
Tobby373 | Joined since 2021-05-14

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2022-06-11 13:11 | Report Abuse

There's no difference really! Pujawang, Umno, Bersatu, Amanah, Pas or Pkr, all fighting for wealth and power!
You may think they are divided but their goal is the same! End of the day, they will compromise and share the loot just like current PN administration! Yeah, the rebranding of Keluarga Malaysia but it's really PN government at the moment!


2022-06-11 13:09 | Report Abuse

That is why we seeing so many malay parties fighting among each other nowadays! Because the wealth in Putrajaya is too attractive not to plunder! Even Zuraida has join the crook train!


2022-06-11 13:08 | Report Abuse

The only difference is that our chinese tycoons would give back in form of chinese institutions! For malay tycoons, they really don't know where to channel their wealth! I mean, what malay institutions are there to be gifted as most of malay instutitions have been taken care by Umno!


2022-06-11 13:07 | Report Abuse

Yeah, the big gravy train are now directly goes to the malays unlike in olden days of MCA where 99% goes to chinese!


2022-06-11 13:06 | Report Abuse

Have you notice too that most of the government projects are mostly handled by malays! Gone are the Alibaba days where chinese contractors would use malay proxies for projects!


2022-06-11 13:05 | Report Abuse

Have you notice the growing presence of influent malays nowadays! 20 years ago, seeing malays driving around in Porche, Lambo or Ferrari was something very unusually! Most of this malays are either royals or our Umno warlords children and kins!
However, today, we see so many malay businessmen able to buy luxury cars and homes! So different from what we see back in the days!


2022-06-10 23:58 | Report Abuse

Those who wants to make it big can head to Indonesia! Those with engineering background can apply to those big MNCs! Indonesia is having skilled workers crunch!


2022-06-10 23:57 | Report Abuse

While the rest of the world are in gloom mood, only Vietnam and Indonesia having the best time!
Well, despite inflation, they are not too worry as exports are growing, sorry, surging!
Do you know for the last one year, both Vietnam and Indonesia are in surpass position! Meaning the can afford to build their infras easily! Yeah, another New China in the making!


2022-06-10 22:56 | Report Abuse

Ontime! I am not worried if Russia only customers will be China and India! Because this two are famous arm twitter!
Once oil drop to new lowest 2 years from now, China and India will demand way more cheaper!
Current high oil price will not last! EVs will take over once EV manufacturers figures how to mass produced!
And also once those deep sea offshore rigs comes to full operation which is quite fast nowadays since there are plenty of rigs lying around!


2022-06-10 20:44 | Report Abuse

It's no brainer how to defeat Russia invasion! Just stop buying Russia oil and gas! But no! EU has actually become way to dependent on Russia for oil and gas!
I mean, if you know one day Russia is going to invade EU, what the heck do you still import Russia oil and gas! EU should have stop this years ago!
Anyway, Russia totally depends on it's exports of oil and gas! It's like 90% of their economy! Go figure!


2022-06-10 20:40 | Report Abuse

I used to believe in the world full of dumbass world leaders, only Chairman Xi was the sober one!
But this round, i say Biden is more sane than Chairman Xi! Zero Covid policy is nonsense!


2022-06-10 20:39 | Report Abuse

Yeah! Chairman Xi is a dumbass! Chinese China should be proud for having half brainer for a leader!
And this time, we should see China economic collapse due to self inflicted disaster!


2022-06-10 20:22 | Report Abuse

Anyway, ukrainians only need to hold up and make aggresive attack during winter!
As ukranians are expert of their territories, it will be on their advantage to take down russian soldiers and destroy their military assets during winter!


2022-06-10 20:21 | Report Abuse

As i now understand the real motive of this invasion, and Putin agenda of Greater Russia, EU should step in and help Ukraine to ensure victory!
Please, stop playing victim and provoke Russia with EU and NATO membership! EU could have defeat Russia instantly if they channel their resources in building better defence against Russia decades ago!
But no! Germany continuously weaken themselves by shutting down their nuke power plants and made way for Russia coal, oil and gas!
It's like removing your fence and expect intruders to understand your borders!


