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2022-07-18 13:33 | Report Abuse

Malaysia is saddled with a huge national debt unnecessarily.

The monthly repayment of these many debts denominated in foreign currencies will burden the Ringgit for a long time to come. As you have to supply more Ringgit gradually to be converted to USD (for example) owing to the depreciative of our currency, the value of Ringgit will suffer further expectedly. Unless, the people/country, by definition of the GDP, becoming more productive so the country can reduce the debts to strengthen the Ringgit.

News & Blogs

2022-07-18 13:06 | Report Abuse

It could be that when the money firstly reaching their shore, the bank(s) did not know that the source of the funds. Until and unless there was a claim that the fund is not legit.

News & Blogs

2022-07-18 13:05 | Report Abuse

At that time, the PM appointed a finance minister that was not elected through the parliamentary process but merely by an appointment which is rare in the world even until today.

News & Blogs

2022-07-16 23:49 | Report Abuse

The imperialism by the Westerners in China is an important lesson for the Chinese.

Today, they may want to encircle China by controlling countries that are neighbouring China. But China has expanded outward like engaging with neighbours and countries from Africa and the islands from the Pacific.

There is no militaty base being built by China at those countries like West/USA did. They intended to contain the influence by China in other countries.


News & Blogs

2022-07-16 22:24 | Report Abuse

1. If they are sincere, might as well as Putin to join NATO, then problem solved.
2. If you have the courage to get a hand shake (friendship) from Putin, like what Jokowi did recently, then Putin will know you are his friend.
3. But these NATO/USA leaders do not have the courage and sincerity to do that, maybe as intended, they wished for evil unto Putin.

News & Blogs

2022-07-16 22:13 | Report Abuse

1. In the collapse of any nation/company/family/, usually you can find that there was element of traitorship/betrayal.
2. The same with the USSR, element of betrayal.
3. You can see with today's political parties. Pengkianatan causing the collapse of a government.

News & Blogs

2022-07-16 21:53 | Report Abuse

1. USSR was dismantled during the time of Ronald Regan and Mikael Gorbachov.
2. People like Putin is very emotional when think about a huge union being torn into pieces. He would promise you that he will do his best to avoid any further dismantling about Russia and even dreamt of rebuilding this big country at any cost.
3.So, the western/US liberal/democrate politicians might have misread his political strategy and aspiration.

News & Blogs

2022-07-16 17:54 | Report Abuse

1. The war should not have been started.
2. Who is more likely to be cornered to launch a nuclear war is missing in the calculation of the NATO/USA.
3. Putin will not resign easily like a PM in the Europe/President of USA.

News & Blogs

2022-07-16 17:17 | Report Abuse


1. Exactly, let's see who (Russia or NATO/USA) can last longer with whatever resources that are in their hands be it cash or materials.

2. It boils down to humans which have emotion and psychology that come with limit. When a single person thinking that a group of people (NATO that keep on expanding until the borders of the Russians) came to attack or provoking him then that single person can react unusually...nuclear war. Effectively, the Russians were provoked to willing to start a war.

3. To confiscate/frozen Russia gov/Putin's friends/another country's funds kept in the banks is just illegal. Back to the point, during wars the laws are not followed so expect the contraventions.

4. That bil of dollars are big but Russia luckily got customers for their weapons, gas and oil. Trades transaction ought to be settled by Ruble has help to fund the losses to be incurred. But many NATO members do not have oil/gas revenue or income to fund even their own expenses so not to mention the ongoing war.

News & Blogs

2022-07-16 16:03 | Report Abuse

"So no, the sanctions are not counter productive. They're hurting Russia as was intended."

It did not hurt the Russians as intended.
Likely, most who oppose Putin will be replaced and Putin will be still around in 5 years time.

They wished Putin had a sickness and died.
They said the Russian soldiers rapped the Ukrainians women, they sanctioned Putin's friends/children, bombed the Ukrainians school/bus stations/kindergartens. .....all those claims that could be totally untrue. In any war, when exchanging fires, nobody can avoid some damages of buildings or innocent civilians, etc.

1. There will be casualties from all parties that got involved in any war. It is the degree of the sufferings that each country will have to go through and normally the party that can withstand the successive losses in terms of soldiers, bullets or tanks will stand out to win.

