
YiStock | Joined since 2013-06-21

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2014-02-24 09:06 | Report Abuse

Congrats for those still holding :-)


2014-02-22 22:51 | Report Abuse

Am i loosing patience? hmmm...interesting to know that :-)


2014-02-21 14:27 | Report Abuse

rimrim, dont have any news


2014-02-20 21:23 | Report Abuse

Stock market is control by human fear...we all have witness the last two "correction" in past few months...whatever KLCI achieve in months or years, can "literally collapse" within few days...
爬上升旗山要4 小时,滚下来应该30 分钟。。but most of the times, many just "disappeared" on the way roll down..

If you are as "timid" as me, perhaps u should put things into a good thoughts...happy investing..


2014-02-20 21:15 | Report Abuse

lloydlim, 每个人一生都有几次赚大钱的机会, 而赚大钱的机会永远都在崩盘之后。。低买高卖。。只要逮到一次机会就够。以其现在冒大险, 赚小钱; 不如套现为王,等机会,冒小险,赚大钱。。 加上崩盘到复盘时间越来越短(除非大萧条),不须紧张,慢慢部局。

If george soros "看空“, Warren Buffett says stock price is "not cheap", China slower and slower economy and shadow banking problem plus big portion of trust fund to due this year (china lehman brother's version), US tapering "no matter how", currency crisis spreading of emerging market etc...

Latest, FOMC members "started" the topic of increasing the current low interest rate in US and with no change of tapering plan AT ALL.....things are getting interesting..Whoever people or . organization with lots lots lots of bank loan better be careful...


2014-02-20 20:13 | Report Abuse

I'm not sifu, Monica. But is always important for somebody to offer caution advice...choice is still with the investor him/herself..happy investing


2014-02-20 16:27 | Report Abuse

while hoping the best, let prepare to the worst... when winning : loosing is at 90:10, we rush in, when wining : loosing at 50:50, we gamble; but when winning : loosing at 10:90, we leave our fate to god......happy investing :-)


2014-02-20 16:21 | Report Abuse


-崩盤雖然劇烈 卻總是悄然來到-


根據MarketWatch分析報導指出,金融歷史學家Niall Ferguson曾說:崩盤前,世界似乎一切如常,如此平靜無波。然而當崩盤終於來到--無可避免地將會來到--每個人似乎都大感意外。此時我們的大腦卻不斷訴說,現在應非崩盤之時。


一直,投資人玩著換手的遊戲,興奮地認為,在無可避免的崩盤來到前,當可贏得多一點的獲利。深信自己知道何時,何處,該如何出場。而後暗夜的竊賊卻突然出擊,讓人大感意外。即使此刻,在不願接受的情況下,投資人仍告訴自己, 這只是熱絡多頭市場中,另一次的回檔整理。直到突然間,這不只是一輛加速的跑車,而是一部重型卡車,轟隆而來。



投資人會看到新的警告,諸如索羅斯看空S&P 500,並加碼至13億美元。投資人可能會聽到各分析師的看法。然而依舊採取平常的做法,這做法不是根據警告,事實,證據,或分析師的預測。投資人只一味根據大腦深處的意念,做出自己的決策。



2014-02-19 14:31 | Report Abuse

I plan to let go instacom not because of its business potential, but more on external risk such as china debt default risk and etc.


2014-02-19 14:28 | Report Abuse

Steve, yes, still keeping instacom-wb as missed the port this morning..

Cuscapi is still on early stage of growing, not anticipating profit in 2013 but only in 2014 onwards. Hence, no dividend payment should be..therefore i go for warrant... Based on my record, it was traded at 18% premium in sept 2013, subsequently shoot to 40%...then stabilizing around 29% +/-..

Last two days movement has pushed the premium down below 24%...

My opinion,
1) warrant for a high growth company should carry high premium..>30%
2) warrant is currently traded with 0.11 intrinsic value, which i think should be able to overcome quite easily.
3) Unlike instacom-wb which is way deep-out-of-money (because of it current state of business), cuscapi wa is not expensive now.

Immediately risk:
"Goreng" is going on as i personally anticipate at least 2 more loss quarters before profit will role in..


2014-02-19 12:07 | Report Abuse

have some post in cuscapi, feel free just browse through...cheers!


