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2021-01-30 15:36 | Report Abuse

Or a hostile takeover or aggressive shareback
Many companies in US including big tech companies hardly give dividend but their share price shoot up many folds.If I am not mistaken, even Berkshire Hathaway doesn't give dividend.However it is usually trading at a premium to its nett asset due mainly share buyback.


2021-01-17 15:26 | Report Abuse

Icap exists solely for the benefits of TTB.To those invested in icap I would strongly advise to shift your money to Insas. I would even advise TTB to shift icap money in FD to Insas.Short to medium term your returns easily 15-20%.Buy before ex-date of RPS and free warrants probably end of the month.


2020-12-04 15:02 | Report Abuse

Another Mahsing. Maybe also going into gloves.


2020-11-10 18:05 | Report Abuse

Too strong. Its rooted
Sway a bit lo


2020-11-09 11:10 | Report Abuse

Mahsing has turned into a goreng counter.
No longer about fundamentals.To start making gloves next year is not a sure win.
Look at face masks, you can now buy one at 20 sen


2020-11-01 09:08 | Report Abuse

DGSB share fell after the announcement.Will the same happen to Insas on Monday?


2020-10-29 14:48 | Report Abuse

I am tempted to buy at this price, but kept being reminded of the rise and bust of the bubble of the 90s.


2020-09-12 07:18 | Report Abuse

Only idiots invest in this counter.


2020-09-05 17:52 | Report Abuse

Its a long while since KPJ buys back its own share
It used to do share buyback quite aggressively 1-2 years ago


2020-08-31 18:09 | Report Abuse

Why not make a voluntary general offer


2020-08-08 16:32 | Report Abuse

Somtimes I wonder how someone as calculative as SS lee can be scammed by a company like Xinquang.Maybe you were so focussed on irrelevant issues and missed the elephant in the room.
Well every one makes mistakes The Insas proposals to me is a win win situation.
Dont mess them up


2020-08-03 17:23 | Report Abuse

Looks like not many people are gung ho about the plastic story


2020-07-24 16:48 | Report Abuse

TP also sapu
New TP 1.00.?


2020-07-22 19:53 | Report Abuse

Traditional medicine and supplements are not drugs. The term clinical trials are applicable to drugs seeking FDA approval to market internationally esp. USA.
Dont be fooled by all these claims. Just quote a scientific writeup.
I wouldn't waste my money on this stock.


2020-07-15 13:47 | Report Abuse

Insas is quite similar to icap, but 10x better.
Insas give good dividend, icap nothing
Insas regularly come out with proposals to enrich longterm shareholders.
Like the coming rights and free warrants.Icap nothing
In these sort of companies NAPS is more important than earnings
Anyone who cannot see the positive side of the proposals is either too greedy or ignorant


2020-07-14 16:56 | Report Abuse

So many dumping their shares
Managed to collect 400,000
Hope it will drop further tomorow


2020-07-14 09:57 | Report Abuse

So little sellers, so many buyers
Looks like the most minority shareholders are in favour of the proposals.
I am prepared to buy up another 1 mil. shares below 0.75


2020-07-13 13:42 | Report Abuse

The share price is stable because there are very few retail investors.
Otherwise it would have dropped. to maybe RM2.


2020-07-12 10:05 | Report Abuse

For actual facts and figures, SSLee is the go to person.He knows Insas inside out.
This is different from an advice,which is personal.
Insas shareholders should know this is not a company to make you rich overnight,but much better than putting in FD. Even the 2sen dividend is better than FD.
The proposal is very good for minority shareholders.Because it will benefit the big shareholders more than the kachang puteh ones is not relevant.
Dont be like the guy who rejected CCB privatisation because it didnt benefit him as much as the offeror


2020-07-11 16:23 | Report Abuse

The right RPS is redeemable but not convertible.So no dilution from RPS.
The exercise price of the warrant will be based on 5 DVWP. In the previous exercise Insas was trading 90sen early 2015 It even reached 1.2 at end 2014.
Agree with @roger123. Buy Insas


2020-07-11 11:02 | Report Abuse

During the last identical exercise,I dont think anyone converted their warrants because they were out of money. RPS werent convertible, so there was no dilution of shares as far as I know. I just hope that with the new RPS, the BOD would not reduce the dividend back to 1 sen.That would really piss me and all other minority shareholders off.


2020-07-11 07:35 | Report Abuse

In the long term the RPS and free warrants proposal is positive for minority shareholders.With interest on the downtrend and FD 2% I think I would accept the proposals. The free warrants is another icing on the cake.
Anyone remember previous warrants traded at what price.?


