
Trevor777 | Joined since 2020-12-06

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2020-12-19 11:43 | Report Abuse

Sounded again and again, but Suckers still being led to the slaughterhouse. The leader of the pack and his troopers already cleared position at 1.20 to 1.40. Thank you, all.

Played the theme "Vaccine" and spinning "you don't see and don't hear" illusion all the time.

Now laughing all the way to their banks, awaiting free shares, X'mas presents, remunerations and great pay packets. Not showing any shred of remorse and not being sorry to misled, but quite the contrary, rubbing hands gleefully while being rewarded. You've been had!


2020-12-18 10:27 | Report Abuse

SOS!..SOS!..Bintai, need vaccine urgently la. Still got vaccine?

That Joy fella is now scouring at Taliwrk, can smell him from here.


2020-12-17 07:22 | Report Abuse

The Australian Govt cancelled their order of Vaccine which is being developed by the University of Queensland and Biotech CSL, a PLC on ASX (Australian Stock Exchange). CSL has their Head Office In Victoria state of Australia.....WHAT BShit IS THIS COMPANY FROM UK??????


2020-12-16 15:08 | Report Abuse

68, We know what he and his team did. He's still at it. And as always, spinning out of context....mutilate others without respect, challenging without facts and talking non-related issues.


2020-12-16 14:59 | Report Abuse

My God!.for a 0.05 company to buy in with requirement of RM10 million? Not a play?


2020-12-16 12:51 | Report Abuse

The Pipe Piper


2020-12-16 12:30 | Report Abuse

Well, while the play lasted everyone was happy. The secret is out, it was an illusion, theme for a playact. There is no such thing as a Precision tool maker, steel fabrication manufacturer or shipyard repair company (for example) to act as middlemen for the giant Pharmaceutical manufacturers, least the most precious commodities during this Pandemic.


This counter was at RM0.05 on 23rd March, 2020


2020-12-15 21:40 | Report Abuse

This toxic ctr will not see the light of day again.


2020-12-15 21:39 | Report Abuse

Damn, couldn't sleep. Missing that tut tut man. Said he will die, die hold the tickets. Captain never jump ship, sink with the vessel. Made promise to show fireworks at RM1.30 yesterday. Disappointing. Never showed up. Sipping champagne somewhere cozy.


2020-12-15 14:09 | Report Abuse

Now I'm beginning to miss the old gentleman's tut tut poems.


2020-12-15 08:34 | Report Abuse

Predicting Status Quo. Support has shifted. He had his chance.


2020-12-14 21:44 | Report Abuse

My toes are hurting, laughing too much....back to the "can't see, can't hear"... you mean the MOU Options? Everyone read and understood what it is.


2020-12-14 21:25 | Report Abuse

Can't blame him, man. Needs to work harder and finding an honest job is not easy during this Covid Pandemic. Keep twisting and tell more stories.


2020-12-14 21:14 | Report Abuse

OMG, is he for REAL? Think I'd better have my ears and eyes checked. Still cannot believe what I see.


2020-12-14 20:59 | Report Abuse

What are you supplying to them? Nuts and bolts?


2020-12-14 20:58 | Report Abuse

Now, ain't that sweet. You're saying the Phili are also buying from you?????


2020-12-14 20:19 | Report Abuse

Brace for more sell off. Decision is yours. Would you prefer to hold cold hard cash in your hands, or feel the flames in your heart when your tickets turn into ashes? Music has stopped, secret is out and it's game over.


2020-12-14 20:06 | Report Abuse

The Prime Minister of Singapore and his colleagues in Cabinet shall be amongst the first in line to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine.


2020-12-14 19:57 | Report Abuse

Singapore to receive Pfizer Vaccines by end Dec 2020 :

SINGAPORE - Covid-19 vaccines will be free for all Singaporeans and long-term residents who are currently here, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Monday (Dec 14).

Those who are at greatest risk will be given first priority, including healthcare workers and front-line personnel, as well as the elderly and the vulnerable, he said in a televised address.

"Thereafter, the committee proposes to progressively vaccinate the rest of the population, and to cover everyone who wants a vaccination by the end of next year," said PM Lee, referring to a committee of doctors and experts set up by the Health Ministry to recommend a vaccination strategy for Singapore.

In a vote of confidence for the experts in Singapore who have approved the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for pandemic use, he added that he and his colleagues in Cabinet will be getting vaccinated early.

PM Lee said: "This is to show you, especially seniors like me, that we believe the vaccines are safe."

