
Yippy68 | Joined since 2015-11-06

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2017-02-27 04:32 | Report Abuse

will not interfere anyone else love and like. go ahead with your RM3.00 dream. bplant is another GLC company mainly own by LTAT. I SERVED THE ARMY FOR 25 YEARS, i love malaysia.


2017-02-26 05:50 | Report Abuse

Do compare the IPO price of both counters, and the share price of both counter on last friday. and the dividen paid out in two years. and work out their return in investment.


2017-02-26 05:37 | Report Abuse

> 170000 acres . sorry for error.


2017-02-26 05:35 | Report Abuse

Bplant own 170000 acres of land bank , just sold off only 3000 acres in two years to pocket 720 millions in two years, it will take many many more years to dispose off the remaining 167000 acres. management has said will utilize part of profit of land sale to acquire more cheaper land , it will be many ten times of 3000 acres. and the land bank will be soon >70000 acres.


2017-02-26 05:16 | Report Abuse

Taking the present price as reference , we assume we invest 100k each on monday. we shall see the difference in return of this two counters in six months times. fgv can fall back to RM1.40 again but not bplant.


2017-02-26 01:47 | Report Abuse

what happen if GE 14 is delayed and cpo price drop below 2500, will you have a happy dreaming. i sold all fgv last year, and i have moved to another solid oil palm counter.... BPLANT.... i got 14.5 sen dividen in 2016. and price up from 1.45 to 1.73 on 24 FEB 17.


2017-02-26 01:37 | Report Abuse

i believe it is not that difficult to manage a company which is debt free, cash rich, plenty of land in hand to sell. .. As long as do not make it another FGV, WE ARE SAFE. mean time i do not understand why investor hold on to fgv and not bplant as bplant is cheaper than fgv . in all aspect , bplant should be much better than fgv. bplant paying 14.5 sen dividen, FGV???


2017-02-21 15:52 | Report Abuse

Now .995,,,,truly one day show, those who see profit took profit, well done.


2017-02-21 07:16 | Report Abuse

Goreng, goreng.. I prefer to let go before too many take profit. TAYOR

News & Blogs

2017-02-16 22:14 | Report Abuse

look like bones could be as rich as KYY with his many many round of profits


2017-02-16 08:57 | Report Abuse

Thank Contrarian, we wait for next quarter when SP SETIA payment come in.


2017-02-16 07:58 | Report Abuse

Sorry for error, profit increased by 191% compare last year., not 291


2017-02-16 03:46 | Report Abuse

A big big disappointment on 3.5 Sen dividend, profit increased by 291 % as compare to last year, an increase of 5258% as compared to same quarter last year, and the dividend is not up to expectation. share holder should attend next AGM, we want a good ANSWER.


2017-02-14 17:18 | Report Abuse

Both also make money...one made tough money. ,one made easy money. I prefer to have both.


2017-02-12 08:02 | Report Abuse

It is not possible for this counter to go to RM 6.00, i am looking at rm 3.50 as highest, that will get me a seven digit gain. Cukup la


2017-02-12 07:56 | Report Abuse

Expect at least above 2.20 after breaking 2.10 resistance ..Once , I forecast over 2.00, it happened. Will you buy fgv at 1.90 and ignore cbip, please compare a.good Apple to another not so good Apple...keep slightly longer term, you will see the result. I am continue buying


2017-02-11 19:31 | Report Abuse

affin once been considered terrible but now 2.46


2017-02-11 19:29 | Report Abuse

is still cheap at 117, hard to go down to 1.10 now as market is so bullish, cimb is over 5.00 if secure a bank licence , it should go beyong 2.00 . i still holding those i applied on the excess right at 0.59 let the profit continue to run. happy CHAT GOH MAY, we see how it fly on monday.


2017-02-11 11:27 | Report Abuse

xexlone, fyi, bplant has land bank about 170,000 acres, but some are situated in sabah and sarawak, in peninsular, they own 66,000 acres of good and expensive land., this itself worth more than 10 billions


2017-02-11 06:25 | Report Abuse

join back at 1.50 ? this is the dream of thousand people. You will never find another counter that pay you 13 sen dividend at price even at 1.73...hopefully they declare a 10 sen QUARTERLY DIVIDEN next week. Huat arrr, i hold very significant amount of share in bplant....


2017-02-09 02:20 | Report Abuse

May even give away half the profit in q4 , should be 16 sen. The other half pay up all debt and make it debt free. Sell another piece of land to make it cash rich....another ...another....still holding 170,000 acres.


