
ToneeFa | Joined since 2020-08-03

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2021-09-06 17:07 | Report Abuse

@Turbo Good to see short selling keep going on. Left 1.36% or 370k lot quota to go.
06/09/2021 4:32 PM

Yup gotta keep track of that. Pls keep in mind the negative sentiment on glove is an illusion created by unethical manipulation by ppl with deep pockets. They have ICBM weapons but can only use tanks and bazookas due to the 4% restriction. But we poor bilis only can fight back with rifles and hand guns. But we have the numbers against their big guns. If we can work together to slowly deplete them of their arsenals, then we may stand a fighting chance. Just don't blindly hand over your bullets.


2021-09-06 16:59 |

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2021-09-06 12:13 | Report Abuse

Actually myinvestor, its hard to say bcos they can cover the earlier ones along the way as they create new ones. Most important is don't give them cheap bullets to shoot back. Should keep even after xdate and wait for the final dividend later. Don't let them easily cover their short positions at this cheap price.


2021-09-06 16:20 |

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2021-09-06 15:55 |

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2021-09-06 15:46 | Report Abuse

@Stealth They have to cover their shorts within 2 days or waste their bullets.In fact they'll be scrambling to cover their shorts by wednesday!!
06/09/2021 3:38 PM

Not necessary, they will need to cough up RM 10 mil to cover the 15sen dividend base on 2.6% of their short position. Sub Sub sui for them , since they are sitting on a huge paper gain.


2021-09-30 11:31 | Report Abuse

hey niet, continue to keep for the final dividend too, which is quite likely in Nov.


2021-09-06 15:43 |

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2021-09-30 09:27 |

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2021-09-30 09:16 |

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2021-09-30 08:59 |

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2021-09-06 14:25 |

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2021-09-06 14:18 |

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2021-09-05 23:28 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers Aiyaa doesnt matter whether QR profit 500Mil or 900Mil..share price still down b’coz low future profit expectation
05/09/2021 10:53 PM

Aiyoh, MMM, u r wrong means u r wrong la, nothing u say can redeem ur fatal mistake, except the massacre of ur tiny weenie.


2021-09-05 22:41 |

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2021-09-05 22:27 | Report Abuse

@Stealth We can all see how desperate the shortists are!! Haha! They will all fall flat on their faces with their feces!!!
05/09/2021 8:10 PM

Yup Stealth, their desperation is becoming more apparent by the day. As I pointed out earlier, they got someone in Bursa to add in some irrelevant ETF stocks to jumble up the Big4 short positions at the top of the table. They try to hide the fact that they have been shorting the Big4 big time. I mean with such major manipulation of the Big4, shouldn't Bursa do something about it? This can be investigated under some anti-trust law, where there is alrdy unfair financial monopoly practice being carried out. Maybe Bursa need to revise the RSS limit to 3% instead of current 4%. If the reasoning for RSS is to create a more dynamic trading activities then at 3% trading will be even more dynamic, as there would be better competition between retailers and short sellers.


2021-09-05 22:16 | Report Abuse

@joyvest Any PE of more than 3 is just a fantasy.Your self deceiving is more than your loss...
05/09/2021 6:52 PM

Hey joyvest, you have very shallow understanding of what you are talking about so better shut up and pay attention to pjseow's calculation and reasoning.


2021-09-05 22:12 | Report Abuse

yup pjseow, I agree all the way with you. Its just that with the shortists aggressively attacking and pressing all the Big4 down, I be happy if can bounce back to 6.0 level for now.


2021-09-05 18:52 | Report Abuse

Really gotta thank Mr Forum for deleting so many nonsensical postings.


2021-09-05 18:36 |

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2021-09-05 18:23 |

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2021-09-05 17:57 |

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2021-09-01 21:56 | Report Abuse

habisglov3 Up say limit up but takda. Down say flushing weak holder. Keep saying we are short sellers. Money is deceiving. Supermx is deceiving. When only people realize this, pe will go as low as possible, because it has already growth a lot..
01/09/2021 7:23 PM

Finally, somebody here admit he is from the shortist. U stop tokingkok ok. Everytime the buyers push the price, the shortists will come in to press it down, taking turns to press the Big4, alternating the counters, so that they alternate between shorting and covering back, so as not to over commit into 1 particular counter.


2021-09-01 18:45 | Report Abuse

Yup pjseow, the shortists are betting a lot of money, easily RM 2-3 bil so far, just on shorting the Big4. So they are not going to give up so easily. They have decided the pandemic is going to end end of this year, and they will make it happen by forcing the Big 4 share price to reflect that, regardless of what Covid will be doing in the real world. Their money power is stronger than Covid variants. They will bend the share prices to prove that Covid is not the main determinant of the pandemic status. Not even WHO can decide that. Only the shortist can determine when the pandemic will be over. And they will force it to be over by end 2021.


