
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-07-18 15:08 | Report Abuse

Oh ya, enjoy your freedom of speech now! Because such freedom can only be found in pariah nations like US and EU in the future! I doubt US and EU will be able to come out from their fail state!

News & Blogs

2022-07-18 15:07 | Report Abuse

China is very certain to be No.1 superpower! US and EU are failing! Maybe decade from now, US and EU voices will be small!
Don't be too happy though! This means, authoritarian regime may spread to other countries! Democratic system is broken and faulty! Maybe few generation from now, democratic system will be footnote in human history!


2022-07-18 01:22 | Report Abuse

"The biggest geo-political change of this century will come from China not Russia."


2022-09-24 15:43 | Report Abuse

"We are coming to the end of Western political and economic dominance," Blair said in a lecture entitled "After Ukraine, What Lessons Now for Western Leadership?"


2022-07-25 10:54 | Report Abuse

The Ukraine war shows that the West's dominance is coming to an end as China rises to superpower status in partnership with Russia at one of the most significant inflection points in centuries, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said.

News & Blogs

2022-07-17 21:45 | Report Abuse

Enough fairy tales from Anwar! Time for him to retire!


2022-07-17 14:37 | Report Abuse

My advise is, just let it go! Eventually nobody will remember this Mat Kilau movie! And nobody will remember all the fuss!


2022-07-17 14:35 | Report Abuse

The thing is, if Mat Kilau was a flop, i think nobody will bother to comment about it!
But because it has achieved commercial success, we have this people coming out and cry that this malay movie purposely projecting that Sikh are aggressors! Dudes! This is just a movie! The purpose of movie is just giving a fake version of things!
So one must understand, movie is all about entertaining you! What's the point of producing a movie if you know you target audiences will feel bored and walk away!
I think the producer understand his target audience very well! Especially in malay centric environment today! Unfortunately, like many pro centric movies, you bound to offend some segment as well!
Example is the CNY movie, IP Man, which is super pro China! I mean, do japanese cry victim over it! No! Because, they know it's just a movie!


2022-07-17 14:29 | Report Abuse

First of all, kadoos to the producer! Mat Kilau is indeed a box office success! They say it's equal to recent Hollywood movie, Avengers Endgame in term of sales! That's unheard of!
Anyway, i doubt i will ever watch it nor interested to watch it! This kind of genre just don't interest me at all! I am more into those post apocalyptic thingy!


2022-07-16 22:43 | Report Abuse

But we all know this is cause by one man, Mahathir! He architec all the malay leaders that we have today! And all of them are no different from Mahathir! Except Rafizi!
So i put my bet on Rafizi for GE16 if he can pull it off! Simply because, Rafizi fit perfectly with younger generation of malays! He knew this very well and he is capitalizing this window of opportunity! Rafizi been only 44, has plenty of time to build his base! As for the rest, they are too old and antiquated!


2022-07-16 22:40 | Report Abuse

So there! Pkr is now officially fighting! Anwar vs Rafizi! On Umno side, for a while now, its Zahid vs Sabri!
With this open warfare, other malay parties still unable capitalize on their weakness!
Bersatu, Pejuang, Amanah and Pas simply do not have what it takes to be dominant malay party!


2022-07-16 22:38 | Report Abuse

Looks like the worm is out from the can! Anwar relation with Zahid is now wide open! As for Zahid vs Sabri, it's all out war at the moment!
Look, barely a year ago, it's really open secret that Zahid gave Agong SDs supporting Anwar was the next PM! But Anwar basically reveal today that the Lims rejected Zahid and Najib SDs! No Zahid Najib, no Umno lawmakers support!
It's not the MOU with PM Sabri that brought down support for Harapan! It's the miserable 22 months and Anwar credibility as Harapan leader!
Rafizi openly reveal that Nurul is more popular than Anwar! It's a calculated move! A move to dethrone Anwar as president of Pkr! As for Nurul, she is just a bait! Eventually Rafizi will throw both Anwar and Nurul under the bus! Eventually or rather sooner, Rafizi will sit on the throne of Pkr! Rafizi calculation is that GE16, he will be the next PM!


2022-07-16 22:33 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2022-07-16 12:08 | Report Abuse

Dap lawmakers should emulate Anthony Loke! Fluency in bahasa is a must! Gone are the days where the Lims rule the day!

News & Blogs

2022-07-16 00:31 | Report Abuse

This Russia US EU thingy is whitemen fight! We asian just watch at far! As long as we are not drag into China Taiwan thingy!
If Tawan cross the redline, it's on Taiwan! Asia should not even get involve!
As for Russia Ukraine war right now, let it be! couldn't be bothered anymore! No chinese, no indians or brown skin people are slaughtered! So why talk about Russia sanctions since we can get oil from Saudi!


2022-07-15 19:51 | Report Abuse

What we can do, or rather what our lawmakers can do is to make sure Malaysia able to weather this shifting New World Order and come out alive!
Honestly, we are in for a rough sea! A competent captain is needed to man the ship!
Let's hope we do have one! Because at the moment, we have a ship bloated with useless not working crews and a puppet captan on top of the board and the lower deck are powerless!


