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53 comment(s). Last comment by speakup 2022-06-27 16:11

Posted by TraderAlways > 2022-06-09 17:56 | Report Abuse

This article makes subur investor comfortable knowing their losses is nothing compared to US debt.


178 posts

Posted by Starship2 > 2022-06-09 22:50 | Report Abuse

Based on 2021 data USA is list 7 and China is 77 interms of per capita income. In terms of population, China is 4.2 times the size of the US.. so even if their GDP even up,the US will still be far ahead in terms of prosperity of its people... If we look around us, literally everything we consume, treat ourselves, enjoy, transact with etc comes from the USA.. Infact we now live in a civilization created by them..And their biggest invention is the USD which increases in value as troubles in the world increases. The reason is simple people trust the Americans more that anyone else


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-09 23:51 | Report Abuse

Someone should tell China, they keep buying US debts. The CCP looooves the US dollar.


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-06-10 01:09 | Report Abuse

They say if you don't learn from history, you bound to repeat it! We learn how the Rome empire crumbled! Same with the Dutch empire! The Great Britain empire! And now USA empire!
The pattern are the same! Mind you, once upon a time, China too was a great empire! Do you see any more China emperor around!
Empire come and go! Today USA, tomorrow China, maybe the next one will be Indonesia!


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-06-10 01:11 | Report Abuse

And least we forget, there was malay empire too! And yes, there was Tionghua empire in Kalimantan as well!
So don't be so proud of coming rise of China empire! It has happened before! ONly the fall of empire that most of us ignore for some reason!


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-10 01:27 | Report Abuse


US dollar hegemony? If China wants to end USD hegemony, they can always just stop buying US dollar debt. But no, the CCP loooooves buying USD , even when so many CCP shrills keep saying that US will fall.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-10 01:39 | Report Abuse


As long as humans continue to exists, China will always exists. But whether it will be in the form of the People Republic of China (PRC) with the CCP at the helm, I highly doubt it. The PRC's system of government is not sustainable. In time, it will change too, probably in the footsteps of the USSR.

THe "USA empire" will likely fall too. Maybe China will take its place, but definitely not as the PRC. The CCP will fall way before US dominance ends.

Or maybe India or Indonesia will be number 1. China's caused irreparable damange to its demographic through the one-child policy. It's population is getting old before it even gets rich. You can't dominate the world with a population of elderly.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-10 01:41 | Report Abuse


Oh it well, but not before the PRC fail by itself first.


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-06-10 01:43 | Report Abuse

Cupcake! Yeah, China one child policy will takes it's toll in a decade from now! But then again, China has 1.5 billion! If half a billion dies off, China still have plenty! Population of Shanghai alone equal to whole Malaysia!


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-10 02:00 | Report Abuse


The population number is not the problem. It's their age. 2 adults make 1 child, end result: only 1 child available to take care of 2 elderly parents; only 1 young adult to replace 2 retirees in the workplace; only 1 young adult to replace 2 retired army personnel; only 1 young adult to pay off the pension of 2 retirees. It's a time-bomb.

19% of China's population is already above 60, and every year that gets worst.

Japan has elderly population too, but it's GDP per capita is 5 times that of the PRC. They are rich old people. China elderly are not rich.

The US has immigration, just one benefit of being an english speaking democracy.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-10 02:00 | Report Abuse


China's corruption index is worst that Malaysia's lmao... Kill lots of people yet still dirty. No hope lah if rely on the CCP too much.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-10 02:02 | Report Abuse


Tell that to the CCP. They do no want the US to collapse because they would lose trillions of their investment in USD. China loooooves the dollar.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-10 02:21 | Report Abuse


America will collapse eventually, but not before the PRC collapse first.


2,445 posts

Posted by beinvested > 2022-06-10 10:23 | Report Abuse

All of you did give your good points for sharing. Thanks.

My turn.

China is nation (one civilization). USA is an Enterprise.

Elsewhere, The Babylonians came to concur their land and disappeared, the Greek, the Roman Empire (the Italians are not Romans), the Ottoman and left. This nation taken out by God, led by Moses is still around.

The Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch...are being defeated also. Today, Portuguese and Spanish are becoming poorer.


2,650 posts

Posted by alenac > 2022-06-10 10:33 | Report Abuse

Good morning, still certain people are dreaming of china's greatness. Face reality, China market is still dependent on USA consumption. Even people in collapsing economies like Sri Lanka, Nepal, Turkey & Venezuela are desperately looking for Uncle Sam's $$$$$.

