
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-07-26 23:58 | Report Abuse

China is a close looped financial system! It won't go bankrupt as only CCP officials know the truth! I mean, China used their budget to build infras not spend trillions going to war like USA!


2022-07-26 23:56 | Report Abuse

All i can say is that going to university is seen as a complete waste of time and money! And sorry to say, i have to agree!


2022-07-26 23:56 | Report Abuse

And so we are seeing new breed of Gen Z who are not interested to pursue further studies! Today, they can jump straight into ebusiness like food delivery, Grab driver and so forth and earn decent salary!


2022-07-26 23:54 | Report Abuse

I think Gen X was the most educated generation of all times! I mean, unlike me, the baby boomer generation, getting a degree was more of a wish because not many could afford it!
So the baby boomers helped their offsprings to get a degree hoping that their children will enjoy a cosy office job and a fat salary!
Boy! That was a half true dream! Many Gen X indeed arm with degree and many did get an office job! But as a clerical staff! Or just ordinary executive! And the salary, haix, was way below their qualification!
And so we went through the same cycle of frustration and disappointment with Gen Y! However, Gen Y was more fortunate as job offers were plenty as we enjoyed the longest economic prosperity in history!
At last the pandemic strike! And the rest is history!
After decades of salary stagnation, the Gen Z figured that why go through the same cycle of frustration and dissapointment like the Gen X and Gen Y!


2022-07-25 21:48 | Report Abuse

Should you buy Topglove! Given this rise in monkeypox and at current price, why not! But don't take it from me! I am 100% cash at the moment!

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2022-07-25 16:36 | Report Abuse

Just look at Australia! Dumping ground for British exconvicts or those who are trash in British!

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2022-07-25 16:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by Income > Jul 25, 2022 4:05 PM | Report Abuse

We must ask British to support our state of Sabah in Malaysia.

Answer : British came for natural resources! They don't even give a damn about their own citizens! Why should they care about their previous colonies!

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2022-07-25 15:29 | Report Abuse

The rise of Islam is closely tied to oil price! If oil becomes less important, then the middle east can't sponsor their ulamas like before! Eventually, Islam will become like Vatican church! Distant from their source!


2022-07-25 15:27 | Report Abuse

The middle east will lose their power! Just like how the EU have lost their influence today!


2022-07-25 15:26 | Report Abuse

10 years from now, Russia will go bankrupt! The Sauds will not be as wealthy and arrogant! Going for haj will cost you arm and leg as the Sauds no longer rely on oil but on pilgrims!
With such exorbitant cost to perform haj, the influence of Islam also wane!


2022-07-25 15:25 | Report Abuse

How times have changed! Alot! Back in 2014, i would say we are heading for oil crisis! That oil will hit usd200 perbarrel!
But nowadays, i say, why do we need oil! Well, in the next 10 years, oil will play marginal role!
A decade from now, if you still driving ICE car, people will look at you as if you are something wrong!
Many landed homes will have solar plus huge powerpack, enough for self sustaining needs!
Oh, did i mention, the air smells fresh too because there are no poisonous smoke coming out from cars!


2022-07-25 15:10 | Report Abuse

And to produce intelligent ones, the breeding period is also very limited!
For women, they should only bare children at the age of 20 to 30! Only 10 years window to get good and healthy offsprings!
For man, you should not have children once you hit 40! You sperm is not as good as before! And most likely, your offsprings will have many health issues!
But do we know this! No! In fact we don't know much about how to produce intelligent offsprings! That's the problem!


2022-07-25 15:06 | Report Abuse

The rich mindset is difference from the poor! The rich provides everything to their children! While the B40 endgame is for their children to take care of them!
Unfortunately, when the B40 do get old, their children will abandon them! Or too busy for them! And the cycle continues!


2022-07-25 15:05 | Report Abuse

The thing is, the wealthier and more educated we get, the less offsprings we tend to create! Hence, eventually, this group of T10, tends to get wipe out because they don't breed so much!
As for the bottom caste, the B40, breeding is their main entertainment! So having more than 3 children is quite normal! They don't have far sightedness regards to future of their children! In their mind, children are their pension fund, to take care of them when they grew old!