2014-02-19 12:03 | Report Abuse

oopss... missed the port..

i warrants, i hold cuscapi wa since 0.19 time...still holding :-). Cuscapi is my most favorite stock, which i can simulate the most as i'm doing the business in cuscapi..holding 168 lots warrant now..waiting for the premium to fall below 20%..waiting and waiting


2014-02-18 21:39 | Report Abuse

2014-02-18 17:43



2014-02-18 21:09 | Report Abuse

Hi Monica, still on ship...to deport at next station..:-)


2014-02-18 14:44 | Report Abuse

Hold for long term will reap the fruit ..dont have to be stress


2014-02-18 14:39 | Report Abuse

i hold 750 lots wb..price managed to breakeven already


2014-02-18 14:35 | Report Abuse

Iwarrant, i'm holding small quantity only. :-)


2014-02-17 17:34 | Report Abuse

Sometime using too much risk to chase for too little reward, may not be that wise too..By the way, i'm seeing share market as a whole, not instaco by itself. Happy investing :-)


2014-02-17 17:27 | Report Abuse

Decided to sell after weighing the risk and reward of stock market... any businessman will weigh whether risk & reward are in balance. If the risk of one investment is overcoming the reward in large scale, then i think i suppose not worth to the risk. In fact, not only instaco, i have sold many of my holding and holding more cash...So far instaco has been still intact with its potential, that's why i'm not selling immediately but opt for quieing.

Now left only instaco & cuscapi in holding.

Money can be earned any time, so long as tomorrow is not end of the world :-)

Not losing money is also a form of earning.


2014-02-17 15:53 | Report Abuse

slowly unload all my holding


2014-02-17 15:47 | Report Abuse

I'm queing to unload all my holdings at 0.13


2014-02-15 12:30 | Report Abuse

time to sell property stock and standby yourself to be the 100% real property owner rather than be a minority shareholder of the property developer...Cheers!


2014-02-14 21:30 | Report Abuse

Hold for 2 years should reach 0.70 if things progress well...


2014-02-14 13:58 | Report Abuse

30% of total revenue of 2012 / 2013


2014-02-11 11:07 | Report Abuse

Monica, easy...别人的老公是帅。。。 其实自己的也不差。。 有耐心点吧。。 种柚棕都要三年。。 Cheers!


2014-02-11 08:52 | Report Abuse

别人的老婆是美。。。 其实自己的也不差。。 有耐心点吧。。 种柚棕都要三年。。 Cheers!

News & Blogs

2014-02-11 08:46 | Report Abuse

On the other point, NTA is a good collateral in time of crisis...


2014-02-07 14:26 | Report Abuse

Monica, no chasing upward spiral..:-)


2014-02-06 21:50 | Report Abuse

My opinion on Hua Yang:
Good basic fundamental:
1) ROE (consistent double digit for past 3 years),
2) Good dividend policy: DY > 6%,
3) EPS CAGR >30% over 10 years
4) current PE about 6. (PER 10 years average range 4.8 - 9.7), highest 15 (2007); lowest 3.2 (2012)
5) Consistent 3 years issue bonus issue to make the share price affordable

Risk for property sector:
1) Immediate risk: possible BLR hike early May 2014. IF hua yang offer DIBS, expecting cost of interest increase and eat into the profit.
2) Possible over supply of property in Malaysia including Iskandar Malaysia (IM). Current average household head count, 4.5 per property in IM; Current properties available in IM just nice matching the demand. Up coming 200,000 newly completed units => massive supply in IM from 2014 - 2015.
3) Population in IM approx. 1.3 million (2006) -->after 7 years--> 1.7 million (2013). Population growth is not keeping up the pace of property supply in IM if calculate annually. Over supply risk is obvious.
4) Spiral effect: Expecting selling price of new launches to be affected when selling price of new supply go down following lower rental yield and higher installment interest rate.
5) Target customers of Hua Yang: Middle income group => the group that being squeezed the most during high inflation time when all the basic living needs are with higher price tag. => expecting lower take up rate of new launches. Affordable home but nobody interested. Car installment and electricity bill will be the priority.

My conclusion: Buy for long term based on the FA and invest in different stages, chase downward spiral only after 30% price drop, aim high DY..As for the rest of market risk, just leave it to the hua Yang team to face the challenge. We shareholders need not worry too much as all investment comes with risk.