2021-09-01 16:50 | Report Abuse

looks like with enough money they can push the price any direction they want.


2021-09-01 15:46 | Report Abuse

Yup, but they are having some hard time containing TG.


2021-09-01 15:39 | Report Abuse

The World Health Organization has said it is monitoring a new coronavirus variant known as Mu, which was first identified in Colombia in January.

Mu, known scientifically as B.1.621, has been classified as a "variant of interest", the global health body said Tuesday (Aug 31) in its weekly pandemic bulletin."The Mu variant has a constellation of mutations that indicate potential properties of immune escape," the bulletin said.

Now even Covid has join Ronaldo in MU. Everyday got new VOC or VOI. How la?


2021-09-01 15:13 |

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2021-09-01 15:09 | Report Abuse

Yup pjseow, good point. As far as the anal-lease are concerned, they keep estimating base on prepandemic X 2 numbers, despite the fact that by the end of the pandemic will have at least 4 years passed under the bridge without accounting for the PAT CAGR and the many billions profit and cash in hand accumulated.


2021-08-31 16:05 | Report Abuse

Doomsday’ Covid variant detected in South Africa even worse than Delta strain
A new “doomsday” Covid variant has been discovered, with health experts fearing it moves nearly “twice as fast” as the deadly Delta strain.
Sei lor, its now confirmed that this C.1.2 "Doomsday Variant" can fully evade current vaccines and can transmit 2X faster than Delta and similarly can also mutate 2X faster than Delta. This may be the first high "high consequence variant" of Covid.


2021-08-30 21:49 | Report Abuse

Yup hopefully the foreign buying will continue. They start to notice the Big4 fat juicy consistent quarterly dividend. With the Gov't looking more stable, they are attracted to re-enter now.


2021-08-30 21:35 | Report Abuse

Shortists are still trying to press down the Big4 prices. But looks like today they are beaten back my the buyers.


2021-08-30 16:18 |

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2021-08-30 16:10 |

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2021-08-30 16:05 | Report Abuse

@Stealth Tonee, thanks for your video update on western media cover ups!! Its very telling!! malaysian media following western style! hahaha!
30/08/2021 3:43 PM
Wc Stealth, if u listen to the Wion newcaster carefully, she said currently many nations are also hiding their numbers. For politicall reasons. Countries like Russia, India, Indonesia , South Africa and even China are guilty of doing that. So now US is doing it. But regardless, whether they are hiding numbers or not the reality is that they will still need lots of gloves to save their ppl.


2021-08-30 15:56 |

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2021-08-30 14:51 |

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2021-08-30 14:35 |

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2021-08-29 23:16 | Report Abuse

@pjseow Some of you may have misunderstood the real message I want to.convey to supermx investors and the IBs . The stabilised ASP of 30 to 35 may not fall in 2023. It may happen in 2024 or 2025......
29/08/2021 8:22 PM

pjseow, as I see it, the IBs and JPM have their agendas to play out. However, I do see that they may have realized by now that they have made the mistake of being over confident that the pandemic will be over by end 2021. You can see the same confidence their goons here are displaying, namely gf and MM. Although the situation is not exactly clear yet whether the medical science will be able to end the pandemic soon, however the tell tale signs on going is saying that the pandemic would still have some legs to go on well into 2022. even Fauci admitted as much.


2021-08-29 22:35 | Report Abuse

n 8-year-old girl has died of Covid-19 in Sarawak.
The girl, who took her last breath at Serian Hospital, is the youngest victim of the coronavirus in the state.
The current Delta wave will see more children affected. This will be heart breaking going forward. Those of you with young children need to take extra care not to pass anything to them


2021-08-29 22:32 |

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2021-08-29 22:28 | Report Abuse

@Stealth Tonee i suppose management were just being a little cautious.
29/08/2021 10:18 PM

Yup, its difficult to see too far during these difficult times, so better tell it as it is. Then won't end up with foot in the mouth situation.


2021-08-29 22:23 | Report Abuse

@Stealth I now wonder, if at all there was a grand plan-scary thought
29/08/2021 9:43 PM

We can speculate about some conspiracy theory , but it won't change the reality of the situation. As I have mentioned this morning that this pandemic, in relative comparison is only at around 20% of the Spanish Flu. We have avoided Spanish Flu high level of death bcos of superior healthcare systems and vaccines. However, It is not unreasonable to expect that we may need to reach 50%-60% of the Spanish Flu level in relative term before the pandemic comes to an end That would mean additional 300-400 mil daily cases and ard 5-6 mil more global death. Hope that won't happen.


