
TeyPuki | Joined since 2016-01-26

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2016-02-28 12:30 | Report Abuse

Speaking of bribery, tey and ooi paid dirty lawyer to bribe indonesian police to bring charges against one of his nominee on ground of perjury. Idr 1billion went to a high rank officer and another idr 1billion goes to falsify forensics report to incriminate this nominee.

Despite paying off cops idr 2billion but tey and ooi efforts are in vain. In fact when this nominee lost his patient, he decided to make his counter attack and use the considerable resources, power and influences he have to teach tey and ooi a lesson of the danger in poking a sleeping lion. In fact, tey and ooi not only woken up the lion but the whole pride as well.

Not only tey and ooi's vicious attack is repelled, but inovisi, the once mighty stronghold of tey and ooi was destroyed to bits. It counter is suspended by indonesian sc; it office is raided by indonesian police and the public notary who made it possible for tey and ooi to establish many fictitious empty shell company is detained by the police. In the end, inovisi closed it business, and it managemen which all are tey and ooi's nominees went hiding into their rat hole LOL LOL LOL LOL

After the destruction of inovisi, jan adam tangkilisan and dedi francis contacted this former nominee to seek for truce and ask for a meeting. During the d-day, dedi francis who always bragged and acted like a hongkong triad chicken out and ran away from the scene when he saw the said nominee was protected by two indonesian special forces (kopassus). Jan adam followed suit after he was notified by dedi francis.

True story LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL....


2016-02-28 12:01 | Report Abuse

LOL LOL LOL, protasco clarified that the gov has yet to confirm giving them project is more honorable than nexgram, and by extension tey and ooi, kept claiming they got this project in putrajaya or that project in fiji but none become fruitious LOL LOL LOL LOL....

Now, as inovisi has collapsed, so would nexgram.

Ei, any news on special committe's report on pt star and goldynamic? LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-28 11:39 | Report Abuse

Speaking of robbery, siphoning company's money and fraudulent acts, looks tey and ooi being tried for robbing, siphoning, and defrauding protasco LOL LOL LOL LOL



Want to watch video and see picture of tey and ooi with their handcuffed? LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-28 10:18 | Report Abuse

Nexgram is a sinking ship....it fate will mirrored the fate of titanic...better abandon ship asap. It sister company, inovisi already collapsed to the detriment of it small investors. It remains a fate that you can escape LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-28 09:36 | Report Abuse


OMG Tey....why all of sudden your english is getting worst? LOL LOL

You can't possibly blames chong ket pen on your recent misfortune. You should blame your own greed and love for money.

You getting kick out from mpcorp, asdion, ire-tex, nexgram, protasco, etc is your karma for your past bad behaviour LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-27 10:40 | Report Abuse

Tey disposing nexgram, asdion and ire-tex because he is running out of money from facing 30 litigations in three jurisdictions LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-26 17:03 | Report Abuse


Everyone here must got a stroke when the counter fell down to 0,6 LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-26 16:14 | Report Abuse

Larry Tey Por Yee is running away from nexgram, asdion and ire-tex LOL LOL LOL

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This article first appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, on February 26, 2016.

KUALA LUMPUR: Some 24.81 million shares in Asdion Bhd traded off-market yesterday. This is the second company, linked to businessman Datuk Tey Por Yee, which of late has had a substantial block of shares changed hands off-market at a steep discount.

It appears that Tey is making an exit from the companies that he had invested in for less than three years.

According to Bloomberg data, Asdion saw 24.81 million shares representing a 21.34% stake in the company traded off-market at 27 sen yesterday, a sharp discount of 38.64% over the closing price of 44 sen.

The shares were moved in one block through a direct business transaction, but there is no filing to Bursa Malaysia on the parties involved as at press time.

Coincidentally, Tey is the single-largest shareholder of Asdion, with a 21.34% stake — the same size of the block changing hands off-market.

Tey’s another related company, Ire-tex Corp Bhd, also saw a 22.97% stake in the company traded off-market on Wednesday. He also held the same amount of stake that was traded off-market.


2016-02-25 16:01 | Report Abuse

Wow, 41million shares is transacted today...

I believe only tey por yee owned that much volume....


