
The_JQuestion | Joined since 2021-05-26

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2021-10-28 03:00 | Report Abuse

interesting if reject their appeall means what suspend is not good enough LOL whats the next best punishment FINE?
i cant see a way bursa can do anything if they fail to submit on time....
the only way is SCIB will face a lot of legal issue or be sued by BURSA thats the next step
but bursa just aa mouse and a tool


2021-10-28 02:56 | Report Abuse

what a month for sarawaak stoksss
First is SB,nexxt scib and now CMS turn....Alll killed by KPMG LOL


2021-10-27 14:51 | Report Abuse

time to take back the throne go go russh UP nasdap is back


2021-10-26 15:53 | Report Abuse

ini semua salah karim ... jual habis warrant trigger SC High alert and buat suspension
now long holiday the inevitable will come , try to cover up and sweeten tapi the outcome will be the same NOT GOOD NEWS...


2021-10-25 14:14 | Report Abuse

u dont announce keep so long until forced like ur force sellling means BAAD BAD BAD...
this is legit con counter with good wayang and so called profits/returns etc unlike useless cons like xox/dgb etc


2021-10-25 10:28 | Report Abuse

PP for? anybody know?


2021-10-22 15:30 | Report Abuse

100% BAD NEWS u guys can smell it
KARIM has disposed 6% of totaaal warrants because it will become worthless...HE is the major holder he cut and let u guys hold sth valueless
RIP ... worst is yet to come
btr not believe the people saying positive stuff..U guys buy this share out of greed CONSEQUENCEs should be beared,nvr touch con co.


2021-10-18 20:29 | Report Abuse

ya btr stay away until KPMG come out with their report...speculate look at serba i tak beraniiii
but constructiion is uptrend this is heallthy rebound...if u plan to keep btr wait LOLL

News & Blogs

2021-10-18 14:42 | Report Abuse

ppl tallking about bull market u say it crash HAHAHHAA this guy shamefull still tryna squeeze ppl to sell
wholle year crash close down la liddat
RIP world full of unpeaceful bunch of unhappy beings


2021-10-18 12:02 | Report Abuse

genetec takeover the throne on SHARE PRICE from king MPI ... no power


2021-10-14 19:34 | Report Abuse

wait explode news i KEEPING SO LONG waitinng for EV news it is time once EV come skyrocket


2021-10-14 19:27 | Report Abuse

ALL GOING TO RECOVERY still tech tech can wait.


2021-10-14 19:26 | Report Abuse

rm 1 only happen beccause of bonus isssue ...already happen impossible rm 1 again...even QR good wont push much QR has been good and downtrend


2021-10-14 16:23 | Report Abuse

hi one day showw? why sudden up


2021-10-12 10:18 | Report Abuse

0.80 diff genetec 42.8 mpi 43.5 llooks llike there is a new KING of tech


2021-10-11 12:43 | Report Abuse

genetec vs mpi who willl be higher this week


2021-10-07 16:06 | Report Abuse

they throw so so MUCH and it still go what u think .... UPTREND!


2021-10-05 14:07 | Report Abuse

haiyo ppl up u down ppl up u down ppl down U down too?


2021-10-05 00:03 | Report Abuse

HEHEHE ... it is not MMAG Is priced at the same price...but u wan buy MMAG downtrend long long baik beli smtrack brewing waiting game only


2021-10-01 17:00 | Report Abuse

AS exxpected KLCI dropping back or close to 1500 due to the QR of companies being all in the RED


2021-09-30 22:10 | Report Abuse

cook when goreng market active when market not active die die


2021-09-30 09:39 | Report Abuse

how come lose money MCO no condom sales ah

News & Blogs

2021-09-29 15:05 | Report Abuse

collect when cheap only not bad la


2021-09-28 15:42 | Report Abuse

wa tis one mcm cheap sales am i right?


2021-09-27 17:48 | Report Abuse

wow good QR but i wonder why suddenly profit surge up


2021-09-27 13:11 | Report Abuse

why not like this
go supermax go MPI all shoot shoot UP UP ok laaa agree agree


2021-09-27 11:35 | Report Abuse

this week is King SHOW laaaa king will RISE


2021-09-24 11:44 | Report Abuse

ai yo always shy shy u are the KING show them ur POWERRRR RoAARRRR not meow leh


2021-09-23 12:00 | Report Abuse

ada org sapu at closing...if close 0.105 cantikkkkk steady steady patience will be rewarded volume pun cantik
when high volume come its when shooting up to the sky flying across sea reach the destination


2021-09-21 03:42 | Report Abuse

Magnum Bhd owns 8% of Umobile only....u mobile ntg much to do with magnum...


