
Trevor777 | Joined since 2020-12-06

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2020-12-12 08:34 | Report Abuse

On the 26th of March, 2020 the price of this ctr was at historical low of only RM0.06 sen. And now, at RM1.10 for no apparent changes in Income. How is that possible? The gap in falling back to earth is far too damaging.


2020-12-12 08:29 | Report Abuse

Another added, "more than 600 million people of ASEAN"....daydreaming of the cash register clinking. Please respect the Governments of these countries for they are not stupid and uneducated leaders and national decision makers. Down to earth, and reality prevailing, they DO NOT need to be held ransom by this ctr for just a "possible" vaccine.

Those countries that have some faith in the Chinese Vaccine have and are current receiving supplies from China. Please, oh please, I beg you, tell me that this ctr has a hand in selling to them???? BShit.


2020-12-12 08:23 | Report Abuse

Someone shouted " wait for vaccine come out".....maybe and hopefully before the next century, sir????


2020-12-12 08:21 | Report Abuse

Investors, please do due diligent and check all facts and news before making any decision. As of this moment, all news released has been debunked except that the ctr wishes to pay the US platform company (dotcom) a substantial upfront sum to sign an Agreement to develop a vaccine, yet to be even Pre-clinical (just drawing board formula).

Also, be well informed of the Malaysian protocol for medical approval regulations, certification of drugs and the ever important clause...Injectable drugs LICENSING which, to-date only ONE company duly approved.


2020-12-12 07:53 | Report Abuse

The bubble had burst. Scheme no longer attracting. People have wise up and learned the truth. It would bleed out.
Would like to say a little Prayer to those innocent lambs caught at RM1.40


2020-12-10 20:51 | Report Abuse

68, I strongly suggest, save it. No point to stoop so low and taking things out of context. It's beyond doubt troopers are of such decimated mental IQ, may not even be sufficient to call..ameoba, low life.


2020-12-10 20:42 | Report Abuse

Well, we didn't see any Disclaimer required by Press releases from Pfizer-BioNtech, AstraZeneca or Moderna? Perhaps, they were fully aware of the Truth they speak and truly have the Vaccines in hand.


2020-12-10 20:26 | Report Abuse

Wow, great minds pitched together. Press release in October, 2020...especially attracted to the lines..."subject matter may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements can be identified by introductory words such as "expects," "plan," "believes," "will," "achieve," "anticipate," "would," "should," "subject to" or words of similar meaning"....Now in Dec, their shares still at US$0.22?


2020-12-10 20:04 | Report Abuse

As we all know....KARMA is a Bitch!


2020-12-10 19:43 | Report Abuse

Dare you also solemnly swear to say the same Truth?


2020-12-10 19:41 | Report Abuse

We do not write hate messages as presumed, but to speak frankly and unabatedly without fear or favor. The whole Truth, nothing but the Truth, so help me God.


2020-12-10 19:36 | Report Abuse

Spreading kindness and spreading goodness to fellow Malaysians is a great virtue worthy of a Saint. But to mindfully and mis-construed all messages along the way to capture richness from unsuspecting investors, is almost unbelievable and inconceivable treachery. Total violation of allegiance or of faith and confidence.


2020-12-10 19:31 | Report Abuse

Beg to differ....No only see Red are we posting. Even when it was rushing to 1.40 and green, green we were shouting to all, to PLEASE keep eyes wide open.


2020-12-10 19:19 | Report Abuse

No limit up and no limit down.....but stabilised level??? Putting words is my mouth is a no-no. You forgotten the next line that is slowly drifting downwards, bleeding itself out.


2020-12-10 17:31 | Report Abuse

Steal and collect this toxic stocks? Good heavens, never. Not touching it even with a 10 foot pole. God forbids!


2020-12-10 17:14 | Report Abuse

Very good to see price slowly drifting lower and closing at low end. No sharp drop and no chance for Operators to "Short" and buy back at sudden low price for quick profits. This animal is shot and wounded, let it bleed out.


2020-12-10 17:12 | Report Abuse

No, no limit up or limit down for now. It's going into downwards shifts but not sharp. Then it would hibernate. Another day, another new story would be cooked for another play. Humans have short memories.


2020-12-10 16:43 | Report Abuse

68, the bubble had burst after KJ announced. Hope most retailers have left and the daily trading volume still seems high on retreating prices, clearly any upwards is distribution. May be more than 1 Operators, but who wants to catch and hold the baby? We have a clear conscious and hold our head proudly to have provide indisputable evidence, compelling words to warn people against being trapped. How they decide is their prerogatives.


2020-12-10 16:22 | Report Abuse

68, these Troopers would always shout baseless strategies. We only hope the retailers would be better informed not to fall into these traps. The rest we leave it to themselves.


2020-12-10 15:57 | Report Abuse

4.30pm soon. Everyone making a mad rush for the EXIT door all at once. T3 tomorrow, heavy deliveries.


2020-12-10 15:28 | Report Abuse

Selina, if you'd been reading, I've been here the whole day swallowing my dignity from the Troopers. Justice should Prevail. All my earlier Warnings a week ago was deleted when the schemed to remove.


2020-12-10 15:24 | Report Abuse

68, you have my personal respect as you are doing the right thing. People would not be trapped by Operators and uneven forces. You are the people's Equaliser. Be here everyday and not be afraid of their shouting you down. FACT stands and "The pen is mightier than the sword"


2020-12-10 14:55 | Report Abuse

We have great respect for the Sovereign of the many ASEAN countries. They are the future of the Eastern continents. The First batch of Chinese vaccines landed in Indonesia just a few days ago, did this counter had a hand in it? Also, didn't hear anything from the Property company from Australia, supposedly signed MOU for distribution?