2. The Russians government must have made a projection/P&L because Putin was a KGB leader instead of a Hollywood film star. Also, the American leaders and Europeans leaders are not so smart like Putin. You can take the recently resigned UK's PM as an example.

3. USA and NATO are also suffering now. Don't they? The consequences from the inflation in the US/European economy can be very tragic for its people and the government as well. I think the Treasury of the Russians are much better than many of those NATO members/USA.

News & Blogs

2022-07-16 15:04 | Report Abuse


NATO wanted to weaken Russia by imposing the various types of sanction. Instead of destroying Russia, the sanction gave Russia the determination to sell/export to other markets so enriching the Russians. The Russian Ruble appreciated greatly after a short time of down fall. SO, the sanction on Russia is counter productive.

News & Blogs

2022-07-16 14:52 | Report Abuse

Want to learn about mathematics, chemistry/KLSE, no problem. But the Word of God, can not be ignored.

They identified the Chinese as the descendants of the Sinites as recorded in Chronicle 1:13 and Genesis 10:16 inclusively. Hence, they used SINO-America war to describe the conflict between the Chinese and the Americans.

The Amalekites are the tribe than denounced by the Lord. Haman in the Book of Esther is the Amalekite that wanted to destroy the community. Today, the Amalekites are inside the USA government and together with the wicked people formed the war mongering leaders.

News & Blogs

2022-07-16 14:30 | Report Abuse

"All NATO countries are discouraged or forbidden to buy Russian products such as oil, gas, wheat and fertilisers. As a result, the prices of oil, gas, wheat and fertilisers has been surging and affected the prices of many other consumer products. That is why I said sanctions on Russia is counterproductive."

1. Having the NATO member countries had to buy oil and gas, fertilizers and wheat from others instead of Russia, the lessen supplies/suppliers would have caused these prices hike. The costlier raw materials will affect the price of the finished/manufactured products made available for the consumers. Those remaining suppliers (other than Russia) still enjoying the lucrative prices of the raw materials.

2. The costlier raw materials have resulted the higher cost of production. Therefore, consumers have to pay the higher prices for the daily consumption in terms of foods and utilities. The chain reaction effect will be triggered where the purchasing power of the same amount of money from each family will be reduced. Inflation is fit to define such a market phenomena.

3. The traditional method to tackle inflation is by increasing the lending/borrowing interest rates whereby the central banks/governments will discourage spending/continuous purchasing the already diminished quantity of products ( e.g. eggs, chicken, etc ) that will lead to a contraction of the economy.

4. Some countries are not able to reduce the import quantity for their consumption immediately so the cost for importing the goods will translate into imbalance of Balance of Payment that causing the negative impact on their foreign exchange position.

News & Blogs

2022-07-15 09:05 | Report Abuse

1. The issue about the unification of Taiwan back to China is a thorny one without doubt. Moreover, there are external parties/countries are willing to see to it that the matter should be made complicated further for China to handle.
2. These external forces even acted together as concerted effort to contain the expansion/advancement of China so the capability that inclusive of realizing the unification of Taiwan be thwarted. Taiwan was supplied with more advance weapons until the present days so to ward off any attack by China.
3. By human standard, once the threshold has been exceeded or crossed the "redlines", China would go against the diplomatic manner and to takeover Taiwan like Russian would take actions against Ukraine.

News & Blogs

2022-07-14 18:40 | Report Abuse

MRT in Spore started 30 years ago.

The MRT in KL only started in the recent years. The waiver of the fares fir 1 month will come to the end in few days time. Now, I can see that the passengers are very comfortable while travelling in the MRT. The travelling time is shorten, clean, less pollution & congestion on the road, save the car parking fees and petrol cost.

The mistake was, the nation had paid the attention on the automotive industry then so much so the resources were used away from the more important project.

True enough, even the automotive has not been profitable leaving to be taken over by another entity. History will prove what is right and what is wrong.

I enjoyed the free rides when travelling to meet my suppliers in Bukit Bintang.

News & Blogs

2022-07-14 17:52 | Report Abuse

History is important. Each person/nation can learn from the History in respect of their mistakes especially. History will teach them to choose the right decisions/policies.

