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182 comment(s). Last comment by necro 2013-11-01 21:02


2,148 posts

Posted by Saturn > 2013-10-25 22:35 | Report Abuse

Or want to get crutches first.....kakakaka

Posted by mamapapasan1975 > 2013-10-25 22:38 | Report Abuse

aku naik menyampah cina2 dapigs..kate org racist..lim kim sial tu bapak racist..kalo x suke dok msia..gi balek tongsan lah sial...kite org pon x heran ngan korang..dorang nie anggap duit tu tuhan org..mak bapak dorang pon kalo bole jual dorang..tu le psl korang tgk umah org tua2...bangsa mane yg ramai????


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-25 22:40 | Report Abuse

I love PM Najib. Thank You PM. Now i abandoned PAS.


10 posts

Posted by BLacKWoLf > 2013-10-25 22:42 | Report Abuse

when the Potuguese came to Melaka, u run n hide n get frightened by the cannons..


2,650 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-10-25 22:42 | Report Abuse

Not scared of communist chinese coming into Malaysia and spread their ideology. Pre election the Chief of police was looking every where for local communist agents in the opposition camps.

Posted by mamapapasan1975 > 2013-10-25 22:45 | Report Abuse

korang tgk lim guan eng aka komunis pegang penang..ape jadi ngan org melayu??? belum perintah msia..anak beranak mcm sial..13mei x kan dah lupe..korang kalo msia perang..bangsa mane yg lari dulu??? dorangkan takut mampus..aku smpi skrg boikot brg cina..x mati nye x beli brg dorang..bumiputra nye produk pon byk..tony pua lagi 1 bangsat..panggil org melayu anjing..dorang nie panggil babi aje..x sedar diri dok msia..org melayu dah byk bertolak ansur..peluang meniaga lagi..patutlah org indonesia..piliphine x suke ngan dorang...


10 posts

Posted by BLacKWoLf > 2013-10-25 22:46 | Report Abuse

when the british came, u call him Tuan, carry his balls n made him Raja ..

Posted by mamapapasan1975 > 2013-10-25 22:47 | Report Abuse

dorang gertak aje berani..paling takut mampus..bangsa dorang nie lah..patut lah org kate dorang nie kalahkan yahudi..


2,148 posts

Posted by Saturn > 2013-10-25 22:48 | Report Abuse

Like i say, stupid ppl start talking stupid ....... Only the fraction align to .....errrr

Posted by mamapapasan1975 > 2013-10-25 22:49 | Report Abuse

si blackwolf name konon..penakut..gertak ckit..dah berterabur..13mei dulu sape yg mulekan..kalo x lim kit sial n the gang..

Posted by mamapapasan1975 > 2013-10-25 22:51 | Report Abuse

lain kali gune name white wolf aje cibai..mcm dorang nie perfect sgt..skrg aku tanye what is with DAPIGS??? bapak racist..


2,148 posts

Posted by Saturn > 2013-10-25 22:52 | Report Abuse

This is what happens when Local uni ranking slip in such a big gap and ppl are brain wash with btn


1,219 posts

Posted by jenabchen123 > 2013-10-25 22:54 | Report Abuse

Habis, orang gila sudah cakap, or orang tua sudah nyanyukkk mumbling. Boleh pakai ka? Peaceee! No religion here..... huuu then also no race talking here lah. Talk money saja lah!!!!!


2,148 posts

Posted by Saturn > 2013-10-25 22:57 | Report Abuse

Jenabchen.....dancing round the tree again......carefull the coconut or durian might drop on head


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-25 22:57 | Report Abuse

alenac. Communist Chinese from china do nothing to out Sultan. Why should Malaysia scared china spread ideology here. Those that Malaysian govt againt is Communist in Malaysia or one time they called it Tanah Melayu. This Communist against all Sultan at Tanah Melayu at that time and this is why our govt reluctant to accept anything related to communist in Tanah Melayu / Malaysia. Because now those sultan already in rotation and selected as Agong the highest and top hierarchy in Malaysian Modern history. Even this sultan & Agong are remember what communist has done to them. Even Sultan of Selangor one of the state hold by Opposition already said that Jangan Bawa Abu atau Jenazah Penganas Komunis Ini menjejaki bumi selangor. That what sultan said in front of Army & Police in Army Open Day. And Agong is Ketua turus angkatan tentera dan polis. If you again this means you are again yang dipertuan agong. and army and police will act accordingly. That why the think never reach Malaysia. Even PR leader at Selangor all tutup mulut after listen to what Sultan of selangor said.


