
UmbrellaCorp | Joined since 2020-05-14

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2020-07-30 13:48 | Report Abuse

sell and bye guys!


2020-07-16 09:59 | Report Abuse

How not to order online, stupid cabotage rule by Malaya not allowing imported goods to arrive directly to Sabah ports causes delay, consumers are forced to turn to online purchases. It’s bad for local business owners, late goods, high cost and lost of customer. Until today present government still can not free Sabah from this stupid Malaya policy which only protects their own Port Klang monopoly


2020-07-16 09:56 | Report Abuse

Tutup ja pos laju..wujudkan pos LAMBAT.caj ikut harga setem..ckp ja poslaju barang 1-2bulan baru smpi babal.ada ja alasan kau bgi utk tutup kelemahan sndri.pengurusan yg teruk..staff bawahan jdi mangsa.knapa x tmbh staff dan kenderaan bila bisnes makin jalan..permintaan makin bertambah..penghantaran makin bertambah..beerti keuntungan pun makin bertambah la..tpi ni tidak, servis makin ke dasar laut..paling teruk sepanjang kewujudan posmalaysia..


2020-07-14 10:08 | Report Abuse

Yes a.s.a.p


2020-07-14 09:57 | Report Abuse

He should resign. He's a puppet to the CCP regime.
He is the one responsible in the death of millions of C-19 victim worldwide.


2020-07-10 10:42 | Report Abuse

Sure, yesterday collect PA already


2020-07-10 10:11 | Report Abuse



2020-07-09 09:21 | Report Abuse

Larrie Chew, 倒闭或在最低价,被私有化,小股东被强逼最低价卖出。


2020-07-09 09:19 | Report Abuse



2020-07-09 09:19 | Report Abuse

Good morning guyz....


2020-07-08 09:35 | Report Abuse

Terigt kesah raja namrud yg bongkak kalah kpd nyamuk yg kecil...


2020-07-07 10:11 | Report Abuse



2020-07-06 10:21 | Report Abuse

If true it’s to be expected with countries relaxing lockdown. If people really think the easing now or later would not cause some sort of risk then they don’t live in the real world.its something that has to be done.


2020-07-06 10:01 | Report Abuse

China is a virus country...


2020-07-03 09:46 | Report Abuse



2020-07-03 09:45 | Report Abuse

Yes ageson is going one way, UP!


2020-07-02 10:15 | Report Abuse

Selangor state please check properly.


2020-07-01 09:44 | Report Abuse

But, kt kebun masih lg below rm380 per tonne, pls la govt dont let only big bisness making tonne of money, upstream pekebun kecil makan sardin ikan kering dgn kacang hancur only.


2020-06-30 10:12 | Report Abuse

Wait for me guys, QQQ now!


2020-06-26 10:25 | Report Abuse

Next thing u know, they might riot like in 86'.
So KDN, pls deport them soonest


2020-06-25 12:04 | Report Abuse



2020-06-25 12:04 | Report Abuse

Noted scrown , perfect!


2020-06-24 09:01 | Report Abuse

Lai lai lai guys what is a Structured Warrant?


2020-06-23 13:36 | Report Abuse



2020-06-23 10:31 | Report Abuse

Give you guys a hint, its related to MCO! Thats all i can give if its help most of the Good investors in Ageson!


2020-06-22 09:11 | Report Abuse

Good morning guys! Hopefully Ageson power train will be moving !!!


2020-06-19 09:01 | Report Abuse

Agree with 靓女PHOONPHOON, Its just Like water and oil cannot mix, so why PH still want them. Pick other candidates from PH....


2020-06-19 08:59 | Report Abuse

He should have consulted the PH before resign but he didn't thinking he can turn the tides around to his favour without PH.

AI, twice bitten shy.

DrM with due respect, please give chance to the new generation.
Perhaps you can create a sympathy vote for PH+ to win the next GE15


2020-06-18 10:22 | Report Abuse

I had lots of vsolar shares, buy last year. Any idea still need how long to release my shares? Opinion guys


2020-06-17 15:35 | Report Abuse

goodiewilly ! This is Ageson Dato Seri CHIN TURF! Go elsewhere ask for Dato liew Arbb!


2020-06-17 13:58 | Report Abuse

Go go go


2020-06-17 13:58 | Report Abuse

I am buying. Lets go Ageson


2020-06-16 11:20 | Report Abuse

What about hundreds buried at the border?