While vaccinations are voluntary, he urged people here to get vaccinated when one is offered to them.


2020-12-14 16:10 | Report Abuse

And as a respect for the old gentleman, Tut Tut, I shall not gloat, but he promised to meet here today for showtime at RM1.30

I guess he must be relaxing, sipping champagne on his yatch, or at Club Med. Maybe even testing out the latest BMW 7 series. Cheer! and tut tut back at you.


2020-12-14 16:06 | Report Abuse

No matter how many paid cyber-troopers are hired here, frankly,....TRUTH matters more and TRUTH always Prevails.

A little Prayer to those innocent investors caught at 1.40 last week.....And a salute to those daring, brave and greedy ones still buying now.

The worst is yet to come. Please, don't Limit Down...too cruel. Just bleed out, slowly, gently, let them down.


2020-12-14 08:45 | Report Abuse

A Vaccine to prevent further infection and deaths in a worldwide Pandemic is no laughing stock. It is not just a toy from the store or require salesmen nor distributors.

I do not wish to seek to waste my breadth to fight or challenge an issue of knowledge on "Distributorship" especially of such lame deviations from the truth.


2020-12-14 08:36 | Report Abuse

I say whatever I like, per se my opinions and hopefully share some insights with whoever wants to read. You don't like what you see, please skip. This is a free minded forum and except for profanities and humiliating others, upon which the Admin steps in, I have space to air my views. Also, I practice Anger Management..count to 10 and Ignore, ignore, ignore mindless and worthless remarks.


2020-12-14 08:26 | Report Abuse

The cat is already out of the bag. Everyone can see and know what the true intentions are. Just goreng. People will get caught and suffer, and I hope it won't be you.

This animal is shot, let it bleed out. Just hope is will slowly drift down and no sharp drop. Operators love to short in sharp up or down.

Don't think anyone sensible and done their homework well would risk anymore. "Think before you leap"


2020-12-14 08:19 | Report Abuse

Trading in multiple accounts is the work and Modus Operandi of Traders and Operators to do "PARKING" of shares in order to move the volume and prices up.

I am just sharing my personal opinions and view and hate to see investors being fleeced and duped.

My bad, I mistrusted some people on this forum, some wolves in sheep's skin, who are actually the pipe piper, leading the lambs to the wolves' den.

Investors are advised to be extra careful when putting money into "non-existence" products.


2020-12-14 04:48 | Report Abuse

Perhaps, it is easier to cut it plain and simple because some people likes to spin and conjure something out of NOTHING...

Govt buys------->>> Middlemen--------->>> Supplier/Manufacturers
(XXXXXX Not this Option)

Govt buys ---------------------------->>> Supplier/Manufacturers
(Already announced buying directly)

Which part of No buying via Middlemen do you not understand?????

Please tell us what are you selling? Do you claim to be holding EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORSHIP for the major Pharmaceutical manufacturers, and ALL the countries in the world (least South East Asia) needs to go through your company and the only way to obtain the Vaccines????

Do you claim to be dealing on behalf of :
---Pfizer (Already approved in USA and UK for EUA vaccination)
---Russian's Sputnik V
---All Chinese Vaccines, SinoPharm and Sinovac (None has been approved by NPRA, and without CTIL records)


As for Selling abroad, you cannot even do any local business for whatever vaccine plucked from the air, how are you going to do business with ASEAN countries?


Govt has confirmed/signed purchase of Pfizer for mass immunisation (20% of population) And has joined COVAX under WHO (10% of population)

PM announced to further increase purchase for up to 70% mass immunisation, GOING BACK TO SUPPLIER.

Again, NOT going to buy via Middlemen.


Please reveal to us which and what do you propose to be selling?


2020-12-13 13:13 | Report Abuse

Vic, I do not claim to be an expert, neither did I degrade JP. To each their own reasons and deductions to arrive at a conclusion and opinion. From my view, the EPS and PER for some are still intact and reamins for the next 2-3 years.


2020-12-13 12:37 | Report Abuse

Vic, those people who bought TG below RM20 are safe. EPF held 6.64% or 534.31 million shares in TG. They had to sell down some from 1st Dec, 2020 and still hold 5.72%. Their buying price was after ex-price from 7.60 to 7.95, from 8.60 to 8.80. Every single RM2.00 drop, they have a paper lost of nearly RM1.0 Billion.

For TG to be at RM3.50? I think many would be willing to put their last ringgit or even pawn their last underwear to buy.

