
alien79 | Joined since 2013-06-05

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2013-08-21 14:09 | Report Abuse

tis room is becoming more and more crowded with unnecessary remarks and comments.........=.="
but to think again.......tis room have been bombarded by BullBear everyday to make it crowded.....!!! lol


2013-08-20 17:24 | Report Abuse

IF he know how to get the facts straight, then he won't be spamming here all the time without even considering others opinions/ideas....=.="

even today KLSE fall is caused by AA, or only affect AA......

AA hedge fuel.....also kena BBQ........did not hedge fuel also kena BBQ......with BB managing skills and wonder MAS so sucks....!!!?? lol


2013-08-20 15:48 | Report Abuse

"Remember folks, never invest in a business you cannot understand." very very agree......!!!

and BullBear......which part of it u dun understand ?? lol


2013-08-19 21:03 | Report Abuse

BB......please tell that to the investors of Malindo also.....cos I think they will be more affected by all ur repeated news.......:)


2013-08-19 16:58 | Report Abuse

MAS game over for now.....Najib words sure will send it downwards tomorrow.....:(


2013-08-19 10:50 | Report Abuse

lari liao.......get some fat ang pau.....!!!! :P


2013-08-19 10:45 | Report Abuse

hopefully BullBear strategies work in reducing/holding the price now while I get some profit from other counters..........then I can have more capital to buy AA more while it stay at this level....!!! :)


2013-08-17 19:35 | Report Abuse

price increase in fuel cost and rise in US dollar against RM only affect other words, only AA will be casualty if the world markets crumble.......agree with what I say ??


2013-08-16 16:47 | Report Abuse

stressful cos the IDIOT never understand.......!!! lol


2013-08-16 16:40 | Report Abuse

stressful talking to idiots......=.="


2013-08-16 16:36 | Report Abuse

hmm.......the average fair price (if calculate from the price BullBear given) is RM 3.598........not bad not bad...still got upside....!! lol


2013-08-16 09:35 | Report Abuse

wasting the whole life just to go against a giant.....?? not worth it la....there's still a lot of things for u to discover in this world.....due to 1 hatred, u missed out so many wonderful things......duh....

like the chinese proverb, "dun cut down the whole forest just because of 1 tree"


2013-08-16 09:18 | Report Abuse

BullBear.....what happen when Malindo cancelled flight? dun be so bias in ur reporting...

I think most people here ored know u work for Malindo.....I think u have failed ur mission.....=.="


2013-08-16 09:15 | Report Abuse

yes kakashi.........I admit I kena burn by tis counter.....I still holding the shares.....IF u think u are smarter and have better luck than majority of people here......good luck to u.....

I won't be any "sour grape" if u make money from this counter.....just "good luck" to u if u intend to join in.....:)


2013-08-15 22:16 | Report Abuse

they will surely request for IPO soon....they sure can't cope with the loss making business for long with their own money.....then sure BullBear can subscribe to their IPO ??

In business, PROFIT is the most matter how u do it, as long as u register profit continuously year after year, nothing else is important..... :)


2013-08-15 21:58 | Report Abuse

INGENCO = nothing to say...

for those who intend to jump in.......go pray hard hard that u will not join us to become shark food......

IF u intend to look for some "leng kam" here about when to buy INGENCO, majority ( although not 100%, but I'm pretty sure got 99%) of people here will tell u.....GO BUY OTHER STOCKS.....!!!!!! NEVER EVER TOUCH INGENCO cos u never know when u will be the next shark food....=.="


2013-08-15 21:35 | Report Abuse

everything that BullBear posted, I mean the difficulties, trouble, and risks in running the AIRLINE business(which BB mention it like it only happen to AA) ALSO happen to Malindo.........BUT.....!!! why those "risks" will cause only AA to fall (according to BB) and YET, those same "risks" becoming a opportunities to Malindo ?? (according to BB also)

BullBear.........u are OBVIOUSLY a cyber troopers employed by Malindo.......!? lol

when people mentioning debts.......I can only see debts IF the returns CANNOT overtake the debts payment......any business which have returns that can simply pay the debt installment while registering PROFITS is a healthy company....


2013-08-14 17:18 | Report Abuse

in tis room proves to the saying "there's always a mountain that is higher"......

BullBear, dun think that only u know how to dig out


2013-08-14 15:25 | Report Abuse

"AirAsia Bhd’s initial public offering (IPO) in Indonesia has been delayed to the fourth quarter of this year or the first quarter of next year, group chief executive officer Tony Fernandes said today.