2021-09-21 03:33 | Report Abuse

humans are threat not the virus covid is not the evil the evil is the humans HEHE
humans also kill humans hencee humans create virus and virus kill humans its the art of war
am i right khatu my buddy terminator is needed soon our wars gonna be invisible cyber typhoon desert apocalypse


2021-09-21 03:30 | Report Abuse

wise words my gem used to be Airasia sad it was my cash cow but covid killed it all...i used my dividends to buy back
sold off all i bought since the indonesiaan craash and my total LOSS was 50 Percent
if not for covid Would have been KING life has shown u crisis is bound to come prepare for the WORST !
humans can nvr live without crisis thaat has been throughout centuries if one doesnt happen one will happen soon (nvr peaace ,WELCOME to the 21st century world war crisis)


2021-09-20 15:54 | Report Abuse

khatu pegi goyang tpglove dulu.....actually its good not dropping HOLD HOLD and slowly up fllying cargo will come TP 0.20 im Holdinggggggggg discipline and huat chaiiii


2021-09-20 15:48 | Report Abuse

KLCI dropping back 1500 inevitable maarket foce will making Tenaga fall
haai ya u buy tenaga just keep laa care what price it is for what..ntg to cry about goyang kaki stock allso want worry AADUHHHH bursaaa investors


2021-09-20 15:22 | Report Abuse

so many years no dividend WHY?? cant even give 2-3 cents?


2021-09-17 16:43 | Report Abuse

Helllo Khatu u nvr suggest the best counter to limit up cargo fly rocket moon zoom zoom


2021-09-17 00:47 | Report Abuse

i am using the aka malanglish tell me director wake up already or just looking sleeping i think they got no sense of clue wwhat they are worries they pandai goreng wait for IT !! but right now they rich already bro no need goreng relek goyang kaki makan gaji HOHO...they realised no good trap ppl makan gaji bonus fat fat is the best way


2021-09-16 23:32 | Report Abuse

wait for 20 sens HAHAHA this has no bottom scaryyyy
director semua masuk cave ... when high they buy and trade hands now u see whr they are howw they address this what they doing...UNTUNG already lla nvm later if they buyback only ill come in if not dont touch


2021-09-16 23:24 | Report Abuse

too dilute dy the sharess syndicate wan goreng also many ppl wan escape NO hope depend on market movement is DOWNTREND...

very sad stock this one all glove are sad so what u think??


2021-09-15 16:29 | Report Abuse

everyday shoppee lazada faster naik i wan buy iphone 13 baru pinky pink khatu sapu semua push push push


2021-09-15 16:28 | Report Abuse

u see MMAG suda tido Smtrack will wake up soon...wait n wait khatu will be BACK !!
Do ur risk analysis put some chips in and lets see im interest in this field too


2021-09-15 16:26 | Report Abuse

0.135 0.13 didnt sell off im waiting for HIGHER .. i believe will pull OFF just takut if they will come out With RI after budget tak cukup hopefuly find new investor with PP , so will push the price up too


2021-09-15 16:24 | Report Abuse

why u all keeping?i am waiting for the cargo business to operate i will keep some interest in this stock lets see how market react it is holding if like gemma said operaator most probaably waiting too...
still low risk to come in , diversify too i didnt buy anymore since july even if its cheaper now


2021-09-15 02:07 | Report Abuse

cargo airline is hiring in subang airport.looks like setting up the airline is almost complete.Compare MMAG and smtrack i believe management of smtrack is more compelling and profesional.

When news out MMAG went up to 0.25 smtrack sure can 0.30 !!

News & Blogs

2021-09-13 15:53 | Report Abuse

gloves like other healthcare products are forever needed and must Have standard SOP.
too bad its worst than the market rotten fruits and vegetables even sell cheap noobody wants.Lelong like priceless even u are #1 in the world at exporting glove.
This is one of the market outlook that puzzles me and beyond.

News & Blogs

2021-09-13 15:48 | Report Abuse

market is just irrational moreoever in bursa Malaysia they are very cash rich companies one of the most in the country,one of the most profitable
but somehow never stop bleeding evenn getting lower than pre pandemic level
oh well being manipulated and played by big funnds susah nobody dare to touch! this is bursa ! all about speculative and rumour......


2021-09-13 15:42 | Report Abuse

good good now no more cheap tickets get onn board with fair price if not just ennjoy the show Operator is ready!


2021-09-06 14:19 | Report Abuse

close at 10.5 willl be ssuper cantik then 12 sens next the old support level price then game is ON


2021-09-03 16:15 | Report Abuse

GST will come for sure after pandemic..rakyat will only suffer the poor will get poorer the rich get a lil poorer and everybody will face economy suffering from now till then.....
our gov willl sell sell sell to pay off debt
look at prices of food these days...crazy , going to go up somemore


2021-08-29 16:59 | Report Abuse

Hi Khatu and gang,

Asia Cargo Wings Sdn. Bhd. has been registered with the CCM.Take off is coming get ur seatbelts on we are on flight and rocket away !!