Please go down to the manufacturers and see if you are able to place a Purchase Order for delivery in 2021? All of them, not just TG. Also, check if they are accepting pre-order for 2022, without payment backing?

I don't expect "normal conditions" to be back from the wreckage and damages brought by Covid to be over in the next few months. Not just because some effective vaccine to protect and create herd immunity to bring back normal lives. It still may take years.

No doubt, some play in pharmaceutical stocks is anticipated, BUT please do not mis-construed with so-called "Vaccine" play. Certainly not on KLSE. A Vaccine play belonged to the Pharmaceutical manufacturers, likes of AstraZeneca, Pfizer, J&J, amongst other giants. Is there a Vaccine producer from KLSE? And I don't believe that some "auto mechanics" or "burger stall owners" is able to convince the Government to grant authorisation for them to import, since the Govt itself has warned that they are not dealing through middlemen and the mass immunisation using approved and certified vaccine would be carried out by them.

Again, I wish to state I do not hold any shares from Gloves counters.


2020-12-13 11:01 | Report Abuse

Vic, please feel free to correct me if I am wrong. TG's Board approved their Bonus issue of 2 for 1 on 20th July, 2020. The price was around RM26.40 per share on 28th July. Thus, their ex-price was at RM8.80 per share and you have 3 lots instead of 1.

This price was further run up to be only 0.20 sens short of being the highest market cap on KLSE, higher than Maybank.

Their price never was at RM15.00 from ex-price and anyone who caught the RM15.00 was most probably pre-Bonus and even at current price of 7.00, with 3 lots, equals RM21.00 from cost price of RM15.00

I think I did my homework and calculations correctly on this. Again, I wish to say I am not holding any Gloves counters.


2020-12-12 21:34 | Report Abuse

Hi Vic, of course, we are aware of the tremendous leap in economic powers and modernization which was introduced by Chairman Deng Xiao Peng under China's Industrial Manifesto, moving away from agricultural. And no, I do not own any gloves ctr shares.


2020-12-12 17:43 | Report Abuse

No worries, Anthony. Like they said....KARMA is a BITCH!

Play smart and stay safe.


2020-12-12 15:51 | Report Abuse

Timely, and accurately announced the Government's intention for mass immunisation. Even when the Purchase Order with Pfizer has been inked, there is doubt that a single vial would reach our shores in 1Q as scheduled. Pfizer-BioNtech has 2 manufacturing facilities, the one in Michigan, USA produces 500 million shots annually and the one in Swiss generates 600 million shots. Their Book-Order and local consumption far exceed their supplying capacity, for now. Moreover, Malaysia's queue could be towards the end of the line.


2020-12-12 15:24 | Report Abuse

As for the cancellation of the MOU Options with Generex, Hell fact, I have a very strong feeling that this lifeline piece of document would be extended before expiry for further length of time for more goreng, goreng, goreng until kingdom come.


2020-12-12 15:12 | Report Abuse

A G2G deal would mean the consent and diplomacy of the Purchasing country and the Supplying country. The Purchasing govt needs the agreement of their supplier's governing statue before gaining access to these vaccines although being developed by Private entities. Some Govt as like India (already announced) and USA (Trump declared) that all their vaccines SHOULD be and legally bound to serve their locals before ever allowed to be exported to other countries.

Very shallow not to comprehend the underlying issues from the G2G. Please see the bigger picture.


2020-12-12 15:03 | Report Abuse

I think the Brazil piece of debacle is also in English as in....

The population of Brazil is above 200 millions and a huge market in addition to the neighbouring poor countries. The project to self sustaining and manufacturing for the South American nations could be viable and beneficial. As such, even the Chinese manufacturers (Intellectual Ownership & Copyrights) are mouth watering give such business options.

As for the squabble between the President and the Governor, which is normal for their culture and tradition to perhaps protect the citizens and any other agendas.


2020-12-12 14:26 | Report Abuse

Thanks Vic, although my Personal Resume includes some 21 years of International Trading with China, where I learned to speak Chinese, my written is inadvertently poor. Please allow some time and I would love to digest this piece of information, as "information is worth more than money"


2020-12-12 13:15 | Report Abuse

Anthony, Good questions for legal deposition and I do not pretend nor admit that I have had privy with any PLC nor Govt representatives with regards to their Agreements with Pharma and Serum procurement. Such privileged information are deems sensitive and before filing with SEC, Bursa in our case, would collude as Insider Trading. Thank you, sir.