News & Blogs

2022-07-14 17:39 | Report Abuse

Heard from the older gen, the Japanese armies in Malaya can speak Chinese dialect, probably they were recruited from Taiwan. The Japanese soldiers plucked the mangosteen fruits and started eating without discarding the skin. That was quite bitter.

News & Blogs

2022-07-12 11:40 | Report Abuse

1. Is high time that the plantation field should be relooked into by the government. In the past, the government has put much emphasis on industrialization so much so the production of food for our daily needs on commercial basis have been sidelined.
2. In addition to manufacturing ventures, the cultivation of lands to produce food for daily consumption and oil palm for making bio diesel will generate income for the economy because the demand will be there. Plenty of lands being under utilized as we can see while driving along the highways.
3. Reduction of import for food will improve the outflow of the imbalanced of payment and the foreign exchange of our currency.

News & Blogs

2022-07-12 10:13 | Report Abuse

1. When we are comfortable, no cash flow problem, cars, newly renovated kitchen/car porch...we think that these are all from our capabilities/intelligence securing a high income job...ignoring the creations by the Creator/the Lord.
2. Our parnassah is not dependent on our college degrees rather depending on God. Even though we are wealthy, the prayers for a parnassah from God will increase the blessings and will make the providence from God even more sanctified/pure and good for our bodies. The bodies are the temples of God.
3. How many college drop-outs made to the top List of rich people? How many well or highly educated people can not pay their monthly bills/commitments?


2022-07-12 09:21 | Report Abuse

1. Short selling as allowed by the SC has got the pros and cons.
However, when the counter has the substance/good value as compared to the
market price, the short selling is not going to influence the reasonable market
2. Short selling is also risky like buying the shares.

News & Blogs

2022-07-05 22:07 | Report Abuse

There was no person/nationalist like in China, India, Indonesia, ...that fighting for their land of birth against any invasion from external force. To do that/to be nationalist, mean they will fight for cause of the red Indians. They got the idea of "democracy", a form of governing/ruling the land without a king unlike the Europeans during that period of time. Other nations have the own/respective nationalist like Tunku Abdul Rahman, Sun Yat Sen, Mahatma Gandhi, Sukarno or Chulalongkorn. Then, the got the idea of capitalism where funds/money being raised/created to move the market/economy...control the market or the whole market in the world.

News & Blogs

2022-07-05 21:54 | Report Abuse

USA is not a nation but it is an enterprise formed by various groups of violators/criminals from various parts of Europe that against their kings, governments or churches so settled in the new world founded by certain voyagers. The natives suffered and killed by these settlers. The slavery was introduced into the lands as human resources to cultivate the lands robbed or occupied through force and wars. Having managed to run away from their authorities back home, so the word FREEDOM was just being introduced to delete their names that were blacklisted by their kings/churches/queens.


2022-06-30 10:31 | Report Abuse

Recovered back to above RM5


2022-06-29 16:40 | Report Abuse

Imagining 8bil units of share will make each one on this earth entitled for a share


2022-06-29 16:35 | Report Abuse

True. That's why any company should not be allowed to issue BI quickly whenever there is sikit sikit untung. Flooded with shares in the market the owner will not be able to steer the value of the shares according to the book at the least. The public will be on the receiving side.


2022-06-29 12:33 | Report Abuse

Japan, needless to say, is in the hand of the USA. Pitiful Japanese...


2022-06-29 12:32 | Report Abuse

The USA (not a nation but a big enterprise, that consist of people from all over the world, initially many criminals from Europe) may want to destroy Germany, a big economy.

Who told Australia to discontinue their Industry development...even the Holden automotive has been dismantled


2022-06-29 12:25 | Report Abuse

The Western/US are very naive/kindegarten again..

The huge reserve of oil/gas by Russia that can keep Russia to fight until....whole Europe can be wiped-out.

China do not have to send any single soldier but just continue the business transaction with Russia knowing also China can be benefited from a weaker Western power.


2022-06-29 12:17 | Report Abuse

Qatar is with Iran, which is standing together with Russia. Even the rest of Middle East Arabs are not so cooperative with the US/Europeans for the time being because they also wanted to make more profits together with Russia. Make the oil pricey and do not the over-supply now. China, understandably is buying Russian's products (the oil also) and supplying products that needed by Russia. WHAT sanction!


