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2013-04-08 01:58 | Report Abuse

Gelombang anak muda tolak Umno/BN in Larkin Central.Johor Bahru

News & Blogs

2013-04-08 01:45 | Report Abuse

Bukan semua TURUN bagus.BN turun subsidi.....PR turun harga minyak. I Malaysian wrote...

For BN, Rakyat get RM 1 from BN will lose RM 10 through BN corruption. For PR, PR earn RM 10 will give Rakyat RM 1 through their surplus. Which type of government would Rakyat like to choose ?

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2013-04-07 19:23 | Report Abuse

One Malaysiakini reader wrote this.....

Najib ups the BR1M payout

How could a government running on a Deficit Budget afford such generous CASH handouts? Even a rich country like Singapore programmed its assistance through schemes like CPF - Medisave and education grants to the under privilaged and poor! I mean, where the hell is the money going to come from, if not from Taxpayers. However, in this instance, Taxpayer are not rebated at all. In a nutshell, we Taxpayers are the ultimate SUCKERS - we even pay from BN's grand occasions!! we the Rakyat are going to become suckers.

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 18:57 | Report Abuse

Yes, Zaid, nation’s fate rests on the Malays

YOURSAY ‘This GE is for us to say loud and clear to all politicians – enough is enough, stop the nonsense or end up in prisons.’

Zaid urges Malays to vote Pakatan for more benefits

your sayGhkok: Wow. I think these are the most sensible words that poured out from anyone’s mouth that I’ve heard over the last five years.

Former minister Zaid Ibrahim said it so plainly, so frankly, and so simply. Anyone can understand. It’s a gift to be able to explain things this way.

To recap, he said that basically it’s a win-win situation. If you vote for Pakatan Rakyat, and Pakatan wins and forms the next federal government, you have the chance to experience a better Malaysia with the necessary reforms and new policies in place.

However, if you vote for Pakatan and BN still wins (but with an even stronger Pakatan in place), you have the chance to get even more handouts from BN.

So voting Pakatan is a win-win proposition for the voter. You can’t lose. Although Zaid was addressing Malay voters, I think this proposition applies to all voters, not just Malay voters.

Faz: Zaid, you were an enigma to me until you produced this article. A very well thought-out strategy of “Either way, you (the voters) win by supporting the opposition”.

I love the reasoning, too. I hope all Malaysians will hear your appeal, and not only the educated Malays.

I see no problem with the thinking Malays but feel helpless with the ‘educated’ Malays who have sold their souls to Umno for a quick fix and the ‘protected’ kampung Malays who are kept ignorant by Umno through TV3, Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, New Straits Times andThe Star.

Please translate what Zaid had said into Bahasa Malaysia and distribute them quickly to the Malay kampungs and I’m sure, most of the Malays will warm to it as it is compellingly logical. Only Umnoputras will despise it....

...continue reading here please, all FREE..

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 18:53 | Report Abuse

Pakatan: BN took a leaf from our manifesto

Pakatan Rakyat leaders are seeing red over the liberal use of their ideas in the BN manifesto unveiled last night.

According to PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali, PAS has identified at nine issues in which BN had borrowed from the Pakatan manifestopublished in February.

He told a press conference today that the wordings may be different, but ideas were essentially the same.

Among others, Mustafa pointed out that BN’s promise to review the national automative policy to gradually reduce car prices by between 20 to 30 percent, was not original.

Pakatan had promised to gradually remove car excise duties with the intention to totally remove the tax in order to have a competitive automotive industry.

On BN’s promise of 20 percent special payments for oil producing states, Mustafa said that this was again similar.

Pakatan had promised in their manifesto to increase oil royalty payments from 5 percent currently, to 20 percent.

“These are just a few examples of how several of our ideas appeared in the BN manifesto. It is not a coincidence, but it is plagiarism,” he said.