2020-12-10 14:45 | Report Abuse

Doesn't need to be a scientist or holding Phd to understand the protocol of introducing serum for mass vaccination to be under complete governance. Big mistake to not knowing the vaccine itself but also the procedure for it to be Certified under Serum Accreditation.


2020-12-10 14:29 | Report Abuse

Truth be told, when KJ announced that Govt would not be buying via middlemen, all hell broke loose and Operators lost sleep that night. (Nonetheless, this counter is showing great financial strength to support at this level.)Troopers still showed a brave face and told there are many other Asian countries to market. It's as if, those other countries need help to procure.


2020-12-10 13:45 | Report Abuse

FDA : Food And Drugs Administration - Federal Agency of the USA. Food and Drugs within and in association with US Registered and Patented are strictly to adhere under the Regulations. Fortunately, I also own and operating an office in LA, California, the great United States of America!


2020-12-10 13:40 | Report Abuse

Yeah, same back at you Troopers. Not my responsibilities to induce proper manners to others.


2020-12-10 13:30 | Report Abuse

There is no need to use foul and bad languages which reflects on ones' upbringing and parental guidance. I for one would not fall for Justice not being Done. But by all means, please hit me with any Facts you wish to highlights or contradict.


2020-12-10 13:27 | Report Abuse

Didn't you just said Generex is in collaboration with Chinese manufacturers? If so, being US based, their products are not necessary for US certifications? Even so, Malaysian NPRA works the same way. Malaysian Govt has agreement with COVAX which is under WHO, and they does not require FDA or NPRA certifications?


2020-12-10 12:53 | Report Abuse

Paktua, That's just a formality to have blessings for Halal or exemption from Religion Oracles. Already been passed, non issue.


2020-12-10 12:51 | Report Abuse

Lee9, My perspective is purely based on Facts and my personal deductions. But would you say to spread untruthful and devised rumors to unsuspecting investor to be fatten and led to the wolves den is a gallant business move? Justice should Prevail. Your hard earn money to invest is certainly your personal decision and choice. I do not even want to advocate. Be careful, investors.


2020-12-10 12:38 | Report Abuse

Already in the Stale or yesterday's news...."Vaccines Need Not be Halal"...a sensible and natural accordance. Anything else you need clarifications?


2020-12-10 12:08 | Report Abuse

Matter of time, everything comes to an End, even the planet in another 31 Billion years....for all pretenders, even faster. But not the Real McCoy....Truth prevails in time.


2020-12-10 11:38 | Report Abuse

Mugu, that's right. Vaccines are not a candy you can simply buy at convenient store and plunge into your arms, commando style. NPRA, CTIL, MTEC and FDA (if US) Pfizer Gen-2, would be coming in 2Q, to be stored at only -4 ( same as Moderna, AstraZeneca and Russian Sputnik V)


2020-12-10 11:26 | Report Abuse

Paktua...if breach 1.39 (high of 1.45 and closed at 1.39 last)...I concede....Salute! We talk facts, not cross the line with heated arguments and threats. Gentlemen always use sensible words...not fists.


2020-12-10 11:23 | Report Abuse

None can compare as a Business turn around...Careplus is a manufacturing concern with ON-GOING manufacturing ....circumstances changed to favor it product, become GOLD overnight....


2020-12-10 11:09 | Report Abuse

Come on guys, cheer them on....rise, rise...higher.. their T3 due Friday...prices goes up...throw your tickets and get back CASH at high prices...way to go...up..throw..up..throw.


2020-12-10 11:03 | Report Abuse

Not and never a naysayer.....Facts and Truth prevails, nothing can change that. Only money becomes confetti for the Greedy and unaware.


2020-12-10 11:01 | Report Abuse

Some Malaysian investors should grouped together to send a Letter of Investigation to the Securities Commission (SEC) of New York to work on due diligent on the MOU and investigate if civil or criminal actions being conducted defraud investors.


2020-12-10 11:01 | Report Abuse

Some Malaysian investors should grouped together to send a Letter of Investigation to the Securities Commission (SEC) of New York to work on due diligent on the MOU and investigate if civil or criminal actions being conducted defraud investors.


2020-12-10 10:49 | Report Abuse

But salute the mainland Chinese and Singaporean funders....very strong to be able to support at this level......


2020-12-10 10:46 | Report Abuse

Want to goreng, say so la....Truth hurts.....just tell the truth, goreng char kueh teow....


2020-12-10 10:45 | Report Abuse

Then bocor secret, Geerex don't have vaccine, now switch to collaboration Generex - Chinese manufacturer? Clever to switch stories....


2020-12-10 10:43 | Report Abuse

Waalauaaaa....sign MOU Options with USD0.22 company and promised to pay upfront IF and SHOULD Agreement be signed and goreng KLSE?


2020-12-08 16:30 | Report Abuse

Right on time...4.30pm...mad rush for EXIT


2020-12-08 15:58 | Report Abuse

After 4.30pm, everyone rushing for the EXIT door. Run now to avoid the jam to sell.


2020-12-08 15:22 | Report Abuse

What happens when there is a ton of Sellers and no Buyer? I believe they call it "Free Fall".....soon, and without parachute.


2020-12-08 10:12 | Report Abuse

Hello guys, hope you've enjoyed the has stopped...lights's over. Your ticket will be confetti soon.