
akito | Joined since 2013-09-04

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2013-10-19 01:38 | Report Abuse

no adek wahaha , Topglove is always my favourite counter as well as many other traders. There will be support & it will move up & not down but then I may be wrong too. So let's hope.


2013-10-19 01:37 | Report Abuse

next week, hope it start to shoot higher, lol.


2013-10-19 01:35 | Report Abuse

and one more thing anbz, no money don't play shares. you go round hitting members below the belt so as to get a cheap price, too bad indeed. Please abnz, learn to trade like a gentleman.


2013-10-19 01:32 | Report Abuse

As a Malay-sian, I feel ashamed to see a fellow Malay anbz using all dirty tactics to scold members here, what a shame indeed. If anbz wants to buy, then carry at what price your so fancy and not to bring people down. Be good adek anbz.


2013-10-18 18:02 | Report Abuse

last minute someone buy up at a higher price & closing at 1 cents higher, next week new upwards movement.


2013-10-18 13:20 | Report Abuse

should be moving, stagnant for sometime already. Hope it reaches TP of $1.70 & above. Some projects are coming too.


2013-10-18 12:59 | Report Abuse

Still good today, more to come????


2013-10-18 12:58 | Report Abuse

going to goreng, today Cresbld & WB going up & up. Afternoon up some more, watch out for it.


2013-10-18 11:14 | Report Abuse

today profit taking perhaps after rising for a few days, but hold on please as it will go higher.

News & Blogs

2013-10-18 01:33 | Report Abuse

M'sian Shiites taking alleged persecution woes to UN


News & Blogs

2013-10-18 01:29 | Report Abuse

Consumerist: Peninsula Malaysia – Now We Have Halal & Haram Trolleys? What’s Next?

What is next for Peninsula based right wing infested fascist politicians and masquerading NGOs?

Incidentally, these puritans have remained silent on major issues that religion detest – abuse of power, racial profiling, corruption, marginalization of communities, alleged genocide and religious prosecution, of cronyism, nepotism and other misdemeanors that rocks our nation as seen from the yearly Auditor General report!

That is been rather selective – is it not?

And politically expedient?


News & Blogs

2013-10-18 01:23 | Report Abuse

The failure of the BN government to play by the rules of the game and to subscribe to the full tenets and obligations of democracy are other reasons why Malaysians are unhappy. This is because of the curtailment and the curbing of the civil liberties of Malaysians.

Malaysians of this era don’t like a government that does not allow them to think and to express their thoughts and ideas freely. They hate terribly and are very miserable and unhappy that the BN government wants to do the thinking for the people and dictate terms and conditions.

It is a case where the government does not serve the people but the other way round where the people are being forced to serve the government which is a blatant and flagrant violation of our democratic rights causing Malaysia to be viewed in a bad light not just by Malaysians but by the international community as well.

How can Malaysians save the nation?

There is this real dire prospect that in future Malaysia will become a failed state or rogue nation. This is an absolute certainty if Malaysians fail to recognize the signs and symptoms of how ailing the nation has become and take measures to rectify the situation.

There is much redress that needs to take place in this nation. There must be first and foremost firm belief that it is not too late to save Malaysia from becoming a destroyed nation. What is more important is for Malaysians to come together to work for the betterment of the country, to set aside their prejudices and differences, and to make Malaysia a Great Nation.

While it is not too late, in the time ahead, Malaysians have to be prepared to be honest with themselves and put the interests of the nation above self and learn to think firmly and decisively as to what to do about corruption, inept governance and the future shape and direction of this country.

These are not trivial issues but larger-than-life questions and need Malaysians to be open, honest and transparent in laying all the cards on the table to come together to practice democracy in its fullness. This is when the happiness of Malaysians will improve along with the quality of life of the people.

Malaysia will then serve as a true role model of a multi-cultural nation and be the pride and joy of not just Malaysians but the world at large.

Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=176181:un-report-malaysians-are-terribly-unhappy-here-are-some-reasons-why?&Itemid=2#ixzz2i3mPAyG3
Follow us: @MsiaChronicle on Twitter

News & Blogs

2013-10-18 01:23 | Report Abuse

UN Report: Malaysians are TERRIBLY UNHAPPY, here are some reasons why?