4,726 posts

Posted by necro > 2013-10-25 23:01 | Report Abuse

Wat anbz was rite....
I have read wat was wrote on STPM history book...

not an umno nor pas nor pkr supporter...but i can't stand people kutuk org melayu sini sana...hari bingo and gangs kutuk melayu mat rempitlah...panjat pokok kelapalah..kalau berani sila cakap depan2 ..and we'll see what will happen

jangan tunjuk samseng...u org cuma jadi samseng pasal nak wang mudah saja...lu tengok sejarahlah...dengan mongolia takut sampai buat benteng beribu kilometer,sipa kalah lagi, dengan arab bayar ufti pasal tak sanggup masuk islam dan takut mati, dengan jepun kena buli, dengan korea tak dapat nak ambik, dgn manchuria kalah teruk, dgn france/england/amerika/portugal kena buli...cerita kung fu , wushu je terbang2 , reality..historically we all have seen..tak berani mati kerana kebenaran...asal usul buat kongsi gelap pun dulu pasal takut kena buli dengan feudal dan pembesar2/manchu..."takut"

sejarah tak boleh tipu....tengok apa dah jadi? penyakit racist pun dah menular pada gua...so don't be racist...if u do ...people around u including me will be against u...just as racist as u...so better stop lah

sorry for my words...i just can't help it


804 posts

Posted by saufi74 > 2013-10-25 23:02 | Report Abuse

relax guys...dont argue..we live in here harmony..dont fight..we want to make money here..cheers..


2,650 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-10-25 23:04 | Report Abuse

The communist china was financially and ideologically supporting chin peng all along his fight for years. There was even a radio station transmmiting from china to malaysia. Most of the malays communist leaders and including chin peng were staying in china off and on, perhaps for ideological indoctrination.


804 posts

Posted by saufi74 > 2013-10-25 23:09 | Report Abuse

bro blackwolf...be careful what u said..some of ur words quite sensitive..


4,726 posts

Posted by necro > 2013-10-25 23:11 | Report Abuse

As Malay member we were being by those post that kutuk2 Malay ppl...
Why juz this forum cannot be investment or trading forum why muz bcome political blog?...
Why u can slam our race then we cant slam your back?...same2 slam barulah adil kan,thought "u" defending equality n justice?...

Takkan nk jd katak hijau senyap jer Melayu kena slam...

In history it wrote that Japanese,Russian n Mongolia rams Mainland although "u" were the 1 who create PAINTING BRUSH,TEACHING GERMAN BARBARIAN how to wear baju n create university system...

But history never lie and as im concern there is no linked connection between Myamar kacuk dgn India jadi Melayu....as there is scientific research shows DNAs linkage from both races...

Plus not my races supply cement n bricks that cause Highland Tower Tragedy...


804 posts

Posted by saufi74 > 2013-10-25 23:12 | Report Abuse

blackwolf..we r here to make money..sounds like u also childish..so stop argue..life goes on..


4,039 posts

Posted by FreeThink > 2013-10-25 23:19 | Report Abuse

anbz, you see...you are the 1 started all this again! u happy with this?


4,726 posts

Posted by necro > 2013-10-25 23:22 | Report Abuse

Dah la izoklse jgn dilayan blackwolf(suppose be puppy oni not wolf)...

Blackwolf=bingo=jango=last2 bigau!...

Biarlah dia dlm kemacaianya!...

Cai cai...

Dah la fail Sejarah buta hati terima sejarah pulak tu...kami tak cipta meriam tp kami tetap berani lawan portugis,belanda n ingeris walaupon dgn keris...
Kami tak bina tembok seperti Greatwall China tapi akhirnya roboh jua dirempuh kaum Tartar Mongolia Altantuya...
Kami takda kungfu terbang2 n ada kuasa sakti cakaran HIDDEN DRAGON CROUCHING TIGER tapi kalah jua pada Jepun si Pendek Asia...
Kami tak main2 lawan Jepun secara gerila(penakut taktik) tp kami lawan depan2 bersama Nepal dan Singh...

Jangan kutuk kami kelak kami bahan kamu sehabisnya!...


