
apanama | Joined since 2015-08-03

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2015-12-04 09:41 | Report Abuse

later suddenly all FBMKLCI counter GREEN..:)


2015-12-04 09:40 | Report Abuse

i just tengok all my long long counter one by one run..today Green Packet...hehe...last few days MAA...before that SIGGAS...heheheeh...yg tak pecut pecut...LB Aluminium..perhaps soon..huhuhuhu


2015-12-04 09:38 | Report Abuse

Lim ..what i mean.someone is Q for 0.12...just splash few second..hahahahah...shy shy cat..:)


2015-12-04 09:37 | Report Abuse

Main Besar...haahha...aku lama tak main besar..haahahah..kidding..:)

dont worry la..it will cross 1688...just wait and see...


2015-12-04 09:15 | Report Abuse

u can see already Q at C22 at 0.12..once this C22 break 0.12..then something already on upside..


2015-12-04 09:11 | Report Abuse

I think today FKLI DEC will test 1677


2015-12-04 09:10 | Report Abuse

i mimpi u semalam Taiping Bear..haaahahaah...seriously wondering where u about..haaah...:)


2015-12-04 07:51 | Report Abuse

one thing for sure KNM PERISAI SKPETRO and even PDZ SUMATEC should conquer the top 10..hehhhe...today


2015-12-04 07:49 | Report Abuse

Good morning people..the most exciting day has come...will Bursa Malaysia do his MAGIC with the true value of MYR that will emerge to break RM 4.20 to even RM 4.00..thats time will tell..whatever it is..MYR should down further to reflect its true value which will help the real business people outthere and his n her employees to survive instead of few bunch of speculators at financial markets...i cant imagine if today BNM step up together with Templeton and other foreign supporters to crystallize the MYR which eventually will uplift Bursa to 1688 1696 1708



2015-12-04 03:59 | Report Abuse

For banking..Pak Man Bank should trade higher and being accumulated because it will be another China Play..hehehe..these can help FBMKLCI too...of course Mr Lim favourite Genting too n don't forget ASTRO Anandha hehehe..therefore BUY N BUY N BUY


2015-12-04 03:57 | Report Abuse

Oh ya don't forget our TNB OR TENAGA...it should fly because 1MDB is considered done deal n cerita basi. We should move on as China Nuclear is already bought it. Thus its not a factor anymore for TENAGA therefore this TENAGA should bertenaga too


2015-12-04 03:51 | Report Abuse

Perhaps this is the time FBMKLCI with SKPETRO N ALL THE OIL N GAS STOCKS will show their true colors by strong movement on Friday n together Malakoff n all plantation stocks like KLK SIME IOI to boost the FBMKLCI to 1688 instead 1666 even though DJIA is being hammered by 255 points. I x see why must DJIA dictate FBMKLCI this time because the DXY INDEX is purely shown now DOLLAR IS GETTING WEAKER which definitely improve our MYR position which the real value of MYR ITSELF stand at 3.70-3.85.

I am still positive about Malaysia market due to the followings reasons:

1. Political crisis is being avoided by UMNO whereby Najib is successfully galvanise his power within UMNO together with Ahmad Zahid.

2. Dollar softening

3. Saudis will finally cut its production because they knows USA technology n other shale oil producers are more systematic n discipline which if they fight they will loss a lot at the end which will give them more headache to maintain their national budget. At the end USA is their ally. :)

Last but not least.. Malaysia is Boleh Land..hehe


2015-12-04 01:01 | Report Abuse


As predicted by me. Its happening. Therefore this should be next catalyst that market should look n react positively because the significance impact on MYR/USD relationship which finally will show the real value of MYR . If market do not break 1688 and even higher with MYR should be traded less than MYR 4.15 TOMORROW FRIDAY ONWARDS..I x know what to say other than to curse all the speculators to be burnt in hell..market should break 1688 n onwards with MYR 4.15 N BELOW


2015-12-03 21:17 | Report Abuse



2015-12-03 19:34 | Report Abuse

There was article published at MarketWatch.com this guy said its already factored in...in fact market will rally


2015-12-03 18:31 | Report Abuse

Apa apapun 1688 pasti tercapai


2015-12-03 18:30 | Report Abuse

Silap yesterday DJIA 17730 CLOSING..:)