PKR: No real reforms from BN

Meanwhile, PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar said the BN manifesto pales in comparisan to Pakatan’s in terms of outlining proper reforms.

“This is plagiarism in its clear definition. Their manifesto is populist, but misses out on the more important points, which are fundamental reforms,” she said after a free health screening event in Pantai Dalam.

In comparison, Nurul Izzah said Pakatan had properly outlined how it will eradicate corruption and break monopolies.

“Our manifesto is about curbing the problems at the very cause,” she said.

The BN manifesto had stated that more courts would be established specifically to hear more graft cases.

What about GST?

She pointed out that the manifesto had left out any mention of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) which is expected to be implemented after the general election.

“They should have made the announcement in the manifesto. We know they plan to implement the GST, but where is the GST in the manifesto?” she asked.

She said that the GST has already been tabled in the Parliament and that the MPs come across the Bill before.

“It has always been on the top of a stack of Bills but it was never debated. BN should be clear in their intentions with regards to the GST,” she said.

Short URL:

...tak malu these UMNO/BN leaders...even manifesto also cannot come with one but copy from akatan Raakyat, so how are these UMNO copycats to rule the country????

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 18:39 | Report Abuse

tiada seorg pn yg bijak pandai dlm umno/bn.. sampaikn manifesto pn ciplak org punya...tak malu UMNO

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 18:33 | Report Abuse

Video ekslusif MANIFESTO Pakatan Rakyat, sila lihat dan nilai sendiri.. (^_^)
sila share untuk UMUM tahu, tak perlu di harapkan RTM yang tidak boleh di harap tu, BN punya DEMOKRASI, adalah DEMOKRASI SATU HALA saja..

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 17:25 | Report Abuse

Semasa memberi ucapan kepada lebih 200 orang sukarelawan Polling Agent-Counting Agent di Bangsar hari ini.

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 17:21 | Report Abuse

PRU13 : Manifesto BN tidak berani turunkan petrol, hapus tol dan PTPTN

KUALA LUMPUR: PAS percaya rakyat negara ini bijak dan tidak akan mudah terkeliru dengan manifesto BN yang ketara menciplak manifesto Pakatan Rakyat.

Setiausaha Agung PAS, Datuk Mustafa Ali berkata, manifesto Pakatan Rakyat lebih awal dibentangkan dan dari situ rakyat sudah faham dan mengerti apa yang akan dilaksanakan oleh Pakatan selepas diberi mandat nanti.

"Apa yang dibentangkan oleh BN banyak persamaan bukan kebetulan tetapi diceduk dari Pakatan Rakyat. Rakyat sudah tahu dan bijak menilai.

"Selain itu, saya berharap media memainkan peranan dan menjelaskan apa yang sebenarnya kepada rakyat," katanya dalam sidang media di Pusat Media PAS hari ini.

Bagaimanapun, katanya manifesto BN masih tidak mencakupi harapan besar rakyat seperti menurunkan harga petrol, menghapuskan tol dan pemansuhan pinjaman PTPTN.

Katanya, menurunkan harga petrol adalah perkara utama yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh rakyat negara ini kerana ia memberi kredit meluas kepada rakyat malangnya BN tidak berani untuk menjanjikan perkara ini.

Selain itu, BN masih tidak berani untuk menawarkan prinsip asas sebagaimana yang djanjikan oleh Pakatan Rakyat iaitu pentadbiran yang telus, amanah dan berintegriti.

"BN tidak berani pula untuk ciplak janji pentadbiran telus, amanah dan berintegriti. Saya percaya inilah akan jadi kayu pengukur rakyat untuk memilih kerajaan nanti," katanya.

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 17:17 | Report Abuse

Only Barisan Nasional leaders can tell you with a straight face that “money politics is not corruption”. The act of giving money to buy votes whether in party or general elections, is considered perfectly legitimate to these BN leaders.