4,726 posts

Posted by necro > 2013-10-25 23:24 | Report Abuse



135 posts

Posted by gkheng > 2013-10-25 23:25 | Report Abuse

"jangan tunjuk samseng...u org cuma jadi samseng pasal nak wang mudah saja...lu tengok sejarahlah...dengan mongolia takut sampai buat benteng beribu kilometer,sipa kalah lagi, dengan arab bayar ufti pasal tak sanggup masuk islam dan takut mati, dengan jepun kena buli, dengan korea tak dapat nak ambik, dgn manchuria kalah teruk, dgn france/england/amerika/portugal kena buli...cerita kung fu , wushu je terbang2 , reality..historically we all have seen..tak berani mati kerana kebenaran...asal usul buat kongsi gelap pun dulu pasal takut kena buli dengan feudal dan pembesar2/manchu..."takut" " wat ur race contribute to world? tada. nil, hahah
ur history? tada, nil, just hide here n there. tamadun ixlam? joke. race with no root.


804 posts

Posted by saufi74 > 2013-10-25 23:25 | Report Abuse

rupanye blacwolf nie bingo...patutlah words same aje..respek ngan necro n izoklse..peace bro..


135 posts

Posted by gkheng > 2013-10-25 23:26 | Report Abuse

ur race dun even know how to build town/city, let alone Great wall.


135 posts

Posted by gkheng > 2013-10-25 23:27 | Report Abuse

"Kami tak main2 lawan Jepun secara gerila(penakut taktik) tp kami lawan depan2 bersama Nepal dan Singh... "
haahha, ur just jap sucker. the whole world know it.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2013-10-25 23:28 | Report Abuse

the one posted this article is Tan KW. He always posted a lot of article. what i can see with this person is that he will post article and let people comment it. But cant see he replying anything to all those comment people made here. Is it purposely put it here by Red Bean Army im not sure. But it look like it. people will get fight each other and hatred evolve to one another or purposely to discredit the govt. This is also the characteristic of Red Bean Army. and the person might have more then one id. may be he or she also commented here but using different id who knows.


4,039 posts

Posted by FreeThink > 2013-10-25 23:40 | Report Abuse

as i said, only those with multiple id will assume others doing the same


778 posts

Posted by zamsaham > 2013-10-25 23:53 | Report Abuse

Japan never lose to MALAYA but gave up/surrender lepas di bom di Hiroshima & Nagasaki.

Posted by limkitsiang > 2013-10-26 16:54 | Report Abuse

ada sebab...why anbz poseted what is posted in gpacket room...bingo alias free thinker alias akito alias masinvest and now alias Blackwolf...use words to degrade malays and muslims...beside bingo style..using 'anjing' words to slam him
so balas mesti balas...like he said

i'm a chinese...but what i see in here is...my fellow chinese are provocative...and this thread is started by a chinese...what a shame

please all chinese....

If not for umno...we will not be born here

umno has not enough patience to wait for tanah melayu freedom

if umno just have the patience to wait for few more years...we the

chinese..our ancestors will not be the citizen of this beloved country


one of the condition given by british to umno for merdeka is dasar jus soli...

that is any chinese or indian born here will be accepted as citizen


that's is one way for the british to protect its economic possession in

tanah melayu...from iron , tin to rubber industries which relied mostly to

indians and chinese immigrants

so think back...this umno u don't like decide to accept what british has

proposed...what a fate

and most malay people didn't ever point fingers to umno regarding this...the

malays accept us...so why fight?

someone who already has the 'hak-hak keistimewaan' since before

merdeka....why do u all think they will let it go..by provocating?
if the chinese are the one with this hak (although u feel that's not

justice) ..would we as chinese let it go??? u think so?
one proof that bingo is blackwolf is :
posted by :BLacKWoLf I am not bingo,jango whatever,i hv not come to this forum for a long time ,just check in again tonite n saw anzb's post, whc started all this..
no one ever in here calling him jango...now he mentioning it himself...that was his 2nd name in amedia room...lol


4,039 posts

Posted by FreeThink > 2013-10-26 18:44 | Report Abuse

limkitsiang aka anbz...funny funny funny...what make you keep changing id to comment on sensitive issue other than promoting rubbish PW and Nova? And what is inside your tiny head made you think that I were 1 of those ID u mentioned (akito, bingo, masinvest...)?

Posted by limkitsiang > 2013-10-26 18:56 | Report Abuse

when did i promote nova? u gila kah?

Ooi Teik Bee

11,478 posts

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > 2013-10-26 19:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > Oct 25, 2013 09:15 PM | Report Abuse X

A loyal and good member will not run down the party. Only a traitor will do it.
Thank you.

