
UnkerSam | Joined since 2012-11-12 18:20:35

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2023-03-26 00:08 | Report Abuse

Maybank offer EMPLOYEES SHARE GRANT PLAN up to 3.5% of ordinary share, but no DRP...


2023-03-26 00:03 | Report Abuse

how come the latest dividend Maybank no offer Dividend Reinvestment Plan?? 2012-2022 every year got DRP (except 2019)


2017-06-06 08:45 | Report Abuse

another push? double top candle formation


2017-02-08 00:45 | Report Abuse

if they can goreng it until rm2, maybe their market cap bigger than CAB and become largest kok kok kompani. but at rm2 the pe almost 30x. even higher than QL.


2017-02-08 00:37 | Report Abuse

something cooking

last friday 10m share traded 78cents off market

2 days later it went up 18%. buta buta capital gain 1.3 mil ringgit...

probably someone who bought some share from QL in 2015 start liquidating their stake

almost 400% gain from the buying price. can buy cincin Rosmah already


2017-01-27 10:58 | Report Abuse

Last 2 years there have been a lot of activities within broiler industry

Huat Lai - Privatise
Lay Hong - Japan investor
CAB - Indonesia investor, Farm Best acquisition
DBE - Taiwan investor
Dinding - Expansion in broiler farm

PW better come out with some game plan or be prepare to left behind and miss the ride


2017-01-27 09:59 | Report Abuse

people has been goreng this sampah since 2010. rumour was that the finance personnel in dbe spreading news there will be great upside coming. apa dia, kenot tell. history everybody know, from 0.08 all the way to 0.035.

this ding dong should get reward, when all other broiler operator making $, he can make lost for decade and the company still survive. Oscar best actor, for him being able to make banker finance him for so blarddy long.


2015-08-09 02:04 | Report Abuse

if you look into HLB annual report, top 30 shareholder account for 99% of ordinary share. Unless any of these guy sell their holding, there will not be any share available for you to buy.

The perfect example for poor liquidity stock.

Company itself is making close to 100mil $ in actual, cash cow company. But company worth less than RM 270mil. The owner seems happy to pocket 2mil salary per year, when they could have diluted their holding to 49%, 10 fold the market worth of their share holding. Via some corporate exercise.


2015-06-05 13:39 | Report Abuse

if not bonus issue or share split, how you expect the market capitalization to go up to RM 3Billion?

will you buy if the share price is RM 14? Simple logic.

It is not a question of yes or no, but a matter of time.


2015-06-04 18:46 | Report Abuse

Book building, for bonus issue & share option


2015-02-11 22:05 | Report Abuse

resins price up? what weed you smoking

News & Blogs

2014-12-09 01:03 | Report Abuse

that is not the right way to calculate annual return. 96sen - 73sen = 23 divided by 4 does not really reflect the actual return. Because the return suppose to compound.

Google CAGR calculator

Future value 96, present value 73, 4 years, the campounded annual return is only 7.09%

few years the difference is small, but 10 years 20 years down the road make big difference

For instance, year 1 is 100, year 10 get back 200 in total, based on the calculation 200-100 = 100 divided by 10 the average return is 10%

But actually if the investment giving 10% annual return, Year 1 = 100, by Year 10 it suppose to be 259. Year 1 = 100, Year 2 become 110, Year 3 121, Year 4 133.....


2014-10-17 23:06 | Report Abuse

Can you smell what the rock is cookin'


2014-09-29 11:57 | Report Abuse

There is a fine line between the tdh investor and the wolf of bursa.


2014-07-25 17:14 | Report Abuse

Ini kompani Tun Badawi. Jangan main2 Kawan.


2013-08-29 01:19 | Report Abuse

Abang investee,gua pernah pegang mahsing 2.7 sebelum nya terjunam 1.7 zaman mamak gadafi dan akhirnya kena POTONG sbb jantung tak tahan. rugi 5 angka gaugau mak ai...

tapi nampaknya skrg keadaan tak seteruk dulu tu. jadi pegang saja ya.

tidur lena, ok.


2013-02-14 22:47 | Report Abuse

There were no bonus issue, where do you get that?


2013-02-08 22:50 | Report Abuse

1.6 & 1.55 should be a good entry point. Just need some panic sell on the ghost of GE13, and it should reach that level fairly easy.


2013-02-08 22:37 | Report Abuse

Ini Francis Yeoh memang buaya besar. Sentul West mmg banyak tanah untuk pembangunan tapi otai ni hanya senyap saja. Tunggu harga tanah pecut sampai RM 1,000 psf ke... Perghhhhhhh


2013-01-16 00:35 | Report Abuse

Right issue:




Nothing will happen, the price likely to go one direction. If you are in the shoe of Mah Sing boss, do you want to pay a higher price for right issue or a lower price for right issue. Simple.


2012-12-26 20:59 | Report Abuse

chicken feet right issue also need 2 investment banker? TSK TSK


2012-12-26 20:58 | Report Abuse

We refer to the announcements dated 10 December 2012 and 14 December 2012 in relation to the Proposals.

On behalf of the Board of Mah Sing, CIMB and HLIB wish to jointly announce that Mah Sing had on 26 December 2012 received the approval from the Controller of Foreign Exchange (via Bank Negara Malaysia) for the issuance of Warrants to non-resident shareholders of Mah Sing pursuant to the Proposed Rights Issue with Warrants.


2012-12-18 01:35 | Report Abuse

Ulit, mana tomato sos anda.

Kasilah 4 angka, baru boleh gi bli 4D

Tahun 2013 baru ada berita selanjutnya. Biasanya kompani suka sembungi2 corporate eksersis kasi harga saham goreng kuat2, Mah k Sing ni terbalik plak.

Setakat ni dah kompom sekurang2nya capital boleh sampai 1.05Bil saham belum masuk right issue lagi.

Katakan right issue 150mil saham, maka akhirnya saham seramai 1.2Bil akan wujud selepas ahem2.

RM 2.2 * 0.6 = RM 1.32?

Jadilah penni stok baru bes, pergggggghh


2012-12-14 20:15 | Report Abuse

Right issue good or no good depend on the issuance price and the perks that come with it like free warrant. Normally there will be a rally to push up the share price to entitle the right issue @ higher price and collect more fund from the market. But this Mah ka Sing drop 10% after recent announcement.

For small time share holder who does not has fund to subscribe, or the right issue might not be available to small share holder at all. Once their share is diluted over an enlarge issue capital, sharp reduce in portfolio is the only likely outcome.


2012-12-14 20:07 | Report Abuse

Above mentioned only applicable to Asian market, or emerging market.

CAPM: Cost of equity > Cost of debt

Upon closer look. There is some logic behind it.


2012-11-12 18:35 | Report Abuse

Satu hari baru 4 biji. Ayam kampong bertelur pun lebih drp 4 skali, puik. Saham dalam pasaran memang banyak tapi hamprang kasi pegang kuat2 nak bikin sayur masin weii. Kasilah buang gaugau baru boleh memperolehi rezeki. Bli rendah jual tinggi. Ais Batu Campur kurang ais oii3. Saya punya lidah tak ada bulu r.