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 8 hours ago | Report Abuse


America will collapse eventually, but not before the PRC collapse first.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-10 13:05 | Report Abuse


You failed economics already. Being a large consumer market is an advantage because you have a domestic market to sell your own goods.

And at the moment, China's production still mostly low value. Why do you think the American's GDP per capita is more than 5 times that of China. The key to getting rich is to make cheap (through outsourcing) and sell very very very high, that's what the West/Japan/South Korea are doing. China is still relying on manufacturing cheap, and selling cheap - low margin.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-10 14:07 | Report Abuse

Wah, you really no shame lying is it?

Inequality? Based on the gini coefficient for income inequality, China's inequality is worst compared to the US. Taiwan far ahead of the PRC in terms equality. Ironic because the PRC constitution says that it is a socialist state XD lmao..

China is both not rich and and unequal, so it will collapse first lab. So obvious.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-10 16:20 | Report Abuse

Whatever they try will succeed? Sure, the great leap forward and cultural revolution was very successful killing millions of Chinese.


2,445 posts

Posted by beinvested > 2022-06-10 16:48 | Report Abuse

When they arrived at the New World, these settlers/criminal/blacklisted personnel, all adopted this system called "republic", which can do away with their kings/queens/religious leaders , from the Europe. There were red Indians and many other people yet. So, you know what they did? Later, call it USA...

They were willing to fight among themselves in the New World, bloody. And these Europeans/some are from the barbarians, mostly from the tribe of Esau, Haman, then Hitler...and entangling others.


2,445 posts

Posted by beinvested > 2022-06-10 17:04 | Report Abuse

USA can not be found in the Bible. Very clear. It has no role in the End. Unlike Iran/Persian, Jacob/Israelites, Rosh/Russia, Gog/Magog Central Asia, East/China. Today, Iran is preparing the nuclear bomb, Israel aiming to defeat Iran..


35,552 posts

Posted by UlarSawa > 2022-06-10 21:27 | Report Abuse

You challenge all the shareholders kah. Tan Sri maybe will do so leh. Correct?


I dare those who say bottom already to all in on Monday. See what happen lol

1 hour ago


3,129 posts

Posted by supersaiyan3 > 2022-06-11 00:03 | Report Abuse

I am sure US will be fine. KYY in a spiral difficult to escape.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-11 21:05 | Report Abuse


Wah, killing millions of chinese is "laying the foundation"? Says who? The chinese media who you yourself said only talks good about the CCP? Stop bringing shame to other ethnic Chinese lah.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-11 21:08 | Report Abuse

Mao Zedong was evil. Thank god he died. He brought nothing but suffering to the chinese people.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-12 01:37 | Report Abuse


"Quailo trying to dictate to Chinese what the Chinese should think, feel , like and don't like?"

Lol, the only people trying to dictate the chinese is the CCP. They cencor this, censor that; read your text messages; ban books; even wrote in the constitution that chinese news media cannot talk against the CCP.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-12 01:38 | Report Abuse


So many chinese dead during the great leap forward and cultural revolution. The fact you praised that means you don't care about chinese, but only care about the CCP.


6,213 posts

Posted by ahbah > 2022-06-12 12:30 | Report Abuse

My hard earn moni is also trapped in a red mkt spin. Next wk. the spin is likely to be faster n the mkt fire bigger. How to get out n preserve whatever balance of my hard earn moni ?


1,848 posts

Posted by treasurehunt > 2022-06-12 20:11 | Report Abuse

Now, I like Uncle to churn out this type of article making educated people syok syok. Kikiki!


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-12 20:33 | Report Abuse


US GDP per capita 5x that of China, Taiwan GDP per capita 2x that of China. Both countries considered high income and developed. China on the other hand still only upper-middle income, and still developing, and its population is getting old before it gets rich because of stup*d one-child policy;

So which a better model, definitely not China's lol.


1,848 posts

Posted by treasurehunt > 2022-06-12 20:43 | Report Abuse

Here's the investment platform lor not an educative platform to change other people. Let it be! Anyway, we need more this kind of people in the stock market.


2,188 posts

Posted by OnTime > 2022-06-12 20:44 | Report Abuse

china pop is 4x usa and 50x taiwan so using gdp per capital is very inaccurate


949 posts

Posted by Up_again > 2022-06-13 00:25 | Report Abuse

No worries guys, there will be a Great War in less than 10 years. Either cupcake or qqq will be proven right. At that time, hopefully they finish of one side convincingly so we don’t need to waste time debating here


6,213 posts

Posted by ahbah > 2022-06-13 10:08 | Report Abuse

We all here also no need war. We all need peace n prosperity$$$ !!