2016-02-25 11:09 | Report Abuse

It is called goreng-goreng...like inovisi, nexgram is only good for short term trading and not for long term investment. Because nexgram is a nest of mice and vipers, and it fundamental is weak.


2016-02-25 10:47 | Report Abuse

Lookie, lookie....ooi kock aun was handcuffed. I have to compliment him. At least he did not hide his face like tey por yee LOL LOL LPL



Now, let wait if anyone here could get me picture or video of the chongs and handcuff LOL LOL LOL LOL

Anyone with a half of brain also know tey and ooi's companies are their alter ego mah...are you brain dead or what? LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-25 09:54 | Report Abuse

Those who want to hold nexgram's shares have to consider the aforesaid facts:

1. Tey and Ooi criminal trial for fraud.

2. SC probing nexgram over irregular activity.

3. The committee formed by nexgram is a sham and been hiding the fact that pt star and goldynamic's owners are tey and ooi.


2016-02-25 09:26 | Report Abuse

Nexgram was probed a month ago while tey and ooi's criminal trial has yet been started. How can you say it is already old song? LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-25 09:10 | Report Abuse

Nexgram's founders are charged for fraud and perjury.

Nexgram itself was probed by the sc over irregular business activities.




2016-02-25 09:04 | Report Abuse

drwarrant, nexgram's tp is 0,00000 LOL LOL LOL


2016-02-24 22:57 | Report Abuse


That is slandering my friend..as it is evident that in the court only tey por yee and ooi kock aun are registered for hearing because the allegation of fraud, perjury, and violating fiduciary duty.


2016-02-24 21:52 | Report Abuse

LOL LOL LOL....ooo poor tey and ooi....you can say thousand of time that chong ket pen and chong ther nen are cheaters but the fact remains at the moment it were tey and ooi that were subject to criminal investigations in three different jurisdictions LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-31 12:34 |

Post removed.Why?


2016-01-31 12:32 |

Post removed.Why?


2016-01-31 12:29 | Report Abuse

Well, every one is reading my posts, including tey and ooi LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-30 19:05 | Report Abuse

I just remember one thing. In their defense as can be seen in all blogs created by tey por yee or ooi kock aun, they affirmed that they and/or their nominees are the owners of the oil and gas project in indonesia right? The stupidity of tey and ooi strikes again.

The following are what they affirmed in their statutory declarations:
- pt asu is not a party related to them.
- none of the directors of pt asu or it ultimate shareholders is a party related to them under the company act.
- they are not aware of any matter which require the transaction to be approved by the shareholders of protasco.

Now, since tey and ooi already admitted that the directors; and commisioners of pt asu/pt asi/pt fas/pt haseba are nominees of tey and ooi then they have perjured themselves.

Tey and ooi also already admitted that they are the owners of the project which mean they are the ultimate shareholders of pt asu etc, this means they lied when signing the sd and that is the crime of perjury.



2016-01-30 19:04 | Report Abuse

How nexgram is a profitable company? Their financial report is cooked. Their shares' counter is cooked. Their assets is non-existence. Their subsidaries are fictitious companies. LOL LOL


2016-01-30 19:03 | Report Abuse

I just remember one thing. In their defense as can be seen in all blogs created by tey por yee or ooi kock aun, they affirmed that they and/or their nominees are the owners of the oil and gas project in indonesia right? The stupidity of tey and ooi strikes again.

The following are what they affirmed in their statutory declarations:
- pt asu is not a party related to them.
- none of the directors of pt asu or it ultimate shareholders is a party related to them under the company act.
- they are not aware of any matter which require the transaction to be approved by the shareholders of protasco.

Now, since tey and ooi already admitted that the directors; and commisioners of pt asu/pt asi/pt fas/pt haseba are nominees of tey and ooi then they have perjured themselves.

Tey and ooi also already admitted that they are the owners of the project which mean they are the ultimate shareholders of pt asu etc, this means they lied when signing the sd and that is the crime of perjury.



2016-01-30 11:32 | Report Abuse

Nexgram is destined to be bankrupt.

Oil price may rebound but nexgram will not benefited from it. LOL LOL LOL...

Enjoy the rebound of nexgram's shares while it last LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-30 08:08 | Report Abuse

Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun were also notorious for not paying their rentals, to the point that their landlords had to threaten legal action and resort to cutting off the utilities to get what was owed to them.