2022-06-29 10:47 | Report Abuse

Yes, they said that Putin has been to the kindergarten before.


2022-06-29 10:44 | Report Abuse

Russians has won. Their currency performed very well owing to the income from the oil/gas buying with Rubel. The West/USA has made a miscalculation. This period is the same as the coming QR.


2022-06-29 10:38 | Report Abuse

What a kindergarten assumption after all


2022-06-28 17:27 | Report Abuse

It all depends. Maybe some bourses required that the listing companies to have minimum of issued shares exceeding billions of shares. BUT, in KLSE, if i have a company, i mean reasonably profit-making company, i would apply to SC to shrink/consolidate the plentiful issued shares by the company. The advantages are just obvious.

2. The retained profits, the SC should reform and require that the amount should be at least 75% being reflected in the bank balances. Yearly profits are cash by right instead of reflected in the debtors/receivable or stock. Approval from SC is necessary if funds from the Retain Profits are to used for expansion/rescuing the company.

3. QR/AR should be released not exceeding one from the closure.


2022-06-28 17:18 | Report Abuse

300mil units of issued shares are not too much when comparing to many others that are exceeding billions.


2022-06-28 00:15 | Report Abuse

From one of the articles about investment by Warren B,
"An undervalued opportunity?
Citigroup stock currently trades at a price-to-earnings ratio of 5.5. Its price-to-book ratio is 0.5. That’s significantly lower than the industry average of 9.5 and 1.1, respectively.

Put simply, the stock is cheap."

- THE industry average is 9.5 (PE) and 1.1 (price-to-book ratio) for this banking stock is comparable to MBB, PBB

-IF HY valued at RM4.90 , the price-to-book ratio is (RM4.90/RM6.60) will be 0.75 only. PUT simply, this stock is cheap.


2022-06-27 17:04 | Report Abuse

One friend made a meal for all in the community. He said that he wanted to give credit to the Lord for being graceful and merciful after admitted to the hospital for injuries derived from a bad accident a week ago.
The following Sunday, another brother also wants to buy a meal for the same community. So, he was asked if he had an accident that the Lord made another miracle healing for him. But he replied that, he walked crossing the same road for the past 10 years without being knocked down by any car. So, he wanted to buy the meal to thank God for the safety granted all this while. Don't have to wait for the accident


2022-06-27 15:18 | Report Abuse

BTW, the Chinese always see the point as helping another country by providing financial and technical expertise to any less developed countries now as building business alliances/friendship. But the opponents always wanted to twist the agenda/project by terming the mutual benefits approach as the "debts trap". WHAT a kindergarten western/saxon-anglo defination!


2022-06-27 15:05 | Report Abuse

When China company buying into Proton, the purpose may not be totally about making profit alone but inclusive of forging politically alliance with Malaysia also.

The investing party already got full control of Volvo of Sweden in their hand and it really make not better business decision if the China company is investing for a derailed product market then. Furthermore, there may be so high the business risk to takeover a company that was so precious to the government of Malaysia.
Again, for the sake of winning friends of the days and helping Malaysia to overcome the financial struggle of this important entity, the China company could it like doing Volvo.

In Pakistan, recently the government of Pakistan has received financial assistance from China which is really worth the cause because China will continue to enjoy good business and political relationship with Pakistan. Afterall, China already got the very big investment in Gwadar Port inside Pakistan.


2022-06-27 13:18 | Report Abuse

I would be eager to see the coming QR to be released sooner than expected. The presumably grace period of 2 months for disclosing the QR for the public listed companies should be shorten when considering that the advancement of the technology in the accounting field.

China company buying HY just not solely on profitability alone because the refinery can support the supply of fuel/energy for the consumers back in China. It could be either for their economy/political strategy reason. Likewise, when the cargo ship travelling back from the Africans continent, ports (at Sri Lanka, South China Sea, Melaka, Djibouti) are important for the stop-overs so there are refill and repair facilities can be provided during their journeys.

Anyway, without profit, HY can not be operating in the long run. So, the management must also making sure the operation/refinery is sustainable through profitable business in one hand and fulfilling the other strategic reasons for China.