Posted by AlsvinChangan > 2022-06-13 10:30 | Report Abuse

USA Indo Pacific strategy is about war

USA had so many internal problems now USA need a great war of china to stay alive another 50 years

Asia is the next mideast



611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-13 21:55 | Report Abuse

@ CnTime

Actually, its because of population difference why GDP per capita is more accurate.

If you rely on GDP alone, that would mean the average Indonesian are more economically prosperous that the Singaporeans because Indonesia's GDP is more than 3x that of Singapore.

But we all know Singaporeans are richer. Malaysians want to move and work there, not Indonesia.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-13 21:55 | Report Abuse


What western lies did I repeat? US and Taiwan's GDP per capita is far higher than China's. Lmao. That also you don't know meh?


146 posts

Posted by bpsiah > 2022-06-13 22:18 | Report Abuse

Whatever, China is showing the way now. The best part, I think, China has more to show looking ahead.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-06-14 13:30 | Report Abuse

A land where people with wealth & connection got special treatment. Make sure you don't go against them. Pray a lot so that this special privilege people don't come to disturb or bully you. Once you are targeted .... bye bye


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-06-14 13:42 | Report Abuse


本集節目美東 2/25 製作
0:00 時政自媒體在YT上要避免很多禁忌 還涉及“立場”問題
2:32 唐山打人案中的流氓 有政法委書記的“兒子”
3:27 公檢法如何上位 思考:中共喜歡好人多、順民多、壞人多?
8:27 三個原因讓公檢法成為黑道保護傘 陸媒點名唐山官場
10:20 保護你吃燒烤!中共警察開始下派各地燒烤攤盯防
11:50 唐山事件或致官員落馬 各種暴力事件頻發 防不勝防
13:32 上千港人齊集倫敦 紀念“612立法會事件”三週年


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-14 20:39 | Report Abuse


More to show ah? Aya, how to show anything when CCP loves to censor soo many things. Lol


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-16 01:44 | Report Abuse


Nope, they censor stuff that do damage to the CCP's fragile image. They don't care about facts, as long as they can get the Chinese to give up their civil liberties, privacies, , human rights, and keep the CCP in power.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-16 21:22 | Report Abuse


No you don't because that would result in youtube and i3investor being banned too. And you love accessing these websites despite your praise of CCP censorship because you are openly double standard. No shame at all.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-17 00:11 | Report Abuse


Chinese news media are accessible outside of China, even in the US. They not very popular because Chinese news media will only talk good about China, which you yourself admit to.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-17 00:23 | Report Abuse


Expecting truthful reporting from the press is ridiculous? Seems like China is beyond help already lah if being constantly lied to by your government is considered a good thing.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-17 00:24 | Report Abuse


Being lied to is helping you? Wah, you for sure useful idi*t to the CCP lah.


611 posts

Posted by Cupcakes69 > 2022-06-18 03:07 | Report Abuse


"China is democracy in China language because it is people first.........the government take care of the people and the country."

Says who, the chinese news media who you just admit is lying? lmao, you really are useful idi*t to the CCP lah. So gullible. You know they lie yet you still choose to believe them. Logic down the drain already.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-06-25 21:42 | Report Abuse


00:00 本期内容摘要
01:21 窮國被一帶一路榨乾沒錢還貸款,美學者:中共掉入自己挖的債務陷阱
04:06 「這些銀行會大量覆滅」?中小銀行的危機正式爆發
05:20 中國22城首輪土地拍賣成交額下降52.7%
06:32 知名投資人:美聯儲玩真的,明年利率將升破5%
07:40 前房地產業者談推高大陸房價黑手
10:56 河北邯鄲要求復工前購買3000元防疫機,並說網民理解
12:04 數百名碩博士的錢去哪了? 「屬實是把高學歷的羊騙進來殺」


7,397 posts

Posted by Tobby > 2022-06-25 23:19 | Report Abuse

You know, Elon Musk kid recently change his name to her! Yeah, brainwashed by LBGT, the leftists of USA!
What is happening in US culture is beyond perverted! I doubt the rest of the world still have admiration for USA now! I mean, tell me, what has US done good lately! Nothing!
Then again, what has China side done of late! While innovations have thrive, i mean, gosh, can Chairman Xi stop been war monger! Non stp making threats against Taiwan! As if going to war anytime soon!
Chairman Xi is acting exactly like those incompetent US and EU leaders! Lately, the world has been in state of gloom! seems nothing to be happy about!


26,839 posts

Posted by speakup > 2022-06-27 16:11 | Report Abuse

US is no longer the same US as we know long time ago, now it is evil empire

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