Worse off were their suppliers, of whom many had to suffer the bitterness of bankruptcy because tey and ooi refused to pay them their dues. Tragically, one of them even committed suicide because of bad debts, courtesy of Dato’ Tey Por Yee and Dato' Ooi Kock Aun.

This was not the only blood on his hands. He used a friend, Dedi Francis from Indonesia, to stand as a nominee for Tey and Ooi. When the loyal Dedi pressed for payment on company debts to incurred by Tey and Ooi's manipulative schemes, he was given the runaround. Time finally ran out for Dedi. Desperate, with his back to the wall and creditors all around him, Dedi almost took his own life but was able to be brought to hospital by his family on time.


2016-01-30 08:08 | Report Abuse

Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun were also notorious for not paying their rentals, to the point that their landlords had to threaten legal action and resort to cutting off the utilities to get what was owed to them.

Worse off were their suppliers, of whom many had to suffer the bitterness of bankruptcy because tey and ooi refused to pay them their dues. Tragically, one of them even committed suicide because of bad debts, courtesy of Dato’ Tey Por Yee and Dato' Ooi Kock Aun.

This was not the only blood on his hands. He used a friend, Dedi Francis from Indonesia, to stand as a nominee for Tey and Ooi. When the loyal Dedi pressed for payment on company debts incurred by Tey and Ooi's manipulative schemes, he was given the runaround. Time finally ran out for Dedi. Desperate, with his back to the wall and creditors all around him, Dedi almost took his own life but was able to be brought to hospital by his family on time.


2016-01-30 07:57 | Report Abuse

I can imagine how he was called by his friends: ooooiiii, kock, come here cock...why the long face kock? LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-30 07:56 | Report Abuse

As a male with "kock" as his middle name, adrian ooi kock aun surely been bullied in his entire formative year right? I mean, kids will be kids but they can be very mean.

Is this the reason that ooi kock aun had become a monster whose feel no remorse for all the thousand of victims he cheated all his career?


2016-01-30 07:54 | Report Abuse

As a male with "kock" as his middle name, adrian ooi kock aun surely been bullied in his entire formative year right? I mean, kids will be kids but they can be very mean.

Is this the reason that ooi kock aun had become a monster whose feel no remorse for all the thousand of victims he cheated all his career?


2016-01-29 09:10 | Report Abuse

With a friend along, Tey Por Yee went to purchase a coffin for his late father. At the shop, he said that he didn’t have any money with him, could his friend pay for the coffin first, then later Tey will pay him back. Long after the funeral, everybody were shocked and speechless to discover he had not paid his friend back yet. He knowingly let his poor father be buried in a borrowed coffin.


2016-01-29 07:39 | Report Abuse

At age seven, tey por hee was already showing signs of what he was destined to be: a thief and a liar. Ten sen, twenty sen, fifty sen…all would disappear “mysteriously” from his families drawers, savings and piggy banks. Later, bigger sums would go missing, from his father’s wallet to his mother’s purse. Tey would be placed at the scene of the crime but he always had an excuse or story to wriggle his way out of the situation.

For a while his parents believed him. Until he got caught red-handed one day. Then, his father had no choice but to punish him. If we hoped that would beat some sense and decency into him, we were sadly mistaken.

He took his bad habits with him to school. Already skilled at telling lies and manipulating people, he began cheating his classmates. The sums ranged from a few ringgit to hundreds of ringgit. The figures may seem small to some, but for a young schoolboy, the sum is enormous. As usual, his long-suffering father had to clear his debts and try to redress the damage done to his victims.

At age sixteen, Tey por yee had to audacity to go to his uncle’s house to borrow money. He said he needed RM2,000.00 because his father was sick and desperately needed the money for an operation. Believing his lies totally, the uncle gave it to him. His family never lived down the humiliation when the truth came out.

Since young, he has always been obsessed with money. Even when he had a lot of it, it was never enough. He wanted more and more. Never mind if it was obtained in a deceitful manner, just as long as he got what he wanted. It only goes to show that he is not only a pathological liar, but a pathological thief as well. With hundreds of millions already stashed away in private bank accounts, more than he can ever spend in ten lifetimes, he still remains greedy for more. So greedy that he is willing to lie, cheat and steal to achieve his end.