Just last week, the second World Happiness Report was published and coincidentally, Malaysia was ranked 56th out of 156 countries that took part in the compilation of the report’s findings. The coincidence is that after 56 years of Independence or “Merdeka” Malaysia ranks so lowly at the 56th spot and the majority of Malaysians are found to be a terribly unhappy and disgruntled lot.

This is not just about any report. It is a document that is endorsed by the United Nations and is a direct result of a 2011 resolution passed by the UN General Assembly that encourages members to measure the happiness of their people and use it to frame public policy.

This certainly means the BN government of Malaysia has its work cut out for them. The fact that poorer and less developed countries fared better than Malaysia such as Trinidad & Tobago and Thailand goes to show that all is not well in the country despite the BN government’s claim to developing the nation.

This really is a damning report and shows very clearly that the misguided way and manner of the BN government’s governance of Malaysia has caused many Malaysia’s to be unhappy and miserable although the wealth created is quite commendable.

This means, while Malaysians are now better off, they are certainly not happy about it. There are a growing number of reasons why Malaysians are unhappy and it looks like if the BN government is to cling on to power they have to start doing some real transformation in the areas of Malaysian life that really count and matter.

Corruption at the root of unhappiness

It is not just the non-bumi’s such as the Chinese and Indians and others that are unhappy in this country but also vast numbers of bumiputras especially Malays despite the BN government’s lop-sided and partisan policies practiced in favor of the Malays.

More and more Malaysians are not buying the bull of the BN government’s affirmation program for bumiputras especially Malays who believe it is really a political ploy by the government to make use of the Malay community, with the non-Malay bumiputras used as a pretext to make the affirmation programs look genuine, but has only benefitted enormously the minority bumiputra elite.

This is the root of the problem of why Malaysians of all walks of life are unhappy and miserable. Be they Malays, Chinese or Indians or Sarawakians and Sabahans or Portugese or aborigines (the “Orang Asli”), Malaysians are feeling hot under the collar and uncomfortable of the BN government’s affirmation programs since 1970.

What is more irksome and annoying to Malaysians is the fact that affirmation programs have all the while failed to work miserably and have only served to fuel corruption in which the bumiputra elite have been the main beneficiaries.

Besides this, government programs and policies are badly managed and expedited, often without consultation or feedback from the ‘rakyat’ in ways by the BN government that is suggestive of autocratic governance in which the wishes and aspirations of the people are not heeded.

This is why in the implementation of government projects and policies there is so much of mismanagement and very often the results desired are not achieved, or if attained, it is really not to the satisfaction and happiness of the ‘rakyat.’

Corruption has seeped and permeated into every sphere of Malaysian life and this is at the root of the unhappiness and misery of Malaysians. This certainly means Malaysia’s BN government might want to sit back and take a good, hard look at the direction it is heading and leading the people towards – more misery and unhappiness.

Several other reasons why Malaysians are unhappy

The numbers of the Malaysian population that are better educated and better informed have risen especially in this New Millennium where education has become an important thrust and focus of the people.

This is another reason contributing to the unhappiness of the people. Being better educated and informed, most Malaysians know the BN government reeks of insincerity and are not genuine in their endeavors to serve the people.

Through the use of social media and what is happening in the real, hard, harsh realities of life, people are able to surmise and infer and get a sniff and whiff of the real reasons behind BN’s political ploys and it this enlightening knowledge of BN that hurts and makes people unhappy.

BN has betrayed the people more and more over the years of its governance through its failure to practice meritocracy, fair play and justice and the people are now becoming aware of this and after 56 years of BN governance being placed 56th of 156 countries shows that the BN government has failed in serving and looking into the actual needs of the people.

The failure of the BN government to play by the rules of the game and to subscribe to the full tenets and obligations of democracy are other reasons why Malaysians are unhappy.