With such mindset, it is hence perfectly legitimate for these “elected” leaders to dish out multi-billion ringgit crony contracts in exchange for political favours. Corruption is endemic in Malaysia. Do you actually want to give your vote to support these BN leaders?

Ubah Sekarang, Bersihkan Malaysia!

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 16:57 | Report Abuse

BN ciplak manifesto Pakatan dengan ketara

KUALA LUMPUR: PAS mendakwa sekurang-kurang sembilan perkara dalam manifesto Barisan Nasional (BN) yang dibentangkan Datuk Seri Najib Razak malam tadi menciplak manifesto Pakatan Rakyat.

Setiausaha Agung PAS, Datuk Mustafa Ali dalam sidang medianya hari ini berkata, yang paling ketara adalah janji BN untuk memberikan bayaran tunai lebih 20 peratus kpada negeri pengeluar minyak.

Manifesto BN itu berbunyi, "Meneruskan bayaran tunai khas dan pemberian dana untuk perbelanjaan operasi dan pembangunan sehingga melebihi 20% daripada perolehan minyakdan gas kepada Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu, Kelantan dan Pahang."

Padahal dalam manifestonya, Pakatan dengan jelas mengatakan, "Menaikkan royalty kepada negeri-negeri pengeluar minyak dan gas dari 5% ke 20%."

Mustafa berkata BN hanya mengolah istilah tertentu dalam untuk membezakan antara kedua-dua manifesto tetapi "polisi yang dipinda mengikut cara kita".

Baca lagi di

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 16:56 | Report Abuse

BN hanya mengolah istilah tertentu dalam untuk membezakan antara kedua-dua manifesto tetapi "polisi yang dipinda mengikut cara Pakatan Rakyat".

BN hanya mengolah istilah tertentu dalam untuk membezakan antara kedua-dua manifesto tetapi "polisi yang dipinda mengikut cara Pakatan Rakyat".

....this shows that the UMNO/BN leaders are all otak kosong & so too are the UMNO Cybertroopers & supporters here too? Semua tak boleh pakai lah, semua tak malu? All COPYCATS????

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 14:50 | Report Abuse

Islam di pandangan mereka.. Mane satu yg anda sokong?

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 14:42 | Report Abuse

BN ciplak manifesto Pakatan dengan ketara

..bacha penuh nya di-sini

...mana nya, UMNO/BN otak kosong??

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 14:27 | Report Abuse

Ini membuktikan bahawa kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat telus dan bersih.

"Jika Pulau Pinang boleh melaksanakan Pengisytiharan Harta dan Mengemaskinikan Maklumat Harta Ketua Menteri dan Barisan EXCO setiap tahun, kenapakah Kerajaan Persekutuan BN tidak boleh mengisytiharkan harta Perdana Menteri dan Jemaah Menteri untuk meningkatkan kedudukan Malaysia dalam tangga Transparency International (TI)?" Lim Guan Eng

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2013-04-07 14:19 | Report Abuse

Former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir defended the signing of toll agreements which ...awarded astronomical profits to BN cronies.

He said “the cabinet is not made up of experts. They are made up by politicians and some politicians like myself can be very stupid… They do not really study the implication of some passages in the agreement”. There you go, an honest admission by the man himself. Not just of the fact that we have a Cabinet made up of stupid ministers, but also of ministers who had derelicted their duties to act in the interest of the people. What is worse is the complete lack of remorse in their stupidity and ignorance, or in any sincere efforts to rectify the mistakes which they have made. Or were they actually “intended” mistakes to make some people ludicruously rich? Whichever way, these BN Ministers are not fit to rule, and should be kicked out immediately!

Ubah Sekarang, Bersihkan Malaysia.

----------------------------------------------- some readers said...