2015-12-03 18:30 | Report Abuse

Hopefully dengan berkat mlm jumaat..DOW JONES NANTI TUTUP 17900 ABOVE..n if MY THEORY IS RIGHT LIKE TODAY CLOSING FBMKLCI 1673 was actually followed yesterday DOW JONES CLOSING 17630 hehe .therefore..hopefully DJIA tonight may cross that 17850-18000..thus..FBMKLCI will follow thru 1684-1690 tomorrow..:)


2015-12-03 14:08 | Report Abuse

The longest Johor Chief Minister...siapa? Muhyiddin..tak dak taik? hahaahahha...dream on...:)


2015-12-03 14:07 | Report Abuse

MYR is recovering..Oil is recovering..Nikkei n DJIA are recovering...FBMKLCI menuju ke puncak 1688 here i come...


2015-12-03 14:06 | Report Abuse

Enjoy the GREEN after recess today..:)


2015-12-03 14:05 | Report Abuse

Pasar ini tidak akan goyang. Muhyiddin mana ada grassroot. Actually dont read the politic like as it is. Muhyiddin is kambing hitam for Mahathir to retain Najib in power. Based on my experience, all the Chief Ministers ada taik and MACC ada fail masing masing. heehheeh...thats why Muhyiddin tak belah belah dari UMNO macam Anwar Ibrahim.

If you guys expect Political Crisis will drag into the picture , you will waste your time to see the greatest rally ever until Chinese New Year next year.


2015-12-03 12:46 | Report Abuse

thanks smithy...templeton buying malaysian asset..:)


2015-12-03 11:40 | Report Abuse

just buy on RED.and sell when its GREEN....buy and buy and buy..


2015-12-03 11:39 | Report Abuse

There are two ways to look on Crude Oil..one is market share while the other is USD Dollar..with China Yuan is already into SDR...thus..it will challenge USD Dollar..thus..Dollar will soft..once dollar soft..the first will react is Crude Oil...i am looking 94-95 for DXY which will give about USD 2-3 dollar with add on USD 1-2 dollar speculative..


2015-12-03 11:36 | Report Abuse

i think dollar is tend to soften prior FOMC meeting while Saudi will give a lot of surprise tomorrow...thus..Crude will eventually rise to USD 42-45 instead USD 35-37


2015-12-03 11:26 | Report Abuse

its better buy and grab all Oil n Gas stocks..:)..oops..


2015-12-03 11:25 | Report Abuse

Malaysia boleh...will fly to 1688..no more 1650...no more 1660...


2015-12-03 09:19 | Report Abuse

It is common before market to break its 1708..it has to be critical to test its 1660-1670 level...because next support level will be around 1681 after it break 1696..wallahuallam...


2015-12-03 09:02 | Report Abuse

however if the CASH MARKET is well support beyond 1670...you have to be careful..we might see a MAGIC..to fly..:)


2015-12-03 09:00 | Report Abuse

its normal the first 15 minutes to 30 minutes morning..FKLI tend to react for DJIA..but after that..it will react on itself..which is as usual..TEND TO GOES UP..


2015-12-03 08:57 | Report Abuse

the support level will be 1666 for cash market which i doubt to be broken further as FKLI is done their push down from 1686 to today lowest 1651...i think market will be GREEN COLOR..today..perhaps after 9.30 or 11am or 4.30pm..but today sure end up GREEN color...


2015-12-03 08:56 | Report Abuse

Buy when its red..Sell when its Green...thats the theme...


2015-12-03 08:22 | Report Abuse

hahahahaah.....like i said hope is the best man choice...


2015-12-03 08:01 | Report Abuse

Good morning people...

its common when crude oil touch USD 39..it will bounce to a maximum USD 48...thus this will be a starter news..


no doubt DJIA was badly performed last nite..but i dont think FBMKLCI will follow it thru because yesterday our market already discounted it...hehehhh..as for me..

i am still confident market may break 1688 ..

News & Blogs

2015-12-03 07:55 | Report Abuse

nice one ..kipitdap..