2020-07-09 18:28 | Report Abuse

At today's AGM,renewal of shareback was approved.
Hopefully this would pushed the price upwads


2020-07-04 22:03 | Report Abuse

CEO of JCORP left a few months ago.
Now CEO of KPJ also left. Both are young ,only in their fifties.
Something fishy


2020-06-30 20:28 | Report Abuse

Inspite of improvements in its financial performance,the share price has been trending downwards
since about 6 years.From PE about 30 to now PE 18. This is probably the cheapest stock in the region based on PE.
One reason is because of too many shares in circulation.There was a 1 for 4 split 6yrs ago.Then there was subscription of rights issues and warrants and esos.It is difficult for share price to go up.
A new president and ceo just appointed starting work in July 1st.Hopefully kpj fortune would change for the better.This new ceo was formerlly from IHH


2020-06-30 06:58 | Report Abuse

I would wait. The coming quarter would be much worse


2020-06-12 14:27 | Report Abuse

Ttb thinks that the best investment is to place your money in FD.


2020-06-10 16:34 | Report Abuse

Oriental will easily cross 6.00 by weekend


2020-06-10 13:18 | Report Abuse

I just cannot understand why people buy Icap.
This company is a lot like Insas, more like a fund than doing business.
The NAPS is more important than EPS.

Insas: price 0.67, naps 2.6 dividend 2.8% PE 29
Icap: price 2.08, naps 3.1 dividend 0% PE 77

Go figure out which is a better investment.


2020-06-10 13:01 | Report Abuse

The only reits i bought is Alaqar.i expect it to affected by the pandemic.
But long term wise the earnings quite stable.
Avoid retail and office reits. Online shopping and work from home will kill these reits.


2020-06-09 11:50 | Report Abuse

Yilai used to give very good dividend - about 7%. However about 7 -8 yrs ago the boss sold the company off for about 1.3 per share. The new majority shareholder hardly give any dividend causing the share price to fall. About 5 yrs ago there was an offer to privatised at about 80cts but the privatisation failed. Since then it has been trending slowly downwards


2020-05-25 10:39 | Report Abuse

Next quarter would be worse - April to June.
Hopefully would improve in 2nd half


2020-05-03 19:00 | Report Abuse

Maybe just transferred to an individual. Why should it reject at 2.2 and sold at way below 2.2


2020-04-17 19:15 | Report Abuse

You will neither maķe or lose money in icap
Only TTB makes money


2020-04-17 13:50 | Report Abuse

Its ok if share price stucked at the same range if dividend yield is more than 5%


2020-02-13 19:20 | Report Abuse

Where have all the experts gone?


2020-02-12 19:52 | Report Abuse

Soo high volume today


2020-02-12 18:31 | Report Abuse

There is no such thing as fair value.what is fair to one may not be to others.
If CCB can buy back 80% at 1.20,then it can offer exit price at 3.20 for the last 20% without incurring extra expense.And this last 20% would include MBL.
This is just my theory,bucause I cannot believe MBL is stupid.They are master of corporate games..
CCB is fair to offer SCR but stupid shareholders had rejected.

Go and read how Bernas delisted from Bursa.


2020-02-12 16:51 | Report Abuse

Actually a listed must have at least 25% minority ownership.So once CCB reaches 75% or mre it can apply to delist after a fair exit offer price to minority shareholders. Imagine how much CCBcan save if it buys at say 1.6 ie 60cts per share.
It can then offer a better exit offer price to the last femaining shareholders,incl MBL.
All these could have been discussed between MBL and CCB.MBL is not stupid


2020-02-12 13:51 | Report Abuse

If CCB is really want to privatise,it can use other means. It can start aggressiveshare buyback.
I am sure at 2.20 at least 80 percent would have sold to the company.
And also do a right issue. This would increased CCB percentage. If it owns 90%,or more
It can delist the company.Any sensible shareholders would sell back rather than holding shares in a nonlisted company


2020-02-11 20:00 | Report Abuse

This is a lose-lose situation


2020-02-11 18:37 | Report Abuse

PE >23. Not attractive
Dividend 1.4%.No attractive
NAPS 80cts. Not attractive. I will give this company a miss.
Also it is not into making surgical gloves.


2020-02-07 10:19 | Report Abuse

I would not buy into retail reits or office reits.
More and more people are shopping online or work from home
But hospital reit like alaqar will be ok.Doctors need to see patients in clinics.
And they need operation rooms to do surgeries


2020-01-31 20:22 | Report Abuse

NAPS is 1.7. True or not.Anyone can confirm?
Then better close shop and distribute to shareholders


2020-01-30 16:16 | Report Abuse

Can anyone tell me a company, where SCR failed and the company later became more beneficial to the minority shareholders.?
I have personal experience with Yilai.SCR failed because the offer of 80cts was deemed too low.
Now after about 5-10 yrs. the price is below 60 cts and zero dividend, and no light at the end of the tunnel.


2020-01-15 19:29 | Report Abuse

Right now I am like sitting on the fence. If vote for SCR I really feel cheated. Vote against my money will be tie down for at least 5 yrs.
To be fair Jardine should up the buyback price
Hope more shareholders would write in the forum to share
what they think


2020-01-05 18:18 | Report Abuse

MBL needs 10% to to scuttle the SCR.According to latest AR,it has just over 1%
One bird in hand is worth more than 2 in the bush.If the deal is off
It will be back to square one


2020-01-01 17:58 | Report Abuse

So is this good or bad for shareholders?


2019-12-23 16:57 | Report Abuse

Ya, game is not over until its over