2022-06-10 20:17 | Report Abuse

Sadly, Germany is holding their military weapons to ukrainians! Mind you, Germany receive US fundings for NATO for decades yet refuse to help Ukraine in times of need!
You can say Germany is selfish and also dumbass! Selfish because they only want funding for NATO from US but refuse to help Ukraine! Just give your artillery to Ukraine! I mean, you can dispose of near expiring bullets and weapons!
Instead some European members are giving their best weapons to Ukraine!


2022-06-10 19:52 | Report Abuse

3III! Putin in axis of New World Order! No thanks! Look at Russia! Zero development! Only create tons of billionaires that money on mega yachts!

News & Blogs

2022-06-10 15:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3333 > Jun 10, 2022 3:43 PM | Report Abuse

I think the older generation should teach the younger generation about the true China. ...and the true face of America

Answer : You mean China before CCP!


2022-06-10 15:45 | Report Abuse

During Mohiden administration, he rarely use his position to promote nonsense! However, the fail MCO nailed his fate! But given current sentiment towards PM Sabri which is not good, i think majority malays may look up to him instead of PM Sabri!


2022-06-10 15:43 | Report Abuse

If PM Sabri is not careful, he may trigger the rise of Mohiden!

News & Blogs

2022-06-10 15:28 | Report Abuse

I say if Premier Li takes over, at least we can have some breather! If Chairman Xi given another term, then it's no good!

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2022-06-10 15:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by Cupcakes69 > Jun 10, 2022 3:10 PM | Report Abuse


No country is perfect. I dont even hate China, they have a rich history and contributed a lot to the world. I only hate the CCP who destroyed traditional China, who makes chinese hated by Asia because of the bullying and wolf warrior diplomacy, who threatens Taiwanese with a military attack when Taiwan just want to be left alone, who deprives the chinese of civil liberties and shot their own people in the Tiananman Square Massacre.

Answer : Absolutely agree with you! However, without CCP, will China be better! They say be careful what you wish for! Without CCP, the greedy politicians take over! You know politicians are scammers and crooks! And then there's the dark side of society, where underworld bosses will be more powerful even PM of the day will bow down just like in Taiwan!

News & Blogs

2022-06-10 15:07 | Report Abuse

Once Putin successfully take over Ukraine, it's the end of EU! No point to fight! At that point, EU is as good as sold to Putin!

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2022-06-10 15:06 | Report Abuse

Regardless, Putin would still invade Ukraine even if Ukraine decline NATO or EU membership! Putin goal is to conquer EU supply of oil, gas and coal! Ukraine was standing the way!

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2022-06-10 15:05 | Report Abuse

Taiwan has their own problems! In Taiwan, the underworld has greater say than government sometimes! Do you know the head of Taiwan No.1 gangster was given VVVVIP burial honor even state leaders are not accorded!


2022-06-10 15:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3333 > Jun 10, 2022 2:42 PM | Report Abuse

toby.......stop worshipping western media...................they are very dirty and very wrong.

Answer : Sorry! You won't find Putin real agenda with mainstream media! They continue to play NATO and EU membership narrative! Yet at the same time they continue to buy from Russia!
I mean, how dumbass EU be! They should have known Putin real intention in invading Ukraine! And they should have prepared Ukraine for eventually invasion which they didn't! Ukraine could have defeated Putin even before they cross the border!

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2022-06-10 14:59 | Report Abuse

The reason why i never talk about religion to my wifey! I mean, why bother getting into argument about fairy tales! Let her be! Just put a fake smile and endure it! Likewise, those CCP lovers in Malaysia are living the great delusion! Just let them be! If they continue to lecture you about how great CCP is, ask them, how come they are here and not in Shanghai to experience 2 months lockdown!

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2022-06-10 14:57 | Report Abuse

Cupcake! don't waste your time! Qqq is a housewife who adores CCP like Jesus! But send her to Shanghai for 2 months lockdown and she will be running back to Singapore like maddog!

News & Blogs

2022-06-10 14:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq3333 > Jun 10, 2022 10:38 AM | Report Abuse

After all most of the rich people malays and Chinese like to live like British Lords

Answer : Even Mahathir spend alot of his time in in posher London home! I mean, Mahathir can be in Malaysia and 13 hour later he will be in London! It's great to be super wealthy, make dumbass out of rakyat and have tons of private jets at your disposal!