Ans : I just cannot understand why anbz called me a racist because of my aforesaid posting.
To me, any political frog jumps party or any one who was not elected in an election, run down his party IRRESPECTIVE OF RACE, he is a traitor to the party. A good and loyal party member will not run down his party if he failed to be elected in any party election. I did not mention any race, I only quoted that person. Am I a racist ? Please judge yourself. I want to avoid get caught in this dispute.
Thank you.


5,163 posts

Posted by anbz > 2013-10-27 00:55 | Report Abuse

OTB i apologize
yet ...may be someone who are not a racist..can still make a statement similar to a racist statement
and sorry if i make a conclusion from 2 premises which are

1. your statement
2. related issues to the statement

then i make a conclusion ...this is what we learn in one branch of mathematics...which is mathematical reasoning (logik dan mantik)
2nd...traitor has 2 meanings

1. someone who has turn his back (quite general)
2. someone who has turn his back...and we don't like him (by perspective)


111 posts

Posted by fireball > 2013-10-28 00:22 | Report Abuse

ANBZ, after u accuse OTB as a racist and condemn his ancestors via ur commentary of China's history,, u want to apologise?? we know wot u wrote here..
Posted by ANBZ_so now OTB want to get involved in politics? want to accuse this person is traitor...and some more?...just please cut the craps...don't talk about politic anymore...ini forum shouldn't be here
please lah otb...u are chinese...i'm a malay...so let us refrain oirselves from talking politics and stop expressing sides we choose...just keep it to ourself

i'm not an umno nor pas nor pkr supporter...but i can't stand people kutuk org melayu sini sana...hari bingo and gangs kutuk melayu mat rempitlah...panjat pokok kelapalah..kalau berani sila cakap depan2 ..and we'll see what will happen

jangan tunjuk samseng...u org cuma jadi samseng pasal nak wang mudah saja...lu tengok sejarahlah...dengan mongolia takut sampai buat benteng beribu kilometer,sipa kalah lagi, dengan arab bayar ufti pasal tak sanggup masuk islam dan takut mati, dengan jepun kena buli, dengan korea tak dapat nak ambik, dgn manchuria kalah teruk, dgn france/england/amerika/portugal kena buli...cerita kung fu , wushu je terbang2 , reality..historically we all have seen..tak berani mati kerana kebenaran...asal usul buat kongsi gelap pun dulu pasal takut kena buli dengan feudal dan pembesar2/manchu..."takut"

sejarah tak boleh tipu....tengok apa dah jadi? penyakit racist pun dah menular pada gua...so don't be racist...if u do ...people around u including me will be against u...just as racist as u...so better stop lah


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-28 00:32 | Report Abuse

Amalan rasuah begitu berleluasa di peringkat tertinggi dan melibatkan jumlah wang yang banyak. Akhirnya, rakyat yamg terpaksa menanggung beban. - Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-28 00:55 | Report Abuse

Pemansuhan subsidi gula... Siapa yang untung..? Saja nak tanya..



566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-28 00:57 | Report Abuse

Masihkah anda ingat lagu ini?

Madu ditangan kananmu (Pakatan), RACUN ditangan kirimu (BN)...


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-28 01:03 | Report Abuse

Dgn GST, bila keborosan & rasuah tidak dibaiki, dgn mudah BN akn naikkan kadar GST dr setahun ke sethn. 2015 6%, menjelang 2020 dh 10%


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-28 01:05 | Report Abuse

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak mempertahankan langkah kerajaan memansuhkan subsidi gula berkuatkuasa hari ini, dengan mengingatkan bahawa pengambilan gula yang berlebihan boleh menjejaskan kehidupan seks seseorang.lol


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-28 01:10 | Report Abuse

Belanjawan orang kaya, yang miskin papa kedana

Pelaksanaan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST) seperti yang diumumkan Dato' Sri Najib Tun Razak dalam ucapan belanjawannya di Parlimen hari ini adalah satu tamparan hebat kepada golongan miskin dan berpendapatan rendah.