News & Blogs

2015-12-03 00:41 | Report Abuse

Yes correct LK059..the DAP should focus on Penang. While PAS just focus on Kelantan. PKR just focus on Selangor together with DAP. just forget this whole Malaysia concept. While PKR i doubt they can sustain without DAP help. sooner or later, they also will jump the boat n left DAP alone because DUIT TAK DAK...hahahahaha...only DAP can survive in Penang itupun kalau PAS betul betul ISLAM...but DUIT AND POWER punya pasal ..PAK HAJI PUN DAH PUTAR BELIT LIKE THE SERBAN..:)

News & Blogs

2015-12-03 00:23 | Report Abuse

if u think Muhyiddin and Mamak Kutty are honest to drag the UMNO and BN to against their UMNO and BN , you are mimpi.

Actually, these jokers are main wayang kulit to retain UMNO and BN in power. You think they are really gaduh? Politicians are the most scumbag person in this world. They are divide and conquer the Pakatan Hamsap who are so foolish and so stupid to quarrel among themselves.

Pakatan Hamsap also another scumbag. They cant even think to consolidate or leverage their power for the people. what they know is their own periuk nasi. Pakatan Hamsap loss really the loss the BIG OPPORTUNITY to seize power recently last few months. Its all because their own stupidity with Kajang Move la, that move la..

We as Malaysians have to face the reality. Either we like it or not, this BN or UMNO are already galvanize their POWER. With the most recent empowerment to National Security Council to interfere like Mageran kind of thing is the UMNO or BN strategy to use force or back door seize of power in case next GE this beloved country falling to Pakatan Hamsap which i doubt this Pakatan Hamsap can ever exist until that time. :)

Last but not least, this beloved country by the name of Malaysia , either you like or not, will be govern by Najib and his organize crime partner until the Super Power decide who is the best agent to admin this strategic Alliance Country. As of now, Najib is the best agent for them. heheeeheeheh...perhaps once KJ is ready , he will take over like Najib. :)


2015-12-02 18:24 | Report Abuse

Ait hidup lagi menatang beruk ni...ingatkan dah mampus..anyway FM..i beat u that day..hahaha..sure or not u at Europe..kat kat Zoo Ulu Kelang jer..hahaha..i x even hold lor HK after win bet with you..just admit lah FM..u loss bet with me..huhuhuhu


2015-12-02 18:21 | Report Abuse

Hope is the best man choice


2015-12-02 16:55 | Report Abuse

ku sangka panas di tengahari..rupanya hujan di petang hari...apa dah jadi ni FBMKLCI...aiyo..kesian lah kat orang hoi...pelik sungguh perangai..


2015-12-02 16:26 | Report Abuse

same also...when they announced..SETTLE 1MDB AND MOVE ON...yes the market reacted positively after that China Nuclear took over..but then..just a day lah..so perhaps we have to wait another China take over whatever 'asset'..then..we MOVE ON...hehehehe...

last time, we can see the FBMKLCI is always berani..always ahead of DJIA..but this time..we can see FBMKLCI is already WAIT N SEE DJIA..tak berani nak ahead of DJIA..my theory is simple..selagi DJIA cannot break the 18000 this time, selagi itulah FBMKLCI akan semput within this 1650-1690...


2015-12-02 16:23 | Report Abuse

we have to admit, when theY announced VALUECAP...thats mean, last time during the announcement we celebrated it...then when the times comes..its already the event itself..thus, pusing cerita..biasalah...its simple market fundamentals. BUY ON RUMOURS SELL ON NEWS...


2015-12-02 15:50 | Report Abuse

lets go back to previous years data ..the most is last year...how they con us. they drag it down almost 186 point within the first two weeks of Dec itself..and it could happened again. thats why i dont trust with all the janji janji manis mu like valuecap..or whatever condom they promise...we have to be FAST N FURIOUS...because the EVENTS in this DECEMBER is really 'menakutkan'. The calendar is so pack with the market mover can play us just like that...thats why..we need to be precise in making decision...to long or to short...the POINT of ENTRY is also important.. TIMING too...once we made a wrong decision...it will be heavy punishment..


2015-12-02 15:33 | Report Abuse

dont carry trade within this few days..just be a daily trader...unless the stocks are good fundamentals..thats my honest observation..because ..we cant fight the big boys...they can upside n downside the market just like that...


2015-12-02 15:32 | Report Abuse

have to refer the previous data...check whats happening post interest rates increase. as for me..what ever profits ..i take..even 25 ringgit..heheehe...better lock in profits rather than loss money..hit n run brothers n sisters...