2022-07-25 15:02 | Report Abuse

So Elon Musk is warning us that the world is heading for population crisis where there will be less and less humans to sustain civilization!
Well, maybe he has been mixing with the elites for far too long! Because the elites only made up like max 10%!
So yeah, inside this circle of small elites, you tend to meet the same people over and over again!
But has he actually been with the 90%! I mean, have he seen the overpopulation in Bangladesh or India! So many humans! But there's something missing! Yeah, the intelligence part! You see, the less intelligent ones tends to think less and tends to breed more!
For decades, local chinese mocked malays for overbreeding! But actually genuine malays only around 1 million during colonial times! Today we have like only 6 millions genuine malays but so many fake or hybrid ones! Even so, majority malays population is only like 16 millions! Which is very very tiny in world comparison! The jews are also endangered species! Jews are only 16 milions worldwide!

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2022-07-25 14:54 | Report Abuse

Elon Musk has been busy populating the world!


2022-07-25 14:53 | Report Abuse

I mean, we had indian PM for 22 years 22 months! So a bangla PM is not really far off!


2022-07-25 14:52 | Report Abuse

Chinaman! Yeah, probably bangladesh will be our next national language!

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News & Blogs

2022-07-25 14:00 | Report Abuse

Brunei has every right to claim Sabah Sarawak from Malaysia! But they didnt! So why do we entertain bunch of concubines 'heir's! We don't! Let them go bankrupt! Those europeans lawyers will ask fortunes promising a win!


2022-07-25 13:12 | Report Abuse

Raider! Yes, agreed! Those who opt not to further studies usually ends up the successful ones!


2022-07-25 13:11 | Report Abuse

Oh, i was waking around Genting casino last week, few times, spending time talking to few gamblers! I tell you, our local gamblers got plenty of money! And they are small time air cond installers, food hawkers and so forth! So don't look down on this small enterprise! They really make tons of money! And they know how to hide it from tax!


2022-07-25 13:09 | Report Abuse

So been not smart is school is actually a blessing nowadays! You can pursue some course in electrical, air cond servicing, mechanics and so forth! Jump straight into this job field! Few years later you are your own boss with few bangla doing all the things for you! This is Malaysia!


2022-07-25 13:06 | Report Abuse

So latest survey shown that over 70% of SPM holders have no intention to further their studies!
Unfortunately, i am not shock at all! You see, the previous generations where overwhelming majority would pursue degree end up not getting job that suit their qualification!
Vast majority end up unemployed and many hopping from one job to another, hoping to eventually get their dream job which again, many didn't!
So for degree holders, it was period of frustration and disappointment!
Many of this already expired graduates end up unable to compete with newer graduates who will go through the same cycle of dissapointment!
I cannot blame the Gen Z for skipping further studies! Malaysia is a place where education is not appreciated! Because cheap labour is king! You degree is worthless! 10 banglas can do what you cannot do! Your expected salary is equal to 2 banglas who can do dirty jobs! So, what worth is your degree!


2022-07-25 12:59 | Report Abuse

Raider! There's wrong translation of the original agreement! 'Pajakan' means cession not lease! The initially translation used the word lease! However there was further agreement in 1903 that statement the Sulus made full cession of Sabah!

News & Blogs

2022-07-25 12:40 | Report Abuse

Haix! Soon will spread to Malaysia for sure!


2022-07-25 12:38 | Report Abuse

I beginning to see why so many politicians rejecting Anwar to be come PM! He is such a trouble maker!


2022-07-25 12:37 | Report Abuse

Michael! Anwar very close to those concunbines 'heirs'! It's reported that Anwar instigate 2013 invasion to create chaos in Malaysia!


2022-07-25 12:35 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! A bit overweight for old man! Been using those barbell for squating! But i lost 10kg just by reducing portion size of my rice! Amazing!