Kumar Prem Well said Mr Ex PM Sir. Err.. what part of the stupidity did you apply to shore up your son to be one of the billionaires of Malaysia? It's us who are SILLY to have voted BN in year after year, taken in by your promises. You really meant that we are stupid, Mr PM. We are not. We were silly. Stupid is a word that has application in the DSM of Psychiatric Illness. "Stupid", as someone's Mom said, "is as stupid does". Forrest Gump's character played by Tom Hanks And Sally Fields played the Mom. By the way it means that an intelligent man who does stupid things is still a stupid man. This utterance surely ranks as THE MOST STUPID STATEMENT EVER MADE BY A SHREWD EX- PRIME MINISTER, TRYING TO BE SARCASTIC. It certainly deserves an inclusion in The Malaysian Book Of Records, in an exclusive category. The part about your being really shrewd is how you want to appease your generations in justifying the lack of time spent with them and your grandkids, by bribing them with money. Ask them to spell the word L O V E and they will spell it as T I M E; not, M O N E Y.


Seen Tee Fraser If BN stays for another 5 years, Malaysia will die n rakyat die together. Even though v hv a new govt. they need some time to rebuild Malaysia back to standard.

News & Blogs

2013-04-07 14:11 | Report Abuse

Anwar mocks Najib for copying manifesto
FMT Staff
| April 7, 2013

The PKR leader also says that Najib's promises are mere election sweeteners to attract voters.

read all here..

Final Conclusion......UMNO/BN leaders otak all kosong???

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 20:38 | Report Abuse

Tak malu UMNO???

Umno pengkhianat bangsa melayu.. Segala harta dan aset orang melayu dijual kepada PAP Singapura. #Ini kali tolak BN PRU 13

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 20:36 | Report Abuse

Tak malu UMNO???

Umno pengkhianat bangsa melayu.. Segala harta dan aset orang melayu dijual kepada PAP Singapura. #Ini kali tolak BN PRU 13

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 16:50 | Report Abuse

Kenapa rakyat perlu bayar pada kroni Umno?

Thailand tanpa tol.

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 15:49 | Report Abuse

Babi Rider ranger, you think you are old and smart? You are really and idiot & a really stupid one indeed as everyone here says so.

You cannot answer so many questions I have for you and so that shows you are a stupid UMNO ball licker???

Question 1:

UMNO leaders don't want to pay company taxes to Malaysia but prefer to pay to the Singapore country, so you call these UMNO leaders as what, traitors???, Babi Rider Ranger & the UMNO Ball Lickers & Suckers here, what say you???? ptui ptui ptui

You all UMNO ball carriers & suckers, you still think UMNO is good?? ptui, ptui, ptui......taxes don't ant to pay to Malaysia but prefer to pay to Singapre, so what is UMNO then, good??? my foot?

Question 2: How could they did this to such a good men as Tok Guru Nik Aziz? BN must stop such dirty politics!

Tok Guru is most respected by me & my friends alike. Do you find an UMNO politician as good and humble as Tok Guru?? No way!!! Now my friend please see what this UMNO cybertrooper did....see picture please my friends.

...and the same goes to the UMNO Cybertroopers here as I am confident that one of these days you will surely be punish by GOD HIMSELF

Question 3: Isu TANAH REZAB MELAYU,Siapakah sebenarnya jembalang tanah yg menjual dan memajak tanah rezab melayu?UMNO atau PR?

*Buka Mata Lihat Fakta

So,Pig Rider Ranger,look at your self at the picture & video and you see UMNO is even stealing Malay land? So what say you stupid Ranger?? I presume you are as idiotic as ever & forever?? Pig Rider Ranger, you are buta & idiotic, so go and lick & suck more UMNO balls & hope for the shit later on??haa haa haa.

So, idiot & stupid babi Rider ranger, can you answer the above, cannot? I guess so as you are an UMNO ball carrier & a very stupid one too??? haa haa haa

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 15:41 | Report Abuse

UMNO leaders don't want to pay company taxes to Malaysia but prefer to pay to the Singapore country, so you call these UMNO leaders as what, traitors???, Babi Rider Ranger & the UMNO Ball Lickers & Suckers here, what say you???? ptui ptui ptui

You all UMNO ball carriers & suckers, you still think UMNO is good?? ptui, ptui, ptui......taxes don't want to pay to Malaysia but prefer to pay to Singapore, so what is UMNO then, good??? my foot?