2020-06-15 12:44 | Report Abuse



2020-06-15 12:42 | Report Abuse

Panel of professionals shocked at conditions in Jln Othman Market

Petaling Jaya residents from the Persatuan Penduduk Petaling Jaya (MYPJ) have expressed their shock and dismay at conditions in the Jalan Othman Market, calling them deplorable and questioning its readiness for reopening after the Covid-19 lockdown under the enhanced movement control order (EMCO).

This was after a team of 10 professionals and experts went on a private inspection of the Jalan Othman market area in Petaling Jaya Old Town, which had been under lockdown since May 10 and is scheduled to reopen today.

"The team was shocked at the deplorable condition of the market despite the intensive cleaning effort by the city council and tenants.

"The severely dilapidated infrastructure itself prevents effective cleaning or disinfecting operations as broken tiles and flooring cover over 80 percent of the wall and floor surface," they said in a statement this morning.

"The numerous holes and cracks will play host to dangerous bacteria and are compounded by a large rodent population. Hand washing sinks and washing facilities were sparse and not strategically placed," they added, saying that some spaces in between stalls were so narrow that the social distancing markings on the floor were meaningless.

The panel also claimed that it conducted informal conversations with many traders indicating that many do not yet understand the legal, technical and public health requirements for reopening.

The MYPJ Panel of experts is headed by engineer Esham Salam and includes Dr Vincent Ng, the former deputy director-general of the Department of Veterinary Services, physician and public health expert Dr Khor Swee Kheng, Dr Joe Walter, Eric Chew of the Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation, Dr Teh Yik Koon of the National Defence University and several other experienced professionals.

"In physical terms, the cleanliness is not assured, and major renovations are still ongoing in major common areas This is our conclusion after the site inspection by MYPJ panel of experts on the morning of June 5, 2020.

"Overall, this iconic and oldest market in Petaling Jaya had been neglected for decades, and the current hygiene condition, especially in a Covid-19 context, is unacceptable," they added.

They expressed their fears that with the influx of customers coming back to the market, there is a real threat that the market may experience another lockdown.

"Therefore, MYPJ strongly encourages all citizens of Petaling Jaya to avoid patronising the Jalan Othman Market for the foreseeable future and for their own safety," they said.

Understanding that the traders need a source of income and citizens need a source of fresh and nutritious food, the MYPJ recommended the following:

1. To keep the Jalan Othman Market closed until renovations have been completed to public health specifications detailed by the MBPJ Health Department.

2. MBPJ to provide alternative temporary sites for traders in the nearby vicinity of the Jalan Othman Market. Scholars from Universiti Malaya have identified several sites that can house temporary prefabricated structures to allow traders to continue operations.

3. A waiver of rental fees for traders until further notice.

4. Citizens to use public pressure to demand MBPJ balance between health, economic and food supply concerns.

The group also called on the city councillors and elected state representatives in Petaling Jaya to work closely with the stakeholders and NGOs to ensure the safety of the market traders and customers.

"For many years, MYPJ has advocated for an upgrading exercise for the Jalan Othman Market. The Covid19 pandemic is now providing a life-threatening reason for this exercise to take place immediately," it said.

The closure of the Petaling Jaya Old Town market along Jalan Othman more than a month ago has brought to fore several sinister happenings and the wheeling and dealing of parties occupying the more than 400 stalls within.

Most glaring of them is the pajak system in which many of the stalls rented out by the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) to local traders for between RM48 and RM140 per month have been leased to, among others, undocumented foreigners for up to 30 times the amount.

This amount is supposed to cover water, electricity and cleaning of the public areas. The total cost of these amenities is more than RM40,000 a month.

In a month, there have been feet-dragging, uncertainty and indecision and this has resulted in a “you versus us” battle as residents are demanding more transparency and accountability from the council.


2020-06-12 17:24 | Report Abuse

Smell of durian, some will say stink but some will love it like heaven.........


2020-06-11 12:30 | Report Abuse

Education is going NUTS and a NUT man suggests most idiotic suggestion before consulting any authority. It's shame to have such leaders leading unions these days.


2020-06-05 11:53 | Report Abuse

Stealing other nations land or place is equal with waging a war on other countries, china is bad!


2020-06-05 11:52 | Report Abuse

Now is the time for China to do a tactical retreat, give up the spratly islands and Taiwan. Concentrate on the Belt Road and good relations with the other nations. However deal a body blow to U.S. AUS/NZ/CANADA, with a cessation of all trade, and be patient and wait as U.S.implodes as will the E.U. Time is on the Chinese side, so it must be used.


