Betul kata kau saufi74....tu lah gelaran yg aku dengar dari orang lain jugak tapi orang masih menyanjung dia macam tuhan. Dia belum mati, maka belum dapat balasan yg setimpal dari ALLAH swt.
Juz a 'hear say'. Tuduhan pmbangkang. Xde prove. Even yg dituduh dah bersumpah with the name of god, x terlibat. Tapi your 'PM' in waiting.....!!!!! Ada berani.....????
So kalau bersumpah with the name of God, x salah ke? Macam tu, panggil semua pesalah kat penjara Sungai Buloh sumpah atas nama God kata mereka tak melakukan jenayah, kalau diapa berani, ini dapat membuktikan diapa x salah, boleh dibebaskan ke?
As a true muslim, bersumpah dgn nama Allah ada lah perkara besar,dan tidak boleh dipermainkan dan dipersendakan.Kesannya mereka tahu ,balasan dan laknat dari ALLAH sekiranya bersumpah bohong. Kesimpulannya mereka yg memgaku islam sejati, Berani bersumpah adalah setapak kejalan bercakap benar. I truly believe this,so dont make a mockery out of it.
Takkkan tu je yg true Muslim tahu.. Sbg rakan seIslam sukalah saya ingatkan sesiapa yg mengaku seorang Islam utk menghayati lebih mendlm makna2 ayat quran yg menjadi panduan dan pedoman semua makhluk ciptaan tuhan... Jgn sampai kiita akan akhirnya tertunduk malu terpaksa membuat pengakuan seperti maksud ayat 10 surah Al-Mulk..... Itu sudah terlambat!! Jadi org Islam yg menggunakan akal bila berbicara.. Saya juga doakan utk kesejahteraan semua..Amin...
Ada choice, BN menang GST menanti. Beli ubat gigi pun nanti kena tax. Ni semua kena berterima kasih pada "rubber stamps" MP BN. PR menang, kos sara diri turun.
Yes, starships you r right. The handouts party will be over when BN wins. Cost of living will go up again as the businessmen helped Najib to collect GST. Except for essential goods, all other goods will be taxed when you buy and the cost of GST will be passed to everyone. Short term gain long term pain. Brim 1, 2, and even 3 will not helped you much as GST progress yearly more goods and services will be covered. In extreme case the selling of shophouses as in singapore will be subject to GST. Dun expect handouts to recur every year, its for your votes that they were given.
In life good or bad never judge..leave it to god..he knows what's best..we be honest n sincere..god will take care..ok a good true human first..
UMNO leaders don't want to pay company taxes to Malaysia but prefer to pay to the Singapore country, so you call these UMNO leaders as what, traitors???, Babi Rider Ranger & the UMNO Ball Lickers & Suckers here, what say you???? ptui ptui ptui
You all UMNO ball carriers & suckers, you still think UMNO is good?? ptui, ptui, ptui......taxes don't want to pay to Malaysia but prefer to pay to Singapore, so what is UMNO then, good??? my foot?
UMNO leaders don't want to pay company taxes to Malaysia but prefer to pay to the Singapore country, so you call these UMNO leaders as what, traitors???, Babi Rider Ranger & the UMNO Ball Lickers & Suckers here, what say you???? ptui ptui ptui
You all UMNO ball carriers & suckers, you still think UMNO is good?? ptui, ptui, ptui......taxes don't ant to pay to Malaysia but prefer to pay to Singapre, so what is UMNO then, good??? my foot?
Question 2: How could they did this to such a good men as Tok Guru Nik Aziz? BN must stop such dirty politics!
Tok Guru is most respected by me & my friends alike. Do you find an UMNO politician as good and humble as Tok Guru?? No way!!! Now my friend please see what this UMNO cybertrooper did....see picture please my friends.
So,Pig Rider Ranger,look at your self at the picture & video and you see UMNO is even stealing Malay land? So what say you stupid Ranger?? I presume you are as idiotic as ever & forever?? Pig Rider Ranger, you are buta & idiotic, so go and lick & suck more UMNO balls & hope for the shit later on??haa haa haa.
So, idiot & stupid babi Rider ranger, can you answer the above, cannot? I guess so as you are an UMNO ball carrier & a very stupid one too??? haa haa haa
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Posted by imoogi99 > 2013-04-04 17:57 | Report Abuse
He's speak base on experience...afterall he's one of them before.