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 15:26 | Report Abuse


Malaysia Deserves Better!

I also wish to assure you that policies which will benefit the people will not bankrupt our country – only corruption will. Our promises in our Pakatan Rakyat Manifesto amounting to RM46 billion can easily be funded by an “anti-corruption dividend” of 25% from the RM206 billion worth of annual government procurements and projects. 25% amounts to RM51 billion in savings that we can potentially reap, which is more than enough to pay for our promises.

Let us move forward to an international and intelligent state – one that educates and nurtures talent; one that promotes and rewards diligence, expertise and entrepreneurship; one that is liveable by being clean, green, safe and healthy; and one that practices integrity, justice and people-centric governance.

Malaysia Deserves Better.

The only progress is change. Only when you have the courage to change, then can you live with dignity. The time has come for us to connect with each other as Malaysian brothers and sisters.

Where your problems be it Malay, Chinese Indian, Kadazan or Iban are our problems. Where your leaders, are our leaders. And where your children, are also our children. And where your hopes are our aspirations.

We do not want to fear the government but the government to fear us. Join us in giving hope to you and the young.

Let us connect with each other so that we can face the challenges of the future together. In preparing for the future, let us not let BN steal our children’s future as they have stolen ours for the last 56 years. Ini kali lah!

Malaysia Deserves Better.


Lim Guan Eng
DAP Secretary-General

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 15:24 | Report Abuse


Malaysia Deserves Better.

In contrast to these two countries, Malaysia is No.1 in the world in terms of illegal capital flight per capita, with a loss of RM 32,000 for every Malaysian, which is more than even China with a loss of RM6,400 per capita during the same period of time. No wonder then, that our national debt has doubled from RM267 billion in 2007 to over RM502 billion today, five years later.

To top it off, Malaysia has been running a budget deficit for 15 years in a row. The last time Malaysia recorded a surplus was when Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim was Deputy Prime Minister. It is imperative that he be elected as Prime Minister to put Malaysia back in the black.

By learning from South Korea’s three critical success factors, we can arrest Malaysia’s graceful decline. Pakatan Rakyat has proven that we can run a clean, accountable and transparent state governments. We have overturned deficits into surpluses, reduced our state debts, increased our assets and reserves, and managed to save billions of public funds through open competitive tenders. More importantly, we have channelled our savings to the people through our people-centric social programmes. With your help and support, we can do the same for Malaysia. continue next

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 15:23 | Report Abuse

To All Malaysians Who Believe That Malaysia Deserves Better


Open Letter By DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng To All Malaysian Voters Following The Dissolution Of Parliament To Make Way For The 13th General Elections:
As we count down towards this ground-breaking 13th General Election, you can play a significant role in changing the course of our country’s history. By simply daring to change, you bring a brighter future for a Malaysia free from fear, free from ignorance and free from corruption.

Malaysia Deserves Better!

This historic general election will be about the economy and which party has the correct policies, ideas, ideals and principles to make our livelihood better.

Malaysia is caught in a middle-income trap. Many find it hard to believe that in 1966 Malaysia’s GDP per capita of USD350 was ahead of South Korea’s USD130. Almost fifty years later, Malaysia has improved to USD9,977 whilst South Korea jumped ahead of Malaysia to USD22,424.

Since March 2008, a 2-party system gives us both a choice but also make our choices count. Countries that were once less developed than us like South Korea and Taiwan have transformed into high-income economies while we remain stuck in the middle-income trap.

In 1963, Malaysians were richer than the Koreans and Taiwanese, with a per capita income of 13.6% relative to US income, whereas Korea and Taiwan per capita incomes were both lower at 10.7% and 12.6% respectively. 50 years later today, Malaysia is way behind being only half as rich as Korea and Taiwan.