“The IPO is still in the process of getting all the regulatory approvals and getting the book right and this is taking a bit of time,” he told reporters after being interviewed by Business FM radio in Kuala Lumpur.

The IPO was originally planned for the third quarter of this year.

Fernandes said the delay was not because of the current market condition in Indonesia. "

stop making a JOKE out of urself. and please stop making TWISTING facts...


2013-08-14 11:00 | Report Abuse

here the nonsense BullBear comes again......since u hate AA so much....just shut up and get on with ur life.......there's a hell lot of counters out there in KLSE for u to buy......or u can go ask Malindo to IPO for u.........?


2013-08-14 10:45 | Report Abuse

so ?? EX-AA staff good or not?? lol


2013-08-14 09:35 | Report Abuse

IF u haven't get on the bus, better don't.....NEVER EVER TOUCH tis company shares no matter how well u see the chart cos they always CHEAT u on the chart...!! lol
and advisable to those who stuck in INGENCO to get off the bus once u recover some of the loses.......purely nonsense company............


2013-08-14 09:28 | Report Abuse

what HJey say is long as the business is still making money, that business is good to keep.....IF I sense the business is sunsetting, then I will be glad to jump out from the BUS/PLANE.....but for now, AA is yet to walking down the sunset path...they are moving to become stronger and stronger....

IF u have a sense in business (even tiny bit of it), then u will realize the way they expand their business, will eventually make their company to become more solid while spreading their net on profit income on other related business...


2013-08-13 21:17 | Report Abuse

IF govt really have intention to sell off MAS, any price now is a good buy.......the only way to SAVE MAS is to SELL MAS.... :)


2013-08-13 21:07 | Report Abuse

a good sign to buy now.......IF govt really wish to sell off MAS...then it's time for BUY........:)


2013-08-12 13:53 | Report Abuse

wow.....BullBear....!!! please tell me which company which makes profit "increase" quarters after quarters and year after year ?? even a slight "FALL IN PROFIT" on 1 quarter, already make u sweats so much ?

please go read " HOW TO RUN A BUSINESS FOR DUMMIES" =.="


2013-08-12 10:17 | Report Abuse

wow........going smarter by putting "AA GROUP" as a header.....!! but u still sucks BullBear.......!!!


2013-08-08 22:59 | Report Abuse

Hafiz.....I'm not even worried by Malindo threat cos i believe it won't go far with these conditions they are in.......Listed or not, they(Malindo) are still a competitor for AA.....just sharing my thought only.....:)


2013-08-08 22:54 | Report Abuse

and very agree with HLX4U, in airline business, u either go service fledge or budget......a HYBRID model or something in between will not work.......there are 2 type of customer in airline users......either they are into comfort + service (and they dun mind paying pricey tickets) or budget conscience (those who just want cheaper tickets).


2013-08-08 22:36 | Report Abuse

on why Malindo will not work.

1. from the moment they announce the Malindo set up, they have set up the target of challenging AA with cheaper fare and extra service with much more goodies (eg. free meal + free luggage). how do they make money if everything is free and cheap ?

2. If Malindo keep challenging AA on air fare and promotions, who do u think will suffer in the long run ? AA can afford to post lower profits for few quarters, but can Malindo continue to operate if they register loss for few quarters ? no matter how deep ur pocket is, business is business, nobody would like to throw money into deep sea without good returns.

3. with their BIG ambitions, they have projected their fast growth within months of operations. But from what we know, they can't even cope with the basic requirement in operating Malindo ( ie. online booking, flight schedule). with such problems in Malindo, they will lose many frequent travelers due to in-confidence and unreliability of the overall system and thus losing long term business......

from what I see, Malindo operates similar to FIREFLY and I think will end up like FIREFLY also........

conclusion is.....Malindo might/will dent AA profits by small margin in short term, but in longer term, Malindo itself will suffer......just my thought.......:)


2013-08-08 14:08 | Report Abuse

knight1.....most of the time, the stock goes down by 8-10%.....then, b4 u know goes up 20%.........=.="

I think if u dun have confidence on the target stock, then just dun buy.....

on the other hand, If u have a confident with all ur research and understanding that the target stocks might move higher in future, then BUY and keep it until it reaches ur target price......tis is my strategy.......:P


2013-08-08 11:44 | Report Abuse

to cut the story short......Malindo business model will not work and will not pose a challenge to AirAsia......from the moment they lay out their business model b4 they take off........I ored see their failure coming..........