2020-06-04 14:16 | Report Abuse

Finally the world has awaken to the true face of the CCP. Keep at it CCP. Keep threatening your neighbors and countries around the world switch economic exclusion over the smallest things. Keep trying to expand censorship. Keep throwing blame at others for the pandemic that originated in your country. The more you exhibit your wolf mentality, the worse it gets.


2020-06-03 13:48 | Report Abuse

China will erase the nine dash line once the US removes its 400 military bases encircling China in the Pacific.


2020-06-01 17:09 | Report Abuse

When all that lofty, flowery talk of economic prosperity falls flat in the wake of a pandemic and general ineptitude, it is so easy for governments to rely on that blunt, old instrument of nationalism to rally the people. Throw religion or dogmatic ideologies into the mix, and you have a recipe for disaster. So sad, yet so predictable.


2020-05-27 10:30 | Report Abuse

Its because of this post, calvintaneng bring a big group of investors to Netx (holland in the making), stuck till now 0.01-0.015......whole year 0.005-0.025.....Till when will reach 10sen?

Nazri SAPU....Kgroup Vc Mlab TP 10 sen
27/05/2020 9:05 AM


2020-05-22 11:30 | Report Abuse

Karma will get these Kleptocrat crooks who professes to be saviours but are actually just Greedy Big Buayas. Land grab? Parliament grab? Adun grab? Who knows how they will be repaid maybe coronavirus maybe cancer maybe worse.. Just sit back and watch their Greedy plans... Giving dedak to so many people of authority to reprimand remand and restrain innocent hard working decent people. Race and religion used wrongly as means to grab money and loot. Malaysia will crumble if this continues.


2020-05-22 11:22 | Report Abuse

Equating the circumstances that the Rohingyas are in today to the Indian and Chinese labourers pre-independence is not only off-tangent but exposes Rais of his extreme racism and xenophobia.

Rais clearly needs to be educated on current events and history - the Rohingyas are refugees who have fled their homeland for fear of persecution and hostility.

The Indians and Chinese of pre-independence, on the other hand, were not refugees but were brought into Malaya by the British colonisers in the 18th century as labourers, just like how Malaysia is bringing in migrant workers today by the millions to work here.

Also, why are the minority citizens of this country being accused of mauling the majority? When did this ever happen?


2020-05-21 10:52 | Report Abuse

all the facts but in generalized form and you compare apples with oranges!Can you compare Malaysia to the developed world? Canada picked and chose the refugees they are willing to take. Can you compare Malaysia to Pakistan,Turkey ,Sudan which had no choice but to accept those who crossed their borders which are porous and cannot be properly guarded?All these countries get substantial support from the UN and developed nations. How much support did the UN give us for the Vietnamese and Rohingya refugees?How many Rohingya had been accepted by other countries from Malaysia?If we accept them,it is a burden to be borne by Malaysians for generations.
You use Albert Einstein as an example can you just let us know how many of the Rohingya are skilled or professionals. Do not hide such material information! Would it be more truthful to state that most are illiterate? Don't you think the monies used to educate them could be put to use for our own children? Your examples of professionals maybe be more appropriate for Syrian refugees which if Malaysia seeks to admit refugees should be the Syrians not Rohingya.
The consequences of welcoming further Rohingya would be that syndicates/human traffickers would send more and there is an estimated a million or more Rohingya.
When you mentioned numbers,you neglected to state that there is an estimated 6 million ( documented and undocumented) foreign workers in Malaysia.We have to address this problem now during this time of crisis and we should add the additional Rohingya to our burdens.


2020-05-21 10:39 | Report Abuse

Frightening, Fa to hear you narrate the brave 'new normal'!!
Perhaps our country is really so blessed, we have no major natural disasters, most rakyat believe we will be not be affected by the worst of the covid 19 infections - that our health system can cope with whatever 2nd wave or what not.

In a scenario like our nation now, think it is up to the individual to take steps to protect oneself - avoid places that are crowded, shops which do not enforce SOPs on social distancing and personal hygiene.

Beyond that, one has to trust in Allah/God/ kamma or whatever.


2020-05-20 14:26 | Report Abuse

WOOHOOO!!!!! Tomorrow untung kaw kaw LOL...not bad..not bad! LOL