News & Blogs

2013-10-17 17:46 | Report Abuse

Datuk Zaid Ibrahim
Now we have Muslim Judges who are experts in Christian religion and theology. They must have spent sometime in the Vatican

News & Blogs

2013-10-17 17:44 | Report Abuse

Malaysia’s Multiracial Promise Marred by Bigotry and Political Persecution

Race-based incentives, crackdowns on opposition figures, and an exodus of non-Malays: how Malay supremacists are creating a divided and fearful society

Read more: http://world.time.com/2013/09/19/malaysias-multiracial-promise-marred-by-bigotry-and-political-persecution/#ixzz2hs9vQVl4


2013-10-17 17:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by verylovely > Oct 17, 2013 05:22 PM | Report Abuse

Formed a hammer yesterday. MACD should be green started from today. Sign of buying.

...yes indeed.


2013-10-17 17:18 | Report Abuse

Today good performance by RHBCap. Waiting of rit to go to $11 perhaps, coming soon, watch out for it.


2013-10-17 17:17 | Report Abuse

Very Good show today. More to come that's for sure. Tomorrow up some more.

News & Blogs

2013-10-17 17:15 | Report Abuse

As a Malay-sian, I feel ashamed to see so many Malays always want handouts from the UMNNO....ask this & that. But I have so many good Malay friends who really work hard to put food on the table for their family. But I can't say for so many Malays here who seem to enjoy living on handouts, what a real shame indeed. Seems no handouts they cannot survive? lol.


2013-10-17 10:51 | Report Abuse

higher it goes today..going north .


2013-10-17 10:50 | Report Abuse

bounce back some today, more to come???


2013-10-17 00:58 | Report Abuse

more to come today, watch out.up north it goes.


2013-10-16 17:53 | Report Abuse

it will bounce back. just wait.


2013-10-16 17:52 | Report Abuse

up up & away to $11 ???


2013-10-16 11:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by CityTrader > Oct 16, 2013 11:08 AM | Report Abuse

akito,, u are saying i m a stupid trader??

no brother CityTrader but this stupid iafx who said 21 millions share sold, such stupidity from someone who don't know how to read announcements and try to be clever & play smart but in fact the stupidest of the lowest rung of the ladder, haa haa haa


2013-10-16 11:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by JTFX > Oct 16, 2013 11:06 AM | Report Abuse

aiyo, dont know direct n indirect interest?? read today's business times ..also said 7 mio..

yes, brother JTFX, but some people think that they are smart and said 21 milions share, they want to add to the panic and I call them skunks of the highest order and lowest stupidity, haa haa haa


2013-10-16 11:08 | Report Abuse

JTFX, the indirect interest had also to be announced as they are connected in some way but ONLY 1 seller.


2013-10-16 11:06 | Report Abuse

that's why got stupid traders , haa, haa, haa....don't know how to read announcements & trying to play smart & clever, in fact you are stupid, haahaahaa


2013-10-16 11:03 | Report Abuse

adek CityTrader , did OSK & gang sold 7 million or 21 million shares, please as you are the more experieced trader.


2013-10-16 11:00 | Report Abuse

iafx, you are sleeping & not me you stupid, ask around.


2013-10-16 10:59 | Report Abuse

where got 21 million share iafx? only total 7 million shares & others are the same amount as they are indirectly connected and so had to be announced even though they really didn't sell.


2013-10-16 10:52 | Report Abuse

This throwing of 7 million shares by OSK is the oldest trick in the stock market to create fear & panic but if you are to be the wise one and ask yourself as how many percent is OSK throwing, then you will know & understand. Ask yourself why OSK don't sell more than 100 million shares when it is making money? It had already double more than before , so why OSK don't sell 100 million shares & run??????? Why, why, why?????


2013-10-16 10:48 | Report Abuse

ask yourself is the MD Puan Chong & other directors selling ANY share? so from this you can gauge what it will be like for GPacket. Don't play stupid to join the Panic Gang.


2013-10-16 10:46 | Report Abuse

and their shares total about 700 million, so billions $$$ divide by 700 million is how many ringgit per share?


2013-10-16 10:44 | Report Abuse

nikky, why should GPacket go PN17? Their 4G spectrum is worth billions, got it?