2017-02-07 04:33 | Report Abuse

Good new coming soon.. You just wait till next month ..hold tight. Still can buy more.


2017-02-07 04:23 | Report Abuse

MBSB. Please continue for another few days to 1.35...HUAT HUAT HUAT.


2017-02-03 03:30 | Report Abuse

Someone make fast money as he bought low last year . The price rally too fast gave him good oppotunity to take good profit. This is share market, no one should fall in love with just one counter....see profit take profit, it look to me the market may be not so stable . And watch out for big rally before a big crash...I have experianced 6 big falls, good to remind some of you. Keep cash for that day when KLSE is below 1000. It may go another 10 % but the fall can be 40% or more. I am pessimistic ...as a businessman, I realized soon people has no money to play share if this type of economic environment continued. My 2 cents..trade at your own risk.


2017-01-31 03:22 | Report Abuse

we watch how KLSE react to dji down by 200 points. Most likely all down today.

News & Blogs

2017-01-29 05:05 | Report Abuse

Cbip..a solid counter compare to so many lousy counter that chased by many..it is undervalued, do not miss the boat when it suddenly TERBANG.


2017-01-28 10:05 | Report Abuse

friday i took profit and let go 100 lots. for CNY.. too fast go up, will have some correction. my 2 cents


2017-01-28 05:52 | Report Abuse

This counter will shine soon after CNY...someone is collecting below 2.00


2017-01-28 01:06 | Report Abuse

happy CNY to all who are celebrating


2017-01-28 01:05 | Report Abuse

hope the cock year will take zuhlian to the sky. everyone HUAT arrrrr


2017-01-26 13:08 | Report Abuse

i only have 250000, but enough ang pau for cock year...


2017-01-26 13:06 | Report Abuse

read my posting on 22/09/16, i sold Haio as it is overvalued and roi on dividend is no more attractive., so i put all the money in Zhulian. as haio gone sky high, once i thought i made mistake swapping to Zhulian, now it look like i did the right thing..Huat huat huat ar


2017-01-25 05:32 | Report Abuse

ejtic, if hektar reit can go 1.65, mqreit has even better potential than hektar and CMMT, 1.50 should be otw. hold and dont let go.


2017-01-25 05:28 | Report Abuse

price up even without good new, that itself is already a good new.


2017-01-25 05:25 | Report Abuse

when foreign investor come in. , it will go 2.00 and above.. congrats speakup for your 4d profit, actually i have slightly more D ...


2017-01-19 03:53 | Report Abuse

calvin may be able to give your opinion


2017-01-19 03:52 | Report Abuse

any good reason cbip blooming. any new ?


2017-01-18 05:39 | Report Abuse

be patient, buy when still cheap.

News & Blogs

2017-01-17 06:03 | Report Abuse

of course you will not talk about FGV right, you lose you pant if you go in, because you believe some sifus shouting buy buy buy.

News & Blogs

2017-01-17 04:35 | Report Abuse

Bplant another example, two years dividend added up 25 sen , price once dropped to 1.17 , ipo at 1.60, land bank value in billions, many people missed when price dropped to dirt cheap, now at 1.67, if you accumulate a million share, you will be making six figures in two years.

News & Blogs

2017-01-17 04:07 | Report Abuse

i am a dividend lover. i started to invest in reits 8 years back when no one seem to look at it..after collecting 8 years of steady dividend and with price appreciated some more than 70%, i made huge huge profit by 7 figures after selling off last year when all reits were at peak. a man meat is another man poison .do not conclude when you are not in it, only gainer will smile all the times. I am so lucky to be on of them.


2017-01-16 21:24 | Report Abuse

market sentiment, one drop all drop. no worry, tommorrow hopefully ok


2017-01-16 13:29 | Report Abuse

You must have accumulated by hundred thousand share..! Plsgivebonus.!!!


2017-01-14 16:58 | Report Abuse

We still have positive thinking people around, very good, we should huat together. Ong Mali Mali
Next week at least 1.15


2017-01-14 04:15 | Report Abuse

above 1.30 sell and collect profit, buy back later at 1.23 and below after CNY


2017-01-14 04:03 | Report Abuse

target 1.75 surely will achieve this, will be higher when good dividend declare in month of February.


2017-01-14 03:59 | Report Abuse

beso , you always want price to be down, may i say you sold and hope it fall to buy back. why la you sell when it is still on up trend. next week 1.10 and above. you still can sell high, buy higher and sell even higher.


2017-01-13 19:56 | Report Abuse

If fail to merge, if successful, RM 2.90