The coming QR should be interesting for the many investors.

News & Blogs

2022-06-27 12:07 | Report Abuse

Sufferings in this world is to clean the impurities in our souls.

lawsuits, financial losses, hospitals, sickness, disobedient children, divorce, inflation, unemployment, high national debts, bankruptcy...

Genesis - NIV

Genesis 2 -
7 Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

The Lord is the Giver of Life, He breathed into Adam, the breathed of Life, then Adam became human and alive.

The souls belong to the Creator. Remove the souls, we are the dead bodies and lifeless. The souls control the movements of our hands, legs, muscles...

The sufferings in this world are better than the torture in the world after.
When the Lord to recall our souls, the souls will be returned to Him as clean as when given during the child births.

News & Blogs

2022-06-27 11:48 | Report Abuse

Deeds are contagious.

Do bad things, the rest will respond with bad things.
Do good things, every one will follow.
A person's characteristic is dependent on the environment he/she is growing up.

When inspiring people to do good things, the reward at the End is huge.
The End is referring to the Life in eternity which is not in this world.

The PE of this counter is less than 2.


2022-06-24 13:16 | Report Abuse

1. Looking at the current war in Ukraine and the possibilities of spreading the conflict to the nearby lands (like Lithuania and could be few others), how Russia may have to attack Israel and lead to the fulfillment of the prophesies in the Bible (Ezekiel 38:14-16) will be very scary.

So far, Israel did not get involve in the Ukraine war but not sure when come to Lithuania because Lithuania may seek Israel help like President of Ukraine did.
2. Few conflicts may be needed to take place, so that could lead to the the involvement of Israel towards Russia (land from the far north, Moscow is far north from Jerusalem). Russia will have to attack Israel then?

3. On the other side, Iran's nuclear facilities/the advancement are helped and are still supported by Russia. Israel committed to avoid Iran from getting a nuclear bomb at all cost and Iran had recently blamed Israel for the killing of numerous important people in their military advancement. Likely, Russia will defend Iran like Syria if it is attacked by another or Israel.

News & Blogs

2022-06-21 23:51 | Report Abuse

1. Following the opening of the borders at the end of March 2022 for travelers after uplifting the restriction from the COVID19, the demand for the fuel/oil from many countries were surging to the level of pre-pandemic. The price of oil has increased a lot since then.
2. Those countries like the Saudis or Russia have been making huge profit presumably and therefore Russia has got their currency (Ruble) even better than before the war. The Saudi king had refused to kind of cooperate with the US government to deal with the oil production and the prices.
3. The profits for even the Refinery will be tremendous because of the larger demand of oil, the production volume and the higher margin of profit especially during the period of APRIL, MAY and even JUNE 2022. These periods of time are forming the coming QR of HY.

News & Blogs

2022-06-21 16:20 | Report Abuse

NTA evaluation is not factoring in any potential profit or losses of the company. Instead, the NTA is based on the existing value of the company and the capability of the company to reimburse each share at the least in the event of dissolution after liquidating all the assets and discharging all the liabilities in the Balance Sheet.

In the the case of HY, the NTA is calculated at RM6.60 at least else I would have been misguided by the report.

News & Blogs

2022-06-21 16:02 | Report Abuse

Those who has sold above RM7.00 not long ago, can buy now generously without bargaining at all.

News & Blogs

2022-06-21 15:57 | Report Abuse

1. When buying a house/building, the important factor for the consideration is the Location.
2. When buying stock and shares, the important factor is the Timing.

If the cut loss transaction was done at RM5.50 last week, the same investors can buy now to get back the same quantity of shares at a lower price thus making the total cost of investment cheaper.

Those who bought yesterday at RM4.40/share could have timed their entry correctly.

News & Blogs

2022-06-21 13:22 | Report Abuse

The prices are dependent from the factors of demand and supply.
Whenever the supply (selling) of the stock is greater than the demand, ceteris paribus, the price of the stock will be depressed. On the contrary, the price will be increased whenever the demand is greater than the supply.

However, the supply of the stock could be manipulated or under panic selling at certain events/circumstances and therefore the price of the stock may not reflect the reasonable market value.