Malah, bermula pada kadar 6%, adalah sangat melampau. Perbandingan pelaksanaan GST yang dilaksanakan di Singapura pada kadar 7% sekarang ini juga adalah cubaan mengelirukan rakyat kerana ia mula diperkenalkan pada tahun 1994 dengan kadar hanya 3%, sejak 13 tahun yang lalu.
Dalam apa keadaan pun, membuat perbandingan dengan negara seperti Singapura dan negara-negara Eropah adalah sia - sia disebabkan tahap urus tadbir yang baik jauh lebih tinggi di negara - negara tersebut.
Bagi rakyat Malaysia, kos sara hidup sudah cukup membebankan tanpa GST. Dengan adanya cukai ini, beban yang lebih berat akan menimpa golongan miskin memandangkan mereka hampir tidak ada pilihan lain selain membelanjakan juga sebahagian besar daripada pendapatan boleh guna (disposable income) yang ada.

Hujah Najib bahawa GST akan menyebabkan kos barangan dan perkhidmatan semakin berkurang adalah bohong dan sekali lagi cuba mengelirukan rakyat.

Majoriti rakyat tidak akan dapat memanfaatkan GST dengan penjimatan ataupun pelaburan seperti golongan kaya dan berpendapatan tinggi. Ini akan mewujudkan jurang yang lebih nyata dan menyebabkan ketidakadilan sosial yang lebih berpanjangan.

Jika belanjawan tahun lalu adalah belanjawan rakyat disebabkan pilihanraya bulan Mei lalu, maka yang ini merupakan belanjawan orang kaya kerana kerajaan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional merasakan ia sudah tidak lagi terhutang budi kepada rakyat.

Mereka lewatkan GST kerana mereka tahu rakyat akan membantah dan kini selepas pilihan raya mereka melaksanakannya. Maka Belanjawan 2014 ini hanya akan melebarkan kesenjangan ekonomi rakyat. Jurang kaya - miskin, gini - coefficient rakyat akan terus meluas.

Selain itu, saya meramalkan tekanan inflasi yang bakal menimbun serta kos sara hidup yang kian meningkat.

Dorongan untuk memacu sektor pelancongan, dengan membina lebih banyak hotel bertaraf lima bintang dan bersaing dengan dunia untuk memiliki bandar terhebat tidak memberi kelebihan dan kemakmuran kepada rakyat.

Di mana usaha Kerajaan untuk merendahkan kos pengangkutan atau memperbaiki pengangkutan awam ? Tidak ada disebut tentang perumahan mampu milik. Malah program kesihatan rakyat terus diabaikan.

Meskipun peruntukan yang diumumkan amat substansial, namun yang masih menjadi permasalahan adalah pengagihan dan penggunaan dana tersebut. Perbelanjaan negara tahun lalu tentang latihan Bahasa Inggeris sahaja sudah cukup menjadi contoh bagaimana pembaziran berlaku.

Dana keusahawanan melalui pinjaman mudah bagi mengurangkan pengangguran di kalangan graduan hanya akan menjurus kepada nilai hutang yang semakin memuncak. Apa yang diperlukan oleh graduan - graduan ini adalah kemahiran'soft skill' dan lebih banyak latihan kemahiran dan teknikal untuk meningkatkan kebolehan mereka diambil bekerja, bukan hutang yang lebih banyak. Cadangan untuk memberi dana kepada pelajar lepasan SPM untuk latihan kemahiran adalah baik dari segi prinsip, akan tetapi yang lebih signifikan adalah soal pelaksanaan serta pengkhususan di lapangan.

Kita semua setuju bahawa defisit belanjawan mesti dikurangkan, tetapi memeras lebih banyak wang daripada rakyat bukanlah caranya. Masalah asas adalah soal ketirisan, pembaziran dan rasuah. Dengan menangani masalah ini secara tidak komprehensif, kita tidak akan mampu untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang tidak akan berkesudahan. Masalah ini tidak mampu diselesaikan dengan hanya mengutip cukai sebanyaknya.



566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-28 01:22 | Report Abuse

RM12 bilion duit PKFZ hilang kita diamkan, mahkamah pun kata tiada yg curi. Kita ubat hati rakyat dgn bagi BRIM.



566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-28 01:25 | Report Abuse

Beli beras tak ada GST. Beli gula, garam dan tepung pun tak ada GST. Tapi kuih-muih yang dihasilkan daripada beras, garam, gula dan tepung akan ada GST.


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-28 01:31 | Report Abuse

Apa beza antara Umno dengan MCA ..? Saja nak tanya...


566 posts

Posted by akito > 2013-10-28 01:37 | Report Abuse

Masihkah anda ingat lagu ini?

Madu ditangan kananmu (Pakatan), RACUN ditangan kirimu (BN)..


4,726 posts

Posted by necro > 2013-11-01 21:02 | Report Abuse


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