2022-06-10 14:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by nicholas99 > Jun 10, 2022 2:31 PM | Report Abuse

you don't dream. nato is the one who expand.

Answer : Ukraine today! Finland tomorrow! And Poland! And Greece! Eventually the whole EU! It's not about NATO! It's about Putin ambition to create Greater Russia!


2022-06-10 14:32 | Report Abuse

Putin is charting a New World Order where he and his kind rule the world! Forget USA! It's civilization is on decline! The only innovation still valid is Tesla and Spacex!
As for Russia, it's innovation is only military advancement! Basically after 2 decades under Putin, Russia remain in timewarp! No new innovations, no infrastructure development!


2022-06-10 14:29 | Report Abuse

EU can forget about climate change or having freedom like they are so used to! Europeans will be forever under thumb of Putin! And who knows the next dictator that will take over from him!


2022-06-10 14:28 | Report Abuse

If Ukraine falls into Putin hands, then the whole EU better just surrender to Putin, and Putin alone! Putin will be the emperor for quarter of earth population!


2022-06-10 14:27 | Report Abuse

Even cancer can't stop the dark desire of a dictator! I feel sad for those who support such evil man!
Putin has no regards for innocent lives in Ukraine! Or even in Syria of which he was part of evil war against humanity!
Putin is liken to devil himself! Yet strangely, we do have humans who worship the atrocity of such man!
Look, the war in Ukraine has nothing to do with EU or NATO membership! It's all because of the mega gas, oil and coal reserve in Ukraine! The fact that Ukraine will bypass Russia in supplying EU with this resources troubled Putin so much!


2022-06-10 13:55 | Report Abuse

If Mohiden steps up and attack PM Sabri for his weakness, i think Umno will have tough time in coming GE15!


2022-06-10 13:55 | Report Abuse

And PM Sabri announcement of re introduction of GST is also bad! I mean, you have 100 ministers and advisers who are basically doing nothing and you want rakyat to pay for that!


2022-06-13 11:28 | Report Abuse

And look at our bursa! It's dying badly! After fail attempt to gather foreign investors, our capital market continues it's slip! Which shows us that PM Sabri is not fit to be captain of our economy!


2022-06-10 13:52 | Report Abuse

Worst still, PM Sabri fondness of everything son in law! His son in law is always in the picture! Rakyat are asking, who is the PM here! Is the son in law the real PM of Malaysia!


2022-06-10 13:52 | Report Abuse

PM Sabri also uturn on EPF withdrawal after much pressure from Umno itself! Unlike Mohedin very generous handouts, PM Sabri was not seen as pro rakyat!


2022-06-10 13:50 | Report Abuse

Things are not looking good for PM Sabri! His foreign trips were more of blunders than actually present himself as competent leader!
Many are saying, the reason behind PM Sabri strong bahasa avocation is due to his weak English which somewhat true as most of his speech in English is as bad as Zahid! Even Dewan Bahasa former experts gave pessimistic assessment of bahasa as international language! One been, bahasa is tied to Islam! I mean, do you see any bahasa Bible, or bahasa non islamic religion books! Zero! Because our moral police only want islamic material in bahasa!
Whereas in Indonesia, you can find so many religious books on all religion on earth! So bahasa indonesia is much more appropriate as international language! In short, bahasa is only good in Malaysia and Singapore! That, we must accept! As PM of the day, PM Sabri has erred badly!

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2022-06-10 01:43 | Report Abuse

Cupcake! Yeah, China one child policy will takes it's toll in a decade from now! But then again, China has 1.5 billion! If half a billion dies off, China still have plenty! Population of Shanghai alone equal to whole Malaysia!

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2022-06-10 01:11 | Report Abuse

And least we forget, there was malay empire too! And yes, there was Tionghua empire in Kalimantan as well!
So don't be so proud of coming rise of China empire! It has happened before! ONly the fall of empire that most of us ignore for some reason!

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2022-06-10 01:09 | Report Abuse

They say if you don't learn from history, you bound to repeat it! We learn how the Rome empire crumbled! Same with the Dutch empire! The Great Britain empire! And now USA empire!
The pattern are the same! Mind you, once upon a time, China too was a great empire! Do you see any more China emperor around!
Empire come and go! Today USA, tomorrow China, maybe the next one will be Indonesia!