There are 3 critical success factors namely a functioning democracy, fighting corruption and building human talents. Bad governments that fail to deliver are replaced through democratic elections by good governments resulting in progressive reforms and improvements. Corrupt leaders are replaced by those with integrity. And the country’s prosperity is underpinned by building and retraining human talent.

The greatest gift that a good government can bestow to our future generation is not cash handouts but knowledge, education, a just system with integrity and equal opportunity. Only then can we live with dignity and our young live better than us. continue next

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 15:02 | Report Abuse

Breaking News!!!

Michael Chia along with Mirzan mahathir and Raja Nong Chik were among 1,500 Malaysians with offshore companies in Singapore and the British Virgin Islands, two locations popular as tax havens for the rich.....according to leak papers!

So you see theese UMNO/BN bastards are stealing our country wealth & money and parking in overseas account. So, the final word you still want to vote UMNO?????

Go hang yourself is you do vote for UMNO/BN again cause this shows that you are are really a stupid idiot and you need to masuk the shit hole & stay thre for good.

Come on, Pig Rider Ranger & a few of the UMNO ball lickers here , come and twist the facts here...why not say these UMNO people are parking their money for Anuar or Lim Kit Siang? I know that you Pig Rider Ranger loves to twist & pusing always.


Now ask yourself Babi Rider Ranger, why does UMNO who you said is good for Malaysia don't want to pay company taxes to Malaysia but instead pay to Singapore to help Singpaore instead of helping can I say UMNO people are all traitors??? So my Malay friends, you have seen the ugly & dirty side of the so call UMNO leaders.

And to the idiotic and stupid moron like babi Rider Ranger and the so call UMNO ball lickers out, what say you? UMNO still good??? ptui ptui ptui

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 13:05 | Report Abuse

Breaking News!!!

Michael Chia along with Mirzan mahathir and Raja Nong Chik were among 1,500 Malaysians with offshore companies in Singapore and the British Virgin Islands, two locations popular as tax havens for the rich.....according to leak papers!

So you see theese UMNO/BN bastards are stealing our country wealth & money and parking in overseas account. So, the final word you still want to vote UMNO?????

Go hang yourself is you do vote for UMNO/BN again cause this shows that you are are really a stupid idiot and you need to masuk the shit hole & stay thre for good.

Come on, Pig Rider Ranger & a few of the UMNO ball lickers here , come and twist the facts here...why not say these UMNO people are parking their money for Anuar or Lim Kit Siang? I know that you Pig Rider Ranger loves to twist & pusing always.

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 00:59 | Report Abuse

Yes brother Bingo, I already make up my mind too & so is my family & realtives as we are like you 100% for Pakatan Rakyat. I & my friends will definately want to end UMNO corruption and save our beloved Malaysia for our future generation.. yes, our children & grandchildren.

Remember NEVER BE FOOLED & CHEATED by UMNO/BN & we must all be brave and say this to UMNO, "enough is enough and out you UMNO will go to hell"

Yes,my fellow Malaysians, do a national service & save our beloved country Malaysia.

Here I copy brother Bingo's picture...

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 00:25 | Report Abuse

Lautan Manusia di Ceramah bersama DS Anwar Ibrahim di Grik Perak....another different picture.

News & Blogs

2013-04-05 00:20 | Report Abuse

Yes, yes, yes, Always Remember Teoh Beng Hock.Come back to vote!

Yes, when Pakatan Rakyat becomes the legal government, then those responsible for Teoh's death will be sent to the gallows???

News & Blogs

2013-04-04 23:56 | Report Abuse

Remember Teoh Beng Hock.Come back to vote!

Yes, when Pakatan Rakyat becomes the legal government, then those responsible for Teoh's death will be sent to the gallows???