News & Blogs

2022-07-25 12:33 | Report Abuse

Mind you, before Sulu agreement, there is actually Sultan Brunei agreement a year before which stated it's handover of Sabah to British! This agreement rarely mention by Malaysia! Why! Supposely, Malaysia should let the world knows that the valid agreement is between Sultan Brunei and British not with Sultan Sulu!

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2022-07-25 12:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by chinaman > Jul 25, 2022 11:50 AM | Report Abuse

1878 agreement was with British empire. why arbitration in spain or appeal court in french intervene, challenged British indirectly?

Answer : Original agreement written in bahasa jawi! Can whites understand them! Certainly not!

News & Blogs

2022-07-25 03:02 | Report Abuse

Well, the happiest malaysians are those driving luxury cars and fill up using RON95!


2022-07-25 03:01 | Report Abuse

Eating too much rice will hurt your health! And let to overweight! So eat small portion!
Instead if you feel hungry still, eat more vege!


2022-07-25 02:59 | Report Abuse

For few months now, i have started to reduce the size portion of my rice! Yes, i used to eat like one big plate of rice! Sometimes 2nd big portion of rice!
I am sure most of us have been doing this without much thought!
Well, let's learn something new! Actually, let's learn something very ancient!
Do you realise how small chinese rice bowl is! And that folks is the right size of rice portion for us to take! We should only take a small bowl of rice! Chinese has been eating rice for thousands of years! In fact rice farming was invention by chinese! Do you know that! Rice cultivation in Asia all originated from China!
If you taking a plate or two of rice daily, you are doing a huge burden to your stomach! Because those excess rice will hurt your intestine!
So please! Learn to eat a small bowl of rice everytime you eat! You will notice how your stomach is not as bloated as before! Eventually you big stomach will shrink!
Here's another thing! Rice will expand if you soak it in water! And rice will expand inside your intestine! So don't eat too much rice! Again, eat small portion!


2022-07-25 02:02 | Report Abuse

Honestly, the 'heirs' can sue until they go bankrupt!


2022-07-25 02:01 | Report Abuse

The original agreement was written in bahasa jawi if i am not mistaken! But English translation was incorrect! The word 'pajakan' was never meant to say to lease! Perhaps in olden days, 'pajakan' was actually to sell!


2022-07-25 01:59 | Report Abuse

And yes! The annual payment must be made directly to Sultan Sulu 'heirs'! But are you sure they are official 'heir's ! Becuase, Phillipines never recognise the illegamates!


2022-07-25 01:58 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Correct! Now you are talking! Sultan Sulu never lease to British! It was a agreement of cession!


2022-07-24 23:05 | Report Abuse

If you read Robert Kuok history, you know he is on top of the food chain! The Brittish, Japanese, skip communist, then back to Brittish, then Umno, he served them all! Then of course serving the baby CCP in China! Boy, Robert Kuok made fortune with CCP! But i guess he has fallen since Chairman Xi took over! Chairman Xi does not like those billionaires using him like previous chairmen!
Again, Chin Peng was too egoistic! Even if he was branch of CCP, he leashed out very brutal method to rise to power! And he failed!
Remember, CCP tried to branch out to Singapore, Vietnam and many Asian countries! Vietnam is still communist nation you know! But in Vietnam, viets grew very hostile towards chinese who moved to Vietnam! Hence the war between CCP and communist viets back in the 80s!


2022-07-24 23:00 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! True! Robert Kuok served many masters! That's why he is multibillionaire! He can read the terrain very well! He also somewhat new Harapan would win hence he jumped to support Harapan! Well, looked like he was game by Mahathir once again!
As for Chin Peng, he would have killed Robert Kuok for sure!


2022-07-24 22:43 | Report Abuse

As for Chin Peng ashes, bring it back! Bury it in Harapan HQ!


2022-07-24 22:43 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Yeah, basically Sabah belongs to Sulus! Which is why the heighten alert in Sabah right now!
For me, let it be! Let there be 2nd invasion in Sabah!

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