Happy investing!


2014-02-05 16:44 | Report Abuse

Agreed with you Carson...view from business perspective, then a lot of things making a lot of sense. And "business risk" is inevitable when running a business...share price movement is more on "artificial risk" which is uncontrollable...but with good strategy, this " artificial risk" sometime provide opportunities. Cheers!


2014-02-05 16:40 | Report Abuse

According to Taiwan 胡立阳,share market is a very "efficient" place whereby the FUTURE company performance will be reflected at CURRENT share price. For instacom, there was a up trend due to "news of future performance" such as budget allocation for telecomm infra. Thereafter, the share price was beaten down back to "PRE-NEWS" level. So, i assume current price is pretty "realistic".


2014-02-05 13:45 | Report Abuse

My opinion: Leader will lead and build the trend...
The cruel reality faced by most F&B operators will eventually shape the future trend of business process and consumer spending behaviour.

A good example:
Upcoming electronic payment via internet banking by bank negara malaysia to phase out cheque transaction in coming april 2014 for businesses. My company just recently adopted such internet banking using token...guess what...even bank officers are not familiar with the process and system, they know the personal ebanking well, but not business e banking...Under such new trend, even most traditional businesses will have no choice but to use internet banking, otherwise RM 0.50 will be charged for each cheque transaction.


2014-02-04 18:56 | Report Abuse

Q report this month..


2014-02-04 08:45 | Report Abuse



2014-02-03 10:39 | Report Abuse

sgx just drop below 3000 points


2014-01-30 10:15 | Report Abuse

赚得钱,搭的比instacom 的电讯塔还要多,还要高 。。。。


2014-01-30 10:11 | Report Abuse

新的一年里,祝个位股东们发发发发发。。天天好天 !


2014-01-29 08:55 | Report Abuse

#WiseEye, there is a profit guarantee part of 15 million. And, Instacom business is basically infra and involve a lot of "servicing" and form big portion of recurring income. I do not have the exact figure. Let assume 20% of the revenue annually, it translate into at least RM 25 million.


2014-01-28 14:31 | Report Abuse

lkf, yes...still holding...from paper profit to paper loss position


2014-01-28 12:59 | Report Abuse

Now just sit back and be relax


2014-01-28 12:55 | Report Abuse

Simple guide, when even aunties in the wet market start crying because of got burn in stock market, then is very good sign to go in to leverage


2014-01-28 12:40 | Report Abuse

The biggest trigger point of collapse: when money bubble burst, it is always not just due to the trillions hard cash printed from QEs, but is the hard cash from QEs that has been leveraged. Is just like when you have 10% hard cash, you swipe the card/ loan from the bank where the money just "magically" created out of thin air. It is known that bank can leverage 9 x of the hard money in their reserve. So, The magically money need to be wipe off one day, just a matter of time...If a business is having lots of borrowing, the magical impact is expected to be greater...do proper hedging is advisable.


2014-01-28 10:47 | Report Abuse

Hi hilmi, theoretically the effect to instacom business should be little if u agree with me that the business is somehow recession proof and is very much on telecommunication infrastructure.

You need to pay attention on the "aggressive" cash flow model where they are on high borrowing. Since the deposit rate and loan rate lines are separating again in malaysia plus inflation is anticipated, the cost of borrowing and interest to serve existing loan can eat away huge portion of profit.

You also need to check if the borrowing is influence by currency fluctuation as ringgit is pretty weak, maybe weaker after 7 FOMC meeting, not just to USD, but also other currencies. This is double blow: high interest rate + high exchange rate.

Other than that, i think the nature of its business of non-retail + basic infra + routine income should not be influenced too much.


2014-01-27 11:08 | Report Abuse

Cost of borrowing will be up..be it personal or business, all will be crying


2014-01-27 10:55 | Report Abuse

Poor ringgit ....sigh...Next step, bank OPR to up much earlier than anticipated? good luck to all..


2014-01-27 10:51 | Report Abuse

safe haven will prevail in short term


2014-01-27 10:50 | Report Abuse

chigago VIX unusually up last week...market a little panic now


2014-01-27 10:49 | Report Abuse

The link i personally see now is USD currency VS KLCI.. also RM VS Spot gold..most of my losses in KLCI now is covered by USD currency & spot gold.