2013-10-16 10:41 | Report Abuse

remember there's no smoke without a fire as someone had said before. So the buying of GP by some other bigger telcos is definately on...be patient & wait.


2013-10-16 10:39 | Report Abuse

let common sense prevail


2013-10-16 10:38 | Report Abuse

OSK threw down 7 million shares and you all panic and sell cheaply while they collect. mind you OSK still got more than 120 millions shares, ask yourself why they didn't want to throw 20 or 30or even 100 million shares if they feel GPacket is so bad...but OSK threw only a miserable 7 million shares? Think harder to save your shares, hold & wait, later OSK & gang will goreng when they had collected enough.


2013-10-14 02:13 | Report Abuse

Survey: Execs view Malaysia as highly corrupt

Coming hot on the heels of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s pledge to rid the nation of graft, a survey reveals that more than one in three company executives feel that corruption is not only rampant but on the rise as well in Malaysia.

NONETherefore Malaysia is perceived as the second most corrupt country in the region, after Indonesia
On a positive note, 56 percent of the respondents agreed that the government’s efforts to battle corruption had a significant impact.

The survey by global management consultancy Ernst & Young (EY) garnered the views of 681 executives, senior managers and working level employees from March to May 2013 in Australia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea and Vietnam.

"Thirty-nine percent of respondents say that bribery or corrupt practices happen widely in Malaysia, which is nearly double the Asia-Pacific average of 21 percent," says the survey.

"In addition, 29 percent of respondents say that bribery or corrupt practices have increased due to tough economic times and increased competition, which is the third highest among the countries surveyed."
Among the countries surveyed, only Indonesia scored higher than Malaysia when executives were asked if bribery and corruption occurred widely in the country where they were based. Three in four Indonesians affirmed this.

Taking the easy way out

Malaysia, however, can claim to top the survey on one aspect - taking the easy way out.

When executives were asked if company management were likely to take shortcuts to meet targets when economic times are tough, 54 percent of the respondents said “Yes”, a higher percentage than China (34 percent) and Indonesia (29 percent).

As expected, Malaysians, like most others, do not publicly endorse corruption, with only five percent saying that it is “okay to pay a bribe to win or retain business”.

But neither are they willing to go all out to fight it.

EY noted that Malaysia has the highest whistleblowing schemes in place (77 percent) among the Asia-Pacific markets surveyed, but the measures largely go wasted.

“The top concerns are the lack of independence of the person receiving the complaints and the fear that reporting unethical behaviours would have a negative impact on their career,” EY said.

While some 51 percent of those polled say that internal audit is the best way to proactively detect fraud, only 21 percent of respondents indicate they were confident with the company’s existing measures to detect fraud.

‘The Asia-Pacific Fraud Survey’ is commissioned by EY and carried out by Asia Risk.



2013-10-14 02:10 | Report Abuse

Malaysia one of the most corrupt nations, survey shows

Malaysia has been ranked as one of the most corrupt nations and listed as a country which is most likely to take shortcuts to meet targets when economic times are tough, according to a recent survey by Ernst & Young, signalling that the government's Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) has failed in its role to transform the economy.

Malaysia, along with China, has the highest levels of bribery and corruption anywhere in the world, according to the latest report, Asia-Pacific Fraud Survey Report Series 2013.

This year's survey polled 681 executives in China, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and South Korea.

About half of the 681 executives polled on their perception of fraud felt that China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam were the worst in bribery and corruption.

Those polled were employed at corporations with a turnover in excess of US$500m, ranging from the industrial sector to financial services, retail and natural resources.

"Fraudulent practices are on the rise, and there is a disconnect between the policies that are in place and how they are applied in practice," said Chris Fordham, EY Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services Managing Partner of Asia-Pacific, in the report.

About 39% of respondents said that bribery or corrupt practices happened widely in Malaysia, a figure which is nearly double the Asia-Pacific average of 21%.

In addition, 29% of respondents said that bribery or corrupt practices here have increased due to tough economic times and increased competition, which is the third highest among the countries surveyed.

The report also revealed that respondents felt that while some countries in Asia had strong anti-bribery and corruption policies, they did not work in practice.