2016-01-29 07:25 | Report Abuse

Tey por yee and ooi kock aun are poor man's soh chee wen LOL LOL LOL

Tey Por Yee is the illegitimate son of a kept women. And Ooi Kock Aun kept an indon maid as his play thing. The two vipers are match made in hell LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-29 04:01 | Report Abuse

Well, thousand of people got cheated by you and ooi kock aun. Even benny tjokro, the heir to batik keris and capital market kingpin also got cheated. LOL LOL LOL LOL...

You are definitely the champion for cheating, fraudulent corporate action and stealing tey LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-28 22:02 | Report Abuse

It seems tey and ooi are poor man's soo chee wen. What do you think? lol lol lol


2016-01-28 21:01 | Report Abuse

conclusion: tey and ooi slept in jail together LOL LOL


2016-01-28 20:57 |

Post removed.Why?


2016-01-28 20:25 | Report Abuse

So, you and ooi has yet to file criminal complaint against dato chong on ground of perjury and violation of fiduciary duties then? LOL LOL LOL LOL

Told you, if that is your best defense, then your enemies will have a wonderful time watching you got destroyed in court and later on was sentenced to 100 caning LOL LOL LOL...


2016-01-28 20:17 | Report Abuse

Once upon a time in a building known as sungai wang, the following conversation occurred between two store clerks and a buyer.

Buyer: got second hand iphone 6s plus black 128 gb mah?

Tey and ooi: we have, we have. Here, iphone 6s plus black 128 gb. But no box and the cable is not original. Bought it from seller tha way. Feel free to check.

Buyer: [conducting due dilligence on the phone]

Buyer: everything looks good. Do you have sim card so i can test the cellular function?

Tey and Ooi: don't have. You want to buy or not?

Buyer: ok ok...buying buying. But i need to go to atm because my money is not enough. I pay you deposit so you can keep the phone for me ok?

Tey-Ooi: of course can lah brother.


After returning from atm, the buyer check the iphone again before finalising the purchase.

Buyer: ooi brother, why the iphone don't have cellular function?

Tey-Ooi: it is on airplane mode mah.

Buyer: if it is on airplane mode, the cellular function still appear in the settings menu mah.

Tey-Ooi: so?

Buyer: i think this iphone had been icloud's bypassed before because all bypassed iphone would lost it cellular function.

Tey-Ooi: so?

Buyer: i believe this a stolen product and i don't want the owner put me in jail because i was implicated in stealing or storing his/her iphone with you. I want to cancel the purchase. So please return my deposit.

Tey-Ooi: no. You have to buy this iphone. We won't return your deposit. It is ours already.

Buyer: that is not fair. I want a clean and clear iphone. Not a stolen one.

Tey-Ooi: then you choose other iphone mah. We got many. Want to see?

Buyer: no, because i know now that your store is shady shop. I'm afraid to take any goods from you. So give me back my deposit and we will be all right:

Tey-Ooi: so what you going to do if we refuse

Buyer: then i will report you to police.

Tey-Ooi after claim trial to the allegation of possesion of stolen product: we were framed. That buyer conduct due dilligence and first he said it is clear. If he don't like that one, he should have asked for replacement....



2016-01-28 19:52 | Report Abuse

How many company nexgram acquired today? Not even one. The last acquisition was cancelled because nexgram owned a company but do not have the information on the identity of the other shareholders of the subsidiary LOL LOL LOL LOL

And nexgram tried to dispose two paper companies without assets or value (gold dynamic and pt star) for rm 35million. Would you buy toiler papers companies for rm 35million? LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-28 19:48 | Report Abuse

Let apply a simple logic. If dato chong really perjured himself, then you and ooi would already file criminal complaint against him instead of filing a vexatious litigation using forged documents and false evidence that dato chong made secret profit out of the ong deal. And obviously gideon tan would not discharges himself if you had telling him the truth that you and ooi did scheme to cheat protasco and failed to adhere to your fiduciary duties as the directors of protasco LOL LOL


2016-01-28 19:22 | Report Abuse

Well, i know you read and save my wall of text. Don't deny it LOL LOL


2016-01-28 19:07 | Report Abuse

The development is in the eye of the beholder, which is me LOL LOL LOL

So what tey suggesting are as follows:

Tey and ooi stole the property of herman koswara and benny tjokro. Tey and ooi then sold the stolen goods to protasco without disclosing that they are thieves. The disguised themselves as a distributor of product with indonesian origin.

