha loser delete comment and forget everything, winner continue laughing. why u regret on what u wrote earlier?


2017-12-11 20:39 | Report Abuse

Mind telling what's your cost? I'm sure you have bought it before sharing your opinion. Usually those well known people like yykoon, bscythe, they bought the shares before sharing their opinion. Their cost is of course lower than the others. But you, is in opposite.

If you think this is good company no point to shout here shout there, just ask ur daddy mommy yima gujie to support you. Just sailang!

Back to point, based on your saying this stock is gonna to have a big bounce. Then increase buyer at buy queue for what? To induce you to buy at seller price lah! Got such big fund to queue at buyer no money to push meh? use the funds to buy at market price lah! And lowest price in a stock can have another lower low. ANZO is an example.

This stock's operator is my fren's fren's fren's fren. I don't mind telling because he don't know me, but I know him a little. He owns a few supercars and where when and how he makes the money, wise people know it. I made an amount of money, not big nor small, when it leaped last time. Had you joined the ride last time?


2017-12-11 11:17 | Report Abuse

someone who keep promoting this stock on other counter's forum brought me here. if this stock can get 100% return then u diam diam buy lah, no point to shout making it like a useless stock. i laughing at u because u got stuck at this junk stock


2017-12-08 15:54 | Report Abuse

PDT untung banyak ah! dont forget to do some charity, u make money means someone lose money. contribute some to society


2017-12-06 21:31 | Report Abuse

Bad result just release near end of month lah! Set trap to trap who? Cunning director.


2017-12-06 21:28 | Report Abuse

No wonder today insider so desperate to sell like no tomorrow


2017-12-06 12:05 | Report Abuse

such a good opportunity to buy, dividend yield more than 5%, yet stupid brainless epf fund manager dispose to beautify their fund performance.


2017-12-05 16:18 | Report Abuse

yes, already mentioned in latest announcement. and it's the 60th day from the first posting date. unless the offer become unconditional in less than 14 days before final date. once it become unconditional the offer period will remain open at least 14 days.


2017-12-05 11:23 | Report Abuse

yes, and this is final date, cannot extend anymore. But any offer revision cannot be later than 15 december


2017-12-04 15:43 | Report Abuse

off market deal every day, average 20mil shares done. price of the deal also increase day by day. today 21.39mil shares done at 29sen. last week was 28sen something.


2017-12-04 10:17 | Report Abuse

sohai stock eat shit la jibai. im sure this stock will move soon after i cut my loss. diu nia sing


2017-11-30 19:38 | Report Abuse

Should have buy more. Sold back half as it closed at 1.29 today. Waiting for a fruitful profit. Cheers


2017-11-30 17:59 | Report Abuse

Ekovest's takeover notice should be released today. Whether can open a good price depends on this, rather than good result


2017-11-30 17:54 | Report Abuse

Ekovest's takeover offer*