2022-07-15 19:47 | Report Abuse

In short, US and EU totally mess up! The world is suffering due to their lofty Grand Reset which ultimately bring to their demise!


2022-07-15 19:46 | Report Abuse

China will be the first to hit 100% EV adoption! Norway too but it's a small country! Once 100% EV adoption is achieve, China will determine the price of raw oil!
As for US and EU, i doubt they can produce EV of their own without importing components from China! That's the main problem!
Anyway, current oil price is the core reason for inflation at the moment! 2nd is the chain of supply of fertilizer and raw commodities! China has no problem overcoming inflation as they can bypass troubled US and EU!
The only problem with China is it's zero Covid policy! A really dumbass policy! Why can't they just issue vaccine mandate like the rest of us! Haix!
Anyway, for Malaysia, the super heavy subsidizing of things will put super heavy strain on our government fiscal! GST can help alot! But problem is, the are politicians especially from Harapan who love to make political mileage out of it! Please Harapan! Grow up! You blew it once, don't blow it again if you guys given 2nd chance!
Our national fiscal equation is really worrisome! We have 1.4 trillion debts to pay! If government fail to pay it's commitments, no matter how small, kaboom! You have change in ratings, and hike in interest! Then, government will have to issue bonds with much higher interest! Eventually, Malaysia will be trapped in stagnation which is worst than recession!
Can Malaysia avoid recession! Yes! If Malaysia play along with shifting New World Order! Reducing trades in US dollar and trade more in Yuan! However, we cannot import Russia oil as we will be sanction by US and EU! China and India dare to do so as they are big! And they know it!
Malaysia also need to be self sufficient! For the longest time, 50% of our rice are imported from our neighbouring countries! Do you know that!
Chicken and egg, been the cheapest source of protein are highly dependent on imported feed!


2022-07-15 19:32 | Report Abuse

As the World Order shifts, chain of supply also shift! Today US dictates world trades! But eventually, China will determine the course of how raw materials move around and the products and services are consume!
As for Russia, they will rely on China! I mean, what else can Russia offer to China beside those antiquated military prowess and space technology! Oh, and raw oil which is fast losing it's importance in mobility of passengers!


2022-07-15 19:29 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, we really don't know when the process will end! Maybe few years, maybe a decade! Even for a century!


2022-07-15 19:29 | Report Abuse

Well, you can blame those enlightens controlling US and EU administration! They have this Grand Reset thingy going on! But personally, i think they going to lose out to shifting New World Order!
I am not betting on New World Order where Russia China dictate humanity! But i could be wrong!
But i am very certain US EU Old World Order is at it's end of it's game! Just like Umno in Malaysia!
During a transition, chaos surely erupts! Until the whole process is complete!


2022-07-15 19:26 | Report Abuse

Still in Genting! Great place! Business booming! Checking out tomorrow and stay in nearby homestay! Been to casino for few days just to check around! Damn! Pack! I still see heavy bets despite high living cost today! Then again, most of them are singaporeans! So to them it's really peanut!
So you may wonder why are we seeing such ridiculous prices of essentials nowadays!
Even during those 2 years of strict movement control, we still getting essentials at very reasonable prices!


2022-07-15 14:40 | Report Abuse

Basically those who receive 1.5k salary going to be slaves! Then again, so many today already slaves to their work! No choice with current inflation!


2022-07-15 14:38 | Report Abuse

Anyway, if government float RON95, you also see inflation shooting up so high, you cannot even see the cloud anymore!


2022-07-15 14:37 | Report Abuse

At the moment, government is subsidizing half of your fuel price per litre! Yeah, that's right! 50%!


2022-07-15 14:37 | Report Abuse

According to Umno cronies, there are too many old cars on the road! They say got 32 million cars and government should impose end of life for cars above 10 years!
Hihihaha! We all know the real motive! Umno cronies just want to sell more new cars!
Our public transportation is not up to mark! Probably only KL has good ones! But the rest of Malaysia, if you don't have a car, then it's very hard life for you!
This is because, Mahathir was very car centric fellow! He does not want to see public transportation! Because that would mean, no sales for his 'national car'! Mind you Mahathir was about to launch 3rd national car! Thanked goodness Harapan administration was short lived!
Anyway, it's so easy to reduce number of cars on the road! Trust me, if you allow RON95 to float, the next day, you can walk on the streets!
Nobody wants to drive if RON95 is RM4 perlitre!

News & Blogs

2022-07-15 14:29 | Report Abuse

Sanctions are working! Who says it didn't! China and India are enjoying deep discount oil compare to the rest of the world!

News & Blogs

2022-07-15 14:25 | Report Abuse

You know, they say do not worry about tomorrow! Tomorrow never comes! Zafrul says there's no recession tomorrow! I say, don't buy stocks at the moment! 100% cash! I mean, who knows! Zafrul will impose another round of Cukai Makmur next year! Seems this dude only looking after the 100 useless shake leg ministers, advisers and GLC rent seekers!