News & Blogs

2013-04-04 23:49 | Report Abuse

More than 10,000 at PR ceramah in Gerik.Anwar is speaking now.Later he will announce candidates for Perak.

News & Blogs

2013-04-04 23:34 | Report Abuse

TV3 says: ketika LGE memberi ceramah, hanya 15 orang sahaja menghadiri ceramah tersebut....tse, tse, tse???

See the picture? Very few people attended DAP ceramah where Lim Guan Eng is the speaker@Padang Kota lama, huh, huh??

So, all TV3,Utusan etc and all the UMNO supporting idiots like brother Bingo said are UMNO ball lickers & never speak the truth?? Shame on all the UMNO ball lickers here??

News & Blogs

2013-04-04 18:21 | Report Abuse

GE-13 a referendum on Malaysia's racial system

Thomas Fuller / New York Times, 04 April 2013

Apr 4: The country has been led by Barisan Nasional whose three main members are parties that define themselves on explicitly racial lines: one for Malays, one for Chinese, and one for Indians. But in recent years, the cohesion of those groups has begun to fray.

Apr 4: When the prime minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak, announced Wednesday that he was dissolving Parliament, he set in motion an election campaign that will render judgment not just on his embattled governing coalition, but also on Malaysia’s longstanding system of dividing the power and spoils of public life on ethnic lines.

Najib, seen here with BN's right wing ally Perkasa's chairman Ibrahim Ali

“This is a referendum on race-based politics,” Ibrahim Suffian, the director of the Merdeka Center, an independent polling agency, said of the election. “The ruling coalition continues to argue that the existing system brings stability. The opposition is talking more about politics based on class, not race.”

...bacha semua di sini..

News & Blogs

2013-04-04 18:14 | Report Abuse

Rakyat sambut bubar Parlimen macam nak raya

TEMERLOH: Pesuruhjaya PAS Pahang, Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man melihat keghairahan rakyat menyambut pembubaran parlimen yang diumumkan oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak kali ini luar biasa.

“Seluruh rakyat sambut pengumuman bubar parlimen seperti nak sambut raya, semuanya kerana rakyat dah tunggu hampir dua tahun, sedangkan media kawalan Umno setiap hari memainkan isu politik dan pilihan raya,” katanya ketika berceramah di atas treler Negara Kebajikan PAS yang sampai ke bandar Temerloh petang tadi.

Hari ini merupakan hari ketiga jelajah treler berkenaan selepas ke Raub, Bentong, Jerantut, Maran, Bandar Jengka, Lanchang dan bersebelahan terminal bas ekspres petang ini sebelum bertolak ke Bera.

Lebih 1,000 mendengar amanat pemimpin bersempena pembubaran parlimen hari ini.

Turut berucap Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia, Nasrudin Hasan, Pengarah Jabatan Pilihan Raya Negeri Pahang, Abdul Majid Hasan, Yang Dipertua PAS Kawasan, Md Jusoh Darus, Ketua Muslimat PAS Pahang, Salamiah Mohd Nor, Adun Kuala Semantan, Syed Hamid Syed Mohamad dan Ketua Penerangan PAS Pahang, Suhaimi Saad.

Tuan Ibrahim yang juga Ketua Penerangan PAS Pusat berkata, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) memasuki pilihan raya kali ini dengan cukup bersedia.

“Tidak terjangkau kita akan membariskan calon-calon bekas pegawai tinggi tentera, pegawai tinggi kerajaan, pegawai tinggi Felda dan artis.

“Justeru marilah kita bekerja keras kerana rakyat nak tengok janji-janji yang PR tawarkan terlaksana demi kebajikan yang tunggu-tunggu selama ini,” katanya.

News & Blogs

2013-04-04 18:11 | Report Abuse

Ada yg tak setuju PAS gabung dgn PKR dan DAP?

Umno gabung ngan MCA .Gearakan dan MIC tu menatang haper plak?