Around 40% of respondents said their companies have anti-bribery polices or codes of conduct in place and 35% confirmed that their senior management has communicated its commitment to these principles.

E&Y also found that the risk of fraud, bribery and corruption were greater in growth markets.

"This may be due to a weak control environment that results in policies and procedures being implemented differently from global compliance frameworks.

"Companies operating in local markets may also feel compelled to operate in line with local business culture, resulting in conflicts with global compliance regimes," the report noted.

E&Y found 4% of the respondents "agreed" or "strongly agreed" that it was all right to offer cash payments to win business.

"It should be zero, because companies have a policy of zero tolerance towards bribery," said Torsten Duwenhorst, an E&Y partner.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has staked his premiership on six National Key Result Areas (NKRA), of which “Reducing Corruption” was one of the most important.

Najib and his team have taken great pains to point out to Malaysians and foreigners the “efforts” and “successes” in achieving the key performance indicators (KPIs) of the NKRA.

In 2011, Pemandu boasted that the initiatives taken have shown tremendous results in eradicating corruption.

The government also pointed out that “the effectiveness of the actions taken is being slowly felt and acknowledged by the general public”.


here please..



2013-10-14 02:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by smallikanbilis > Oct 13, 2013 09:21 PM | Report Abuse

MasInvest what is the difference between indirect and direct interest?

The ownership structure looks like this:
Tan Sri Ong Leong Huat -> OSKVI -> OSK Technology Ventures -> GPACKET

OSK Technology Ventures owns GPACKET directly but OSKVI and Tan Sri are just indirectly owning GPACKET. Only OSK Technology Ventures is disposing the share but the same transaction is reported for OSKVI and Tan Sri as well due to their indirect interest.

It is reasonable for OSKVI to reduce their position in GPACKET as it is nearly one third of their portfolio and price has went up a lot.



2013-10-14 01:59 | Report Abuse

anbz, now its year 2013 and why you bring up figures in 2012 other to create panic? 1 year ago someone sell GPacket and you report here again, old stale news lah as we understand more. It's is actually your wickedness & cunningness to create fear and panic among members here. So why you so dirty anbz??????

and here abang MasInvest says this..

Posted by MasInvest > Oct 14, 2013 01:48 AM | Report Abuse

omg anbz... why you so bad....... you melayu got umno adi got najib why jahat lagi :(

....so got it anbz....ASK YOURSELF WHY WHY WHY????????


2013-10-14 01:44 | Report Abuse

anbz , you are the dirtiest trader here in i3investor that I have EVER SEEN when I was a silent reader here. When you have shares in GPacket & you lost so much on contra when you presume you can make a kill, you are frustrated & try to take revenge on the innocent traders here BY TRYING TO COLLECT CHEAPLY. Your excuse is OSK sell.

I have read before too when you have shares in some other counters and when so many directors selling massively everyday you ask members here to buy more and then perhaps YOU SELL at a higher price when members buy higher. Now in these counters where you buy & directors sell plenty OF MILLIONS SHARES DAILT, you ask members to buy because you want to make money. WHY YOU DIDN'T ASK MEMBERS HERE TO SELL AS WELL BECAUSE DIRECTORS SELL??????? In GPacket when a substantial shareholder sell 7 million shares you everyday shouted sell but in some counters that you got shares ^ many directors sell millions everyday, you ask members here TO BUY BUY BUY. WHY WHY WHY??????.....WHY NOT SELL SELL SELL ALSO AS IN GPACKET BUT HERE YOU SAY BUY BUY BUY? WHY WHY WHY ANBZ????????

Now here so many directors sell tens of millions daily but why you ask members here to buy? Now where is your logic but it's your cunningness to make money. So that's why I say you are the dirtiest player here.

Be good anbz, never be cunning to make money as there are other good ways too. Don't try to spread panic here think that you are smart buy so many members here see your tricks very well.Forget it anbz, go get a good life??

News & Blogs

2013-10-13 13:59 | Report Abuse

imoogi99, I presume it's Malaysia Boleh always, lol

News & Blogs

2013-10-13 13:30 | Report Abuse

The question is what is the present government going to do about it?