2021-08-29 22:10 | Report Abuse

@Stealth Tonee, pjseow, as observed by Ben Tan, in the last briefing by supermx, the management could have been more forthcoming. In fact they sent out the wrong signal. Don't know if it was also the deliberate attempt by some media to cherry pick certain negative developments in the industry
29/08/2021 8:16 PM

I think the management tells it as it is without extra effort to project a more positive outlook to boost the share price. Let the quarterly results speak for itself.


2021-08-29 21:28 | Report Abuse

@Stealth Tonee, as posted by 'on time' israel has discovered that natural infection is better than being vaccinated. This is BREAKING NEWs!!!
29/08/2021 8:05 PM

Yeah Stealth, that will be true, As I have posted some opinion on this previously, base on the opinion of Prof Geert Vanden Bosche, who said that vaccine on individual basis works well, but should never be roll out to the entire world population during a pandemic, bcos that will allow the virus to search for the immunocompromised and will further mutate to become more powerful. Rightly, the approach is to isolate all the old folks and those of poor health, while the rest who are young and healthy should be allowed to get infected and get natural immunity from it. And the problem is once the vaccines are rolled out , there is no turning back. Then everyone would need to be vaccinated to be protected, as vaccination roll out during a pandemic has the potential to create super virus. He said all this early this year in January I think. He was pleading for vaccination to be stopped. Now we can see what he said is very true. With Delta, even those who are young and healthy but not vaccinated will suffer severe symptoms now, and possibly die too. And once the next more powerful variant emerge, most who are unvaccinated will not stand a chance to survive, esp young children who are not eligible to be vaccinated yet. The next level variant will be like a supervirus to the unvaccinated. Just listen to what he said in the interview and you will be shocked as how true it is m especially with the hindsight we have now. When I understood what he said it sent shiver down my spine at that time. And now I m seeing the situation unfolding as predicted by him.


2021-08-29 20:18 | Report Abuse

@Hazzyy Suggest we should call them rats as dogs are human beings best friends. I have several dogs and it’s bad to say my dogs are like them .
29/08/2021 8:02 PM

In a way u r right Hazzy. If u r animal lovers u will feel unfair to refer to them as such. I think the choice of degrading names is up to individuals, coz some ppl dislike dogs maybe they have bad experience with them in the past. For ur info, I also have 2 dogs, and I do think dogs have more love and decency than some uncultured "human".


2021-08-29 20:13 |

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2021-08-29 20:06 | Report Abuse

@pjseow FairTalk, I will compute once I have the Analyst briefing from.supermx management . The.last.supermx briefing was quite good that it provided very.detailed ASP numbers in qtrs ahead. I hope this time they can give similar ASP.details moving forward.
29/08/2021 7:01 PM

pjseow, I think all the glove management seemed to give subdued guidance notes, with general descriptions and lack of specific details. The notes do not give exciting news but are more balanced but slightly inclined towards a bearish outlook. I think this is to avoid triggering any unnecessary excitement towards certain political quarters who have been calling for windfall tax.
Meaning, no need to talk big big, but just let the results and dividend speak for itself from qtr to qtr.


2021-08-29 19:56 |

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2021-08-29 19:13 | Report Abuse

New COVID variant detected in South Africa, most mutated variant so far
The C.1.2 variant first detected in South Africa is more mutated compared to the original virus than any other known variant. A new coronavirus variant, C.1.2, has been detected in South Africa and a number of other countries, with concerns that the variant could be more infectious and evade vaccines,
The study also found that the C.1.2 lineage has a mutation rate of about 41.8 mutations per year, which is nearly two times faster than the current global mutation rate of the other variants. The scientists stated that this short period of increased evolution was also seen with the Alpha, Beta and Gamma variants, suggesting that a single event, followed by a spike in cases, drove faster mutation rates.
More than half of the C.1.2 sequences have 14 mutations, but additional mutations have been noticed in some of the sequences, suggesting that evolution within the lineage is ongoing, according to the study.
The study comes as a doctor in Turkey reported indications that a new coronavirus variant had been detected in the country, with tests detecting mutations that weren't found in the current variants named by the World Health Organization (WHO).
As of last Wednesday, the WHO had identified four Variants of Concern and four Variants of Interest. As of last Thursday, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) had identified five Variants of Concern and six Variants of Interest. A number of other variants have been designated for further monitoring.
They are coming and are alrdy amongst us. C.1.2 is the most mutated variant todate, even more than Delta. Likely to be fully evading all the vaccines. And they are many more new VOC discovered lately by WHO. All with no names yet. This is bad news for the world and recovery stocks.