Then one day, after paying deposit, protasco aware that they were induced to buy a stolen product, which under malaysian and indonesian law, the possession, concealings, storing, buying, disposing of any stolen goods are a crime in itself. so protasco cancel the deal.

And what is the defence of tey and ooi as the thief who lied to protasco by selling stolen products to them? if protasco don't like to current products, it should have ask for replacement LOL LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-28 18:55 | Report Abuse

Read carefully, i said "my last post here until next significant development."

Well, tey, to be fair, dato chong is not your only victims right? That's why in malaysia you are facing 10 litigations including by the brother of the sultan whose gave you and adrian your datukship and obviously in indonesia you got 10 more. And also don't forget the hundred inovisi's shareholders all of whom lost their money because they were defrauded by you. LOL LOL LOL

Dato chong only human after all so it is understandable that he could be cheated by the offspring of satan and indon make lover LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-28 18:40 | Report Abuse

Summoned by puki mak tey por yee LOL LOL LOL

Back to silent reader.


2016-01-28 17:10 | Report Abuse

Protasco? Don't care. From libya to being cheated by tey and ooi, they sure have a bad year. Could go bankrupt, but who care? LOL LPL

But i found it to be so funny that the owner of nexgram's penny stock which only worth no more than 6 cents would shamelessly tried to mock a company that the share price is 1,43 or hundred fold more than nexgram will ever be LOL LOL...

And that penny stock is a product of goreng-goreng. Imagine if tey and ooi does not goreng2 the shares of nexgram. I don't think it could worth more than 2 cents LOL LOL LOL


2016-01-28 16:24 | Report Abuse

Oh chinaman, you naive S.O.B

I told you already, the transaction was foiled not because oil price is dropping like ooi kock aun dropping his sperms into his indon maid but due to:

1. The transaction was not arm's length. Tey and Ooi fraudulently induced protasco and dato chong to enter the agreement while presenting themselves as a broker between protasco and pt asu as the owner of the oil and gas project.

2. By the facts that tey and ooi who were the directors of protasco concealed the information on their ownership of pt asu and since protasco now know about the information, then if protasco keep proceed with the transaction then as a matter of law, the directors of protasco including dato chong would committed a criminal offense called insider trading. Ask Bill Ch'ng what happen to a director who committed insider trading in a public company.

3. Even if protasco to proceed with the transaction will only make protasco entangled in unnecessary legal dispute because the fact is the ownership of pt fas and by extension pt haseba is in dispute because tey and ooi have not paid the full price of the shares to herman koswara and benny koswara. To add insult to the injury, tey and ooi also produced forged documents to kick herman and benny out from pt fas.

4. Because the dispute on ownership which was caused by tey por yee and ooi kock aun defrauded herman and benny had causes pertamina to refuse granting extension for the contract of work to pt haseba. So even if the oil price soars to usd 2,000/barel, that would not benefit protasco at all since pt haseba don't have the right to produce oil at the aceh oil field any longer.

back to silent reader LOL LOL


2016-01-27 19:16 | Report Abuse

This is my last post here until the next significant development.

For you who assume that the legal cases faced by the two controlling shareholders of nexgram: larry tey por yee and adrian ooi kock aun would not affect you, then you couldn't be anymore wrong.

The situation is tey and ooi uses all of their companies as an alter ego to gain maximum capital gain, and nexgram is not excluded. What this means is that tey and ooi never carried out their statutory and fiduciary duties to their best ability in every companies where they are the directors.

For example...tey and ooi cooked inovisi's shares so the price will look higher than it actually are. Afterward they would do business with other using blocks of inovisi's shares as collateral. However everything cooked will always finds it ways to reach it natural value, and since inovisi is a mere paper company, so it shares dropped 70% in two days resulting in the detriment of the shareholders of inovisi and the creditors who possessed the now junk collateral.

There is no doubt that tey and ooi did the same with nexgram. Nexgram is their proxies and controlled by "friendly directors" all of whom pledged their loyalty to tey por yee and ooi kock aun. So, when tey and ooi go down, so will the companies that become their alter ego. I guaranteed it.

Now, please choose wisely how to spend your hard earned money.
