
ahbah | Joined since 2010-09-16

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News & Blogs

2021-08-01 14:45 | Report Abuse

Now, vaccination rate ...all time high, n

new daily covid 19 cases also all time high.

Why like that ? Vaccination tak bolih bring down the daily covid 19 cases ?

News & Blogs

2021-08-01 14:27 | Report Abuse

Community immunity against covid 19 could be a big medical lie ?

After all the vaccinations in the world, which country now got community immunity ?

News & Blogs

2021-08-01 14:19 | Report Abuse

" CDC study shows 74% of people infected in Massachusetts Covid outbreak were fully vaccinated. "

Verdict : Vaccination may be a FAILURE to prevent covid 19 infection.

News & Blogs

2021-08-01 13:54 | Report Abuse

MNRB ... the longer we got trapped, the more moni we shall make !!!

News & Blogs

2021-07-31 22:14 | Report Abuse

kyy, thanks very much for your advice. U indeed got a good heart for all of us here. May I wish U long, healthy, wealthy n hapi life.


2021-07-31 21:51 | Report Abuse

74% of the fully vaccinated people still kena covid 19 ! Apa ini !

Then what is the purpose of vaccination when such a high percentage of

fully vaccinated people still kena covid 19 !

News & Blogs

2021-07-30 11:02 | Report Abuse

What is the theme play now, please ?

News & Blogs

2021-07-30 10:34 | Report Abuse

Our poor rakyat CANNOT tahan anymore lah !

We oredi got the covid 19 crisis.

and now, we got the political crisis.

News & Blogs

2021-07-29 10:54 | Report Abuse

The world will NEVER end lah. I no wori over this.

I onli wori I got no food on my table.

My white flag is going to come out hanging soon !

News & Blogs

2021-07-28 13:45 | Report Abuse

Please, no cry like small kid lah.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2021-07-28 13:30 | Report Abuse

Such a great man as kyy is, yet he main main stupit low liner AT n even he taught us the arithmetic of calculating AT's business ! He also took a photo with AT factory to make his undeletable history with AT.

News & Blogs

2021-07-28 13:22 | Report Abuse

We got 72 mee nisters to take care of our country n our KLSE. Why our KLSE is still falling down n burn all our hard earn moni ?

News & Blogs

2021-07-28 10:56 | Report Abuse

U can buy popcorn but no corn others here, please.

News & Blogs

2021-07-28 10:29 | Report Abuse

kyy oredi got hammered down steel stocks very chip now for all to sapu chip chip ?

News & Blogs

2021-07-27 14:32 | Report Abuse

To fight against covid 19, we must lock out ourselves in the sunlight for half an hour everyday !

News & Blogs

2021-07-27 14:30 | Report Abuse

Mani people in Israel n Singapore got infected again with covid 19 even though they were oredi vaccinated !

News & Blogs

2021-07-27 12:59 | Report Abuse

MCO may be gone within 3 months !

Lockdown at home is a big mistake !

It should lock out in the sunlight for half an hour everyday to get vit D in our body in order to build up our immunity to defend against covid 19 !

News & Blogs

2021-07-27 11:29 | Report Abuse

kyy oredi got elevated himself into a mkt god who used strong words like

"will surely", implying he is able to see the future for sure !

News & Blogs

2021-07-27 10:11 | Report Abuse

I got berak cirit birik after reading the last few kyy's articles !

News & Blogs

2021-07-26 14:11 | Report Abuse

" About 30 per cent of frontline workers in the tourism sector have been vaccinated against Covid-19 so far, said Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri. "

30 per cent ... veri low lah.

Please get the workers 100 per cent vaccinated. Thanks.

News & Blogs

2021-07-26 13:58 | Report Abuse

There got no such thing as 'investing' in penny stocks.

Penny stocks are for us to main main for fun onli !

The rakyat now got depression bcos of the lockdown, stay at home, loss of rezeki, loss of business, loss of jobs, potong gaji etc, etc.

Penny stocks are for us to play play for fun to kill the boredowm / hardship caused

by lockdown.

But there is no free lunch, food kitchen for playing the penny stocks !

News & Blogs

2021-07-26 13:19 | Report Abuse

Absolutely agreed !

In front of us, kyy said one thing but behind our back, he may do another

different thing !

News & Blogs

2021-07-26 12:41 | Report Abuse

kyy keeps on hammering the mkt non stop with no mercy to make sure the mkt goes down with all his recent articles ! He is now utmost vicious in bringing down our mkt !

News & Blogs

2021-07-24 15:45 | Report Abuse

Please goreng our whole mkt bcos mani players oredi kena teruk from the mkt now !


2021-07-23 15:19 | Report Abuse

They should also push for vaccination appointment date after registration by our suffering rakyat.

Our suffering rakyat should not be kept waiting for months to get their appointment date.


2021-07-23 13:18 | Report Abuse

Ok, all join in now. Please no miss the boat$$$$$ ! Thanks.

News & Blogs

2021-07-23 12:52 | Report Abuse

All mkt players always got difference of opinion lah. Some buy bcos they think the stocks will go up n some sell bcos they think the stocks will go down.

News & Blogs

2021-07-23 12:37 | Report Abuse

I think kyy is spreading the purging virus among the mkt players with all his recent articles here ?


2021-07-23 12:11 | Report Abuse

After sleep so long, when wake up, sure YLI will roar loud like a lion lah !


2021-07-23 12:09 | Report Abuse

Oredi sleep so long lah.


2021-07-23 12:08 | Report Abuse

If goreng is back , ok mah ?


2021-07-23 11:53 | Report Abuse

May be something on ?


2021-07-23 11:52 | Report Abuse

buy n keep ... the best strategy now as YLI is just warming up onli ?

Not yet go lah.

News & Blogs

2021-07-22 13:08 | Report Abuse

What is the percentage Malaysians oredi got covid antibodies ?

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2021-07-22 12:00 | Report Abuse

We no blame kyy at all. We all try learn n understand the expert kyy's art of war

in the mkt onli.

News & Blogs

2021-07-22 10:40 | Report Abuse

kyy keeps himself super fit by eating pineapple.

Eat pineapple n U SHALL got long life like him !

Oredi proven beyond reasonable doubt by him !!!

News & Blogs

2021-07-22 10:33 | Report Abuse

kyy is super fit, no need rest or sleep, can esili go battling in the mkt for 15 rounds !

News & Blogs

2021-07-22 10:26 | Report Abuse

Another piece of negative posting from our kyy who is trying his utmost to bring down the mkt for him to buy chip chip shares lah.

His coffer is oredi overflooded, like the flooding in China n Germany, with cash after his recent stock dumping !!!

News & Blogs

2021-07-21 14:13 | Report Abuse

Please maintain your high esteem n no go down to personal attack, please.


News & Blogs

2021-07-21 12:05 | Report Abuse

kyy is displaying some of his masterly strokes to us when battling it out in the mkt to get his loots.

Of course, he will NOT show to us ALL his expert moves when doing so lah !

News & Blogs

2021-07-21 10:45 | Report Abuse

kyy is posting negative news in order to turn us into tikus players ?

News & Blogs

2021-07-21 10:43 | Report Abuse

Dame Sarah Gilbert, May I wish you happiness n long life.

News & Blogs

2021-07-20 17:16 | Report Abuse

kyy is performing his mkt art of war for us to see ?


2021-07-20 16:32 | Report Abuse

Vaccination rate ... not fast enough lah.

Please speed up fastest !