2020-12-12 13:04 | Report Abuse

For the record, mNRA based vaccines are a breakthrough in remedial serum in tutoring of genes to recognise and self protection by building and producing antigens to dis-arm Covid viruses. The cultured vaccines are similar to Covid, where the spikes are present BUT without the virus in the nucleus. Therefore, there is no chance of spreading Covid.

When introduced into our bodies, our genes will produce antigens, like "keys" which will "lock" the spikes when contacted with REAL Covid strains and prevent the virus attacking our immune systems.

Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna use this cutting edge technology and with high efficacy to prove its value. Duration of protection and bad response from people with allergies yet known but it's proving it's worth. Pending full FDA approval, currently seeking EUA (Emergency Use Approval) and rollout within days. Their share value depicts their capabilities to be having "Actions Stronger Than Words"

On the other hand, a "Magical Powder" presumably to be in the "wood-works" deemed to work wonders have yet to be unveiled to the world by a USD0.22 cents per share company?


2020-12-12 12:37 | Report Abuse

For a pharmaceutical company to start-up a completely new facility for research, development and approvals, may cost tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions. Most fresh start-up businesses, do not make any profits and some even lose their pants and initial capitals. Malaysia with only 31 million population,is too small and not conducive nor economical viable for a start-up for just ONE particular vaccine. It may take decades to be on strong foundations and in various fields of medical remedies. To target the marketing of cultured remedies for the Asia Pacific or even worldwide markets, may take a longer gestation period.

Simple deduction, why are the giant pharma conglomerates not setting up here? Simple, the reasons being Malaysia already has the pharma networks, sufficiently supplied and infra-structure in place.


2020-12-12 11:33 | Report Abuse

At the early and initial stages of searching for vaccines, many believed that the process of "fill and finish" may be required. Lately, it is understood that the vaccines come pre-packed and some even pre-needled. Having said that, there is also the downstream requirement for handling, transportation, distribution, vaccination centers for administration...and hopefully not by untrained and unprofessionals MEDICAL personnel (stressed here)


2020-12-12 11:23 | Report Abuse

It is absolutely true that DG did clarify China had in the past manufactured and produce some serious vaccines for pandemics following years of research. However, as far as Covid-19 vaccines, none of the Chinese cultured had certifications yet, coupled with very thin reports of CTIL. Not pouring cold water, but it's efficacy is not recorded under accreditation.

Secondly, KJ had revealed in Parliament before more rumours/damages is done, that the Government would NOT be procuring vaccines via middlemen. It's to be a Govt to Govt (G2G) And that all vaccines need be approved under NPRA, with verified CTIL and MTEC certifications.

Thirdly, how is the role beneficial to this ctr since the vaccine may come directly from China and nothing to do with Generex?


2020-12-12 11:05 | Report Abuse

Gentlemen, I might have been hibernating or have blinked, but unlikely to have missed such a great occasion that Malaysia has STARTED vaccinating Rakyat in Clinical Trial? Kindly share the groundbreaking News, certainly not the one reported by BERNAMA, which had no follow-ups.


2020-12-12 09:41 | Report Abuse

Welcome Hock. We are always truthful, "Without Fear or Favors" when it comes for FACTS for our people, our families might depends on us.


2020-12-12 09:22 | Report Abuse

Thank you, Omega. Hope you enjoy the insights.


2020-12-12 09:21 | Report Abuse

I say whatever I like, per se my opinions and hopefully share some insights with whoever wants to read. You don't like what you see, please skip. This is a free minded forum and except for profanities and humiliating others, upon which the Admin steps in, I have space to air my views. Also, I practice Anger Management..count to 10 and Ignore, ignore, ignore mindless and worthless remarks.


2020-12-12 09:12 | Report Abuse

I have been waiting and waiting for this question from you.....and now the golden and easy answer is....For the Gloves ctrs, they were suffering and trading at low prices before too. Ruberex at O.15, TG at R1.29 and Carepls. Now, as it is appeared that their perseverance and persistence paid off. THEY ARE ALREADY AN ON-GONG MANUFACTURING CONCERNS. Delivering touchable, physical and real PRODUCTS. They have Book-Orders until end of next year, 2021. TG has Sales Volumes which could generate Billions of ringgits. Their Production for 2021 is 90 Billion pieces.

Overnight, their products are in such high demand and justified requirement, it became GOLD!!!!

No comparison sir, NONE when you have nothing to sell but expecting your company's revenue to exponentially improve? If this is not just HOT air, I don't know what else to call it.

Incidentally, I do not hold any shares from Gloves ctnrs. My views are not bias and solicitous.