News & Blogs

2022-07-15 04:53 | Report Abuse

Cupcakes! Hihihaha! This is the kind of feedback that i love to hear! Thank you for educating me!


2022-07-14 23:00 | Report Abuse

First of all, it's question of sovereignty! 2nd, Phillipines must first recognise the sole Sultan Sulu if they want to proceed claim of Sabah!
But i think things will get worst for Sabah! Invasions will be order of the days for them!
To me, if you knew Sabah is a risk then don't stay in Sabah! Invasions is certain! It's just question of when! This is what my undercover neighbour told me!
There's no point in bashing me! I am just sharing or messenger! The problem or risk is real!

News & Blogs

2022-07-14 22:56 | Report Abuse

Anwar days has long been over! He should step aside for younger leadership! He won't become PM! It's his own fault!


2022-07-14 15:55 | Report Abuse

Dude! In my case, i just happen to have undercover neighbour friend working in Sabah! For general politics, i am in few watsapp group!


2022-07-14 15:22 | Report Abuse

There's a strong lead that this Sultan Sulu claim will only get worse in coming months!


2022-07-14 15:21 | Report Abuse

Speakup! Its' really started with Tommy Thomas and Shafie Apdal! They actually support Sulu claim! And now those in Umno are firing things up as prospect for them in Sabah close to zero!
So don't be surprise to hear Sabah invasion 2.0 coming up!
Take Kota Kinabalu for example, 90% of the workers there are filipinos! If they support claim of the fake Sultan Sulu then Kota Kinabalu will fall easily!
One should not underestimate this fake Sultan Sulu claim! Sabah has tons of filipinos that can be fired up!


2022-07-14 14:58 | Report Abuse

Sometimes, if you recycle a lie for far too long, people will believe them! Just like believing Jesus was a white man with thick beard and long hair! Dudes, Jesus was a jew! Jews don't look like whitemen!
Hence, this thingy about Sabah Sarawak shouting and bragging that they are multiracial society!
My last visit to Sabah was back in 2014, our tourist guide was a bumi! While i did see many bumis in Kundasang, i notice i don't see many bumis in Kota Kinabalu, where are they! All i see in their shopping malls, or shops are filipinos! Like 90% of Kota Kinabalu workers were filipinos! Correct me if i am wrong!
Another thing that i notice in both Sabah and Sarawak, i don't see any malays or indians! It's like seeing indians are as rare as seeing bumis here in peninsula!
So how come Sabah Sarawak people keep telling us here in peninsula that they are models of harmonious multiracial society! Must be a great delusion!
Because, perhaps i am wrong but bumis are made up of many ethnics! So they assume been multiethnics is been multiracial! No! It's totally different!
The true model of multiracial society can only be found here in peninsula!


2022-07-14 14:51 | Report Abuse

Yeah, very bad! Bursa today is like bursa of the good bad days! I have to say, Cukai Makmur practically kill bursa!
Let's hope next year, MOF won't put this Cukai Makmur anymore! Bring back GST instead!

News & Blogs

2022-07-14 14:48 | Report Abuse

The day Senior Lim blessed Mahathir as Harapan PM, was the day i stop believing his nonsense!

News & Blogs

2022-07-14 14:46 | Report Abuse

If there are aliens coming to earth, they are not that dumbass to come in big flying ships! Most probably they will send micro drones that we can't even see! Or they will live with us in human form!

News & Blogs

2022-07-14 14:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by bzeew > Jul 14, 2022 1:23 PM | Report Abuse

The poodle belongs to the Chinese. Does not belong to Americans

Answer : Dog rearing culture is actually chinese thingy! The whites took fancy of this in modern times! In fact many dog breeds originated from China! But as usually the US spread lies how chinese China loves to eat dogs!

News & Blogs

2022-07-14 14:40 | Report Abuse

About a decade ago before Chairman Xi took power, talks of Taiwan and China for peaceful reunification was favorable! In fact pro unification was elected by taiwaneses!
Unfortunately, as usually, US through CIA agents mess things up, just like very countries in the world!
But i do believe Taiwan and China will unite again through peaceful means! We just hope that this will happen!


2022-07-14 02:39 | Report Abuse

Actually, there's another version to Luxemborg! I got intel that somebody is allowing this fake sultan sulu 'heirs' to seize Petronas subsidies for political motive!
And according to this intel, let's just put it this way, they are planning another invasion in Sabah! But this time, it's going to be much bigger compare to 2013!
So people of Sabah, you guys better stand guard, i heard that this round it's going to be on every districts!
My undercover friend in Sabah told me, there are movements of cells! Probably few thousands in every districts!


2022-07-14 02:34 | Report Abuse

Goh! Hihihaha! You caught me with my underwear down but pants up!


2022-07-13 15:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Jul 13, 2022 2:58 PM | Report Abuse

So tell me if you make a lease contract for 50 years and every year you bank in your lease payment without fault. And then in year 40 you suddenly stop the lease payment because someone broke into the property and you interpret it as the landloard has breach of contract

Answer : in this case, the landlord broke into the property!