2013-08-07 21:15 | Report Abuse

why are we (most of the people in this room) always trying to explain and teach BullBear a lesson which he never wish to learn ?

please grow up BullBear......!!


2013-08-07 12:47 | Report Abuse

BullBear.....stop making a joke out of urself......


2013-08-06 21:31 | Report Abuse

He(BullBear) is definitely a nonsense.........a person who never/dun intend to understand business.........


2013-08-06 21:28 | Report Abuse

KC Loh.........tis acquisition of shares by EPF and wellington will not be post by BullBear......tomorrow u will see him posting EPF disposing 1M shares......but EPF buying 5M shares will never get


2013-08-06 14:33 | Report Abuse

where is ur posting when they buying?? BullBear,u are showing ur stupidity for everyone to see.......true when u said tat "never fall in love with the stocks"........but please...there's 1 more thing to add...."NEVER HATE THE STOCK FOREVER"


2013-08-06 13:14 | Report Abuse

"We regret to inform you that our ticketing system is currently unavailable until further notice. We apologize for this inconvenience caused.
Thank You" Malindo 06/08/13

there u go system also to do business ?


2013-08-06 12:14 | Report Abuse

I'm so dumbstruck by BullBear latest comment about leasing of Aircraft......!!!!!

BullBear.....!!! are u telling all the AA child company to lease aircraft from other sources other than the mother company?? DO U HAVE ANY IDEA HOW TO REALLY RUN A BUSINESS ??

u din know tat 1 company buying in bulk from 1 source is WAY CHEAPER than multiple company buying from 1 source with less volume......!?

with all the cost saved, the mother company can lease the aircraft to child company with cheaper cost while SAVING MORE on spare parts and maintenance. Tis is common practice in all BIG CORPORATE "PRIVATE" company......

on why I say "private" company is tat I see many Malaysia GLC does not share the same "strategy"...therefore, we can hear and read bout "HIGH COST" and "POSTING LOSSES TO BUSINESS" year on year...

when AA does sign the agreement with MAS on such cooperation which will benefits both company, there are a lot of resistance (I suspect BullBear is 1 of it) to those share swap deal.....and we can see MAS is paying a hell lot for maintenance, parts, cost year after year, which any increase of LOAD for MAS doesn't mean they have generate increase in profit....

BullBear.......please dun make ur self a laughing stock if u really a RAW in business sense.......


2013-08-06 09:17 | Report Abuse

he's either betting heavily......or he got a plan to revive (make a huge profit in short term) it.......but my inner feeling just told me he just


2013-08-05 23:04 | Report Abuse

but i only buy some.....not much......just for luck only....


2013-08-05 23:03 | Report Abuse

yea daniel.....i bought some just for

normally tis type of company, percentage of winning is big(if got many rumours flowing)......but percentage of losing is still there


2013-08-05 20:44 | Report Abuse

BullBear might think AA is worth only 10 sens.......while MAS is worth more than RM 4 for now.....!!!! lol


2013-08-05 20:43 | Report Abuse

true.......buying AAX is for long term gain......


2013-08-05 17:38 | Report Abuse

for those who already owned AAX shares, short to mid term will not give u any/much rewards......for AAX to register healthy profit, I think it need at least 3 prepared to hold for at least 2 -3 years if u can wait......=.="


2013-08-05 17:27 | Report Abuse

yea...AA is think ice......check out CIMB and RHB research house....both were bullish about bout AA ?? I think the most people in this forum know how well AA performed....the only people who always hate AA is matter it has positive look or negative look, BullBear always magnified it as VERY VERY NEGATIVE look......=.="


2013-08-05 15:06 | Report Abuse

I really hope BullBear can help PULL DOWN the AA share price with his SPAMMING........!! then I will be happy to buy cheaper...!! lol


2013-08-04 19:52 | Report Abuse

AAX "might" fall below RM 1.....but I tell u.....if it really does(without any bad news on AAX) I will happily collect it at any price below RM 1 and be "VERY" sure of the big gains in long term.....:)


2013-08-04 19:49 | Report Abuse

if AAX fall below RM 1......then no need think...just buy.....the way Tony built his business empire will make sure all his affiliates company are guaranteed growth business over years...for those who still can't understand what and how TF is doing his business and his future planning....then u won't see any good future TF are trying to show the world......:)


2013-08-04 19:38 | Report Abuse

if delisted.....i lost my
but if suddenly got blow cold......sure